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Limitless Love: A Lotus House Novel: Book Four

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by Audrey Carlan

  Kyle’s spittle hit the side of my face when he sneered against my cheek. “Which will only make it easier to take all the money when you’re dead and we put her up for adoption.”


  “Yes!” he growled, pulling my head back so hard my back bent unnaturally and I thought for sure he’d break my spine. “Any last words?”

  “Go to hell.” I knew no matter what happened to me, Lily would end up with Mila and Atlas. She’d promised me when Kyle and I had divorced she’d be her guardian, and I had the legal papers in place to make it so. I knew Atlas and Mila would adopt her if the worst happened.

  I’m so sorry, baby. Sorry to leave you.

  “I’m already there,” he mocked as he sliced the knife along my neck.

  Pain shot through my system like a lightning bolt.

  “Hey! You! Get the fuck off her!” I heard a voice yell out like an angel’s call.

  The knife left my throat and Kyle’s weight floated off my back. My head felt so heavy I couldn’t hold it up. I rested it on the concrete beneath me. Fire rippled along my back and down my neck.

  Two strong arms lifted me up and turned me over. “Dr. Holland. Dr. Holland. Help is on the way.” I vaguely recognized that voice.

  I opened my eyes as much as I could and saw Dave, my client. “Call Mila…” I said on a whisper. “Call Mila.”

  “Okay, okay. Just stay with me. The paramedics are going to be here soon. Jesus, there’s a lot of blood. Where is it all coming from?” His voice shook, and I closed my eyes. “No, no, no. They say on TV to keep the person awake. Dr. Holland. Stay awake. Dr. Holland.” He patted the side of my face. “Please, don’t die.”

  I blinked a few times and gripped his wrist as best I could. “Call Mila.”

  “I will. I promise,” he spoke fast and loud.

  “Has my daughter,” I whispered.

  He nodded. “Okay, yes.”

  Just then his head snapped up, and for a moment, I worried Kyle was back to finish me off.

  “Thank fuck. The cops and ambulance are here. They’re here,” he said with unrestricted enthusiasm.

  He lifted one of his arms and waved it above his head, jarring my side painfully. “Over here!” he screamed.

  The paramedics got to me, and at some point I was shifted onto my side, and I felt hands working on my back.

  “Oh my God. What did that fucker do to her?” Dave said from somewhere behind me.

  “Ma’am. Where else are you hurt?” an unfamiliar voice asked.

  “Back and neck. Knife,” I mumbled before everything went black.

  * * *

  “Wildcat, you can’t stay here all night,” I heard Atlas murmur as if I was in a dream.

  “Oh, yes, I can. You take Lily home. Put her in bed with you so she’s not scared. I’m not leaving until Moe wakes up.” Mila’s voice was stern and direct.

  I blinked a few times but couldn’t open my eyes fully. A groan slipped from my throat as the pain in my back ricocheted down every nerve ending.

  “Moe.” I felt Mila’s small hand run along my bicep. “Moe, wake up.”

  Again with the blinking. Darn, my lids felt like they had two-ton weights on them. Once I got them open, I looked into the worried chocolate-brown eyes of my best friend.

  “So tired,” I mumbled.

  Mila grabbed a cup of water with a straw and held it to my lips.

  I sipped until the dryness in my throat cleared. Absolute heaven. “Thank you.”

  Mila placed her hand on the side of my head and caressed my temple and hair soothingly. “You gave us quite a scare, Moe. What happened? All we know is that someone attacked you in the garage at your work.” A tear slipped down her face. Atlas put his hand on her shoulder.

  “It was Kyle,” I croaked.

  Mila’s lips went white and flat. “Kyle?” she sneered.

  I coughed. Sparks of pain slashed down my back as I adjusted to a more comfortable spot on my side. “Yeah, he had a mask on, but I could tell by his voice.”

  She shook her head. “Why? I uh…”

  “He said something about wanting me dead for the money.”

  “Money? He tried to kill you for money?”

  I swallowed, and the severity of what happened finally hit me. My entire body started to tremble, and tears fell down my cheeks like waterfalls.

  “What did I ever do to him?” I focused on my best friend.

  Mila put her face close to mine. “Nothing. You did absolutely nothing but give him everything a wife could ever give. He’s a bastard and a lunatic, and now a criminal. Moe, he hurt you so bad.”

  “How bad?” I flinched and felt aches all over, realizing I’d been here sedated a while. I knew he’d cut me pretty bad, but I’d survived. I would live another day, and right then that was all that mattered.

  “Don’t worry about that now. You’re fine. They were actually able to stop the bleeding pretty quickly. You were only in the OR for a little over two hours.” She stroked my cheek with her thumb and wiped away the tears as they fell. I couldn’t control them.

  “Tell me everything now, Mila. Please.”

  Mila let out a long breath.

  “The doctor will go over it with you when he comes back. You had to have some internal stitches that will dissolve naturally, but, um, you have eighty or so in your back and another twelve in the wound on your neck. He didn’t hit any organs, but the slice up your back is pretty gnarly. If that client of yours hadn’t come upon you…” She choked on a sob. “Moe, you’re the only family I have besides Atlas. I can’t lose you.”

  Mila pressed her forehead against mine, and together we cried. The evening’s events started coming to me in flashes of memory.

  Kyle in a mask approaching me.

  The light hitting the knife and reflecting off its shiny surface.

  Kyle’s words so vile.

  “You’re nothing but a filthy, greedy bitch.”

  “That beaker baby is not my daughter. Never was, never will be.”

  “Take all the money and put her up for adoption when you’re dead.”

  “What happens now?” I asked Mila.

  Atlas placed a hand on my lower leg near my foot and rubbed from ankle to knee. “We take care of you and Lily. That bastard is never going to get to you with me around.”

  A knock on the door broke through our little huddle, and two men in suits walked in.

  Atlas turned around, stood in front of me, and crossed his arms, making sure to show his brawn. I tried to smile at his possessive move but couldn’t through the pounding ache throbbing everywhere. Even my feet hurt, and nothing had happened to them.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” he demanded.

  “We need a few words with the victim.” One of the men looked down at a notepad. “A Ms. Holland?”

  “That’s Dr. Monet Holland, and I think she’s dealt with enough tonight. Don’t you?” Mila stood up next to Atlas, creating a wall in front of the men.

  “We understand, but when it comes to these types of attacks, it’s best to get the victim’s statement when it’s as fresh as possible.”


  That was what I was now. A victim.

  “It’s fine, guys. I’ll be okay.” I’d rather get it over with. “Give me a few minutes, gentlemen.” I gestured to the detectives. The two men nodded and made their way out of the room.

  I grabbed Mila’s wrist. “Who has Lily?”

  “Uh, we had to move quick, and I was with a friend when Mila called,” Atlas answered while rubbing at the back of his neck.

  “A friend?” I queried.

  “Yeah, Clay.”

  “Clayton Hart has my daughter?” I was unable to mask the shock in my voice.

  Atlas looked down and away sheepishly. “He’s reputable.”

  “That may be, but he’s never met her. Wasn’t she scared?” My goodness, my poor baby with a man she’d never met as her aunt and uncle left her to see her mom in the h
ospital. This was so messed up.

  “Nope. It was the weirdest thing. I introduced her, and they stood in front of one another, squaring off, and then she grabbed his hand and asked if he liked secret gardens.”

  I closed my eyes.

  “What can I say? Lily’s easy to love.” Atlas shrugged.

  “Yes, she is. Can you please go relieve him and send my thanks?” I asked Atlas.

  Atlas nodded. “Come on, baby.”

  Mila tugged her hand out of his. “No way. I’m not leaving the hospital until Moe leaves.”

  “Wildcat,” he growled in what could only be taken as a warning. A man who didn’t want to be separated from his woman. Lovely to witness.

  “Curly, back off. This is my sister, lying in a hospital bed, skewered like a fish on a hook, with detectives staring at her. And let’s not forget. She almost died. Died! I’m staying.” Her face turned red and she fisted her hands at her sides.

  Atlas lifted up her fists, smoothed out her fingers, and kissed each hand. “I’ll be back in the morning with Lily and breakfast for both of you. Try to get some rest.” He shifted forward and pecked her on the lips, and then he kissed his fingertips and placed them over her stomach.

  I knew it.

  The two men entered as Atlas made his way out the door. “Dr. Holland, can we please ask you a few questions now? Then we’ll be out of your hair and you can rest.”

  I sighed and sank back into the pillow. “I’m ready. Let’s get this over with.”

  Chapter Two

  Anahata is Sanskrit for the fourth chakra in the chakra system. The word means “unhurt.” The name implies that beneath the hurts and grievances of past experiences lies a pure and spiritual place where no hurt exists.


  I’d never been more scared in my thirty years on this earth than when I was sitting on the floor in a little girl’s room while she pranced around in some type of fairy-ballerina-meets-Barbie-queen-of-hearts type getup.

  “Clay, you’re da king and I’m da queen, ’kay?” Lily plopped a plastic crown on my head. I blinked and sat silently until she spun around, put her hands on her hips, and frowned. “You’re ’posed to say ’kay.”

  “Uh, okay?” This was some fucked-up shit. How I got conned into taking care of Monet’s daughter, the one I absolutely did not want to even meet after finding out about her last year, was jacked. I wanted Monet back then. With her sexy body, flowing black hair, and unique features, I was all in with one glance. And we hit it off right away too. Until I found out she had a child. Then all bets were off. The last thing I needed was to be roped into a situation like I’d had with Stacey. Hell, no. That bitch did a number on me. One I’d spent years getting over.

  Did I want children? Hell, yeah. Always had. I just didn’t know how to fix that piece in me that died after Stacey’s lies and betrayal. And yet there I sat, taking care of the child of the woman I’d brushed off, a plastic crown on my head, pretending to be a king.

  A brilliant smile adorned Lily’s face while she assessed me. Hell if I couldn’t ward off the arrow that pierced straight through my gut. I rubbed at the tender spot, not understanding the new feeling.

  Lily hummed and danced around her room. She had a wand in one hand that she fluttered in the air sporadically. For the life of me, I had no clue what the heck she was doing, but she seemed very serious about her dance, so I didn’t ask.

  “King Clay…” she started.

  “My name is Clayton, sweetie.” Shit. I’d given her a nickname already. I clenched my teeth and focused on the kid. Damn, she was cute. Just like her mother.

  “’S’wat I said. Clay.” She frowned and bopped me on one shoulder and then the other, blasting me into attention.

  “Ouch!” I laughed and grabbed hold of her weapon.

  “Dat’s mine! I have to protect you with my spell!” Her voice rose excitedly.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle and nod. “Okay, okay. Just do it softer.” I used a low tone. Keep her happy while her mom dealt with whatever had gone down. Only thing I heard was that Monet was in the hospital and Atlas needed me to look after Lily while they checked it out.

  She smiled and did it again, this time with less force. “You are now ’tected by the power of the Secret Garden Land!”

  “What do I need to be protected from?” I asked, getting into the pretend game.


  I widened my eyes for effect, which she seemed to enjoy. “There are monsters in the garden?”

  She snort-huffed. “No, silly. I’ve ’tected the Secret Garden Land. You’re safe now, even when you leave my room!” Her corresponding smile and the pride that puffed her chest up was something to behold.

  “Why would you protect me?” I asked softly, that uneasy feeling in my gut growing with each playful smile she bestowed.

  Lily pursed her lips. “B’cuz I like you, and you like my mom.”

  I jerked my head back. What the…? “Now what would make you think that, sweetie?” I tickled her side, thinking it was the thing to do in that moment. Deflect. Deflect. Deflect. What was that thing Trent was saying about kids always knowing when something was up with people? They were like natural little private investigators.

  Lily howled with laughter and jumped back.

  “You looked at her pictures on the walls a lot and smiled. You like her.” Lily’s tone was matter-of-fact and more confident than I would have expected from a small child.

  Observant little bugger. I did do that while checking out the house. When Atlas left, he asked me to drive Lily home and get her situated because they didn’t know when they would be back. I took that time to take a gander at the beautiful woman I’d been attracted to last year.

  “Well, your mommy is very pretty.”

  She nodded vigorously. “The prettiest princess in the whole world.”

  “And what about you?” I petted the top of her black hair, surprised at how soft it was. Lily was quite possibly the cutest little girl I’d ever seen. Not that I’d been exposed to that many kids. Only my buddy Trent’s son, William. I’d’ve bet this kid could be on the cover of those parenting magazines. She took a lot after her mother’s Asian side, but the unique blue eyes and lighter skin must have at least partly been from her father. My guess? A white guy with blue eyes. Probably the douchebag ex-husband.

  Those pretty eyes of hers focused so intently on me I swore she could see right through to my guarded and tarnished soul. And just like a truly honest and forthright kid, she responded to my statement with one of her own.

  “I’m the queen, don’t ya know.” She said the words so seriously I cracked.

  I couldn’t hold the façade anymore and laughed so hard I tumbled on my back, clutching at my abdomen until it wore off. Damn, this little girl was a hoot.

  “’R’you hurt?” She put her hand on my forehead. “Not hot.”

  “You checking my temperature, Lily?”

  She nodded and stuck out her tongue and lopped it to one side as she checked my entire face. “Yep. I’m gonna be a doctor and fix up all the people hurt in the world. Animals too.”

  I smiled. “Those are some lofty goals there, but if anyone can do it, it will be you.” I poked her nose.

  What was going on with me? This kid was bringing out a totally different side of me. One I didn’t even know I had. I mean, I’d hoped I had it. When the shit went down with Stacey, I’d planned on doing everything in my power to be great with kids. Trent’s son liked me. Only, there was something about this child. I wanted more from her. Acceptance. Attention.

  I ran my hands through my hair, letting the strange feeling seep into my bones. I wasn’t sure what else to do with it.

  Lily stood and jumped up and down. “I’m really hungry. Mommy was gonna make chicken. Can I have Froot Loops?” She changed subjects faster than I could blink.

  I shook my head and hopped up. When she grabbed my much larger hand with her tiny one, a zap of electricity zipped through
my fingers. I was surprised by my natural reflex to hold her hand tighter. Something about it just felt good, like hope and joy perfectly fit in the palm of my hand. I shook off the weird feeling. My guy friends were always telling me kids did weird things, like tugging on their heartstrings better than any sexy woman ever could. I was beginning to think they were right.

  “Come on, sweetie. Let’s see what your mom has in the kitchen, though I don’t think Froot Loops is a good dinner.”

  “But it is. It’s very good. And tasty!”

  “Oh, I have no doubt it’s tasty. It’s just not a balanced meal. You need a full belly of healthy food before bed. You have school tomorrow. You do have school tomorrow, right?”

  She swung my arm and led me through the house to the kitchen. “Yep! I’m in kindergarten.”

  “Wow, that’s a big girl. How old are you?” I took a second to mentally pat myself on the back. I could so do this kid thing, and so far, I thought I might even be good at. She hadn’t cried. Seemed to enjoy my company. Yep, I had it in the bag.

  “Six,” she deadpanned.

  I drew back and focused on her face. Her little lip was trembling and her eyes sparkled with mirth.

  “Fibber! You are not. Besides, kindergartners are younger.” At least I thought they were. I needed to Google that shit.

  She smacked my thigh and squealed. “I’m five. Just had my birfday a week ago, but I’m kinda six.”

  “Birthday?” I repeated for her benefit.

  “S’wat I said. Birf-day. You don’t listen very good.”

  Man, this kid had me cracking up. We made it to the kitchen, and she crawled up onto the barstool and placed her chin into her hands to watch.

  “What’cha gonna make me?”

  Little did she know, I happened to be a very good cook. Being physically fit, eating healthy, and making a living as a personal trainer to the local celebs living in the Bay meant I needed to know how to give the body the best sustenance. However, this was a kid who apparently would rather have Froot Loops than chicken, which meant I needed to come up with something healthy that could compete with cereal.


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