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I Heard It All Before

Page 25

by Chenell Parker

  “Hey, rebound chick,” Asha said as she looked at Demi and laughed.

  “Who the hell is this?” Imani said, pointing to Asha.

  “I’m the mother of the baby that your girl is about to be babysitting,” Asha replied.

  “Girl, this is Cam’s low IQ having baby mama,” Demi replied.

  “Oh okay, the ratchet one who had the fake Gucci baby shower,” Imani said as she and Demi fell out laughing.

  Cam had shown them the pictures and they couldn’t believe what they had seen. Asha was a true bird and her actions kept proving that.

  “You’re laughing, but I bet you wish you were in my shoes,” Asha said while rubbing her belly.

  “In your shoes, how? You mean broke and pregnant by a man who doesn’t want you? Or maybe you mean a label whore who fucked her man’s best friend in his cousin’s house. Either way, I’ll pass on being in your shoes. I’m in the red bottoms and you’re in Timbs,” Demi laughed.

  “Come on Asha,” Kelly said, trying to keep her sister-in-law from any further embarrassment.

  Demi was killing her with words and she didn’t really have a comeback. Asha had downplayed Demi’s looks to her, but the truth was staring Kelly right in the face. Demi was beautiful and shapely, so she was sure that’s what attracted Cam to her. Not to mention the fact that she seemed to have her shit together and her own money too.

  “Tell Cam that we have an appointment for CJ tomorrow. I’ll be dressed and ready at eleven,” Asha smirked.

  “I have his son’s appointments on our monthly calendar honey. Don’t worry, he’ll be there to give you your fifteen minutes of attention that you seem to crave so much. And you might want to price check some of the items in your cart. I would hate for you to max out your pre-paid card,” Demi laughed as she walked away.

  “Bitch,” Asha mumbled, feeling stupid in front of Kelly.

  Demi had one up on her that time, but Asha rarely lost. She was sorry that she didn’t know who she was when her brothers ran up in her house. She would have instructed them to put a bullet in her head if she did. Demi was in the way, and Asha hated that. It was cool though. She was going to make Demi regret the day she ever met Cam. If they thought she was a bitch while she was pregnant, that was nothing compared to how she would be when the baby arrived. Asha hoped that they enjoyed their peace and quiet now because it would soon be coming to an end.

  Chapter 32

  “Ugh! She is so damn disgusting. I can’t even get a second round before I go to work,” Demi complained as she rolled off Cam and got out of the bed.

  He kept his eyes trained on her naked body the entire time, as she walked around the bedroom fussing and gathering her clothes for work. It was way too early for her to leave, but she obviously didn’t care. Courtney called him just about every day and it was starting to be too much. Demi tried to be understanding, but she was over it now.

  “Why did you get up? Come get back in the bed. You know I have to be under you for a while before I have to go deal with Asha’s disgusting ass,” Cam replied.

  Asha had a doctor’s appointment and he was dreading having to deal with her. She always tried to prolong their time together and that got on Cam’s nerves.

  “No, I’m about to get ready for work.” Demi frowned.

  “It’s too damn early for you to get ready for work. And what’s the attitude all about? I asked you if you wanted me to stop her from calling and you said no. It was your decision. You made the call,” Cam reminded her.

  “I tried to be understanding of the friendship that y’all had, but I can’t deal no more. She’s not calling you as a friend, she’s calling as your ex. What could she possibly want aside from some dick? The shit is annoying,” Demi fussed.

  “Cool,” Cam replied in his usually calm attitude that Demi had grown to hate.

  “Cool? What exactly does that mean Camden?” Demi questioned.

  “It’s means I’ll handle it,” Cam replied.

  “See, this nonchalant, I don’t give a fuck attitude is what drives me crazy Camden. You don’t show no kind of emotion,” Demi noted.

  “Come on now Demi, don’t start that shit right now. I said that I would handle it and I will. Stop trying to pick an argument because you know I’m not about to entertain it. Now, bring your bald head ass back to bed,” Cam laughed.

  “No, and I’m not done with this conversation. Do you talk to her when I’m not around?” Demi asked, referring to Courtney.

  “Yeah, sometimes,” Cam replied honestly.

  “See!” Demi yelled. “That’s why the bitch feels comfortable calling you all the time. What do you talk to her about Camden?”

  “Are you serious right now Demi? You’re trying hard to make this out to be something that it’s not. Courtney was my friend long before she was my girlfriend or anything else. So, yes, we do still talk from time to time. Aside from asking how I’m doing since Randy’s suicide and talking about you, we don’t really discuss too much more,” Cam announced.

  “Me? Why are y’all discussing me?” Demi questioned.

  “Because you’re my girlfriend and I like to talk about you. Courtney knows how I feel about you, so she won’t come at me sideways about sex no more,” Cam assured her.

  “Yeah right,” Demi hissed.

  “What’s been up with you and this attitude lately? I don’t like that shit and I need you to fix it,” Cam ordered.

  “I’m sorry baby, but I’m not feeling her calling you no more. How would it look if I was still talking to Kamari? Would you be okay with us being friends?” Demi asked.

  “Point taken Demi. I’ll tell her what’s up, so we can move pass this. Now, come get back in the bed,” Cam answered.

  “The real estate agent said that she has two promising prospects for the house. She said that they both love it and she’s hoping that one of them makes an offer,” Demi said, returning to her normally sweet self. She got back in the bed and snuggled up under Cam.

  “That’s what’s up. How are you gonna handle giving Lo his portion of the money since he’s in jail?” Cam wondered.

  “One of the senior attorneys that’s been helping me said that I didn’t have to give him anything if I didn’t want to, since his name isn’t on the deed. Louisiana is a community property state, but we purchased the house before we got married. We were only engaged at the time. I just can’t do that and have a clear conscience though. I don’t care if it was drug money that he used, he paid all the bills, including the mortgage. I’m gonna hate to do it, but I might have to go visit him to let him know what’s going on. He doesn’t have any family and I can’t put that kind of money on his books,” Demi rambled.

  “Maybe you can keep his portion in a separate account and put some on his books every month,” Cam suggested.

  “Would you be okay with that?” Demi asked as she looked up him.

  “I’m not tripping about that Demi. I ain’t never been no insecure nigga. I know how it feels to be locked up though. The shit is hard either way, but it’s a lot easier when you have money on your books,” Cam acknowledged.

  “Do you think I’m insecure Cam?” Demi asked.

  “Nah, I don’t get that from you,” Cam replied.

  “Do you think Kamari might get out since he’s never been to jail before?” Demi questioned.

  “His lawyer might be able to get him out on bond if they give him one. From what Randy said, Lo was who they really wanted. Since their star informant is dead, they might not have much of a case anymore. I don’t know Demi; you’re the one with the law degree,” Cam laughed.

  “Yeah, but I never know what’s gonna happen when I step inside the courtroom. I be just as nervous as my clients,” Demi admitted.

  She and Cam snuggled and talked until it was time for her to go to work. She never did get her second round, but she was cool with that. She enjoyed their talks and sex didn’t always have to be a part of the equation. Since they lived together, they didn’t go out to breakf
ast much anymore. They usually ate and chilled at home. As soon as he saw Demi off, Cam grabbed his phone and called Courtney.

  “It’s about damn time. Did I do something wrong?” Courtney asked when she answered the phone.

  “Nah, but Demi is in her feelings about us talking. She’s not comfortable with it no more,” Cam said, not beating around the bush with anything.

  “Why? It’s not like when you were with Asha. We’re not sleeping together anymore,” Courtney replied.

  “I know, but she’s been on one lately. I blame myself for that though,” Cam admitted.

  “Why do you blame yourself?” Courtney asked.

  “Me and Demi used to talk a lot before we got together. She knew all about me cheating on Asha with you, so she’s probably thinking I’m doing the same thing to her,” Cam replied.

  “I guess I understand where she’s coming from. I just hate that I’m losing my best friend over something that’s not even happening,” Courtney said.

  “You’re not losing me. I just need her to feel comfortable with our friendship. It might take a little time, but she’ll come around,” Cam assured her.

  “Don’t be so sure about that. We’re still waiting for my husband to come around,” Courtney laughed.

  “Your husband is dumb as fuck. If the nigga really pay attention, he would see what’s really up. For a while, you didn’t cheat or even think about cheating on his ass with me or nobody else. I don’t know what went wrong, but he must have fucked up somewhere along the way. He needs to sit back and figure out how to make his wife happy, instead of worrying about me. I’m not a threat to him, but another nigga just might be,” Cam remarked.

  “I just want things to go back to the way they were with us. I was so sexually satisfied at one time that another man never even crossed my mind,” Courtney said.

  “I already know. We went over a year without messing around before you got married. Bring that nigga to counseling or some shit. Tell him that you want the same dick that he was giving you before y’all got married or you’re leaving,” Cam laughed.

  “You’re laughing, but I’m telling his ass those exact words as soon as I get home,” Courtney swore.

  “I gotta get going though Courtney. Asha has a doctor’s appointment,” Cam informed her.

  “How’s her ratchet ass doing?” Courtney asked.

  “She’s good. I’m just ready for this shit to be over with,” Cam answered.

  “Be careful what you ask for. It’ll probably be worse once the baby gets here. You already know how Asha is. That baby is gonna be like money in the bank to her,” Courtney said.

  “Real shit, I’ll go to court and put myself on child support before I play games with Asha. Demi already told me that gifts and inheritances can’t be factored into what I’ll have to pay. I’m not even trying to play my son like that though. I want to take care of him without getting the courts involved,” Cam responded.

  “You’re gonna be a great father Cam. The problem is Asha. She’s never satisfied and she’ll always want more,” Courtney said.

  “I already know. Her mama is moving and she’s telling me some bullshit about going half on the rent since my son will be living there. You already know that she’s looking at some expensive shit that’s out of their budget,” Cam fussed.

  “Are you gonna do it?” Courtney asked.

  “I feel like I don’t have a choice. I want my baby to be comfortable. He’s my only concern. Asha is just getting the shit by default,” Cam replied.

  “That bitch hit the jackpot,” Courtney said in disgust.

  Asha didn’t deserve half of what she was getting, but Cam was a good dude. He didn’t have his father in his life, and Asha played on that. She used her son as leverage and he wasn’t even here yet.

  “I’m sure that’s what she thinks, but she got me fucked up. Me and Demi talked about it and I’m giving her a set amount every month. I’ll still get whatever my son needs, but I’m not letting Asha break me. Randy went to his grave without a dime in his pocket because of her ass. That won’t be me. Demi is gonna get all the paperwork in order for me,” Cam noted.

  “Okay, well, I won’t hold you. I guess I’ll have to settle for seeing you wherever we so happen to meet up at your mama’s house,” Courtney said.

  “Just give it a little time. Demi will come around eventually,” Cam assured her before they disconnected.

  He took a deep breath and massaged his temples, hoping that he didn’t get another migraine. Every time he had to deal with Asha, his head started pounding before he even saw her. After popping two Excedrin, Cam grabbed his keys and headed to pick up the baby mama from hell.

  Chapter 33

  The headache that Cam had just gotten rid of was back with a vengeance as soon as Asha got into his truck. She didn’t even say hello before she started going off and making demands. Cam tried to tune her out, but she wouldn’t let him.

  “Did you hear me, Camden? We’re moving day after tomorrow and we don’t have enough help. You have to clear your schedule Saturday or send some of your people to come help us,” Asha demanded.

  “I don’t have to do a damn thing, but stay half black and die,” Cam calmly replied.

  “What am I supposed to do with all your son’s stuff?” Asha questioned.

  “The fuck you mean? Move it like y’all plan to move everything else,” Cam answered.

  “We can’t move all that stuff by ourselves. You need to come make sure his stuff gets to the house and situated in his room,” Asha ordered.

  “See, you’ve been having me fucked up a lot lately. I don’t know what kind of lame ass nigga you take me for, but you already know what’s up with me,” Cam asserted.

  “I got you fucked up because I’m asking for help to move your son’s things.” Asha frowned.

  “I already agreed to help y’all pay that high ass rent to make sure he’s comfortable. I’m not about to jump every time you think I should, just because I fucked up and nutted in you,” Cam growled angrily.

  His migraine had reached a new height and he needed Asha to shut up talking to him.

  “So, you regret your son now. Is that what you’re saying?” Asha asked.

  “Nah, but I damn sure regret his mama,” Cam acknowledged.

  “Well, that’s just too damn bad because you’re stuck with me. And now that we’re on the subject of CJ, we have another problem to address,” Asha informed him.

  “What’s the problem now Asha?” Cam asked.

  “The bitch that you live with is the problem. She doesn’t like me and she doesn’t try to hide it. I’m not sure if I want my son coming to your house as long as she’s there. She might try to do something to him and I don’t trust that hoe,” Asha snapped.

  Demi had already told Cam about running into Asha a few days prior at Target. Asha was talking reckless as usual, but she had met her match with Demi. She had a mouth that was just as reckless, in and out of the courtroom.

  “I don’t want you to confuse me being meek with me being weak. Fuck with me if you want to and we’ll be in court before he turns a week old,” Cam threatened, shutting Asha up.

  Asha knew that Cam still had a little pull in the courtroom, even though his father had passed. Not only did he have his grandfather, but he now had Demi too. She was done with the conversation, if only for a little while. When they pulled up to the hospital, Asha waited in the truck for Cam to come open her door. When she saw that he was just standing there, she got out and started fussing again.

  “I bet you open the door for your bitch, but you can’t even open it for the mother of your son,” Asha argued as she wobbled behind him.

  “Who’s fucking Demi? Me or you? Damn, you seem to be more in love with her than I am,” Cam said, making Asha’s heart skip a beat.

  “In love? You barely know her ass. It’s bad enough that you moved her in with you, but now you’re in love too?” Asha yelled.

  Cam ignored her and walked into th
e doctor’s office. He and Asha took the elevator up to the third floor and signed in for their appointment. Cam was happy that the waiting room was kind of empty because he didn’t want to sit next to Asha. She seemed upset when she saw him sitting across the room on his phone texting, but she decided to leave him alone.

  “Asha Dixon!” the nurse called out a few minutes later.

  Asha and Cam got up and followed her to the back. Cam pulled the curtain close, as Asha took off her sundress and put on the hospital gown. Once she was done, she yanked it open and rolled her eyes at him. Cam was acting like he’d never seen her naked and they both knew that wasn’t true. He didn’t seem to be attracted to her anymore and Asha hated that.

  “I see that your feet and legs are still very swollen. Have you been laying off the salt and drinking more water like the doctor told you to?” the nurse asked.

  “I’ve been trying, but these craving have been driving me crazy,” Asha replied.

  “You have to do more than try. Your baby’s health depends on it,” the nurse said as she took Asha’s blood pressure.

  “Tell that to my son. If I’m craving something, I don’t stop until I get it,” Asha flippantly replied.

  “Well, your pressure is through the roof. You might not be going home today once the doctor sees this. Lay back and relax while I do an ultrasound,” the nurse instructed.

  Asha did as she was told and laid back in the bed. The cool gel that was applied to her stomach made her jump slightly.

  “You just don’t listen,” Cam fussed while shaking his head.

  “Have you been having any abdominal cramps or bleeding?” the nurse asked.

  “No. Why?” Asha questioned.

  “What about fevers or dizziness?” the nurse inquired.

  “No. Why are you asking me all these questions?” Asha wanted to know.

  “Just hold tight. I’ll be right back,” the nurse said as she walked away.

  “Stupid bitch act like she can’t hear.” Asha frowned.

  “You look much better with your mouth closed,” Cam said in disgust. He was happy when the doctor walked into the room because he didn’t want to hear Asha’s reply.


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