Ripper's Torment

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Ripper's Torment Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Baby, nothing would give me greater pleasure.”

  Standing up, he lifted her over his shoulder like a caveman and carried her upstairs.

  “I can walk.”

  “You’ve got to reserve your strength.”

  “This is insane. You’re insane.”

  “I’ve been insulted with far worse a words,” he said, opening her door. This time he left it open as he flipped her to the bed. She did a little bounce before she settled. He stared down at her. The panties were around her knees. In one quick move he had them completely off leaving her in only her bra. “Take it off. Show me those fantastic tits.”

  “Can you not be so crude?”

  “You love it. Your pussy is fucking dripping at my talk.” He wasn’t going to change for her.

  Ripper talked dirty, and he fucked even dirtier. She was just going to have to get used to the way he did things.

  She reached behind her back untying the knots holding the bikini bra together. He stared at her tight red nipples as they were exposed to his gaze. His cock hurt from the blood pulsing through it.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  He circled one of her hard nipples before going to the next. She cried out.

  “Take my pants off,” he said.

  Judi moved to the edge of the bed. Her fingers gripped the waistband and slowly lowered them over his rock hard cock. For a split second he closed his eyes at the freedom of being released from the tight underwear.

  Opening his eyes, he glanced down to see her looking at his shaft. His foreskin was pulled back showing the enlarged tip, which was glistening from his pre-cum. “Do you want to taste me?” he asked.

  She nodded. The movement was so slight that he only just caught it. Stroking her hair, he stepped closer. “Go on then, take me in your mouth.”

  Her hair was silky soft to the touch. Fingering the length, he watched her lean forward, and in the next breath her tongue poked out to glide over his cream.

  Fuck, her tongue felt so good, and she hadn’t even taken all of him. Licking his lips, he waited for her to take more. Ripper wasn’t going to rush her. After everything she’d been through he was going to let her become acquainted with his cock before he took over, fucking her hard and deep.

  “That’s it, baby, take me into your mouth.”

  With both hands he caressed her hair, using every ounce of strength not to ram himself deep into her mouth.

  She mumbled, licking along the edge but not taking him deep.

  Come on, Princess, my sanity will only last so long.

  He didn’t go any deeper, letting Judi set the pace.


  The salty taste of Ripper’s pre-cum exploded on her tongue. Judi was so surprised by the lust that gripped her, and she felt the inner walls of her pussy clench in response. She held onto his legs as she moved her tongue along the side of the pulsing vein. His fingers caressed her hair but didn’t hold her head to force his way into her mouth. Each movement calmed her nerves until she was confident enough to take the tip into her mouth.

  “Holy fuck, have mercy,” he said.

  She didn’t believe he was talking to her. It would take some getting used to his language, but he didn’t lie. His words did arouse her in ways she didn’t think was possible. Judi took another inch of him into her mouth, sucking tightly and flicking the tip with her tongue to swallow more of his cum.

  “I wasn’t wrong. Your lips are made for sucking cock, my cock.”

  Humming in agreement, she sank her nails into his flesh as she went as deep as his cock would go. When he hit the back of her throat she drew up, giving herself a few seconds before sliding back down. She’d perfected the art of sucking cock without it hurting, but some men were not patient.

  Forget about them. Only Ripper.

  His hands gripped her hair tightly making it burn where he held her. She moaned as the pain went straight to her pussy.

  “That’s it, baby. Take your time. Love my cock. No one is in any rush to come.”

  One of his hands left her hair to reach down and stroke her breasts. His hands were so large he cupped one breast easily. “I’m going to fuck these tits, baby.”

  She listened to him talking as she took him to the back of her throat. The moment she was about to gag she released him.

  “I’m going to get you to hold these tits together as I slide between them. When I come I’ll coat them with my cum. You’ll look so fucking sexy decorated with my cum,” he said.

  Gripping the base of his shaft, she took him as deep as she could. This time she couldn’t stop the gag reflex.

  Ripper pulled away instantly, stepping out of reach. “I love your mouth on me, Judi. Don’t hurt yourself. I’m not a customer. I’m here because I want to be, and I want your pleasure as much as I want your own.”

  Judi felt like crying. His words touched her deeply.


  He stepped closer, and she took him back into her mouth, caressing his balls as she sucked his cock. She’d never liked giving oral, but Ripper tasted fresh and clean. His hands and words soothed her every second that passed.

  After several minutes he tugged on her hair, pulling her off. “It’s time I tasted your sweet pussy.”

  She went to protest, but he sank to his knees, opening her legs wide. Sitting on the edge of the bed she watched him open her lips exposing her to him.

  “So fucking pretty,” he said.

  His lips soon replaced his fingers driving her closer to orgasm.

  Collapsing to the bed she felt his tongue flick over her clit. He slid down, fucking her with several hard strokes before going to circle her clit.

  Within minutes of him licking her, she felt her orgasm close to the surface. Whimpering, she thrashed on the bed.

  “No, I’m not going to let you come until I’m inside you.” Ripper stood up, wiping her juices from his chin.

  “Please,” she said, begging.

  “You can beg me all you want. I’m not going to give in. If you don’t want my cock inside you then I’ll lick you, but I will be sleeping in another room. I don’t know how much I can stand if you don’t want to fuck.”

  Judi went to her elbows looking at him. “You’re telling me you won’t sleep with me for fear of not being able to listen to me say no?”

  “Yeah. You’re going to have to realize you’re fucking sexy.” He gripped his cock, working the length from root to tip. “I want to fuck you, Judi. I should be fucking killed for what I want to do to you.”

  She bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

  It’s sweet.

  Sweet and Ripper didn’t really go in the same sentence.

  “I want you to fuck me, Ripper. I don’t know about afterwards.”

  “Get into the center of the bed,” he said, ordering her.

  Judi moved to the middle looking up at the ceiling. The bed dipped under his weight as he crawled toward her. He didn’t climb over her or ram on home. Ripper settled beside her, holding onto her stomach.

  “Calm down, baby. We’re having fun here.”

  She didn’t even know she’d tensed up at his closeness.

  Turning to him, she stared into his green eyes and let the love she’d developed for him take over. She cupped his cheek feeling the stubble of the day’s growth. There were many times over the last two years when he felt untouchable to her. If she touched him, he’d disappear.

  So many times during Rob’s ownership she had imagined a knight coming to her rescue. She’d been so naive and stupid thinking someone was going to come to her rescue. In all of her fantasies not once were any of the men wearing leather or riding bikes. Ripper was a killer, he lived by the club’s code, not by the normal code, and yet, like Devil, he was her savior.

  “I’m right here, Ripper. I’m right where I want to be.”

  His hand cupped her cheek with his thumb caressing over her bottom lip. “You’re something else. You really don’t know how fucking special you are.”
  He broke the distance, claiming her lips. She moaned, opening up to his searching tongue. Ripper took his time, loving her mouth before kissing his way to her neck. Whimpering, she turned her head so he got better access to kiss her.

  “That’s it, baby. Kiss me back. Open up to me.”

  Running her hands down his back, a yearning started back up. The kissing and touching were not enough.

  “Please, Ripper.”

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  The bed dipped again, and she watched him grabbing a condom from the desk in the corner. “I left it here earlier.”

  “You don’t have to use one,” she said.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked.

  Judi nodded. She was on a low dosage pill to help control her monthly cycle. The doctor did warn her that it couldn’t be guaranteed as a contraceptive, but it did work.

  “I’m still going to use this the first time.”

  He tore into the foil and placed the latex over his cock. His cock was long and thick. She was surprised a condom actually fit over the length of him.

  When he came back to her, she lay back gazing at him. This time he didn’t go to her side but rested between her legs. She opened wide enough for him.

  His fingers skimmed up the outside of her legs then back down.

  “Look at me, Judi.”

  She returned her gaze to his.

  “Who am I?”


  “Who do you feel safe with?”

  “You.” She answered him without difficulty.

  “Do you want this?”

  Smiling, she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then eyes on me at all times.”

  She could only nod her head again. He reached down gripping his shaft.

  Glancing down she saw him sliding the covered tip through her slit. The moment he bumped her clit she cried out at the pleasure exploding inside her.

  “So fucking swollen. You want to be fucked,” he said.

  Judi couldn’t argue. Her body was on fire with the need for his cock.

  He didn’t plunge inside her. Ripper glided through her slit to her entrance. He pressed so she opened up to the head. When she took the head, he withdrew going to her clit to slide over the nub.

  Over and over he did this making her ache with need to feel him stretching inside her.

  “Please, Ripper, fuck me,” she said, screaming out the words.

  “Do you want my cock?” he asked.


  Gripping his hands, she sank her nails into his flesh hoping he would get the message about how desperately she wanted him.

  He didn’t let up, torturing her by holding back his cock. Flinging back to the bed, she cried out in frustration. Ripper must have been satisfied with how desperate she was. He slid the tip to her entrance, and in one thrust of his hips, he slammed deep inside her.

  Sheer heaven.

  Chapter Nine

  Judi’s pussy was tight as fuck. Ripper moved his hands up to grip hers beside her head. He held her tightly, staring into her eyes, which had grown wide at his penetration. Her pussy was far more pleasurable than her mouth. Fuck, he needed to stay still just so he didn’t blow his load straight away.

  Fuck, shit, cunt.

  The words ran through his mind as he tried to get his bearings over what was happening. None of this felt real to him, and yet it was completely real. His feelings for Judi couldn’t be mistaken. He’d always cared about her, but those feelings were fucking hard to ignore now. With the feel of her cunt wrapped around his cock, his heart pounded, and there was no getting away from the love he felt for her.

  For years he’d screwed his way through women, none of them meaning anything to him at all until Judi.

  She made him want to feel shit.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, staring into her brown eyes.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You’re fine with my dick inside you?” Ripper pretended to be insulted, sliding a little deeper inside her.

  Judi gasped, arching up to him.

  “Do you feel me now? It’s more than fine.”

  Her moans took over, and he held her in place. Ripper felt every ripple of her pussy. The pulse at her throat was pounding against her skin. Leaning down he sucked on her pulse feeling her whimper at his touch. “Tell me what’s going through your head?”

  “You’re so big. There’s nothing else I can feel besides you inside me.” She bit her lip as he kissed her neck, nibbling on bits of flesh.

  “I’m going to fuck you in a minute.”

  She gasped, and he felt her pussy tighten around him. Without the condom he imagined he would feel every drop of her cum. He wished there wasn’t a layer of protection between them. Her fingers tightened around his hands, holding onto him tightly.

  “Please, Ripper,” she said.

  “What do you want, baby?”

  Claiming her lips, he stopped her from voicing her need. This time her tongue peeked out looking to meet with his. He gave as good as he got, slamming his tongue deep into her mouth. Ripper wanted to possess, to own, and to show to her with his cock whom she belonged to.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “I am fucking you.” He leaned down, kissing her neck and smiled.

  She growled. “Move!”

  “You’re not enjoying what I’m doing?”

  “Yes, please, fuck me,” she said, begging him.

  He moved out of her tight heat ‘til only the tip of his cock was inside her. She cried out, whimpering. Staring down at where they were joined, Ripper almost lost it. His condom covered cock was slick from her cream. “Look at us, baby. Look at how fucking perfect your pussy is.”

  He growled the last word as he fucked her hard, slamming back to the hilt inside her. She cried out.

  Releasing her hands, he grabbed her hips and fucked her hard and fast. She held onto his shoulder, her nails gripping his flesh. Ripper felt the sting of her touch, but he loved it. He’d gladly wear her mark for the rest of his life.

  “Look at us, baby. Look at us fucking.” He’d intended to take their first time slowly. There was no chance of that. Her tight heat made it impossible for him to focus on anything. She looked between them crying out as he fucked her hard. “Put your hands flat to the headboard.”

  He waited for her to do as he asked.

  With her palms flat against the board, he gripped her hips and rammed home. Each thrust inside her pussy had her moving up against the bed. The hold on the bed stopped her from hitting her head.

  The feel of her tight pussy was driving him crazy.

  Reaching down he flicked her clit. He watched her orgasm as well as felt the tightness of her cunt. She screamed out, driving down onto his cock.

  “So fucking tight. I’m going to fuck you all night long. You’re not going to be able to walk for a fucking week when I’m done with you.” Harder he plunged inside her, driving deeper.

  He felt her cervix from the depth of his penetration.

  “Please, fuck, please,” she said, screaming.

  “That’s it, baby. Orgasm for me. Let me feel your tight cunt.” Her tits bounced from the force of his thrusts. He watched them, loving the tightness of her red buds.

  “Ripper, please.”

  “I want you to come for me, baby. Give me your cum.” He felt his own release close to the surface. Gritting his teeth he waited for her to reach her second release. When she did, he fucked her harder and longer until the first stirrings began.

  Together they cried out, and he dug his fingers into her hips, tight. Ripper knew his fingerprints would be marked on her skin. She would have to keep them covered from Devil and Lexie. If it was up to him, he’d get her to show them off. Judi was his woman, and he had every intention of keeping her.

  The love he felt was no longer going to be ignored or denied.

  He placed his hands either side of her head, looking down at
her. Shaken to the core, he saw tears were blooming in her eyes.

  “I never knew it could be like that,” she said.

  “It can get a whole lot better.”

  Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her lips wanting to do a hell of a lot more. He held back, giving Judi more space to move.

  Something had shifted between them.

  “I don’t know how it can get better,” she said, licking her lips.

  “This is our first time.” He was testing the waters to see how far she can go. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her feeling scared or thinking about her past.

  “I’m going to pull out and take care of the condom. Will you be okay?”

  She nodded. The motion was a simple jerk of the head. Cupping the back of her neck, he slammed his lips down on hers.

  “I’m not going anywhere, baby. There is more to come.”

  Her smile caught at his heart. Shit, he was starting to feel like a fucking pussy.

  “Don’t let them in.” Ripper touched her temple trying to force the bad memories away.

  Climbing out of her tight heat, he walked into the bedroom to deal with the used condom.

  Washing his dick, he wiped himself clean before going back in the bedroom. She had moved under the covers and was looking up at the ceiling. Her gaze landed on him when he walked into the bedroom. Checking the clock, he saw it was only a little after nine.

  “I’m not sitting in bed waiting for sleep. Come on.” He pushed the blanket away, picking her up in his arms and headed back downstairs.

  “Will you stop doing this? I can walk.”

  “I know you can walk, but you’ll fight me. We’ve fucked, and you’re doing whatever female shit you’re doing. We’re going to watch a movie or do something fun.” Turning into the sitting room, he dropped her down onto the sofa.

  “I’m naked, Ripper.”

  “So am I.” He turned the switch on and started going up and down the channels. Grabbing the remote, he settled behind Judi, cupping a breast as he looked for something to watch.

  “I’m tired.”

  “No, you’re not.” He found a horror movie and left it playing. Stroking the curve of her nipple, he felt his arousal start to build.

  Judi didn’t say anything as he played with her body. She was so fucking responsive. Her tits were one of her best features. He was looking forward to watching those tits bounce in front of his face.


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