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Celestial Love

Page 4

by Juli Blood

  It wasn’t long until Edward and Leo returned. Bryan sat up straighter when he heard them coming. Remembering something that Edward had said earlier, when they neared he asked, “Edward what day is it?”

  “It is the 13th day of the 6th month, Your Highness.” Edward answered politely.

  “Yes, but what day of the week is it?” Bryan tried again.

  “Why it is the seventh day, Your Highness.” Edward clarified.

  Bryan’s brow furrowed in thought as he tried to place all the pieces. “But didn’t you say that everyone was celebrating Holy Day today?”

  “Yes, Your Highness, we always celebrate Holy Day on the seventh day, in accordance with the Ancient Writings. Forgive my curiosity, Your Highness, but I was led to believe that you believed the Ancient Writings as we do.” Edward cleared his throat and then asked as politely as possible, “Was I misinformed?”

  “I do believe in the Bible or the Ancient Writings as you call them. But my people and I celebrate Holy Day on the first day in celebration of the resurrection of the Son.” Bryan answered still slightly confused.

  “Son? Oh, you mean The Way. Yes, I see. I knew there were a few differences in translation but I didn’t realize that it included the day to celebrate Holy Day. Fascinating.” Edward murmured more to himself than to anyone else. “We shall have to compare our understandings of the Ancient Writings and see if there are other areas in which we differ. However,” Edward was speaking clearly again as he made eye contact with the prince, “you do believe that salvation comes only by accepting the sacrifice of The Way or as you call him the Son?”

  “Yes, of course” Bryan answered as the confusion left his face and he rose to his feet. “I made sure that we agreed on that before I consented to this marriage. But it does seem that we have more differences than I realized. As you say, I must look into this.” Bryan sighed as he looked out over the garden again. “But I guess it will have to wait until after the wedding.” Bryan paused shifting his weight from one foot to the other and studied the grass at his feet. Looking off toward the horizon he murmured softly, “Tomorrow at sunset.”

  After a moment he turned and walked back toward the palace. Everyone followed and Edward soon took the lead again so he could open the door.

  “Would you like to continue the tour, Your Highness?” Edward asked.

  “No Edward. I believe I would like to eat and then retire to my chambers. I have some things I need to look into and other matters that need my attention.” Glancing around Bryan asked, “It’s this way isn’t it?”

  “Yes Sir, just up that flight of stairs to the third level and down the hallway to your right.”

  “Thank you Edward, good day.” Bryan said as he started up the stairs, Leo and Harold, the guard, on his heel.


  Princess Kalea was surprised by how distracting her upcoming wedding was to her during the worship service. The sanctuary looked the same this morning as it did every other Holy Day, clean and bright with the sun shining through the windows making the sand colored stones glow. Yet all she could think about was the fact that tomorrow she would be standing in front of the altar pledging to be the wife of a man she did not know or love.

  Distracted from the message that was presented and frustrated with herself, Princess Kalea left immediately after the service and rushed straight to the shuttle bay. A blast of power sent a thrill through her as she banked and pulled up to clear the ridge. It took nearly twenty minutes before she reached her destination.

  Gracefully, she landed the shuttle on the only level ground for miles. Just barely wide enough to allow her to walk around the shuttle, the ledge was two hundred feet below the top of the cliff face. It was bare rock that tipped slightly in toward the ledge. Most pilots wouldn’t even consider attempting to land on it, but then, Kalea was not most pilots. Privacy was one of her passions, and danger was more of a hobby.

  Exiting the shuttle, Princess Kalea hugged its side as she carefully made her way to the back of the ledge. Ducking under the wing, the tip of which was just a matter of inches from the cliff face, she started down the narrow path that led off to the north.

  Fifteen minutes of slow careful walking brought her to a second ledge, this one larger and sporting a few trees. A small crevice in the cliff face provided a natural drain for rain water, and a basin on the far north side of the ledge held a natural pool and supported the grass and trees that flourished here.

  Sitting on a large rock near the water, Princess Kalea worked at quieting her soul. With deep cleansing breaths, she let her gaze roam over the grass and trees and then come to rest on the pool of water.

  “Holy One, I have been so distracted by my fears. My head knows that this is the right thing to do. You led me to this decision and I KNOW that. In You I have no doubt, but in me and in the prince, I do.” Releasing a deep sigh Princess Kalea looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, focusing on the Voice as it whispered and stilled the raging thoughts in her mind.

  A gentle smile touched her lips as she rested in the peace that the Voice comforted her with. Off to her right a small bird chirped and another answered, but even their cheer could not entice her from the moment. Time seemed to stop and the peace slowly seeped into every corner of her mind like warmth from a hot bath.

  “Thank You, Holy One! Thank You for understanding and accepting me. Thank You for this peace. Please help me not to lose it again.” Princess Kalea smiled at her own silliness. She knew peace was her choice.

  Opening her eyes she looked for the birds that she had heard earlier. They were on the far side of the trees and all she could make out were flashes of color amongst the greenery. Slowly, she rose from the rock and started to look for the birds in the tree. As she came around a second rock at the side of the tree, one of the birds took flight.

  Holding perfectly still she waited. After a moment when the second bird didn’t fly off, she again began to move around the tree. She saw its white tipped tail and was ducking to see around the branches when suddenly, her AVID beeped. The bird, startled by the sound, took flight and was gone, diving down the cliff face in order to avoid the danger.

  Rolling her eyes, Princess Kalea moved back toward the pool as she flicked her wrist and answered. “Yes?”

  “Princess, this is Doctor Wingate. I have the test results.”

  “I will be there in about 45 minutes.” Princess Kalea answered as she sprinted across the ledge and then slowed when she reached the path. “Caution may take time now, but it allows time later,” she whispered repeating one of her mother’s favorite sayings.

  From the shuttle she called security to make ready the landing bay and was docked and out of the shuttle in record time. Running through the underground passage, she reached the Med Lab in just over 40 minutes. Leaning against the wall, she slowed her breathing and forced herself to calm down before she entered, still three minutes early.


  “Randy do you think I missed anything?” Alexis asked as she fidgeted on the window seat.

  “Yes.” Randolph answered calmly from his seat across the room.

  “Oh, heavens what is it?” Alexis jumped up and began wringing her hands as her mind quickly reviewed all the preparations.

  Lifting his eyes from the book he had been reading, Randolph caught her eye and calmly said, “You forgot that today is Holy Day and because of that you are missing the ‘Rest’ that this day has to offer. Now, the wedding is going to be fine. However, I am worried about you. You always tell me how much you love setting everything aside on Holy Day and focusing on praise, worship, and us. Today you are so distracted that you are missing it. I’m worried that come Second day you are really going to regret being so distracted today.”

  Shoulders slumped, Alexis crossed the room and knelt by the couch. “You’re right, thank you for reminding me. I just get so caught up in everything that I…well I guess I let it tie me up.” With a slight shrug and grin she brought a smile to Randolph’s face.

/>   “Want me to help you undo some of the knots?” He asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

  “Sure!” Alexis answered as she turned so her back was to him anticipating a neck and shoulder rub.

  Randolph sat up and started to rub her neck. Purposely getting tangled in the straps of her dress as often as possible. After a few minutes he said, “This just isn’t going to work. You’re going to have to take this off. Actually,” he said as he stood moving around in front of her and offering his hands, “why don’t we head into the bedroom and find you something more comfortable to wear while I massage away those knots.”

  Alexis recognized the look in his eyes and willingly grabbed his hands and tried not to smile too much as he led them to the bedroom. This would definitely get her mind off the wedding, at least for a couple of hours.


  “Really? You’re positive?” Princess Kalea asked for the third time.

  “Yes. We have done multiple tests and run them several times each. I would not have brought anything to you if I wasn’t absolutely positive.” Dr. Wingate answered in his most assuring and confident voice.

  “Thank you Doctor. I would appreciate it if you would keep all of this confidential from everyone.” Princess Kalea stated.

  “Everyone but the King, Your Highness. He; of course, gets the results.” Dr. Wingate reminded her.

  “Has he asked for them yet?” Princess Kalea asked.

  “Well, no. He hasn’t mentioned it actually.” Dr. Wingate answered.

  “Then could you please not give him the results until he asks? I would really appreciate it.”

  Wondering at the reason behind her request and yet seeing no harm, he answered, “If he should ask I will give him the information immediately, but I won’t offer it.”

  Smiling gently, Princess Kalea turned and slowly exited the Med Lab. Watching her from the window as she walked back to the palace through the garden, Dr. Wingate again wondered at her strange request. Shaking his head, he returned to his office to secure the file before he went home.


  Princess Kalea went directly to her suite. She entered via the secret passage from the library on the second floor. As the panel slid back into place, she settled into the corner window seat and gazed out at the formal Queen’s Garden as she prayed.

  “Most Holy One, Thank You. We can truly be one. Only You could have made this possible.” Wrapping her arms around her legs, she laid her head on her knees. “It’s more than I dreamed. Thank you. Please help me to be worthy and help me prepare. Oh, Holy One, most brides have more time. I only have a little more than a day. I’m so excited…I will never be able to concentrate without Your help.” Closing her eyes; she took a deep breath and released it slowly. Relaxing her tense muscles, she focused her heart and mind on the task ahead.

  With her attention focused inward, she didn’t notice the beautiful colors that danced on the clouds as the sun set behind the palace. Nor did she notice the servant that came to call her to the evening meal, only to back out of the room quietly, thinking the princess was asleep.


  Hours ago the moon had risen slowly over the distant horizon at the far end of the valley. Its soft luminescent light caressed the landscape as it chased away the deeper shades of black and gray. Dim lights could be seen far below, but the stars outshone them. All was quiet and still.

  Bryan watched it all from his bedchamber. Leaning against the corner window frame with his head resting against his raised forearm, he turned slightly as he closed his eyes.

  “Lord…a lot of prayer and thought went into this decision. Not just my prayers, but also those of my family and Nate. We all thought this was Your will. Were we wrong? Do we both truly know You? Or have they just told us what we wanted to hear so that we would agree to the arrangement?” Disgusted with that idea, he pushed off from the wall and started to pace the room.

  “That’s ridiculous, because we need the arrangement more than they do. We are the ones who denied Your laws and ruined our world. Yes, they will get additional defenses but they could get them almost anywhere or improve their own given time.” With a sigh he stopped pacing and walked slowly back to the window. Hands in his pocket, shoulders tense he lifted his gaze to the heavens and said, “Lord, if this is truly Your will, please give me peace.” Silently he listened with his heart.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, the stress of the last week slipped from his heart and mind. He could feel it leave as his shoulder and back muscles relaxed. The thoughts that he had forced silent as he listened finally ceased.


  Nodding, Bryan turned and walked over to the bed. With a gentle sigh he sat and removed his shoes, and got comfortable, resting his head on the pillow.

  “Thank You Lord. May Thy will be done.” Bryan prayed as he drifted off to sleep.


  Alexis was up before the sun. She roused much of the palace staff as she worked to make this day perfect for Princess Kalea and Crown Prince Bryan.

  “Randy Darling,” Alexis called when she spotted her husband trying to sneak out of the palace. “Would you be so kind as to check and see if Gilbert and Rose Lynn are ready for breakfast? You know we are all joining Mother and Father in welcoming Crown Prince Bryan to the family this morning.”

  “Good morning, Dear,” Randolph replied with a quick kiss, secretly disgusted with himself that she had caught him again. His plans for a quick morning walk and a slightly late arrival to breakfast were shot down and she knew it. “Has Edward mentioned whether Crown Prince Bryan is even up yet?”

  Alexis seemed somewhat surprised by the question. “Actually, I haven’t asked him. Why don’t you go find Gilbert and Rose Lynn and I will check with Edward?”

  “All right, but will you please let me know if the there is a delay? I have a few things I need to check on this morning that are not wedding related.” Randolph hoped that Prince Bryan liked to sleep in because it was far too early to eat. With a quick nod from Alexis, Randolph was off. Using the closest lift, he was knocking on Gilbert’s door in less than two minutes.

  “What!?” Gilbert asked as he yanked open the door. The scowl on his whiskery face would scare children and staff alike.

  “Morning!” Randolph answered cheerfully. “Alexis wanted me to remind you that we have breakfast with Crown Prince Bryan and the folks this morning. Did you remember?” Innocence oozing from him.

  Gilbert mumbled a few sounds that may or may not have actually been words as he ran his hand through his unruly hair. “I remember. What time is breakfast?” he asked in a voice that sounded like it hadn’t been used in weeks instead of hours.

  “We’re not sure. Alexis was checking with Edward to see if the prince is up yet. However, she wants everything perfect. So if you could please get ready, then she will know that I tried.” Randolph teased with a smile.

  “Fine. Just use the AVID when it is time and we’ll be right down.” Gilbert spoke as he turned and closed the door in his brothers’ face.

  With a slight laugh Randolph turned and headed for the garden. With any luck the prince would be sleeping in and he could get a few things done.


  “Edward, this is Alexis. Is Crown Prince Bryan ready for breakfast?” She spoke into her AVID as she walked back toward the dining room.

  “Good Morning Princess Alexis! Actually, I just arrived at Leo’s door. Let me check with him and I will call you right back.” Edward answered as he waited for Leo to answer the door.

  “Very well, just keep me informed.” Alexis answered distractedly as she began checking the decorations and seating arrangements in the dining room.

  Edward waited several minutes for Leo to answer the door. “Good morning,” he greeted.

  “Yes, good morning,” Leo replied.

  His rumpled clothing made Leo look like he had just been wrestling. “I am sorry to disturb you but we weren’t sure what time the prince would be ready for breakfast with the Royal Family?�
� Edward tried not to emphasize the word Royal as he spoke, but it happened anyway.

  “What time is it?” Leo asked as he blinked quickly and rubbed his eyes.

  “It’s five a.m. The family usually eats around seven but as I mentioned we weren’t sure of the prince’s preference. Is he awake yet?” Edward asked.

  “I don’t think so, let me check,” Leo answered as he walked across the room and turned on a monitor. It displayed the prince’s bio-signs and an infrared display showed that he was sprawled out on his bed sleeping soundly.

  “He seems to be sleeping,” Edward commented slightly impressed with the readings that the monitor displayed. “Does he normally sleep late or rise early?”

  “Normally? I have no idea,” Leo answered. “At home he usually doesn’t need me until after mid-morning. What he does before that I don’t know. I used to be occupied with little more than his appointment schedule. Busy though it was, it never began before ten in the morning.”

  Turning off the monitor Leo walked over to his couch and sat down heavily. “Besides, I’m not sure if he has been sleeping long. The last time I checked he was still awake and that was only a few hours ago.” Leo scratched his head and covered a yawn as he tried to force himself to wake up.

  After a moment’s thought Edward said, “When the prince wakens please just let me know and I will have breakfast prepared immediately.”

  Leo looked at him and then replied, “If Prince Bryan needs to meet with the Royal family for breakfast at a certain time I am sure he will be happy to do so. He would not be pleased if I let him over-sleep.”


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