The Bonus
Page 10
Lacey rolled her eyes. “Why don't you carry a digital recorder with you?”
“Lulu could read my handwriting.”
“She'd had twenty years of practice.”
“Stop moaning and make me a coffee.”
“Who do you think I am? Your personal assistant?”
She walked over to the coffee machine and poured two coffees.
“Maybe you should check on Todd,” he said when she handed him the drink.
Shit! With all the Karen Montgomery stuff, she'd forgotten to tell him about her phone call to Suzy.
“He's gone out.”
“I don't know. I called Suzy after I'd left Karen. She said they were going out, but she wouldn't tell me where.”
“Why didn't you tell me earlier?”
“Sorry. I forgot. I was too busy being pissed off at you about Karen Montgomery.”
“Is Suzy the responsible type?”
“Define responsible.”
“Is she sensible? Would you trust her not to do anything stupid?”
“They'll be all right.” Lacey was trying to convince herself as well as Raw.
“Carol said she might call in later to check on Todd. Whatever you do, don't say you don't know where he is. She'll worry herself silly. Tell her he's in the flat.”
“You're asking me to lie.”
“I'm telling you to. I'm your boss. Remember?”
“Okay, I'll lie. You seem to spend a lot of time trying to protect your brother and sister.”
“I guess I do. It's partially guilt, I suppose.”
“What do you have to feel guilty about?”
“When we were young, dad spent much more time with me than with Carol or Todd. They always said I was his favourite. I feel like I have to make it up to them. Don't all eldest children feel responsible for their younger siblings?”
“Don't ask me. I'm an only child.”
“How is your relationship with your parents?”
“Dad died when I was just a toddler. I don't remember him—except from photographs. Me and Mum used to get on really well. We were like best friends.”
“Used to?”
“She married again when I was fourteen. To Tom.”
“You don't like him?”
“I hate him.”
Raw studied her face. “You don't mean—. He didn't—”
“No. Nothing like that. I don't suppose he did anything wrong really—except love Mum. It used to be just her and me. We were as close as two people could be, and then suddenly there were three of us. Mum had to divide her time and love between Tom and me.”
“You were jealous?”
“I suppose I was. It was never the same after that. We just drifted further apart.”
“Do you see her often now?”
“Not really. Not since university. It's my fault—I know it is. I can be a stubborn cow when I want to be.”
“Really? That does surprise me.”
“Hey.” She thumped his arm. “You're not meant to agree.”
The lift doors opened and Carol appeared. Raw shot Lacey a look which she interpreted as 'say nothing'.
“It's bloody horrible out there.” Carol was trying to do something with her windswept hair. “I wouldn't say no to a coffee.”
Lacey made her way over to the coffee machine. “How do you take it?”
“Black, no sugar please. Raw, have you checked in with Todd? I don't have a number for him.”
“He's fine,” Raw said. “Sit down and relax.”
“I'm not sure how I'm meant to relax with that idiot of a brother.” She took the coffee from Lacey. “Thanks.”
“I'll go next door, and leave you two to talk,” Lacey offered.
“There's no need,” Carol said. “Isn't he staying at your flat?”
“Have you spoken to him today?”
“I've spoken to Suzy—my flatmate.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” Lacey forced a smile. “Everything's fine.”
Raw could see Lacey's fingers were crossed behind her back.
“Thank goodness for that.” Carol took a sip of coffee “What are we going to do about him, Raw?”
“There's nothing we can do. You know Todd. He'll do what the hell he likes regardless of what we think or say.”
“He's going to give me a nervous breakdown.”
“Relax Carol. It's all under control.”
Raw and Lacey exchanged a glance.
The land-line rang. Lacey snatched up the receiver—glad for the distraction.
“Lacey Simpson. Who shall I say is calling? Just a second please.” She put her hand over the mouth-piece. “It's Jim Lambert. He says it's urgent.”
Raw took the phone from her. “Jim? Okay, I'll be over in twenty.”
“You're not going anywhere,” Carol said. “We need to talk about Todd.”
“Sorry, this can't wait,” Raw said. “I have to get over there. Lacey, if I'm not back by six, you can shoot off home.”
“So, how are you getting on?” Carol asked when she and Lacey were alone.
“Okay so far. I wish I could read your brother's handwriting though.”
“Good luck with that. I never could. This must be something of a change for you?”
Warning bells sounded in Lacey's head. Had Carol been sent on a seek and destroy mission by her friend Karen Montgomery.
“Different from serving pizzas you mean?”
“I suppose so, but if Raw thinks you can do the job, then you'll be okay. He's a good judge of character. I wish I was—I might not have wasted my time on so many losers. There is one thing I think I should warn you about though.”
Now, Lacey was intrigued. Was Carol about to share a dark secret about her brother?
“You might find the head of HR is gunning for you. Karen Montgomery. I don't know if you've met her yet. She's an old friend of mine, but between you and me, she can be a little over-bearing. A bit pushy. She's always had a thing about Raw, but he's never liked her. She still carries a torch for him, so she might try to give you a hard time. If she does, take no notice. If she comes on too strong, let me know. I'll have words.”
“Right. Thanks for the advice.”
Carol stayed for almost an hour. Lacey was surprised at her openness with someone she barely knew. Carol talked about her brothers, and in particular, how different they were from one another. As a kid, Carol had felt that she and Todd had had to fight for their father's attention. They'd both resented Raw for being their father's favourite. She'd since realised that hadn't been the case, and that her father had simply spent more time with Raw so he could groom him to take over the business. According to Carol, Todd still didn't see it that way. Carol must have felt comfortable in Lacey's company because she went on to bemoan her love life—or at least, the lack of it. Lacey had no advice to offer there—they were in the same boat.
By six thirty, Lacey was ready to go home. She hoped Suzy and Todd would be there when she got back, but she wasn't optimistic. Suzy still wasn't taking her calls.
The lift doors opened.
“Good. I'm glad I caught you,” Raw said.
“I was just on my way out.”
“Sorry. I need you to compile some figures for me.”
“I'm afraid so. Can you order food? It might be a late night.”
Lacey hung up her coat. It wasn't as if she had anything to rush home for.
“What do you want?”
“Pizza.” Raw grinned.
“Seriously? Again? You're a millionaire. You can't eat pizza all the time.”
“Why not. I like it. You can order yourself something from room service if you like.”
“No. Pizza's fine.” She made a call. “Carlos? Hey guess who this is.”
It was almost ten o' clock by t
he time they called it a day. Lacey had been compiling figures on a chain of budget hotels which was reportedly in financial difficulties. She'd never done anything like that before, but it was pretty straightforward once Raw had explained exactly what he needed.
“I'd better get off,” Lacey said, when she'd finished.
“Hang on a minute. What do you have planned for the weekend?”
With everything that had happened, she'd almost forgotten it was Friday. “Wash my hair. Do the laundry. All the usual exciting stuff.”
“Why don't you come away for the weekend with me?”
“What? Like a date?”
“No, thanks. Goodnight.”
“Wait! Why not?”
“Because you're my employer. I'm your employee. Employers and employees do not date.”
“Are you afraid you'll lose your bonus? Don't you think you'll be able to resist the temptation to sleep with me?”
“That would be so very easy to resist,” she lied. “Goodnight.”
The lights were on in the flat when Lacey got back.
There was no sign of her flatmate in the living room or kitchen.
Had the silly mare gone out and left the lights on? When Lacey had been trying to survive on minimum wage, it used to drive her insane to see such waste. Even though money was no longer an issue it still annoyed Lacey. She was about to switch on the TV when she heard it. Lacey looked over at Suzy’s bedroom door. And listened.
“You can't be serious,” she said to herself.
It wasn't the first time Lacey had heard Suzy's cries of passion. After a few minutes, the cries became louder, and Lacey knew that at any moment...
“Fuck! Yes! Yes! Fuuuucckkk! yeeesss!”
Suzy always came with a bang.
Lacey had lost count of the number of times she'd been forced to listen to Suzy screwing. Night time, day time—Suzy wasn't fussy.
Steve must have come over or maybe Daggers was here again. Wait a second! Where was Todd? Oh no—it couldn't be. She wouldn't have—would she?
Lacey jumped up from the sofa, and pushed open Suzy's bedroom door.
“Hey. What's up with knocking?” Suzy said.
“Hey sweet pie.” Todd grinned. “You want to make it a threesome?”
Suzy slapped him on the chest. “Aren't I enough woman for you?”
“Course you are honey.” They began to chew each others lips off.
“Great! Bloody great!” Lacey shouted, as she left the bedroom—slamming the door closed behind her.
Twenty minutes later, Suzy emerged from the bedroom. She was wearing only a tee-shirt which just about covered her butt.
“Shut the door!” Lacey snarled. “I want to talk to you.”
“What's up now?”
“What the hell were you thinking?” Lacey glared at her flatmate.
“Not much thinking going on to be truthful.”
“You were meant to be looking after him.”
“Reckon he'd say I'd done that just fine.”
“What about Steve?”
“I'm seeing him tomorrow.”
“You can't treat Steve like that. He's a nice guy.”
“I know, but he's crap in bed.”
“What about Daggers?”
“He doesn't count.”
“Of course not.”
“Todd's really something.” Suzy smiled. “I'm telling you. Really something.”
“I don't want to know.”
“Have you shagged his brother yet? If it runs in the family, you're in for a treat.”
“No I haven't. And I don't intend to. I just work for him. This isn't about me. I trusted you Suzy.”
“I'm sorry. Okay?” Suzy tried, but failed to look even a little remorseful. How about you and Todd come out with me and Steve tomorrow? We can all have lunch together. You can say Todd is with you.”
“You want me to pretend that the guy you're fucking behind Steve's back is my boyfriend?”
“You're sick—you know that don't you? You need help.”
“So, will you do it?”
Lacey couldn't find the words.
“Honey!” Todd called from the bedroom. “Come back to bed. I've got a hard-on with your name on it.”
Suzy grinned. “Sounds like I'm needed next door.”
There were times when Lacey could have gleefully strangled her flatmate.
Fuck it! She wasn't going to let them spoil her weekend. She had two whole lazy days in front of her, which suited very nicely thank you very much.
Her Iphone rang. Lacey sighed. What now?
“Hi.” She did her best to sound bright and breezy.
“Something has come up. I have to fly to France in the morning. I'll need you to be at the penthouse at nine.”
“You want me to go with you?”
“Yes. We'll probably be away all weekend. Pack an overnight bag. I'll see you tomorrow.”
What was that all about? Was it really a business trip? It was all a little convenient wasn't it? She'd turned down his offer of a date, and suddenly he had to fly to France on business and take her with him. He must think she was stupid—he was so transparent. Still, a weekend in Paris would be nice. He probably thought she'd be so impressed she'd fall into bed with him. If so, he was going to be mightily disappointed.
Later that evening, Suzy knocked on Lacey's bedroom door.
“Go away!”
Suzy let herself in.
“Which part of go away didn't you understand?”
“Don't be mad at me, babes. It's only a bit of fun. You aren't going to tell Steve are you?”
“I should.”
“Okay. I won't say anything, but you need to get this sorted.”
“I know. I will. How about me and you go shopping tomorrow? Just the two of us?”
“I can't. I'm going to France.”
“With Raw?”
“Hmmm. Very nice.”
“It's a business trip.”
“Yeah. And I'm a virgin.”
“It's strictly business.”
“Keep telling yourself that. When he's on his knees, with his face between your thighs, just keep telling yourself it's only business.”
Chapter 15
“How's Todd?” It was the first thing Raw said when she arrived at the penthouse the next morning.
Over night, she'd debated whether she should tell him about Todd and Suzy. He was bound to find out sooner or later because neither of them were what you would call discreet.
“He and Suzy were fucking most of last night.” That came out much blunter than she'd planned.
“Your flatmate?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“It's hardly your fault.” Raw grinned. “Todd will fuck anything with a pulse.”
“Suzy's not quite so fussy.”
“Has she got a boyfriend?”
“Two. Three if you count Todd”
“It's not as bad as it sounds.” Why Lacey felt the need to speak up for her flatmate, she had no idea. “She's just—”
“A nymphomaniac?”
“Heaven help her with Todd then. He's the most confusing person I know. I've never understood him.”
“Sounds like they'll make the perfect pair.”
“Should we say anything to Carol about Todd and Suzy?” Lacey asked.
“Hell no—she'd have a heart attack. Are you all set?”
Lacey held up the small case she'd packed earlier that morning. “Ready to roll.”
“We'll take my car to the airport.”
“Are you going to do this every time we fly?” Raw asked.
“Tear holes in the armrests with your fingers?”
told you. I don't like flying.” Lacey screwed her eyes tight closed as the jet completed its take-off.
“Why wouldn't you come out on a date with me?”
“Do we really have to do this now?”
“Talking will take your mind off the fact we're forty thousand feet in the air.”
“That's not helping.”
“That's about seven miles.”
“Not funny.”
“We could always talk about something else. Let me think. I know. Why wouldn't you come out on a date with me?”
“I don't fancy you. You aren't my type.”
“That's a lie. I've seen the way you look at me.”
“Can you hear yourself? I've never looked at you—like—like anything.”
“You're in denial.”
“And you're insane.”
She'd never met anyone so infuriating. Was he really this sure of himself or was it all an act for her benefit? She'd show him who was boss this weekend. She wasn't stupid. She knew this charade was his way of getting her alone. He might think he was irresistible, but she was about to prove him wrong.
“Where are we staying in Paris?” Lacey asked.
“Who said anything about Paris?”
“I just assumed.”
“We're going to my villa.”
“You have a villa?”
“It's in Cannes. On the French Riviera.”
Now she was absolutely sure this was a ploy. Who did business from a villa in Cannes? Still, two days on the French Riviera wasn't to be sneezed at. This weekend was looking better and better all the time. Her non-existent tan could do with a top-up.
“Holy shit! Do you actually own this place?”
“Do you like it?”
If she owned a place like this, she'd never leave it. Why would anyone choose to live in the Commodore when they had somewhere as beautiful as this? Ten minutes from the airport, the imposing white villa was perched on a hillside overlooking the sea. In front of the villa was a huge terrace and the most enormous swimming pool Lacey had ever seen.