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Colters' Gift cl-5

Page 23

by Maya Banks

  Noah had quietly pointed out that there was nothing Liam could do for him. Noah was stuck until help arrived. But Liam could go in search of Lauren and hopefully reach her in time.

  Noah had never felt so helpless in his life than he did now, pinned in the SUV while Lauren was out there fighting for her life and Liam was somewhere in between.

  Relief made him temporarily weak, and it took a second for him to muster the strength to shout back upon hearing Adam Colter’s call. A moment later, the older Colter brothers appeared at the vehicle, their expressions worried and grim as they took in the wreckage.

  “Are you hurt, son?” Adam asked. “Where are Lauren and Liam?”

  “No, sir, I don’t think I’m injured that badly. Just can’t move my legs but I can feel them.”

  Then he quickly related the events that occurred right after the wreck, and Liam’s departure to go after Lauren.

  “I’ll call Seth and give him the update,” Ryan said grimly.

  “I did,” Noah said. “He was on his way out. I told him to get everyone in the damn town out if that’s what it takes.”

  “Okay then. We just need to concentrate on getting you out of there,” Ethan said. “I have some tools in the truck. I’m calling for a wrecker just in case we can’t get you out of this. I know you don’t want to be stuck here when Lauren is out there and her fate has yet to be determined. We’ll do our best, son.”

  “Thank you,” Noah said, his fingers flexing and then curling in agitation. It was killing him to have to sit there, unable to move, while others searched for Lauren.

  Ethan and Ryan turned and ran in the direction of their vehicle while Adam stayed with Noah. Adam put his hand on Noah’s shoulder and squeezed.

  “I don’t want you to panic. I know you’re worried. I won’t tell you not to worry because in your shoes, I’d be pissing my pants and freaking out. But I want you to know that not one of us will rest until we get Lauren back.”

  Noah nodded, not trusting himself to speak. The more time that passed, the sicker at heart he became. Liam hadn’t returned and neither had Lauren.

  He yanked his head back up to stare at Adam. “Lauren said she was going to try to make it to your place. Did you leave Holly there alone? They could both be in trouble.”

  “I called Max and Callie to go stay with Holly. He was fit to be tied but we told him we didn’t have any details and that we needed him there. I can understand his anger. Lauren is his sister and by rights he should be right here with us, but he doesn’t know this mountain like we do and the last thing we need is for someone to get lost while our focus is on Lauren.”

  “You did the right thing,” Noah said. “We need level heads right now.”

  Even as he spoke, his fingers formed tight fists and he pounded the caved-in dashboard in frustration.

  “Seth and the others are nearly here,” Ryan said when he returned. “They’ve set up a roadblock at the bottom of the road, and they’re coming up the mountain balls to the wall.”

  “Can you get me out?” Noah demanded.

  “We’re sure as hell going to try,” Ethan said as he held up a crowbar.

  Ryan held a sledgehammer and an axe.

  “Stand back, Adam,” Ethan said. “Cover your head as best you can, Noah.”

  The entire vehicle shook as the two men tore into the door and the frame. Several times, the pressure on his legs made him wince, but he was just grateful to be able to feel anything at all. He was damn lucky he hadn’t crushed both legs.

  Using the crowbar to pry the dashboard up off Noah’s legs, Ryan strained, muscles bulging.

  “As soon as I loosen this enough, pull him out,” Ryan said through gritted teeth.

  Ethan and Adam scrambled to get into place. As Ryan pulled back away from Noah, Adam and Ethan grabbed for his shoulders and they hauled upward.

  Noah bit back a bellow of pain when he came free.

  The Colters lowered him to the ground when in the distance they heard, “Dad! Dad! Damn it, where are you?”

  “Over here!” Adam yelled.

  Then he knelt back down by Noah.

  “Okay, talk to me, son. You hurt anywhere?”

  “Help me up,” Noah said, extending his hands to Adam and Ryan. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  They grasped his hands and hauled him to his feet. For a moment, the two men pressed close to Noah’s side, offering him support until they were certain he could stand on his own.

  “I’m okay,” Noah said. “Nothing feels broken. Just bruised and cut.”

  Ethan nodded. “Yeah, you’re bleeding in half a dozen different places.”

  All four men looked up when Seth barged onto the scene, two of his deputies on his heels.

  “Why aren’t you looking for Lauren?” Noah demanded.

  Seth gave him a look that sent a shock of fear hurtling down his spine. “We came to get you. Liam tracked Lauren’s route back to the road where he found one of the men dead. Two gunshot wounds. Looks like Lauren shot one of the assholes and then got hit from behind. There was a depressed area of grass with a small amount of blood. A good distance from the other body, so it wasn’t his. We also found a roll of duct tape with several hairs that match Lauren’s. Half the roll had been used. There are fresh tire tracks that aren’t a match to one of ours leading away. If I had to guess, judging by the pattern and the disturbance to the area off the road, the truck was coming up the mountain when Lauren came into view. I think the guy she shot was driving. The other two were tracking her on foot and came in behind her while she was distracted by the first guy. They knocked her down, subdued her and then tossed her in the truck, turned around and hauled ass off the mountain, getting away before we arrived with the roadblock.”

  Noah went numb. His mouth went dry. His pulse pounded painfully in his head.

  He’d failed her. He and Liam both had failed her in a huge way.

  They’d planned in detail. They’d taken into account so much. They’d made a plan of action. None of it did a damn bit of good, because those bastards had gotten to Lauren faster than Noah could have ever imagined.


  He put a hand to the back of his neck and rubbed, trying to alleviate the knotted tension coiled in his muscles.

  “How in the hell could they have put this kind of plan into motion that damn fast?” Noah demanded. “We only called the D.A. yesterday.”

  “Can you make it on your own or do we need to carry you out?” Seth asked. “We can talk on our way back up. Liam is with my brothers and volunteers and first responders. They were combing the area where the body was found to make sure we weren’t missing anything.”

  “I can make it,” Noah said in a determined voice.

  He took a step forward, falling into stride with Seth as Seth’s fathers followed behind. Seth’s deputies went ahead of the men, one of them talking into the radio.

  “How did they manage this, Seth?” Noah asked again.

  “I think Joel Knight had already made her,” Seth said grimly. “He may not even know about the meeting with the D.A. If he’s had people looking for her all these months, it’s possible they were finally able to locate her and were just waiting for an opportunity to make their move.”

  Noah swore long and hard. “And the very thing we thought we were doing right—taking her to a more isolated area—proved to be their golden opportunity. They couldn’t make this kind of attack in town, even one as small as Clyde. But on a lonely mountain road that’s only traveled by the people who live on the mountain? Son of a bitch. We may as well have just gift wrapped her and delivered her to the bastard, complete with a bow.”

  Seth put a hand to Noah’s shoulder as they completed the climb back to the road, where a string of police cars and SUVs were parked.

  “Beating yourself up over the what-ifs and maybes doesn’t do you or Lauren any good right now,” he said quietly. “What we have to focus on is getting her back.”

  Noah nodded, h
is jaw tight, and determination so fierce that he wouldn’t entertain any other option took firm grip of his insides.

  “I heard them talking,” Noah said as they continued to walk toward Seth’s SUV. “They came looking for her and thought Liam and I were dead. They didn’t waste any time going after her, but they didn’t say a word about killing her. They specifically talked about dumping her on Knight and getting paid. Knight wants her alive, and so if we find Knight, we’ll find Lauren.”


  THE entire Colter family along with Max, Noah and Liam, plus most of Seth’s police force and assorted first responders, were crowded into Clyde’s small police station.

  Holly was fussing over Liam and attempting to bandage the wound on his head. She was exasperated because every time something was said, Liam raised his head, upsetting her hold on the dressing.

  Max was pacing back and forth, agony in his eyes and lines of worry etched deep in his forehead. Callie and Lily’s faces were blotchy and tear-stained and they were huddled together on one of the benches, arms wrapped around one another.

  Noah had just put a call into the New York City D.A. and was waiting impatiently to be put into contact with the other man. Seth was standing next to him, murmuring in a low voice for Noah to remain calm and not to accuse the district attorney of anything until they could be sure of what was going on.

  Noah figured they’d know soon enough if the D.A. was involved. It would be evident by how much help he was willing to give them now that Lauren had been abducted.

  “Mr. Sullivan, my secretary said it was urgent. What can I do for you?” Richard Castanetti said, his voice tense.

  “Joel Knight got to Lauren,” Noah said bluntly.

  Noah’s eyebrows rose at the string of curses that blew through the phone.

  “How? When?” Castanetti demanded.

  “When is a short time ago. The how is what we’re wanting to know.”

  There was a long pause. “You think I had something to do with it? You think I’m dirty?”

  There was more incredulity than anger in the other man’s voice.

  “I don’t know what to think,” Noah said quietly. “We have reason to believe that he’s been searching for her ever since she left him. If that’s the case then the timing could have just been a huge coincidence. It’s possible they’ve been watching her, waiting for the right opportunity to present itself and today was that day.”

  “What do you know? Do you have any leads? What about the local law enforcement? I have a few contacts in Raleigh. I can make some phone calls for you.”

  “We aren’t in Raleigh,” Noah bit out. “We’re in Colorado. But if you want to help, you can help us and Lauren and your eventual case by turning over whatever information you have on Knight. His residences, the places he frequents. Any hidey-holes he has. We need to run a fine-tooth comb over his entire life and we need it done yesterday.”

  “You think he has her? Alive?” Castanetti asked skeptically.

  “We think it’s likely that Knight doesn’t yet know about the deal she struck with you. He’s an obsessed, controlling bastard whose ego took a blow when Lauren walked out on him and didn’t return. I overheard the assholes who took her talking about delivering her to Knight, so if we can find him, there’s a good chance we’ll find her, and then you can add kidnapping and attempted murder to his charges when you file.”

  “There’s nothing I’d like more,” Castanetti said in a tone that made Noah believe the man was sincere. “Give me an hour and I’ll pull every piece of information I have on Knight plus put in a few calls to contacts I have with the state attorney general and the FBI. They’re all going to want Miss Wilder to make it out alive. Right now she’s the one person who can take him down. I will tell you this. He rarely leaves the Northeast. It might save you and yours a hell of a lot of time if you get on a plane and start this way while I work out things on my end.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Noah said. “In the meantime, let me give you a couple of numbers so that one of us can be reached at all times.”

  He gave the D.A. his own cell number, Liam’s and Seth’s before ringing off.

  As he lowered the phone, he met the expectant stares of everyone gathered in the room.

  “I don’t think he did it,” Noah said honestly. “Aside from the fact that it just wasn’t feasible for Knight to act on information that Castanetti just received less than twenty-four hours ago, he seems as anxious as we are to nail Knight’s ass to the wall.”

  “I hope to hell you’re right,” Liam said grimly. “Once Knight discovers that Lauren copied information from his computer and planned to turn it over to the district attorney, her life isn’t going to be worth two cents. The only thing working in our favor right now is that he desperately wants to save face with the people who surround him, and he wants Lauren back under his control. That may buy us enough time to go in and take him down.”

  “So who’s going and who’s staying?” Dillon Colter asked. “It’s one thing when we’re talking about something local. We tend to do things our own way here on the mountain. New York City is a whole different story, and we could all end up getting our asses hauled to jail if we don’t handle this just right.”

  Seth nodded, his lips tight and turned down into a frown. He glanced over at Max. “Have you ever had any face-to-face dealings with Knight?”

  Max’s lips curled in disgust. “Hell no.”

  “That could work in our favor. You fit in well with the posh, business crowd. You wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb. We could use you for this.”

  Relief was stark in Max’s eyes. “I’ll go,” he said with no hesitation.

  Seth turned to his brother and one of his dads. “Michael, I still think you and Ethan should stay here with the women. Preferably in one place so you aren’t spread out. You’ll have Mom, Lily and Callie to look after.”

  Holly crossed her arms over her chest, her glare as ferocious as her frown. “Why can’t we go? My baby is going to need me when we get her back from that asshole. A girl always needs her mother at a time like that.”

  Liam’s gaze softened and he impulsively gathered Holly Colter into his huge embrace. She seemed delighted with the spontaneous hug and gave him one of her own that rivaled his in ferocity.

  “I appreciate you being willing to be there for Lauren, and there’s no doubt she’ll need you. But we want you safe, Mrs. C. All of you. Lauren loves you all so much and she’d be devastated if something happened to you. I promise to bring Lauren home to you where she belongs just as soon as we have her back.”

  Holly patted Liam on the cheek and then leaned up on tiptoe to kiss the spot she’d patted. “See that you do. Home is important when you’re hurt and scared. I know from personal experience,” she added quietly.

  “How soon can you have the jet ready to go, Max?” Seth asked. Even before Max could respond, Seth turned to one of the younger deputies and slapped him on the shoulder. “You’re in charge while I’m gone. Don’t let me down.”

  The deputy looked befuddled but didn’t argue. He stammered out a “yes sir” and then promptly took a seat to contemplate his temporary promotion.

  “By the time we drive to Denver, Castanetti should have had plenty of time to dig up the info he promised us,” Noah said. “I vote we roll out now and work it out on the way to New York City.”

  The others readily agreed and there was an instant exodus from the sheriff’s station as everyone began to file out. Noah hung back, motioning Liam over.

  “Are you okay, man?” Noah asked in concern.

  His friend had been mostly quiet throughout the entire process and planning session. It was obvious that he was in pain and that he’d suffered a pretty severe head wound.

  “I’m fine,” Liam said firmly. “Nothing a few painkillers won’t solve. I’ve had far worse and still got the job done. This time, it’s not a job, though. It’s personal. I’m going to get her back, Noah, or I’ll
die trying. I can’t stand the thought of her having to spend a single minute in his presence, of his hands on her. Of him touching her. Frightening her. Making her doubt even for a moment what a wonderful, sweet, loving woman she is.”

  He stared at Noah for a long moment, pain burning brightly in his eyes. He lowered his voice even more. “We have to get her back, Noah. I can’t live without her.”


  IT was dark when the harrowing ride in the back of the Hummer came to an end. Lauren ached from head to toe from the accident, and being thrown in the backseat without care hadn’t helped her screaming muscles.

  The back door opened, and she tensed when the two men dragged her roughly from the seat. Tears burned her eyelids when her ribs were jostled. Pain shot through her chest and abdomen, and for a moment she felt as though she couldn’t breathe.

  It took a minute for her to realize where she was. Forced to stand on shaking legs between her two abductors, she tried to make sense of her surroundings. As they shoved her forward and her feet came into contact with hard pavement, lights turned on a short distance away, and then came the explosive sound of a jet engine starting.

  They were at a regional airport, though it looked more like a privately owned airstrip, but it was clearly designed for commercial jets to land and take off.

  The cabin door opened, sliding downward to reveal four steps leading into the plane. A figure loomed at the top of the steps, and through the haze of pain and fear, recognition seared through her mind.

  Her stomach balled into a painful knot and her already tense muscles tightened automatically. A defensive gesture associated with the person standing and staring down at her as she was hauled to the bottom step.

  Joel Knight met her in front of the open doorway, his eyes glittering dangerously. She recognized that look. He was furious and high on a power trip. It was a mood where he felt challenged and forced to prove himself to those around him. She’d learned to avoid him at all costs when he got this way.


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