Ripper's Torment

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Ripper's Torment Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “That makes you laugh?” Ripper asked, smiling.

  She didn’t smile enough. He made a mental note to change that. Judi was only twenty, and she should be having all kinds of experiences to make her laugh and smile.

  “Yeah, what I enjoyed was the shock on his face. All of the people think they’re so good, better than everyone else, but none of them gave a shit about others. Devil is the president of an MC, and yet he cares. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just sick in the head that watching rich people being threatened gives me a thrill.” She shrugged her shoulders. He watched her place the chicken onto an oven plate and drizzle it with oil. Ripper loved deep fried food but wasn’t prepared for another argument from her lips.

  “They didn’t care enough to stop a pimp like Rob from hurting you,” Ripper said.

  Judi paused. Her hand started to shake, and she looked up at him and nodded. “Yeah, they didn’t care at all.”

  “What actually happened?” Ripper asked. They knew she ended up in Rob’s clutches, but no one knew why. “You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable.” He wouldn’t hold anything against her.

  “It’s the past. I always try to forget about the past.” She put the chicken in the oven and turned back to him. Her breasts were rock hard and caught his attention.

  He heard her blow out a breath.

  “I was an only child, and when my parents died suddenly in a car crash I ended up living with an aunt. She was a bad person. A real piece of work so that even my parents didn’t visit her or have anything to do with her.” She pushed some hair out of her face, looking past his shoulder. “She hated that I cost her money, and when Rob appeared with one of his whores in the neighborhood she told him to take me away and that she’d make excuses. I don’t know what happened to her. When I tried to get away she was already gone. He caught me, and I learned life was easier not to run and to just do as I was told. I was with him for over a year and a half before you guys showed up.”

  He saw her shaking.

  Going over to her, he wrapped his arms around her body, holding her close.

  “What’s your aunt’s name?” he asked.

  She gave him the name, and he put it away for later use. “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. Devil and the Chaos Bleeds crew came, and I’m here.” She shrugged, smiling. “I’m fine now. The past is in the past. It can’t hurt me anymore.”

  Ripper was going to make sure it never hurt her again.

  “While you make the salad I’m going to go and make a call. I just remembered some business. The doors are locked.” He left her alone going out the back yard toward the pool. Tugging out his cell phone, he checked to see if he had the number he needed.

  Dialing, he stared at the pool wondering if he could convince Judi to take a swim with him sometime.

  “What up?” Whizz asked.

  Whizz was the computer genius who rode with The Skulls. Whoever needed information went to him.

  “I need to find someone, but I don’t want anyone to know I’m looking.”

  “Oh, covert shit I can do. It’s a piece of piss,” Whizz said.

  There was laughter and feminine moans in the background.

  “Quiet down, bitches. I’m working here.” Whizz yelled in the background. “Sorry, I’m having my own personal fuck-fest party. What can I do for you?”

  Ripper gave the name. “I want to know where she is. Don’t tell anyone else what you’re doing. This is personal.”

  “It shouldn’t take me long,” Whizz said.

  “Let me know everything you’ve got when you’re done.”

  “Will do.”

  He hung up looking down at the pool. Minutes later Judi came out carrying a plate of food. “Dinner is served.”

  When Whizz came through, Ripper was going to take care of the bitch who’d hurt Judi. The aunt was living on borrowed fucking time, and he’d take great pleasure in hurting her before he finally killed her.


  Washing up the dishes, Judi looked out over the front lawn. The last few hours had been magical. Ripper kept trying to get her to have a swim, and she refused finally lying and giving him the excuse that she didn’t have a costume.

  While she did the dishes, cleaning away all of her mess, he had disappeared upstairs. She didn’t ask him where he was going. Wiping her hands on the towel she turned around to see Ripper standing with pieces of string dangling off his finger.

  “What are they?” she asked, knowing he’d found something for her to wear.

  “Lexie is similar in size to you. She’s got more than enough costumes for you to wear. If I can’t get you to go naked then you’re wearing this.” He laid each piece on the counter for her to get a good look at.

  “You’re insane if you think I’m going to wear something Lexie has worn. I love her and she’s one of my closest friends, but even I draw the line of wearing something so personal.” She folded her arms, feeling like she’d won.

  Ripper wasn’t going to get her into a bikini or any costume.

  He smiled and produced a tag. “Good, I’m sure she won’t mind you wearing one of her new ones. She’s got a lot waiting to be used.”

  “You bastard,” she said.

  “Language, baby. I’ll take you over my knee and spank that ass if you start bad-mouthing me.” He picked up the bra bikini and approached her. She folded her arms over her breasts, glaring at him.

  “I’m not getting in that thing.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Why should I?” she asked.

  His hands stroked up either side of her arms. “Because you want to please me. Seeing you in this and taking a dip in the pool will please me.”

  “I don’t want to please you.” She gasped as his hand went between her thighs, stroking up the inside of her thigh. His fingers worked under the bottom of her shorts going to the evidence of what his closeness was doing to her. She gasped as his fingers went to her pussy, sliding between her folds and touching her clit.

  “Baby, the only person you’re denying is yourself. You want to please me, and taking a swim before I take you back to your room and eat your pussy is what will make me happy.” He kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  “This is not fair.”

  He grabbed her hand and pressed her palm to his dick. “What’s not fair is you teasing me with your sweet cunt. I want to see you in this costume and having fun.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “Is that too much to ask?”

  Looking up at him, she dropped her arms from her breasts. “No, it’s not too much to ask.” She spoke the words through gritted teeth. “I don’t like you right now.”

  “I don’t need you to like me. I can feel your pussy likes me so much more.”

  He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She stood still as he worked the cups over her breasts then tied the string around her neck to her back.

  Glaring at him, she held onto the counter as he tugged down her shorts. He didn’t grab the panties immediately to put on her. Glancing down at him, she saw he was staring at her pussy.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  Ripper didn’t answer. He lifted one of her legs onto her shoulder as he closed the distance sliding his tongue deep into her cunt. She cried out at the sudden change. His tongue plunged into her core before sliding up to stroke her clit. Several times he did this before he released her leg.

  In no time at all, she had on the bikini, and he arranged it to his liking.

  “There, you’re ready for a swim.”

  She didn’t avert her gaze as he pushed the jeans off his body. He wore a pair of black boxer briefs, which clearly outlined his large cock.

  “Are you sure you want to be swimming with that?” she asked, pointing at his large erection. “You’ll drown.”

  Ripper started to laugh. “I’m not drowning. I’ll take care of my dick all in good time.” She liked it when he took her hand and led her out toward the swimm
ing pool. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she still felt a little self-conscious of her weight. His reaction to her body filled her with a little more confidence than she thought she possessed.

  Suddenly, he stopped, turned and picked her up.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked, screaming as he ran the last few steps and chucked her into the pool.

  Screaming, Judi broke the surface, gasping for breath and laughing. Looking around the pool she tried to find him. When she got her hands on him, she was going to hurt him, maybe twist his balls right clear off.

  Wiping the water from her eyes, she couldn’t find him. Her feet were yanked from under her, catching her unaware. Arms flailing out each side she screamed as arms circled her waist, pulling her close.

  Ripper was laughing down at her.

  “You bastard,” she said, slapping his chest. Judi wasn’t afraid. She just didn’t find what he’d done all that funny. “I could have drowned.”

  “Do you really think I’d let anything happen to you?” he asked.

  She held onto his shoulders, glaring at him. “It wasn’t fair.”

  “No? Then why are you smiling?”

  Judi frowned, realizing she had in fact been laughing in between screaming. She wasn’t panicked or scared and in fact, felt … exhilarated.

  “You can thank me any time now.”

  “I don’t like how you start having fun,” she said, moving away from him. The cool water felt good on her skin after the heat of the sun. Not only was the heat of the sun bothering her but also Ripper. His presence alone set a fire deep inside her that she didn’t think she’d ever be able to put out. His words, everything about him, set her aflame.

  He stepped toward her, and she stepped back. They did this until her back met the edge of the pool. “Baby, I’m always about having fun.” Ripper cupped her cheeks, tilting her head back before claiming her lips.

  As she melted against him, all was forgiven for throwing her into the pool.

  If she didn’t know any better, she’d start to think she was falling in love with the hard man.

  “That’s better. I like you all quiet and compliant. It makes me think I’m getting my own way.” He squeezed one of her breasts before swimming away.

  Feeling raw and exposed by the thoughts running through her head, she started swimming without looking at him. Judi needed to get her body and mind under control.

  Falling in love with Ripper would be a big mistake. One, they hadn’t agreed to anything at all. She knew without a doubt that he’d never settle down for one woman. He loved women and sex, and she knew enough that she wouldn’t be able to satisfy all of his needs.

  At one end of the pool she turned and started her laps toward the other end of the pool. Her time with Rob had taught her no man stayed faithful forever. She watched Devil with Lexie and she hoped he was an exception, but part of her really believed he would stray from his wife soon enough.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” Ripper asked, snatching her around the waist and turning her to face him.

  He was handsome in a weird kind of way. She liked his red hair, his muscles, and the hard eyes that stared back at her.


  “You’re closed down. I don’t like it. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” She couldn’t think of any other words to pacify him.

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  Throwing her hands up in the air, Judi let everything out. “I was thinking about Devil, and I know that he’s not going to stay faithful to Lexie all that long. Men cannot be faithful. Men cheat, and they hurt the ones they love the most.” She made sure to keep her growing feelings for Ripper locked up inside.

  For several seconds he didn’t say anything. His arms held her tightly, but his eyes seemed to shut down, going hard. What was he thinking?

  Chapter Eight

  Should he spank her ass inside the house or by the side of the pool? Ripper wasn’t sure in which room to punish her. He knew he was going to spank her ass for the shit she’d just talked about, and once he was done they were going to have a bloody good talking to. The shit that spewed from her mouth needed to stop. Hauling her over his shoulder, he carried her out of the pool.

  Side of the pool or house?

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked, pummeling his back.

  The house. The privacy was what he needed to give this woman a stern talking to.

  “You can’t just pick me up and carry me where you want me!” She shouted the words, growling out as she did.

  “I’m doing exactly that, baby.” He opened the door, closing it gently before going into the sitting room. Ripper placed her on her feet, trapping her hands together inside one of his. “Now, you’re going to be punished for what you just said. I don’t give a fuck if you like it or not. You go over my fucking knee now and I’ll give you five with my hands, or you fight me and I won’t let you come for a fucking week. What’s it going to be?”

  Her arms were folded, but he saw his words had gotten through to her. It was up to Judi how much she wanted to orgasm in the coming week. He knew how talented he was with his tongue. In the past few hours he’d given her more pleasure than she had in her adult life.

  “Think before you open those pretty cock sucking lips, baby.”

  “You’re a real bastard.”

  “You’re right about that. I didn’t know who my fucking daddy was.”

  She growled in frustration once again, stamping her foot. “Fine, I’ll go over your knee.”

  He chuckled at how damn cute she looked losing her temper. The stamping of her foot made her tits bounce in ways that had him thinking of her riding his cock. She really had no idea how fuckable she looked with her flushed skin and bad attitude.

  “Get on over.” He tapped his knee feeling the excitement building once again. Slowly, she moved over his knees. His tits hung off one side with her stomach in between his thighs. “I’m going to need you to count for me, baby.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “And for that bad language we’re going to do it without the panties rather than over them.” Tugging down the fabric he saw her cream soaking through her pussy lips. The scent was amazing and sweet. Running a finger through her arousal, he sucked the digit into his mouth tasting her. “You’re turned on considering you don’t want this.”

  She stayed quiet.

  Running his hands over her plump cheeks, he waited until he was ready, and in quick succession landed five even swats against her buttocks. He made sure to keep his hand loose. Ripper wasn’t going to hurt her, and he knew with the right pressure he could have bruised her ass up real good for the next week, making it hard for her to sit down.

  Once he was done, he sat her on his knee, capturing her jaw so she couldn’t look anywhere but at him. “I want to get something clear so you don’t go thinking the wrong kind of shit. Devil is never going to cheat on Lexie. Men who are fucking weak and can’t keep their dick in their pants cheat. Weak little shits who don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves cheat. Devil is no fucking cheater. He loves that woman and will die protecting her. She has his mark, carries his baby, rides on the back of his bike, and will only ever ride one dick.”

  Judi tried to pull away from him, but he held onto her. He would not allow her to run from this.

  “I will never fucking cheat on you, Judi.” With his free hand, he placed it over her pussy. “This is mine, and my dick is yours. I will not cheat on you.” No other woman appealed to him, and if they did, he wouldn’t go with them. Judi was his woman.

  Well, shit. Ripper paused, staring into her eyes as he tried to get his own emotions in order. He didn’t promise bitches anything other than a good time.

  Why the fuck are you doing it to Judi?

  Ignoring the thoughts, he kept hold of her chin as he let his words sink in and righted his own thoughts.

  “Men cheat,” she said, lips wobbling.

  “Weak men ch
eat. Not me, not us. When we take a woman, we take a woman. There’s a difference. If we’re with a woman and no promises have been made, then it’s free game. You’ve got my promise, baby. I’m yours. My dick is yours. No one else will get near it.”

  She nodded, and he watched her bat away the tears.

  “Are we clear?”

  “Yes, perfectly clear.”

  “Good, give me those fucking lips as a thank you.”

  She leaned down, brushing her lips to his. He slid a finger in the slit of her pussy feeling how wet she was. Gripping the back of her head, he held her in place as he fucked her with his digits, stretching her. His cock was in desperate need to fuck. Breaking away from the kiss, he saw her cheeks were a deeper shade of red. “Do you want to go back to the pool?” he asked.


  “What do you want to do?” He waited as she ran a finger down his chest. She traced over the lines of his ink, making him wait.

  “I think we should go upstairs and see where this leads,” she said, biting her lip.

  “Is my princess asking me to take her and fuck her?” he asked, licking the cream from his fingers.

  Judi stayed silent, watching him.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you say it, baby.”

  “Why are you making me say it?”

  “I like to know the woman I’m about to fuck is there all the way with me. I’m not big on rape, babe. I like to hear that my woman wants my dick as much as I want to give it to her.”

  She breathed out a sigh. Her nipples had hardened at his words. “I’m never going to get used to the way you talk,” she said.

  “I’ll keep talking to make it better for you.” He kissed her lips, waiting.

  “Ripper … will you please take me upstairs and fuck me until I’m screaming your name?”


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