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Renishaw Hall

Page 24

by Desmond Seward

Monck, General 7–8

  Monroe, Marilyn 220

  Montegufoni 120–121, 123, 127, 162, 184, 191, 193, 195–198, 209, 211, 215, 227, 229, 234–235

  Moore, Marianne 219, 220

  Morgan, Charles 203

  Morgan, John Pierpont 127, 128

  Morland, Henry 49

  Morocco 196

  Morrell, Ottoline 186

  Mortimer, Raymond 183

  Morton 37

  Moscow 99

  Mosley, Oswald 186, 194, 201

  Mount Pleasant 47–50

  Naples 115, 117, 134, 164, 166

  Teatro di San Carlo 211

  Nassau, Duchy of 73

  Nation 157

  Nevinson, C. R. W. 176, 218, 248

  New Writing 228

  New York 167, 218–219

  The New York Times 221

  Newcastle 100

  Duke of 54

  Newman, Ernest 165

  Newton, Humphrey 27, 31

  Nice 73

  Nichols, Beverley 188–189

  Nicolson, Harold 147, 208

  Norfolk, Duke of 10

  North Sea 90

  Northampton 20

  Northumberland 50

  Norwich, John Julius 231

  Nottingham 15, 17, 20, 21, 65

  Noyes, Alfred 181

  Nuremberg 98, 110

  Ohio 219

  Olivier, Edith 169, 187–188, 195

  Owen, Wilfred 159

  Oxford 53, 98, 143, 169, 172

  Christ Church 162

  Padula, monastery 163

  Paris 31, 108, 120, 140, 176, 193, 202

  School of 162, 172

  Park Hall 18

  Parke, Alice 53–54, 59–60

  Parkin, William 39

  Partridge, John 66

  Paxton, Joseph 67

  Peak District 2

  Pearl Harbor 207

  Pearson, John 219

  Pepys, Samuel 11

  Perugino 56, 127

  Philips, Captain Ralph 18

  Philips, Charles 35

  Phipps, Samuel 50

  Picasso, Pablo 162, 163, 167, 172, 218

  Piers Court 221

  Piper, John xiii, 166, 173, 206–207, 211–212, 215, 241, 243, 244, 248

  Pitt, Moses 17

  Platt, John 47

  Pleasley 4

  Plumbley Hall 4, 37

  Po, River 196

  Pole, Samuel 23–25

  Poole, Henry 98

  Portland, Duke of 57–58, 69, 239

  Portsmouth 44

  Portugal 202

  Povey Hall 17, 32, 36

  Powell, Anthony xiv, 168, 172, 188, 193, 194, 203, 205

  Prince Regent see Wales, Prince of

  Proctor, Jack 122

  Puglia 116, 163

  Punch 103

  Quennell, Peter 186–189

  Radbourne 23–24

  Re, Vincenzo 211

  Read, Herbert 159

  Reresby, Mary 39

  Restoration 5, 6, 13

  Revel, William 9

  Rhodes, Julian 21

  Richard III 244

  Richmond 81

  Richmond, Sir William Blake 106

  Rome 83, 115, 134, 138, 166

  Villa d’Este 114

  Rootham, Helen 140–141, 149, 164, 186, 202

  Rosebery, Lord 100

  Ross, Robbie 159

  Rothenburg 110

  Rother, River 3, 32, 61

  Rotherham 36, 65

  Rothschild, Baron Élie de 239

  Round, J. H. 111

  Rowntree, Joshua 100

  Rugby 95

  Runciman, Sir Steven 225

  Ruskin, John 78, 134, 177

  Russia 161, 201

  see also Soviet Union

  Ruvo 117

  Sacheverell, Henry 21, 33, 34

  Sacheverell, Jane 24–25, 33, 34, 36, 40

  Sacheverell, Katherine 16

  Sacheverell, Robert 19–21, 23, 24

  ‘Great Sacheverell Case’ 21, 25–26

  Sacheverell, William 15, 19–21, 24, 32

  Sackville-West, Vita 147, 166, 171

  Sala, George Augustus 99

  Salento 117

  Salter, Elizabeth 140, 179, 225, 228

  Sandhurst 143

  Sandringham 125

  Sargent, John Singer 106, 206, 218, 240

  Sassoon, Siegfried xiv, 157–159, 161, 170, 171, 181, 187, 189

  Sassoon, Sir Philip 199

  Scalby 90

  Scarborough 22, 45, 46, 88, 90, 92–94, 100–103, 108, 110, 113, 123, 131, 139, 148, 151, 152, 161, 168

  The Scarborough Post 99

  Scarsdale, Lord 28

  Scotland 5, 22, 29, 44, 73, 80, 83

  Highlands 68, 77, 78

  Second World War 201–212, 241

  Severini, Gino 162, 218

  Seville 9, 11

  Shaftesbury, Lord 78

  Shalford 91

  Shand, Bruce 232

  Shaw, George Bernard 140, 159

  Sheffield 2, 9, 10, 33, 39, 41, 43–45, 47, 48, 50, 62, 73, 124, 137, 185, 203–205, 210, 234, 237, 243

  The Sheffield Iris 62

  Sheffield Telegraph 243

  Sherborne, Lady 55

  Sicily 120

  Sickert, Walter 159

  Siena 120

  Palazzo Buonsignori 90

  Sitwell, Alexandra 235–236, 238–239, 244, 247–248

  Sitwell, Alice 19–20, 32, 78, 79, 85

  Sitwell, Blanche 83, 88

  Sitwell, Campbell (‘Cammy’) 71

  Sitwell, Edith 90, 93, 103, 105, 107–109, 128, 131–137, 139–142, 149, 158, 159, 164–165, 167, 168, 170–172, 179–183, 185–187, 190, 191, 193, 197, 198, 201–209, 212–214, 216–220, 225, 226, 228–230, 233, 240, 243, 245

  as rival of Bloomsbury Group xiii–xiv, 175–182

  caricature of Louisa Lucy Sitwell 79

  feud with David Horner 224

  is made a Dame of the British Empire 218

  on Henry Moat 113

  on Lady Ida Sitwell 101, 155

  painted by John Singer Sargent 106

  seventy-fifth birthday 226

  similarity to Lady Ida Sitwell 202

  Sitwell, Florence 78, 93–95, 178, 225

  Sitwell, Florence Alice 83

  Sitwell, Francis 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 28–36, 39–41, 44, 59–60, 63

  death 36–37

  draft of Defence of our Penal Laws 36

  financial difficulties 60–61

  Sitwell, Francis (attorney) 33–34, 39

  Sitwell, Francis (son of Sacheverell Sitwell) 229

  Sitwell, Francis Hurt 41, 43–51, 53

  Sitwell, George (Mr Justice) 15–26, 47

  Sitwell, George Frederick (brother of Reresby Sitwell) 84

  Sitwell, Sir George xiii, xiv, 1–15, 32, 60, 65–69, 74, 83, 89, 92, 94, 96–103, 105, 107–110, 123–127, 129, 133–137, 138, 143, 145, 147–152, 155, 157, 158, 160, 162, 163, 178, 179, 183–189, 191, 195, 197, 198, 202, 206, 208–209, 216–218, 226, 235, 236, 240–242, 245, 248

  death 210

  iron 4, 8–9, 11, 18

  Italian visit 111–122

  painted by John Singer Sargent 106

  Sitwell, Georgiana 62, 67, 69–75, 178

  Sitwell, John 9–12

  Sitwell, Lady Ida 101–103, 105–110, 127, 128, 134, 135, 136–138, 145, 148–160, 165, 183–184, 186–187, 189, 190, 195, 202, 232

  death 196–198

  drinking 184

  financial problems 144–145

  imprisonment xiii, 154, 184

  trial 152–154

  Sitwell, Louisa Lucy 78–96, 98, 103, 110, 125, 148

  Sitwell, Mary (sister of Reresby Sitwell) 81

  Sitwell, Osbert 5, 56, 62, 73, 77, 103, 120–21, 126, 131–134, 135, 136, 137, 138–148, 151, 152, 154–156, 158–170, 172, 173, 179, 181–183, 185–199, 201–221, 225–235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248

  as rival of
Bloomsbury Group xiii–xiv, 175–182

  caricature of Louisa Lucy Sitwell 79

  homosexuality 150, 185, 205

  in the Army 143, 146, 156–157

  is made a Companion of Honour 218

  nursed by Frank Magro 229

  on Eton College 138

  on Henry Moat 116

  on Lady Ida Sitwell 107, 109–110

  on Lord Londesborough 106

  on Louisa Lucy Sitwell 89, 91, 93, 95

  on Sir George Sitwell 99, 110, 124, 128–129

  overspending 195

  Parkinson’s disease 223–224

  visits Italy with Sir George Sitwell 115

  Sitwell, Penelope 201, 224, 232–240, 242, 245, 248

  Sitwell, Reresby 15, 125, 191, 195–198, 208, 209, 217, 229 231–236, 238–245, 247, 248

  death 244–245

  Eton College 232

  Sitwell, Reresby (brother of Georgiana Sitwell) 74, 77–86, 89

  Sitwell, Robert 4, 9, 10

  Sitwell, Roger 4

  Sitwell, Sacheverell 103, 131, 133, 135, 140–142, 150, 155, 158–160, 162–169, 172, 180–183, 185–187, 193, 195, 197, 198, 207, 209, 210, 216, 217, 219, 224, 225, 227–234, 240, 241, 243, 245

  as rival of Bloomsbury Group xiii–xiv, 175–182

  at Oxford 162

  discovers William Walton 169

  Eton College 155

  in the Army 158

  is made a Companion of Honour 229

  Sitwell, Simon 4

  Sitwell, Sitwell 48, 49, 53–63, 65, 136, 221, 236, 238, 242

  death 61

  gout 61

  Sitwell, Dr Thomas 28, 32

  Sitwell, William 39–41, 43–46

  death 41–42

  Slitting Mill Farm 60

  Smith-Wright, John 65

  Smyth, Ethel 91

  Solimena, Francesco 119, 141

  Solovyov, Vladimir 140

  Soviet Union 207

  see also Russia

  The Spectator 31

  Spender, Stephen 219

  The Sporting Magazine 53

  Squillace 116

  Squire, J. C. 181

  St Petersburg 236

  Stainsborough 47

  Staveley 7

  Netherthorpe Hall 4

  Steel, John 18

  Stein, Gertrude 170, 179

  Stovin, Caroline 60, 65

  Strachey, Lytton 159, 164, 176, 178–181, 230

  Strafford, Earl of see Wentworth, Thomas

  Stratfield Saye 197

  The Sunday Times 165, 216

  Sunnyside 88

  Surrey 91

  Sussex 177

  Sutton Scarsdale 28, 206, 241

  Switzerland 208–209

  Syria 10

  Tait, Archibald 68

  Tait, Campbell, Bishop of London 85, 89, 94, 97, 99, 100, 102, 111

  Tait, Susan 67–68

  Tanganyika 223

  Tchelitchew, Pavel 193, 202, 218, 248

  Teby, Paulina 80

  Tedeschi, Riccardo 118

  Texas 219

  Thames, River 31

  Thomas, Dylan xiv, 214

  Thomas, Francis Inigo 125

  Thomson, ‘Thos’ 29

  The Times 97, 210, 244

  Thrybergh 39

  Torond, Francis 46

  Towndrough, Vincent 29–30

  Trani 118

  Tree, Iris 158

  Trefusis, Violet 147

  Treviso 115

  The True Briton 57

  Turnbull, Peveril 89, 106

  Tuscany 111, 126, 235

  United States 216, 218–220, 226, 242

  Universal Magazine 54

  Varese, Cicogna garden 114

  Veneto 115

  Venice 134, 135, 196, 198, 217

  Morosini palace 118

  Verona 118

  Palazzo Giusti 114

  Vicenza, Palazzo Bonin 115

  Victoria, Queen 66, 68

  Villa Allegra 95

  Villa Bernardini 114

  Virginia 4, 19

  Viterbo, Villa Lante 114

  Wake, Drury 79

  Wake, Sir William 49

  Wales, Prince of 50, 58–59

  Waley, Arthur 190, 205

  Wallace, Nellie 170

  Walton, Henry 49

  Walton, William 162, 164, 169–170, 186–188, 190, 226

  Warneford Place 45

  Warneford, Mary 45–46

  Waugh, Evelyn xiii–xiv, 162, 164, 188, 190, 193, 205, 210–213, 216, 219–224, 228, 230

  Weedon Lois 82

  Welbeck 57

  Wells, H. G. 146, 159

  Wentworth Castle 47

  Wentworth Woodhouse 50, 58, 214

  Wentworth, Thomas 43, 47

  West Indies 4, 9

  West Looe 57

  West Riding 2

  West, Rebecca 167

  Weston 82

  Manor 185

  Weston Hall 79, 217, 237

  Wharncliffe, Earls of 124

  Whistler, Rex xiii, 172, 187, 189, 210, 218, 224, 233, 248, 249

  Whiston 36, 65, 243

  Whitgift Hall 60

  Whitworth, John 30

  Wiesbaden 73

  Wigfall, Henry 2, 4, 5, 54

  Wight, Isle of 139

  Wilberforce, William 58

  William III 18

  and Mary 17, 32, 47

  William IV 69, 90

  William of Orange 17

  Wilmot, Robert 34–35

  Wilson, John Philip 145

  Windsor 74

  Wingerworth 9, 18

  Wood End 90, 92, 93, 101, 103, 113, 131, 145, 149, 151

  Woolf, Virginia xiv, 166, 170–171, 175–183, 193, 205, 247

  Woolton, Lord 210

  Worksop 35

  Wortley Hall 124

  Wyndham-Tennant, Bimbo 161

  Yeats, W. B. 168, 218

  York 34, 44, 45, 58, 89

  Duchess of 199

  Duke of 56

  York Chronicle 41

  Ziegler, Philip 175–176, 216, 238

  First published 2015 by

  Elliott and Thompson Limited

  27 John Street

  London WC1N 2BX

  epub: 978-1-78396-184-9

  MOBI: 978-1-78396-185-6

  Copyright © Desmond Seward 2015

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  Letters by Evelyn Waugh © 2015, The Estate of Laura Waugh. Used by permission.

  Letters by John Piper © 2015, The Piper Estate. Used by permission.

  Extract from Dylan Thomas’s letters © 2015, The Trustees for the Copyright of Dylan Thomas, used with the kind permission of David Higham Associates.

  Picture credits:

  All portraits, paintings and photographs are from the family collection, by kind permission of Mrs Rick Hayward.

  Cover image: The Sitwell Family by J. S. Sargent, M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall.

  Page iii: Renishaw Hall by Rex Whistler

  Plate section 1

  Page 1 (both): M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 2: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 3: Chrysalis Photography; Page 4: Chrysalis Photography; Page 5 (both): Chrysalis Photography; Page 6: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 7: Renishaw Hall; Page 8: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 9: (top) M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall, (bottom) courtesy of the Piper Estate; Page 10: Chrysalis Photography; Page 11 (both): M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 12 (both): Renishaw Hall; Page 13: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 14: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 15: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 16 (both): Renishaw Hall.

  Plate section 2

Page 1: Renishaw Hall; Page 2: Courtesy of the Cecil Beaton Studio Archive at Sotheby’s; Page 3: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 4: (top) courtesy of the Frank Dobson Estate, (bottom) Howard Coster, courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery; Page 5: Chrysalis Photography; Page 6 (all): courtesy of the Piper Estate; Page 7: courtesy of the Piper Estate; Page 8: M. Kennedy/Renishaw Hall; Page 9: (top) courtesy of Penelope, Lady Sitwell, (bottom) Nualla Allason; Page 10: courtesy of Lady O’Neill; Page 11: Chrysalis Photography; Page 12: Chrysalis Photography; Page 13: Chrysalis Photography; Page 14: Chrysalis Photography; Page 15: Renishaw Hall; Page 16: Chrysalis Photography.

  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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