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The Diary of Anna’s Submission

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  So, I turned the car around and drove back to the cabin. The truck was still there, and when I turned off the car I sat there for a moment, listening to myself breathe and thinking about every possible outcome. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I got out of the car and made my way toward the front door. When I opened it, he was waiting for me on the other side, as if he had been expecting my return. His smile was broad when I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. I took a deep, steadying breath.

  “Oh Anna, sweet and innocent, Anna. I knew from the moment I saw you that you’d be exactly what I have been searching for.”

  Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? I took another step forward until I was standing toe-to-toe with him. I flicked my gaze over his broad chest, noted the slow, steady rise and fall of it, and realized how anxious I was compared to him. His fingers brushed against my cheek but I didn’t flinch or move away. My pulse raced quicker, but I had decided to surrender to him, chose to participate in what he would teach me.

  “How did you find me?” There were so many things I wanted to know, wanted to ask.

  “When I saw you at the club I knew I couldn’t stop until I felt you submit to me completely. I learned about you, what you wanted, needed. It wasn’t that hard, not when you are so expressive with your emotions.” He lifted his hand and ran it down the length of my arm. “This is my cabin, Anna, my retreat from the world. I am the one that offered you solitude, an escape from the chaos around you.”

  My mouth fell open and I felt my eyes grow wide at his admission. It was he who had left the flyer in my mailbox. I looked around, suddenly realizing I had been sleeping in his bed this whole time, being surrounded by his things. I felt myself sway from the power of that knowledge.

  “I asked around about you, found out everything I needed to know. You may think you are invisible to the world, but sweet Anna, you are not. Every male I talked to wanted you, desired you. You exude innocence.”

  My lungs felt like they were getting smaller and smaller. Should I be worried that he had searched into my life, asked about me as if I were an obsession? I looked into his face and saw a strange emotion flicker across the hard planes.

  “The things I will show you, give you, will open your eyes, sweetness. I have wanted you since the moment I saw you. When I heard you gasp as I whipped that woman’s ass I could sense the submissive in you. My cock was so hard for you that night, Anna.”

  How had he heard me gasp amongst the sound of leather and flesh that filled the room? I couldn’t help but glance down at his crotch, feeling my face get hot when I saw his erection strain against the material. I licked my dry lips. He used a finger under my chin, lifting my head so I was staring at him again. Felix ran the pad of his finger over my bottom lip, and I resisted the urge to run my tongue over the spot. He leaned in and I held my breath.

  “From this moment on, I am the one in control. You may either call me by my given name, Felix, or you may call me Master.” He stared at me, obviously letting me absorb his words. “There are many rules you must obey, but I am a patient man and will teach you along the way.” He took a step closer and I felt the heat radiate off of him. “Do not confuse patience with leniency.” His hands gripped my upper arms and squeezed gently. “Now tell me, are you wet?”

  His voice dipped deep and low and seemed to caress my clit. I couldn’t help it when I moaned softly. I was soaking, drenched and he hadn’t even touched me, not sexually anyway. I searched his face, no expression he was teasing.

  “Tell me how wet you are, Anna.” His voice was now harder, more demanding, the dominant in him finally coming to the surface. His tone, his stance, everything about him had suddenly shifted, and he no longer seemed like the man that wanted to teach me, show me. Standing before me, his eyes boring into me, his body pressed closer to mine, screamed dominance. He wanted me to submit, to tell him whatever he wanted, give him whatever he needed.

  “Your first lesson is about obedience.” He growled the word.

  Oh God. Just his voice, so husky and deep made me want to whimper in pleasure. He leaned in close so that our lips were now inches apart. I didn’t move, didn’t even breathe for that matter.

  “There is no going back, Anna. You’ve made your decision and now you’re going to understand what it truly means to submit to me.” He pulled back and straightened to his full height. “Walk over to the door and press your back against it. Do not move unless you are given permission to. Is that understood?”

  His gruff words, ordering me, commanding me to do his bidding had my pussy clamping down hard in excitement. Never had anyone spoken to me this way. I had dreamt about it, fantasized about feeling this kind of power directed toward me, and now I was actually living it.

  I did as he asked and felt the chilled wood against my back. He watched me, not moving forward until I was fully pressed against the wood. He walked toward me and ran his finger over my exposed collarbone. His touch was light, yet it filled me with so much heat my face become warm. I flicked my gaze down and saw that the bulge in his pants seemed bigger. When I looked back to his face, he was smirking. His look, everything about him, was darkly erotic.

  “I want you to touch me, Anna.” When I didn’t move he made a tsking noise. “You must learn to obey me, sweet. I am being very lenient because you are so innocent and are new to all of this, but if you continue to be noncompliant I will have to punish you.” The very idea of him punishing me made me shiver. “Place your hand on my cock.”

  I swallowed, not knowing what kind of punishment he would come up with. I reached a shaky hand toward the bulging material and gently stroked my fingers over it. His erection felt like hot stone, so warm and hard that it made every part of my body tingle with awareness. He didn’t make a noise of enjoyment and I worried I was doing something wrong. I pressed my hand more firmly against his cock, rubbing my palm up and down the length of him. He swallowed hard, the first reaction he had given since I had touched him.

  “Unzip my pants.” His voice sounded rougher, and I obeyed without hesitation. I wanted to see what he looked like, wanted to see if his shaft was as big as it felt against my palm.

  I reached my other hand forward and worked the button free and zipper down. I could hear his breathing increase and brought my eyes up. His head was slightly bent and he was staring at me intently. His hands were resting on either side of my head, the feeling of being caged in, heavy within me.

  “Take my cock out, Anna.”

  I dropped my gaze back to his pants. The material fell open on both sides and the muscles of his abdomen flexed. I reached forward and pulled his shirt up an inch more, saw the rippling definition of his abdominal muscles, and felt my knees go weak. He was so masculine and I felt acutely feminine compared to him.

  Reaching my hand down his pants, I realized he wore no underwear. A heady rush slammed into me like a freight train when I finally wrapped my hands around his girth. His cock twitched in my palm, all hard, hot flesh filling my hand.

  “Now stroke me, nice and slow.”

  His simple sentence drove me higher, made me hotter. I was panting by now, so drunk on lust it was hard to focus. I had never touched a man like this before, which embarrassed me now more than anything. What if I didn’t do it right? I knew the simple logistics of it all, but I was so out of my element. I ran my hand up and down his shaft, slow at first, and then increasing my speed the hotter my arousal burned. I stroked him from root to top, feeling him grow thicker, longer. We were both panting now, our breath mingling, our gazes locked.

  “Stop, Anna”

  I couldn’t stop, didn’t want to. I thought he might come right then in my hand, and that very notion had me clenching my thighs together. I wanted to come so badly, wanted to feel him thrust those big fingers into my pussy until I cried out in pleasure.

  I looked into his face, wanting to feel his cum coat my hand, all hot, wet and sticky. As I moved my hand faster over him, his look suddenly changed from abandone
d lust to something darker. Before I knew what was happening, he had me turned around and pressed hard against the door. The sound of ripping fabric penetrated my arousal filled brain, and I realized it was my pants that made that sound. I gasped as the cool air wafted across my exposed thighs. I tried to look behind me, but before I could move an inch, his hand pressed firmly against the nape of my neck.

  “I told you to stop, Anna. You didn’t listen and now you are going to know what it means to be punished by your Master.”

  He panted behind me and palmed the cheeks of my ass. I felt his stiff cock press against me and a sliver of fear passed up my spine. Would he forcibly enter me? The idea was scary but alluring all at the same time. He gripped my waist and pulled me toward him. My ass arched up when he laid his palm to the center of my back and pressed me forward. I only wore a thong, just a slip of lacy fabric that did nothing to hide my pussy or my wetness. The material was soaked through. I could feel the saturated lace rubbing teasingly against the lips of my vagina.

  For several moments he didn’t do anything but hold me in that position, keeping me suspended on the notion of what he might or might not do.

  “Do not move, Anna. Do you understand?”

  I nodded weakly. “I understand.”

  “You understand what?”

  For a second I wracked my brain trying to remember what he was talking about and then it hit me. “I understand, Felix.” He made an unintelligible noise in the back of his throat.

  “My name sounds so good coming from your mouth.” His chest covered my back and his cock pressed between my ass. “I look forward to seeing what other words I can have coming out of your mouth. Please. No. Stop. Harder. Faster.”

  He smoothed his hands up and down my bottom, so soft, so smooth that I found myself moving against him. His words, so lascivious and dirty had me feeling like an animal in heat. I kept telling myself this is what I wanted every time fear started to rear its head. My pussy and clit tingled even though he wasn’t touching them. Soon, those soft, tentative strokes became firmer, harder. I felt the hotness of his hand leave my ass and breathed out heavily. Before I could contemplate what he planned on doing next the sting of his skin against mine had me gasping.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  He continued to paddle my ass with his palm until my flesh felt heated and sensitive. He rubbed the sting away, and then, so slow it drove me wild with need, he slipped my panties down. Curling my fingers against the wood as lust swirled within me, I braced myself when he pushed my legs farther apart and pulled the fabric away from my body. His teeth at the nape of my neck had my skin tightening with sensitivity. He nipped and then licked the slight pain away. His hand slid between our bodies and the feeling of him sliding his fingers against my swollen slit had my toes curling.

  “You’re so wet for me, baby.” He ran small circles on the outside of my labia, teasing me until I was on the verge of screaming for more. “Now why would a virgin shave her pussy? Do you like the way it feels when you touch yourself? Do you like feeling your smooth, slick skin beneath your fingers?” His tongue made a path on the back of my neck, and I closed my eyes in agonizing pleasure. “Is it more sensitive, Anna? Does your pussy throb under your fingers when you masturbate?”

  I didn’t speak, couldn’t as he continued to rub my pussy lips. Everything seemed to be happening so quickly and with so much emotion. I felt overloaded, excited, aroused beyond belief. I gritted my teeth when he smacked my ass again. It hurt, but that pain morphed into something more, something dark and wicked.

  “Tell me you want more, Anna.” His dark whisper had ecstasy swirling within me so fast and hard, I felt faint.

  “I want you, Felix. I want you to touch me,” I whispered, my eyes still closed, my knees shaking.

  “I know you do, baby.” He resumed touching my pussy, stroking me with skilled fingers. He moved his way to my opening and spread my cream around before bringing it to my clit. He ran small, torturous circles around the hard bud, causing me to wither and moan. “I want to hear you say you like touching this silky pussy.”

  I was so close to coming I could feel it at the tips of my toes. Just when I thought I would feel that pleasure wash through me, he removed his fingers for a suspended moment before bringing them back to my pussy.

  “I want to hear you say it, Anna.”

  Swallowing roughly, I licked my dry lips. “I like touching my pussy when it's bare.” He placed his fingers on my cunt again and started rubbing me slowly at first and then increased in speed. I panted, so close to climaxing I felt lightheaded. Just when I was about to come he removed his fingers. He did this over and over again, running his finger up and down my slit, bringing moisture to my clit and rubbing it until I was on the verge of coming. He would always pull away before I completed though, as if he knew the exact moment I was about to come. I felt wave after wave of hazy blindness encompass me, felt like I would pass out from the need to come, from the pleasure he continually gave me but then took away.

  I could have cried, would have if I had the energy. I hadn’t even realized he would torture me like this, teasing me with what I needed. Was this a punishment for my disobedience? It had to be because it was agonizing and intense. I soon found myself begging for relief, but the only answer I got was a soft chuckle and the pleasure and denial all over again.

  When I thought I couldn’t take anymore I felt his hands circle my waist. He spun me around, and I teetered on my feet. Staring up at him with unfocused eyes, I couldn’t think, couldn’t feel anything other than the pounding in my pussy and the way my labia pressed against my too sensitive clit.

  “Put your hands above your head.”

  I obeyed, slowly, not because I wanted him to punish me more, but because my reflexes seemed stunned, paralyzed. He started to unbutton my shirt, one button at a time. I was hyperventilating by this point, so worked up from embarrassment, anxiousness, the unknown. What would he do to me? Would he touch me with soft and tender sweeps of his hand, or hard and rough? So may “what ifs” bounced around in my mind.

  When the last button was undone he stared into my eyes. I licked my lips, feeling tendrils of chilled air brush against my sternum.

  “Arch your back.”

  I did as he said, feeling the edges of my shirt pull apart. He gripped the rest of my shirt, exposing my breasts to his gaze. My cheeks heated with embarrassment. I wasn’t very endowed, my breasts were just a handful in my own palms. I glanced at his hands, so big, so strong. My breasts would hardly fill them. Lifting my hot face toward his, his gaze skimmed over my body, moving along every piece of exposed flesh.

  “I knew you would look like this, so soft, pliant.” He looked at me and I actually saw the desire in his gaze. He pulled the rest of my shirt open and my nipples hardened further. He leaned forward and pressed our lips together. His mouth was firm, yet smooth, and all I wanted to do was move closer to him, mold my body against his like a cat in heat.

  “I think tomorrow the real fun will begin.” He spoke against my mouth, murmuring that one sentence that had my blood pumping through my veins with force.

  Moving his head lower, he ran his lips and tongue over my jawbone, down my neck, shoulder and chest, his hair soft as it teased my skin. I leaned my head back and gasped when I felt his hot, wet mouth suction onto my nipple. He ran his tongue along the outer edge of my areola and the flesh tightened up. Cupping both of my breasts in his hands, he kneaded the flesh until it ached with tenderness. He pressed them together so he could alternate between the nipples, licking, sucking, and nipping. I tried to close my legs, needing to feel some kind of pressure against my clit, but he placed his thigh between them, seeming to know exactly what I was going to do. For ten torturous minutes he abused my nipples, so well that ecstasy was starting to make me delirious. I heard someone talking, realized it was me, begging him to give me relief.

  He reached around and gripped my ass, pulling me forcibly against him so I felt the throb of his nude
cock against the cleft of my pussy. He thrust against me, in just the right spot that I felt myself climbing closer and closer to completion. My moisture coated my inner thighs and I didn’t doubt that liquid covered his thigh. His cock was hard as steel and scorching hot. Every time he pressed into me the root of his shaft would push against my clit and had me biting my lip to hold off my moan. When he finally lifted his head from my breasts and stepped away I groaned in disappointment.

  He slipped his hand at the base of my neck and pulled me close. I sagged against him, resting my head against his powerful chest and panting with unrequited desire. He led us over to the bed and ushered me down on it. My legs gave out and I landed on the edge unceremoniously. When he stepped back and took his shirt off, my heart pounded hard against my ribs. My pussy was soaked, but the very idea of having sex, my very first time, with a man I had just met was almost too much. That of course didn’t stop me from wanting Felix to get me off.

  When he was completely nude, he stood before me, unaffected my how I took in every part of him. His nakedness startled me, not because I had never seen a naked man before, but because the definition of his body, the massiveness of all those bulging muscles was quite intimidating. I lowered my eyes to his cock, feeling them widening slightly as I took in his erection again. It was far larger than anything I had ever seen, ever imagined. It was hard and flushed red, the head shining with a drop of clear liquid formed at the tip. He stalked toward me and leaned forward. I moved back on the bed, his body hovering over mine, his mouth inches from my own. He stayed suspended like that for a moment and then reached forward and drew the covers back. I breathed out nervously and slipped under them.


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