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Dom of Ages

Page 12

by K. C. Wells

  “No, Sir,” he said quietly, his eyes never straying from the rise and fall of the duvet.

  “Not enough. I want to know why you disobeyed me.” I could see his throat working as he swallowed, and I imagined it must have been very dry.

  “I never disobeyed Master Phillip,” he replied.

  “I’m not Phillip,” I reminded him.

  “No, you’re not. For a moment, in my excitement, I wanted to taste you. To take you into myself, and have you there. I know it doesn’t make sense.”

  But it did. He’d wanted a connection so desperately, he’d been willing to go against my orders. In that moment I came to understand him a little better. Still, it didn’t excuse what he’d done, and he had to understand that my pleasure came before his own wants. My hand moved faster beneath the cover, and Jarod strained to catch a glimpse. Anything that would allow him a moment of that connection. Unfortunately it would be denied him, as would his own pleasure.

  My gasps were coming in short bursts as I neared the edge. My mind replayed the scene on the weight bench; Jarod taking me deep, his hands pulling me even deeper: my come shooting down his throat and him swallowing all of it. I groaned as I came, and Jarod moaned in time with my loud exhalation. As my breathing returned to normal, I called Jarod to my side and told him to kneel. He did so without hesitation. I dragged my thumb through the spunk on my stomach and traced across his lower lip with it. His tongue snaked out but stopped when our gazes locked. I reached down and picked up a T-shirt, swiping it across my abdomen. Then I turned to Jarod and wiped his lips off.

  “There will be no taste for you today, pet. Nor will there be any orgasms for the next two.”

  His face fell momentarily, but then he schooled his features. “I understand.”

  “I don’t think you do. You agreed to allow me to be in control, and you attempted to wrest that from me. You forgot your place, and that’s inexcusable. Now, I want you to go shower, and then make us something to eat. Then I think we’ll have an early night.”

  Jarod’s face was a picture. “But… we just took a nap.”

  I gave him an intense glance. “And did you? Nap, I mean.” He lowered his gaze, and I smiled. “Exactly. You’re going to need a good night’s sleep, because we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, and you’re going to need your strength.” I chuckled inside as I awaited his reaction.

  “Sir?” Jarod went very still.

  “We’re going to share a scene tomorrow, and while I’ll be getting pleasure from it, I doubt you will.” I watched his expression as my words registered. His face was a mix of apprehension, anticipation, and something else—the merest hint of excitement.

  He rose unsteadily, then headed off to the shower. I got out of bed and went to unlock my playroom. A quick look at my shelves told me I had everything I needed. Tomorrow Jarod would find out why wax play was one of my favorites. I was looking forward to bringing him to the point where he’d be writhing on my bench, and then I’d edge him for a few hours, before denying him his orgasm.

  It’s good to be the Dom.


  “YOU CAN come in now, pet.”

  Jarod pushed open the playroom door and stepped inside. I’d made sure the temperature was just right: it was a cool day and yet the room’s climate was pleasant. I stood next to a low bench that was covered with a dark sheet. Beside it was a small table, its surface covered with several items: a wash cloth, a comb, matches, a body scrub…. Jarod stared at the butter knife, however and then gave me an inquiring gaze.

  I grinned. “It’s great for getting the wax off afterward.”

  It was then that he noticed the candles. There were three of them, white, black, and red, and already lit, pools of molten wax reflecting the flames. His breathing quickened, and he swallowed hard. This was new for him.

  “Onto the bench, pet, on your back.”

  He did as instructed, his arms by his sides. I nodded my approval. “When I do this with a sub experienced in wax play, I usually tie him down, but as this is your first time, I’ll leave you unrestrained.” I glanced at his body and smiled. “You’ll need to spread your legs for this next bit, though.” I ran my hand over his chest, tugging gently at the hair there. He didn’t have a great deal of chest hair, but I noted the white strands among the dark brown. I smoothed my hand down his torso until I reached his pubes. I carded through them, grinning. “These will be the first to go.”

  His eyes widened, and I could almost hear the word in his head. First?

  I stepped back and turned around. When I faced him again, there was a bowl in my hands, steam rising from it. I placed the bowl on the bench between his spread legs and then picked up a razor and a can of shaving gel from the table. His gaze met mine.

  “So, before we start, some things you need to know. I’ll be watching your reactions closely.” I gestured toward the table with my head. “There’s a damp towel if I need to cool you down, or if anything catches fire.” I bit my lip, holding back my grin.

  He snorted. “Good to know, Sir,” he said, playing along.

  I laughed. “Damn it, I was hoping for at least a glimmer of fear.”

  Jarod took a deep breath. “Not scared in the least, Sir.” Then he smiled. “But I can’t wait to get started.”

  I was so proud of him. “Good, pet. What are your safewords?”

  “Red is for stop, yellow for go slow.”

  I gave him a slow nod again, then sprayed shaving gel into my palm and added a drop of water from the bowl to work it up into a rich foam. I smeared it over his pubes and then lifted his half-hard dick with one finger to coat his sac. I waggled my eyebrows. “Imagine how that wax is going to feel when it hits these,” I said, rolling his balls through my fingers. Jarod caught his breath, and I chuckled. “Yeah, all that newly exposed skin, just begging to have wax dripped on it.”

  A shudder coursed through him, which deepened at that first stroke of the razor over his skin. I stretched the skin taut and scraped the blade over the coarse curls with a rasp, now and again rinsing the razor in the bowl. When I’d finished there, I pulled his cock up toward his belly and so, so carefully moved the blade over the delicate skin. I could feel his heart pounding that little bit faster as I negotiated the area with infinite care. I wiped over the now-smooth sac and groin with the damp washcloth, before applying more foam to his chest and belly.

  “Think of it as making the cleanup job that much easier,” I said with a wink as I stroked the razor over the skin. “Not to mention the added benefit of making everything that bit more sensitive.”

  “I haven’t had a smooth chest for a very long time. I’ve forgotten what it looks like.”

  “I can tell you what it will feel like when the hair starts growing back—itchy!” I chuckled. “Ooh, itchy pubes. Glad it’s not me.” I carried on with my task, removing all trace of hair. When I was done, I wiped him down with the cloth and then bent over him to place soft kisses on his chest and abs, before moving lower to trace the bare skin above his dick with my tongue. He shivered when I licked over his sac and took one of his balls carefully into my mouth, humming around it.

  “Oh, Sir.”

  I halted in my task and straightened, gazing at his body with a look of satisfaction. “You look good, pet.” I caressed his belly, making him quiver when I got near a ticklish bit. I chuckled. “I’ll definitely make sure I hit this part. The sensation will be more intense there.” I scraped my nails across his flesh, and he shuddered. I nodded, widening the scope of my hands. “This is a good warm-up. It makes your skin more receptive to the wax. You’ll feel it that much more.” I moved to his thighs, knowing how the sensation would change as I massaged the skin, rubbing down to his knees and then up along the inner thigh.

  Jarod’s eyes were bright, his body vibrating.

  I smiled. “Now, pet.”


  HE PICKED up the large red candle, but to my surprise, he dripped it onto the back of his hand. His gaze met mine. “H
ave to test it on me, first.” He held it over my chest and allowed one single drop to fall, hitting my sternum. I felt its impact, then seconds later, its heat, a sharp pinpoint that radiated outward and faded away.

  “That feel okay?” Eli was regarding me steadily.

  I nodded and then realized he needed to hear me. “Yes, Sir.”

  He held the candle lower, his gaze locked on mine. “Of course, the shorter the distance between the candle and your skin, the more keenly you’ll feel the heat.” He grinned. “Like this.” A couple of drips hit my chest, inches away from the first, and I caught my breath. That was hotter, but nothing that was beyond me. Eli continued in this vein, single drops of wax patterning my chest. Once the initial flare of heat faded, the skin tightened. I relaxed a little, my breathing slower.

  “Yeah, that feels good, doesn’t it?”

  I had to admit, those first few drops had felt good. It was a pleasurable sensation.

  Eli’s grin widened. “But that was just the start. Now we can really get going.”

  Before I had the chance to wonder at his words, he held the candle above me and tipped it, pouring a thin stream of wax down the middle of my belly, heading toward my cock. This time that flare of heat lasted longer, spreading out farther. As the skin tightened, I tensed up instantly, my mouth open in a low cry, and he smiled. “That’s different, isn’t it?” I shuddered, my abs twitching. Eli’s eyes widened, and he tipped the candle once more and let a thin stream fall onto them. I felt the wax trickle, a rivulet that slowed up as it neared my side.

  “That looks so pretty on you, pet.” He put down the candle and scraped his nails across my chest, removing the wax that spotted my skin. “Look at you, all nice and pink.” He dripped wax over these areas, and I couldn’t contain the moans that burst from my lips. The feeling was so much more intense there.

  “Oh….” The cry stuttered out of me. Eli paused, regarding me intently, and I realized he was giving me a chance to catch my breath. Then it occurred to me that he might have also been expecting a safeword. I met his gaze head-on. Eli smiled and dribbled a stream of wax down the left side of my body to my thigh, keeping to the center and moving faster now. My low moans were occurring with greater frequency. He switched legs, this time allowing the wax to trail up my right thigh, skirting my groin until it reached my nipple. I groaned and arched up when a stream of wax landed there.

  Eli put down the red candle and picked up the white one, making sure I saw it. This time he spattered wax over my belly. The flare of heat on impact, the way it crept over my skin…. My dick hardened, straining toward my navel.

  “You like this, don’t you?”

  I was sure my resultant groan was answer enough. He brought the candle to hover above my cock, and I stared at him, my body rigid. Eli met my stare. “I’m wondering what your dick will look like, with a coat of wax.”

  My breathing quickened, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

  He moved the candle until he was posed above my groin.

  “You ever watch detective dramas on TV?” he asked me. “Where they draw a chalk outline around a body?” Eli grinned. “I think I might like to draw around your cock, pet.”

  I tensed, my gaze focused on the candle.

  “You’ll have to keep very still, mind. One twitch of your dick at the wrong moment and who knows what will happen?”

  I couldn’t help it. The breath caught in my throat, and Eli chuckled.

  He began to pour, letting the wax fall in a stream that began at my sac and skirted my cock, up around the head and down again until he was once more at my balls. I cried out, unable to hold in the sounds, a mixture of pain and pleasure. He paused, giving the wax time to spread its heat. My shaft was heavy and full, and I knew it wouldn’t take much to make me come.

  I breathed deeply, trying to hold back my orgasm. He gazed at me, watching my face. “Remember,” he said, keeping his voice soft, “you’re not allowed to come.” Then he was back to dribbling wax all over my belly and thighs with one hand, making me jump with each fresh impact, while he stretched my scrotum fairly taut with the other. “You ready, pet?”

  I braced myself for the rush of heat and pain I felt sure was coming, my muscles tensed, my gaze focused on that candle.

  Eli dripped wax onto my balls.

  The cry I had ready to push out died when the wax hit them. It wasn’t that bad, no worse than when it landed on my belly or thighs. I laughed, the sound shaky. “Wow. I thought that would be much worse, Si—”

  I arched up off the bench with a breathless scream, my hands clenched into fists, my fingernails digging into my palms, my belly taut.

  “Oh, sorry, did that big splash of wax land on your cock?” Eli asked innocently. He grinned. “You can stop gasping now, pet.”

  “Oh fuck!” The words shot out of me, my body one quivering mass of flesh. I trembled, my inner thighs twitching as I moved swiftly to grasp my dick around the root, squeezing it tight.

  Eli put down the candle and bent over me to take my mouth in an urgent kiss. I groaned into his mouth, my hands rising to catch his face between them, holding him there. Eli held nothing back, kissing me fervently, clearly on a high from the scene.

  Finally he broke the kiss and gazed at me, smiling. “So how was that?”

  I knew I was grinning like an idiot. “It was amazing.” I glanced along the length of my body and grimaced. “Except we haven’t finished, have we?”

  Eli chuckled. “Time for the butter knife.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I LISTENED to the sound of Jarod downstairs in the kitchen, getting things ready for the morning. The thought saddened me. Sunday night had brought with it the end of my holiday: back to the old routine.

  Except it wasn’t, of course. Now there was Jarod to wave me off in the morning, to greet me when I returned home at night. The realization sent warmth pulsing through me. Having said that, some routines had been sadly lacking during the last two weeks, like my runs with Ben.

  Now there was a thought. I glanced at the time on my phone. There was always the possibility that he was working; I’d lost track of his schedule. I took a chance and called him.

  “This better be damned important,” he huffed into the phone.

  I listened to his staccato breathing, and started to grin. “Do I even want to know what you’re doing?”

  He snickered. “It’s not what I’m doing, but that’s fine, Scott can keep at it while I talk.”

  I heard Scott grumble in the background, his words incomprehensible, almost as if he were talking with his mouth full.


  I tried not to laugh. “Listen, if this is a bad time—”

  “Nope, just fine. What’s up?” Scott gave out the merest hint of a moan, and Ben’s breathing sped up.

  “I was only calling to see if you wanted to go for a run in the next few days. I’m feeling the need.” The whole conversation had a surreal quality to it.

  “Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, just like that.” Ben cleared his throat. “What? A run? Sounds good. I’m working four nights this week, but I’m free Tuesday, if you want to meet up after work.” He groaned. “Oh God, perfect!”


  “Sorry. Got a little… distracted.”

  I could imagine. “Shall I call back another time?” I said, chuckling.

  “Ooh, yes, boy….” Ben was panting. “Just a minute, Eli.”

  Clearly I’d picked the wrong time to call. I put the phone down and waited a few moments. When I heard Ben shouting, I figured it was safe to pick up again.

  “Feel better now?” I asked jokingly.

  “Bloody hell, yes. Go get ready for bed, Scott.” Scott squawked loudly, muttering something about wanting his own relief. “Who are you here to take care of?”

  “You, Sir.” His voice was quieter now.

  “Then get ready. You know the drill, and you know how I expect to find you when I get in the room.”

cheerful yip went out, and I heard a door slam.

  I smiled to myself. “He’s got you wrapped around his finger, Ben.”

  “Damn straight, but don’t let him know that. And now that the blood has returned to my brain….” He snickered. “Was that everything, or was there something else you wanted?”

  It suddenly occurred to me that there was. “Actually, I needed to talk to you.”

  Almost immediately his voice was alert. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. I need to ask you something, though. Is the invitation to Collars & Cuffs still open?”

  “Of course! What finally changed your mind?”

  “Before I answer, I need to ask you some questions. Are you certain that we’ll be accepted?”

  There was no hesitation. “I promise you that everyone will greet you with open arms. Leo and Thomas vet every member very carefully, and they’ll make sure that you’re well taken care of.”

  “And what about Jarod?” After seeing firsthand how he’d been treated at Spitfire, he was my main concern.

  Ben chuckled. “Tell me something. You’ve met Scott. Do you honestly believe Jarod would be able to get away from him? That boy will probably hug him to death.”

  He had a point.

  “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you come to the club tomorrow night? I’ll introduce you to Leo and Thomas, and you can see what you think. Bring Jarod too.”

  I thought quickly. “I’ll come, sure, but I’m not bringing Jarod. No offense, Ben, but I’ll hold off on that until I’ve had a chance to see the club for myself. He’s had enough bad experiences of clubs to make him wary of going to another one.” Now that I thought of it, I decided I wasn’t going to tell him about my visit. If all went well, then yes, but I wasn’t about to get him agitated if we weren’t going to go there.


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