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Undercover: Secrets & Lies

Page 11

by Jennifer Loren

  “You’re not going anywhere until I’m done!” Caberera calls for his men to wrangle me into submission while Kian watches.

  “We don’t have time. Shoot her and tell him she got caught in the crossfire,” Kian yells.

  “Hold her down.” There are two men on me when a third has to step in. “I said to hold her down.”

  “We’re trying!” The sound of gunfire halts everyone. Chaos erupts outside.

  “You’re going to have to knock me out,” Kian says, standing up straight. With a deep breath, a man steps in and knocks him in the back of the head. A few more blows and a shot puts Kian down.

  They take aim at my head. “No, don’t kill her. They won’t get far in here, and she’s not worth Titus starting a war over. I’m finishing her one way or another.” It’s hard to focus, but I reach to take one of the men’s gun and shoot him. “Get her!” Caberera’s men force the gun out of my hand, and one wraps his hands around my throat.

  “Be still or I will kill you.”

  “No, you be still,” a familiar voice says, killing the man hovering over me.

  “How did you get in here?” Caberera says, backing up behind his men.

  “My charming personality,” Ben jokes. He has a sense of humor in the oddest of times. “Let her go, Alfie, and we will leave here without taking your life with us.”

  “You don’t have the authority, Ben.”

  Ben kills a man on either side of Caberera and leaves him standing all alone. “You want a bet?” Caberera gets his men to let go of me and slowly steps away from us. Luca helps me up and leaves Kian to help himself. “Get down on your knees, Alfie, and thank me for not killing you.” The showdown between the two is tense and shows me something about Ben I have never seen before. “Down on your knees. Now!”

  “Okay, okay.” Caberera gets down slowly as his own men watch him grovel for mercy. “Thank you for – letting me live.”

  Ben holsters his gun with a smile. “See, was that hard?” Just as Caberera eases and begins to stand up, Ben kicks him in the face, forcing him back to the floor. “I didn’t tell you to get up yet.” Ben looks over at Luca, and he nods. They carry Kian and me out of the room. Ben meets my eyes as he waits for the doors to shut between us.

  “What’s he doing?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Someone get her some fresh water. You are one real badass, Laila. Damn. Drugged up and still holding your own.”

  “Not for much longer. Thank goodness you got my call.”

  “You didn’t call me. You called Ben. Good thing. He’s the only one that could have pulled this off.” The commotion on the other side of the door brings me to attention. “Drink your water, Laila.” Luca does his best to distract me from what’s going on. The yelling and the screaming continues for some time as more of Titus’s men come pouring in. “Titus is coming. Try to get your focus back,” Luca warns.

  Everyone comes to attention when Titus walks in. He doesn’t look happy as he growls at everyone around him. Nathan follows him, briefly making eye contact with me and cursing my name loud enough for me to hear him. They open the doors to Caberera’s room, and I get my first look inside since the doors shut in front of me. Caberera is a bloody mess. His men are all on their knees, and Ben stands tall, wiping the blood from his fists. For a moment, I worry about Ben. What will Titus say to him? He can’t possibly be happy about the treatment of Caberera if he set this whole thing up.

  “You see, Nathan, this is why you don’t send a moron to handle important business. You send someone that knows how to get people to come to an understanding. You look like shit, Alfie. Next time, maybe you will only do the deal I asked you to do and not try to take anything extra from me. I don’t care for people trying to take advantage of me.”

  Caberera crawls to his knees, spitting out the blood from his mouth. “Titus, I thought she was an offering. If I had known, I would have never.”

  “You thought I would let you fuck one of my special team members? They are my hands, my sons and daughter. You would treat my family like that? An attack on them is an attack on me,” Titus says as his body dances to his own smooth voice. “You should know better. You know now though, don’t you? You don’t—ever—do anything without my consent again. Do you understand me?”


  “He’s such a mess. I can’t understand a damn word he says. Somebody clear his mouth enough for him to speak.” Nathan rips some drapery from the window and stuffs Caberera’s mouth, wiping it clean. “Now, tell me, and make sure you say it clearly. Do you understand? I don’t want to have to tell you again.”

  “Yes, I understand completely.”

  “Good.” Titus looks at his watch. “Oh look, I still have time to make my dinner plans. I love when my day can keep to a schedule.” Titus walks out, mumbling something to Kian who is bleeding from the gunshot to his leg. From the expression on Kian’s face, I don’t think it was kind. We all leave Caberera’s and end up back at Titus’s for a quick talk. He does have dinner plans and doesn’t want to waste time. My head is clearing up, and I explain to Titus what happened, thinking nothing of it until Nathan steps forward and defends Kian’s side of things. It doesn’t matter what I say. His word means more than mine until someone steps forward for me.

  “I heard all I need to know on her phone,” Ben says. “Whether or not Kian was set up or not, he should have never left his partner. His word means nothing.”

  “I did everything I could! You wanted me to handle it, and I have. How could I know he would turn on us? The bitch walked in there with him like she was the queen. You see how she acts. She thinks she can handle anyone.” Kian stands but is met with Ben’s elbow. “Fuck!”

  “She did handle herself. You laid there like a limp dick. Useless. So sit down and shut up.” Ben steps between me and Kian.

  Titus smirks. “Clearly, you are not ready to handle such important business, Kian. We will put you back on standard detail until we can feel better about your skills.” Nathan budges, and the whole room turns towards him. “We will find a replacement for your duties. Right, Nathan?”

  “Yes, sir,” Nathan reluctantly agrees.

  That night, I sat on the edge of my bed, staring out my balcony doors and watching the street light glimmer. I’m not sure I’ll be able to fall asleep. So much has happened in such a short day. My standing within the organization moved upward, but the target on my back grew exponentially. Henry is proud of me. The information I have been able to give is more than they have ever gotten. Now we know a successor is going to be chosen. Most believe it will be Nathan, but after what I saw today, I’m not so sure.

  The next morning, I wake with my phone lying next to me on the pillow. A note is attached.

  I didn’t want to wake you, but I thought you might need this, just in case. If you need me, call. I’ll be there. – Ben

  I never heard a sound. Gasping, I look outside, wondering what else I don’t know about him.

  Henry waits for me outside of my hotel. “What are you doing here? I am on my way to work?”

  “I need you to see something.” Henry hands me a folder with case information and pictures of a woman, many of which are too gruesome to look at. “She was found last night. She was raped, multiple times, electrocuted over and over in various, sick ways. Her heart finally gave out, mercifully, because whoever did this was determined not to let his experiment die until he was done. He hooked her up with an IV to keep her alive for as long as he wanted.”

  I hand the nauseating file back to him. “It’s terrible, what does it have to do with me?”

  “She worked for Alfie Caberera, a secret girlfriend that he protected and paid well. That is until she disappeared. She was last seen at Mercier’s club, the same night you witnessed him arguing with Caberera. We have no leads and no evidence to go on. We only have our suspicions.” Despite the lack of evidence, I know who killed her and I imagine Henry knows as well. “I want you to know what you are dealing with. What
can happen if you are not careful. He won’t just kill you Laila, he will torture you until there is nothing left of you. If Noah is still alive I don’t want to imagine what he must be going through.” Henry forces me to recognize what failure in this mission would mean, for everyone involved.



  It’s been a long week, and by the time Friday comes, I am nowhere near ready for a night out with Ben. I follow Nathan around like a lost puppy, trying to find out what Titus is up to for the evening.

  “You are driving me insane, Lowell. What do you want?”

  “I just wanted to volunteer for extra hours tonight?”

  “Why?” The ever suspicious Nathan asks, immediately assuming I am up to something that affects him.

  I quickly decide whether to tell him the truth or lie, which I have a feeling he would recognize and put me directly in harm’s way. “I am trying to get out of a date.” Nathan laughs. “If I have to work, then there’s nothing I can do and can’t go.”

  He looks me over, debating with himself, and I see a slight twinkle in his eye as an idea comes to his head. I can’t imagine it will be good for me. “Sure, Lowell. Titus is going out to dinner and then out for some entertainment. I can’t guarantee where that might be or what kind of sexual escapades you might witness. Still interested?”

  Sighing deeply. “Yes.”

  “Why would you agree to a date you didn’t want this bad?”

  “I lost a poker game.”

  “Well, that will teach you to play with men.” He walks away, proud of himself for the obvious dig. Against all my instincts, I ignore his comment and move on. At least I have a viable excuse now, one that Ben can’t work around somehow.

  I wait until the end of the day to find him and do my best to seem shocked by my last minute assignment for the evening. His glowing smile forms the moment he sees me coming. I have to wait for him to finish talking to others as he gives them instructions. I would have never expected the constant joker, Ben, to be ranked so high with Titus. Once he finishes his conversation, he turns to me.

  “How are you today, Tiger?” He sweeps my hair from the bruise on my head, the worst of my wounds from Caberera. “Your head is looking much better.”

  “I’m good, thank you. Unfortunately though, Nathan has assigned me to follow Titus tonight, so I guess …” I shrug, noticing Ben doesn’t seem the least bit shocked. “What, you’re not going to argue with me?”

  “No, things happen. We can reschedule if you want?”

  “If I want? Are you letting me out of the bet?”

  “Laila, I am not about to force any woman to do something she doesn’t want to do. If you don’t want to go, then we don’t have to.” He sits against a desk, looking into my eyes with confidence. “I’ll see you tonight.”


  “I’m working tonight too.”

  “Why would you ask me out if you had to work?”

  “It’s a process with you. I knew it wouldn’t be that easy. Win a game and expect you to not try to find a way out? I know better. I predicted your move before you did. I also know that you do want to go out with me.” I huff, stepping back as he leans forward. “It’s written all over your face.” He slides back cocky as hell. “Well, that and you have been checking me out all week.”

  “I have not,” I argue, trying to remember a time he might have caught something.

  “Have so.”

  “I have—not!” I cringe at his ability to drive me crazy and put my finger in his face before he can say another word. “No, no. I’m not arguing with you. I’m going to do my job, and then I’m going to go home after, without you.” He acts hurt, all the while a smile is ready to form. I stare, and he winks at me, a smile warming his face. My knees begin to weaken again, and I hate him for having that effect on me. “I’m done talking to you.”

  “Laila?” I stop and wait for his final word. “You have so.” He laughs, infuriating me.

  “You’re such a child,” I yell at him.

  He approaches, stopping to look down at me coolly, and leans in to kiss me on the cheek. “See you tonight.” He leaves me grasping a chair back for support.

  “And I have not!” I yell after him.

  An echo radiates down the hall. “You have so.” With others coming, all I can do is shake my head to keep from looking anymore insane than I already do.

  My Friday night isn’t exactly what I was wanting. I got out of my date, but I am still spending the entire night with Ben. At least while on the job, he acts like a professional. Maybe I can get through this night without much trouble. We have a few people causing a drunken mess, but outside of that, it’s all pretty boring. Even Titus is yawning.

  “I can’t take this anymore. Is there nothing entertaining in this city tonight?” Titus asks.

  “I will take care of you, Baby,” Jolie hums, dancing her way in front of us all and stripping down to her underwear as she swings around, waiting for Ben to rescue her. Titus looks up at Nathan who rolls his eyes. She is not impressing anyone, and the indifference is starting to get to her. “If you’re not going to pay attention to me then I will go find someone that will!”

  “Alright, but you’re not getting any of my security people while you go do it.” Titus waves her off, whispering something to Nathan who moves Ben next to Titus, making sure he stays put.

  Infuriated, Jolie puts her dress back on and rushes down the stairs to mingle until she finds the right dumbass to give her what she wants. She lures the fool into nearly having sex right in front of Titus. The poor man doesn’t know what’s coming for him. “Stop!” she yells. “Help! Let go! Help! Stop. Please stop! He’s hurting me!” Jolie screams, flailing about as if she has been struck. The man stands dumbfounded as Titus sends someone down to right the situation. I doubt Titus fell for her act, but he enjoys the show and rescues her in a grand performance. It’s a beating I don’t enjoy watching, and I am not sure the man will live through it. Once Titus finishes with him, he is carried out and thrown into the street. It’s a display that proves Titus’s need for attention and respect. Jolie kisses him as her rescuer, and they return to the balcony like the king and queen of the utmost bullshit I have ever seen. They are made for each other.

  The crowd becomes uneasy by the display. The obvious tension causes Ben and me both to take hold of our weapons and prepare to rush Titus out, but Titus holds us off, standing up calmly to address the crowd who are unsure if they should move. “Please, all is good. My wife is safely back at my side and the deplorable has been dealt with.” Everyone begins clapping along with Titus and his grand appreciation for Jolie’s insanity. It settles the crowd some, but it’s obviously still tense, and people are looking to leave. “Please continue having fun. Drinks are on me for the rest of the night,” Titus states, aiming for entertainment of another kind—drunken stupor. No one seems anxious to do much of anything. “I didn’t come here to watch people stand around. Someone do something. I don’t care what, but things better improve quickly or my good mood is going to disappear.” Titus slams his fist down on the arm of his chair, a deep shade of red forming on his face. “Ben, I always enjoy your entertainment. Surely you can think of something?”

  “I do have an idea.” Ben leans down to whisper into Titus’s ear.

  Titus nods, “Of course, you have my permission to do whatever you want.”

  Ben disappears for a few minutes, talking to the DJ who nods and hands him a microphone. Ben looks up at me and winks. Oh this can’t be good. He races back up the stairs to the balcony. The music stops once again, and a spotlight beams right on us. Titus sits up with interest while I try to back away. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I need your help. I have been trying to convince this woman right here to go out with me for weeks.” I am pushed into the center of the light, shaking my head and cursing him under my breath. “Sadly, she keeps saying no.” The crowd simultaneously moans, and Titus laughs, clapping already at Ben’s ability to engage
the crowd. “So, I was wondering if a song would help show my devotion to her.”

  “No, it won’t!” I insist.

  “Oh, I think it might, Laila, or should I say, Layla,” he belts out for no reason. Suddenly, I hear it. The notes that have plagued me my whole life, cursed by a song that happened to play when my parents first met. The crowd begins to get excited, and Ben? Well, Ben sheds his suit jacket, loosens his tie, and undoes a few buttons on his shirt to the roar of every woman in the room. He belts out the song as if he has done this a million times before, taking my hand and pleading every note to me.

  I look around as everyone is cheering him on, including Titus who is encouraging and wanting more. Ben, I have to admit, is impressive with his moves, and the more I shake my head, the more elaborate the situation gets. I keep shaking my head, hoping this will end, but before I know it, he has me down in the middle of the dance floor, spinning me around and sliding up to me on his knees, begging me with passion as he calls out my name. This is a nightmare. With my hand in his and looking down at the fool on his knees, I am annoyed beyond words at this point. This is only going to get worse.

  “Yes. Okay, yes. I will go out with you. Whatever you want. Just please stop.” Everyone cheers. Men pat Ben on the back and women tell me how lucky I am while trying to give him their phone numbers. Ben pays attention to no one but me. It’s disarming how he looks at me and even pulls me in close to him. He thanks everyone for helping him. I really don’t understand people.

  He wraps his arm around my waist, staring into my eyes as he finishes out the long finale of the song. My hands are in his when he moves one for me, up and behind his head. The other he holds between us while I move in against his chest, dancing and listening to him sing in my ear. We are cheek to cheek as he sings just loud enough for me to hear. It’s an odd feeling that I don’t quite know how to handle. There is something comforting about the way he holds me. He continues singing songs of his own choice, lightly in my ear.


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