Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion)

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Vnor (Aliens Of Xeion) Page 8

by Maia Starr

  “Good. It’s a plan. I just thought you should know that K6R is not coming for us personally,” I said.

  “No, but K8L might if he feels that he needs vengeance. Even though they do not get along and you probably just gave him reign over his brother’s fortress and land,” Nippara said.

  Nippara continued, “I’m glad the bastard is dead, but there will definitely be repercussions. Did anyone see you do it?”

  “I don’t know. I did it so fast, and then I grabbed Bridget and carried her away to the ship. I didn’t bother to stay around. There was a lot of chaos.”

  “Alright. Well, let’s act like none of that happened. See to the females, and we will stay here and keep the farmers company for now. I have to say, you are the bravest Kynon I have ever met.”

  “And you are the most loyal and honorable Lana I have ever met,” I said.

  “Let’s get to work,” he said.

  He opened the door, and we continued to do the work. We loaded food and water and medical supplies onto the wagon as well as blankets and some hooded cloaks. We took the wagon, pulling and pushing it all the way across to the houses. I found Bridget sitting in the doorway of the house I left her in. She was looking out onto the landscape, peaceful and happy.

  Chapter 15

  Bridget Thomas

  He kissed me on the forehead. I was expecting him to pull me into his arms and kiss me deeply, but he gently kissed me on the forehead like a little girl. I didn't know what to make of that. For now, I would just have to deal with it because there was a lot to do.

  I knocked on the door of the washroom. “Gloria, are you alright in there?” I shouted checking on her.

  “I am. No need to check on me,” she said. I heard the splash of bathwater. I was glad that she was able to take a bath. I was excited to soak in a tub when it came to my chance as well.

  I walked around the small farmhouse. There was one bedroom on one side of the washroom. It had a very long bed, wide enough for two. There was no a window. I walked out and walked in front of the door of the washroom, still hearing the splash. I walked into the other room; it was identical to the other bedroom: a bed and no windows. At least it was secure. I thought that Gloria might feel a little uncomfortable sleeping in a room with a window. At least she would be able to lock the door and feel secure. Then I thought, what if she wanted to sleep with me? I wanted to sleep with Vnor, and of course, she would not understand that. I guessed for the first night I could sacrifice not sleeping next to him and sleep next to her. Plus, she didn't know what was going on between the blue alien and me; neither did I. The last time we slept together, we didn't have sex anyway.

  I sat down on the bed and tested it. It was very soft. I looked at the door; there were locks. It was perfect. I walked back out into the sitting area and looked around. I was surprised to find that there was already food in the cupboards. They were obviously always ready for travelers to stop by. The elder Lana seemed trustworthy. The farm was like a vineyard, only it was very flat, and I don't think they were growing grapes. They were growing vegetables that I had never seen before but probably had already eaten since I had been eating a lot of alien cuisine. I grabbed a chair and moved it to the doorway. I wanted to look out, and since the windows were very small, I wanted some fresh air. But I didn't think it was safe for me to sit out in front of the house; Vnor would probably be pissed if I exposed myself that way. So I sat inside the doorway looking out. I was glad to be in a place that sell talked less dangerous than the village. I needed some release. I was also glad to have Gloria. I would finally have another human to talk to. I was glad that we had found her to and saved her from her nightmare.

  The door of the washroom opened. She peeked out of the crack in the door.

  “It's alright; it's just me,” I said.

  She walked out with a large cloth wrapped around her.

  “I guess they really don't have towels on this alien planet,” she said.

  “Not that I have seen. Are you hungry? I found some fresh food,” I said getting up from the chair.

  “Yes, famished,” she said, sitting down. She dried her wet hair with another cloth. “My clothes are very dirty,” she said.

  “Yes, so are mine. Maybe we can throw them in the tub later,” I said.

  “Good idea,” she said.

  “Here. I have had this before. It is delicious, and this is bread,” I said putting some fresh fruit and vegetables in front of her with a loaf of bread. She dug in while I poured us some water.

  “Jackpot,” I said.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You are going to love this. It is just like wine,” I said pouring two cups.

  “Yes. I like the way it sounds already. I just want to eat, and drink, and pass out,” she said.

  “The rooms are very secure. They don’t have windows, just a bed, and you lock the door from inside,” I said.

  “That is a relief. I will definitely sleep well without a window to worry about,” she said.

  She drank the wine and ate the food really fast. I could tell from her slouched posture that she was very tired. I was sure that the hot bath also relaxed her. As well as my company; not being alone was helpful.

  “Do you trust them? They haven't been mean to you,” she said.

  “What? Who? The aliens that brought us here? Yes, I trust them. They have both saved my life more than once. They are very kind. I am lucky that they found me. Actually it was the lieutenant, the blue one, that I found first after I crashed. I walked and found him nearby. Then we've been through all kinds of crap together. We met the other one later on, and he helped us and saved us. I trust them. You can too. They only mean the best for us and they will protect us while we rest,” I said.

  “Good, that is what I needed to hear. I hate to cut this conversation short, and I want to know all about it tomorrow. But for now, I can barely keep my eyes open. Do you mind if I go ahead and go to sleep?”

  “Of course I do not mind. Go ahead. Pick a room. I will be here in this house anytime you wake up. I doubt that they will let me venture far on this farm. I will be in the other bedroom or in this sitting room. Now go: rest and know that you are safe,” I said.

  She got up and gave me a big hug. “I am so glad that you found me. I feel so much better already.” Then she walked into one of the bedrooms. I heard the door lock and the squeak of the mattress. I smiled. I felt good that she was happy and relaxed and was getting rest. I had been very fortunate to be with Vnor and to be well fed and protected.

  I sat down once again in the doorway; I watched as the sun was starting to get lower on the horizon. Soon it would be setting. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, and Vnor and Nippara appeared with a wagon full of supplies.

  “You look happy,” he said. I stood up and walked over to the wagon and picked up a box. I started to help them unload stuff into the house.

  “I happy. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful sunset and we are out of danger. I can relax,” I said.

  “Good, and your friend?”

  “She is already asleep. She was very tired, the poor thing. She took a bath and ate and had some of the wine, and now she's completely out,” I said.

  “You can relax too. We are just unloading this, and then we will be done,” he said.

  “I can help. I feel a bit restless and useless anyway. There is also food already in the house,” I said.

  “Yes, the Lana are welcoming like that,” Nippara said.

  “You will thank them for us?” I asked.

  “Yes, of course,” he said.

  We got the last of the supplies and I looked at the hooded cloaks. Maybe Gloria and I could fashion some sort of robes out of them while we washed our clothes, I thought.

  “I am going to return this wagon to the farmers before dark. Then I will be in the other house if you need me… or smoking a pipe on the porch,” he said.

  “Thank you very much, Nippara,” Vnor said.

  Then we went in
side the house and closed the door. We ate a light meal and drank some of the wine. We sat at the table quietly. It had been a very long trip. I looked at him wondering what he was thinking. He smiled at me.

  “You know what I was saying before? I meant it,” he said.

  “What? What did you say before?” I asked wondering if he was heading toward the subject I thought he was heading for.

  “That I care for you deeply, Bridget. The human female,” he said standing up and walking over to me.

  “You do? But you are so wounded and—”

  “I know. I am, and that is not going to change. But Camara is no longer with me. She has been gone a long time, and I think that she would want me to be happy. She would want me to open myself up to the possibility of happiness instead of being shut down in mourning all the time,” he said.

  “I don’t expect you to give up your love for her,” I said.

  “I know. But I want to make room for a new love. I want to make room for loving you,” he said.

  I smiled. Was this real? Was he really saying this? He really wanted to try this?

  “I want to make room too. I want to try. I don't have a choice, alien; you have stolen my heart,” I said.

  He smiled and pulled me into his arms. He kissed me hard and deep. There was so much pent up passion in his kiss. I almost fainted. Finally, he pulled away from me and asked, “How deep of a sleeper do you think your friend is?”

  “I am not sure. But she did drink a lot of the strong drink, and she has not slept for days, so I think she will be sleeping soundly,” I said putting my arms around his neck and getting up on my tiptoes.

  “Good, because we might be very loud,” he said. He picked me up into his arms. I laughed. He carried me into the bedroom and closed the door. He laid me on the bed. But I didn’t want to lay there. I quickly stood up.

  “What are you doing human?” he asked.

  “Take off your clothes,” I ordered.

  “You are very bossy. Are you sure that you are not a soldier?” he said with a smile as he took off his belt, boots, and then peeled off his pants. He stood naked in front of me. His long blue cock was stiff. I wrapped both of my hands around it. He groaned as I did. Then I pushed him on the bed. He sat down. I leaned over and kissed him. Then I kissed his shoulders. They were so strong. His long silver hair draped over them. Then I kissed his blue-skinned abs. He was so damn strong. I kept going lower and lower.

  “Where are you going?” he whispered.

  “You will see,” I said.

  Then I got on my knees in front of him and licked his long member.

  “Fuck,” he moaned.

  “Do you like that?” I asked.

  “Yes, I do. It feels amazing,” he said.

  I licked it up and down again. He moaned again. Then I pushed his cock into my mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath of air and pushed his hands into my hair. He pulled out the ponytail that I wore. He shook my hair loose around my head. I moved my mouth up and down on his cock, sucking on him. He groaned louder and louder.

  I teased him with my tongue. I licked him. I kissed him. I was driving him wild, and it felt good. I liked being in control, but I didn’t want to take him to the brink. I wanted to save him for my own enjoyment as well. I stopped and stood up.

  “Now it’s your turn to take off your clothes,” he whispered. “Before I explode,” he said.

  I laughed. “I think I can do that.” I kicked off my boots and then slowly undressed for him. With each movement, he moaned. I exposed my breasts to him, and he groaned. He reached his hands out to touch my breasts, but I moved back away from him. He was disappointed. Then I pulled my jeans down and pulled them off. I stood there naked in front of the blue Kynon alien.

  “You are so damn beautiful, Bridget,” he whispered.

  “Thank you. So are you,” I said.

  “Now can I touch you before I lose my mind?” he asked.

  “Yes, you may,” I said.

  He stood up, and with a loud groan he picked me up and threw me on the bed. Before I knew it, he was kneeling on the floor with his face between my thighs. He moved so fast, and I wasn’t expecting it. I moaned loudly in delight. He licked my slit up and down with his long blue tongue.

  “Oh god, that feels so good, Vnor. That feels good,” I said. He moved up and down again, over and over, driving me crazy. His mouth was so large, it practically covered my entire center. He sucked on it lightly. I was going crazy. I wiggled on the bed under him as he moved. Then his tongue pressed on my clitoris over and over.

  “I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum. Make me cum, Vnor,” I said.

  Then I exploded into an epic orgasm. I closed my thighs around his face. It felt so sensitive now. I was tingling all over. Then he got up and put me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and pressed his cock against my slit.

  “I’m going to push my fat cock inside of you, human,” he said.

  “Yes, I want you to,” I said.

  Then he pushed forward. He entered me. He pushed deep inside of me, and I opened my thighs wide for him. I grabbed at his silver hair. I scraped at his back. He felt so good. His hips swayed back and forth, pumping against me. His skin slapped against mine. He moved fast and then he slowed down and kissed me. Then he moved fast again, fucking me.

  “I’m going to cum again. I can feel it,” I said.

  Then I exploded before I could finish my thought. An orgasm rocked through me once more. His cock was pushing deep inside of me, setting my entire body on fire. I was yelling so loud I was surprised that Gloria didn’t run into the room thinking I was being killed.

  “I’m going to cum, human,” he groaned. Then his biceps flexed, and his back tensed up. I felt the warm juices flow through me as he released his sticky nectar. I relaxed as he dropped his weight on me. I was in euphoria.

  We both lay there in silence, breathing hard. Then he rolled off of me and laid beside me. I suddenly felt worried. Even though he had mentioned that he wanted to love me, I was scared that he might change his mind. What if he decided the guilt was too much to deal with again?

  I looked over at him. Would he roll over and turn his back to me like before? He was looking at the ceiling and breathing hard. I didn’t want to spoil our afterglow, but I needed to know.

  He turned and looked at me.

  “You are incredible,” he said as he put his hand under my back and pulled me to him. “Come here,” he said.

  I giggled. I felt relief as he pressed his body against mine. He was holding me tightly and enjoying my company.

  “Don’t fall asleep. I just need a few minutes before I am ready to go again,” he whispered to me and kissed me on the shoulder.


  “Yes, again, and possibly again,” he said.

  “Are you not tired? It has been a very long day,” I said.

  “Yes, I am, but I want you more. Once I am done, I will sleep,” he said. He rolled and kissed my breasts. As he kissed my nipples slowly, I found that I was ready to go again. I smiled. This alien really was mine for real now.

  About ten minutes later, we were ready and going at it again. It was longer lasting than the first since we were able to take our time, having gotten the satiation we needed the first time around.

  After the second time, we both fell asleep. He held me in his arms as he slept, and I could feel the difference this time. There was no coldness. He was a different alien, and I was a different human. We both had opened up. I had hated him so much when I first met him. I had hated him for taking me from Earth, but now after everything that had happened, I would not want to change a thing.

  Yes, we had been in crazy danger, and I had terrifying, traumatic experiences with the cyborgs, but it brought me closer to this alien. I knew that I could never ever have an experience like this on Earth. It would be impossible.

  Now I knew so much that my scientific mind almost couldn’t handle it. I was a scientist that now knew that aliens existed.
Not only did I know that they existed, but I was mating with one. I really did hope that I would have the chance to see his home planet. I really did hope that we could make a home there and get out of this danger we were in. For now, I would have to be satisfied with having his arms around me while we slept. It was very sweet and a great way to sleep. I realized that I loved him. I was in love with him deeply. I had been abducted by aliens and hated them for doing it. Yet, now I was in love with one of them.

  I was still feeling this sense of euphoria the next day. I woke up the next morning and stretched out. I was very happy. I looked around realizing how dark it was without windows. Was it morning? I heard some scuffling from the sitting room. I looked over at Vnor; he was still sleeping. I quietly got up from the bed and grabbed a hooded cloak and wrapped it, tying it tight around the front. It was just like a robe. I quietly unlocked the door and slipped out.


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