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Alien Romance: Hunted By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 4)

Page 5

by Aana Celestya

  She bristled at his words. “You once said something similar of me.”

  He had, but didn’t see how that was relevant to the conversation.

  Her hand played at the waistband of his pants, and when she went to slide the fastener in the hopes of capturing his sex, he pushed her hand away.

  “Enough, Mirnam. You are not welcome here, and need to leave.”

  She pouted. “You would turn me away now? So close to nightfall? We both know what lies beyond those walls.

  He growled in frustration. It was true, of course, that night was setting, and equally true, he was sure, that she had planned it that way intentionally. He wouldn’t turn anyone away so close to night, least of all a woman.

  He was re-evaluating his choice to sprinkle his surroundings with thieves, bandits, and murderers for the second time in a very short period of time. Perhaps, it was time to revamp his strategies.

  “You may stay the night,” he allowed.

  “I know the way to your room,” she said, sidling by him, letting the curve of her ass brush against him as she went.

  He considered correcting her, but realized he had no intentions of leaving Kara unescorted with Mirnam on the property anyway, so she could do whatever the hell she wanted in his room; he was going to be in Kara’s.

  She disappeared up the stairs in a flourish, the silk swirling around her ankles as she went.

  Arthos wasn’t far behind her, moving with a sudden urgency toward Kara.

  He didn’t knock on the door. Kara had learned not to expect him to, but that didn’t make it any less irritating.

  “Yes?” she snapped at him. “Your guest gone so soon?”

  “She’s not my guest,” he sniped back.

  “And she’s not gone. I want you to have nothing to do with her. I don’t want you alone with her. I don’t want you to speak to her. I don’t even want you to look at her. As far as you are concerned, she doesn’t even exist.”

  She folded her arms over her chest, feeling like a petulant child and not caring. “I’m pretty sure you gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted here. After we found out how badly telling me what I couldn’t do went.”

  He grunted at her, which she took to mean was a point for her, and then rephrased.

  “What I meant to say, of course, is that I would appreciate it if you didn’t engage Mirnam in any way whatsoever. She is a snake and is here for her own purposes. You should never forget that. Mirnam always has her own agenda. Always.”

  His handsome face was marred with a frown, a wrinkle in his brow. It wasn’t enough to distract Kara from the hard, gorgeous lines of his body, though.

  There was something about the way he talked about Mirnam that reminded her of how the woman’s hands had lingered on his body, and Kara couldn’t stand knowing that her first instinct had been correct. The woman, this Mirnam, had touched him many times. Had had ownership over his body. Rights to it.

  Rights that, even though Kara had given herself to him, she still didn’t have. She didn’t want him to know how disturbing she found that thought.

  “Fine.” She was willing to say whatever he needed to hear to get him out of her room. She didn’t think she could stand having him close to her another moment, her innards in a total tailspin. “I would appreciate it if you would leave me, now. I would rather be alone.”

  Out of places to go, she stood up from where she sat on the lone chair in the room and made her way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, sliding the latch into place and taking great satisfaction in being alone.

  Mirnam wasn’t new to this kind of negotiation play. The Warlord had told her to come and retrieve the girl, through whatever means were necessary. She had no qualms about using all the means available to her.

  She certainly didn’t appreciate how much upheaval this new human was bringing with her; as though she were so much more beautiful and worthy than anyone else who might be around.

  Even if that irked her, she knew she would be able to acquire her. Arthos had been more difficult to entice than she had anticipated, but in the long run, that wouldn’t matter. She would just approach it from another angle.

  From Kara’s angle.

  She had watched Arthos go into the guest room. She knew it well. She had lain in that bed. She had offered her body to Arthos there. As well as in his room. In his study. In the hall. Wherever she could, and he had provided her with his touch without any hesitation.

  It was obviously where Kara was now, and it stung to know Kara was sliding between the same sheets she had, opening her legs for the hybrid Mirnam had considered hers.

  Mirnam was not good at sharing.

  She waited until the door closed. Until she heard Arthos head down the hall and away from where she stood in the open door of his room, and then she stepped back out and toward the guest room.

  Arthos was on the intercom almost immediately. He was calling in backups. All kinds.

  The woman he had for maintaining the house was coming. That would serve as an additional buffer between Kara and Mirnam, give Arthos another set of eyes.

  Then, he was calling the Warlord.

  He answered immediately, his face filling the empty space on the wall, his wicked teeth gleaming in something that could only be described as a smile.

  “How kind of you to call,” he clicked in his native tongue.

  Arthos narrowed his eyes. “You’re liaison is unwelcome here. You must call her off.”

  While he knew the native language — knew it well — he refused to indulge the Warlord and continued to speak in English.

  “I have said it before and it remains the case: the woman will not be made to breed you and she will not return to your possession. She is mine.”

  The Warlord narrowed his reptilian eyes. “I will give you some time to weigh your options,” he clicked.

  “There is no weighing,” Arthos nearly shouted.

  “That is the final decision. You will call off Mirnam and she will return to you. You will forget that you ever took this human against her will and she will remain here with me and my property. She will not be touched or harmed. Or so help me,” Arthos got in close to the camera, every line in his face lit with anger.

  “I will kill you and not think twice about it. If that throws your pitiful excuse for a people into civil unrest, that will not be my problem and will be your only legacy.”

  He hung up; certain he needed to get off the phone before he did something that would cause an irreparable chasm in their relationship. Neither one of their people could afford the civil combustion that would result if they had a complete collapse.


  Kara chewed on her lip. She’d tried not to imagine what might have happened after she’d returned to her room. If Arthos had led that woman up to the room, Kara still hadn’t been invited in.

  If even now he were naked inside of her. She didn’t want to think about it, but it was impossible not to. What else was she supposed to do with all this free time alone?

  She was contemplating whether or not that woman was the kind who liked to be on top, and whether or not Arthos liked to be behind, when there was a sharp rap on her door.

  It gave her a decent reprieve from wondering about Arthos’ sexual preferences because there was no way he would ever knock on her door. And that left exactly one person who could be on the other side.

  The door was opening before Kara had even crossed the room. Maybe Arthos and his mystery woman had more in common than Kara gave them credit for.

  Up close, she was even more beautiful than she had seemed in the entry. She positively glowed, her eyes large, her mouth full, her body all the things Kara’s wasn’t.

  If there were ever a time to feel down in the dumps about what she’d been given, Kara figured now would be appropriate.

  “Why, hello,” the woman said, openly studying Kara. She felt the urge to shrink back and cover herself, but what little pride she had left refused to let her do so. “
You are just who I’ve come to see.”

  Kara wasn’t sure that actually warranted a response, and so she stayed quiet, unimpressed with how the woman’s eyes flickered over her body, resting on the swell of her breasts and the curve of her hips.

  “You are just his type. No wonder he is so reluctant to let you go.” She nodded, as if it were all making sense to her. “And of course, he is quite satisfactory in bed. I am sure you are a little reluctant to let him go as well.”

  Kara blushed crimson despite herself.

  The woman leaned in conspiratorially. “He is quite well proportioned.” If she had eyebrows, Kara knew one would be drawn up suggestively. “And plus, he does that thing with his tongue.”

  There was a long pause during which the woman studied Kara’s face. “Oh yes,” she said as a follow up. “I see you know exactly the thing I’m speaking of.”

  Her initial assessment over, the woman took a leisurely stroll around Kara, appreciating her from every angle.

  “Let me put this to you directly,” she said, her voice clipped and unemotional. “I made a grave mistake when I let Arthos go, and now I will have him back. Unfortunately, you are preventing me from having him as I wish.”

  Her mouth pulled down into a frown. “You should know Arthos does not keep his play things long. When he is finished with you, he will send you out into the streets to make your way with the other hybrids that are not beautiful enough to be allowed into the Warlord’s city.

  Worse, he might just give you back to the Warlord. And trust me, if you enjoy what Arthos does to your body, you will not like what the Warlord has in store for you.”

  She let her eyes travel up and down Kara’s body one last time. “You would probably make a decent breeder though. Good hips.” She shook her head.

  “At any rate, I have a proposition for you. I know where your shuttle is located and I can return you safely to it. I will give you whatever you need to go back to Earth. I will solve your problem and you will solve mine. Like I said, you could choose to stay here, but you should know you will not be welcome much longer. And in the end, I will have Arthos whether you return home or not.”

  She stopped talking, her offer apparently complete.

  Kara considered her words. She did desperately want to go home. She missed so many things about Earth, and even when Arthos was doing everything right, she wasn’t sure it was enough to make up for the overwhelming homesickness.

  She had mentioned Earth and Kara’s heartbeat had quickened. The lover she was desperate to get back to.

  Kara knew she had no choice but to accept the woman’s terms, and she was nodding even before she’d come to terms with the fact that she was planning on saying yes.

  “Very well, then. I will leave tomorrow morning at daybreak. And you will accompany me.”

  She was gone almost as quickly as she had come and Kara was left alone in the room, wondering exactly what she and Arthos would be doing to occupy the time between now and then.


  Kara slept very little. She was awake when she heard the footsteps outside her door, and she opened it before the woman could knock or let herself in.

  “The time is now,” she said confidently. “My pod is just outside.” They hurried down the stairs and toward the door, and Kara tried to push away thoughts on how, exactly, she knew the time was right, and where Arthos was that they could so easily slip out beyond the cameras and to the outdoors.

  Pod travel was almost becoming old hat to Kara. When the door opened she slipped inside, she was ready for the little jerk and pull as the craft moved forward, nothing but air between it and the ground.

  Home. It was like a shining beacon of hope. Kara wished returning would somehow erase everything she’d experienced on Ubi-7z, even if that did include how Arthos had made her feel with his touch, how his mouth had felt on hers.

  She would have preferred to keep those memories. Unless, of course, keeping them meant she would never be happy when she returned home.

  She worried briefly that maybe she was making a mistake. What if leaving Arthos and this place wasn’t the answer at all?

  She bit her lip and realized the skin there was tender, abused.

  She had had too much time to consider the good and the bad, and now home was within her grasp. She had to take it; there was no other option.

  Mirnam navigated the pod expertly, and for the first time Kara was able to look out at the scenery as it flew by. They swept over plenty of desert space, but Kara was surprised to see there were also pockets of green, tall trees reaching up to provide shade.

  She wished for just a moment she’d been able to more fully explore Ubi-7z. She would be going home with only a partial information sketch. It gouged a little to know she would be returning with an incomplete mission. But she also knew she had more than earned the early departure.

  Kara waited eagerly for the signs of her shuttle. She kept thinking the next landmark they passed might jog her memory, might indicate they were finally returning to her spacecraft.

  But it never came.

  What she did see, she recognized immediately. The high, arching metal walls. The guarded exits. The hostile exterior.

  Mirnam hadn’t returned her to her aircraft at all; she’d dragged her back to the Warlord.

  Chapter Six

  It was the worst kind of deja vu. Kara was naked, again, the gentle, efficient ministrations of the female aliens preparing her for another less-than-romantic interlude with the Warlord.

  If Arthos came for her this time, she vowed, she would forego any interest in returning to Earth. She could take a hint. Eventually.

  That was a big if. Now Kara had willingly left him twice. Why would he think this time would be any different? She couldn’t expect that he would keep coming back for someone who so clearly didn’t want to be with him.

  She chewed on her raw lip, taking a moment to remember how he had felt when he’d slid between her thighs, when he had put his mouth on her. If she was going to have to produce and heir for the Warlord, she was going to be reliving that experience again and again.

  When they came for her again, it was with much less pomp, and there was an underlying urgency to the whole spectacle. Kara wondered what had changed so dramatically, but instead of being lead to an auditorium filled with people, she was brought to the Warlord’s private chambers.

  There was something disturbingly final about the way the doors had closed behind her, the aliens who’d prepped and escorted her gone, leaving her alone in the chamber with the Warlord.

  “You’ve come.” He said it in a way that suggested she’d had a choice in the matter, but they both knew that wasn’t true. Sort of, Kara corrected. She had made the choice; she just hadn’t realized this is where it would lead her.

  He was already reaching for himself, fondling his erection through his clothing. She didn’t want to know what it looked like. If he was humanoid, like Arthos had been, or if it would be something disturbingly alien, unfit to be inside of her.

  “You may undress.”

  She stared at him, trying not to watch the way he was stroking himself. Did he actually believe she was going to willingly undress for him?

  When she didn’t move quickly enough, he crossed the room to her, which had her thinking she would have taken off the clothes if she’d thought that would have kept him away from her. Either way, it was too late now.

  He reached up and flicked one of the shoulder straps loose, taking the end of the material draping her and unwinding it in a perverse burlesques display.

  He grunted as he dropped the fabric away from her body and took his free hand to cup her breast. Already, his breathing was ragged, his face contorted by his pleasure.

  A shiver of dread and revulsion went through her. It seemed extra cruel to know that she had been here before, that she’d thought she had escaped from it, only to be back here again, no savior coming for her in the eleventh hour.

  In a desperate attem
pt to prevent the inevitable, she screwed up the courage to speak, looking up at him from beneath her lashes.

  “Is there anything I should do for you,” she took a deep breath, “Warlord?”

  She wanted to suggest any number of things she might do to prevent him being inside of her. She was willing to choose a lesser evil.

  He groaned at her words and reached out for her hand, pulling it down toward his crotch.

  She bit down hard on her lower lip and reminded herself that she could do this if it meant she could avoid the sex. At least for a little while longer. Just in case…

  She couldn’t even finish the thought. She was certain there would be no ‘in case.’ She would just put him off as long as possible and in the end, she would probably end up beneath him while he used her for his own purposes.

  Kara blinked hard. She was going to have to stop if she wanted to keep herself together. She couldn’t keep thinking about Arthos and how he had been with her and whether or not he was going to be back for her beca—

  A loud, urgent beeping interrupted her thought, and the Warlord dropped her hand just before it was set to cradle his cock. He growled a loud, frustrated sound and turned away from him.

  “What is it?” he barked, as the alarm continued to sound.

  A voice piped into the room, clicking rapidly, and then the Warlord was clicking back, striding for the door, and swinging it open and rushing out into the hallway.

  And Kara was alone in the room. Catching the door before it latched, because heave forbid that happen and she not be able to open it from the inside, Kara poked out into the hallway.

  She wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Curiosity built inside her and she wondered if maybe Arthos had come back for her after all, but she couldn’t wait around for him to see.

  Kara was moving into the hallway before fear could get a grip on her, running as quickly as she could down the twisted passages, pressed up against the walls, slipping into whatever doorways were available, eats straining for any sign that someone might be coming for her.


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