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Assignment to Sin

Page 2

by Stormy Knight

  “You obviously were not trained up properly. Therefore, you wouldn’t have any interest in the chores required for the upkeep of a farm or the study of Scripture. As a matter of fact, our Scripture study guides us in our daily activities. Idle hands are the devil’s work,” she added with the emphasis on the word devil.

  That devil’s work bit must have been one of their favorite quotes. “Yes, I know that you scare your children into thinking that they’re going to go to the devil if they have a little fun. I heard the idle hands quote from Leah yesterday,” I reported.

  “As you should have if you were trying to pull her away from her chores,” Prudence stated matter-of-factly. “You were warned on your first day here that if your interaction with our youth interfered with chores you would not be allowed to come back. I’m warning you again, for the last time, that if you try to convince Leah that she and the other youth are unhappy here because of chores you will not be allowed back. Consider yourself warned and I’m watching you.”

  Oh no, I had to think fast. The last thing I needed was for her to report back to the University that I was doing something wrong here. If Professor Bryant found out that would be the end of any hope I ever had of us hooking up.

  I put the biggest smile on my face that I could muster. “I’m so sorry ma’am. I think you may have misunderstood me. I wasn’t trying to convince Leah not to do her chores. I merely suggested that we go for a walk and she advised me that that wasn’t permitted. So, you should be proud of her. I guess she’s just living the life that you taught her to live and if that’s important to you and to her than so be it.” I was back-stepping out of my little tirade as fast as I could.

  Prudence moved away from me. “If there’s nothing else, Lorin, I need to get back to work,” she said.

  I was dismissed. What a bitch.


  Leah smiled, leaning on her hoe when she saw me walking between the bean plants. Bless her heart. Her hands were red from rubbing up and down on the hoe handle. Seeing this made me feel even worse.

  “I saw you drive in and was kind of surprised that you went straight to the house. Is everything okay?” Leah asked, looking worried.

  “Oh, sure!” I said, just a little too fast. I didn’t want Leah to know about the conversation that had taken place between her mother and I, so I changed the subject. She seemed genuinely glad to see me again. She recounted all of the chores that she had already performed since she got out of bed that morning. I was a little reluctant to get started with my interview questions, but that’s why I was there, so I began.

  After only a few questions I decided to veer away from the format a little. “Leah, is there anything in your life for you to really get excited about?” I sat on an overturned pail, studying her face.

  Her face turned a slight shade of red. “Well, there is one thing that I have to look forward to.” She smiled, shyly, and put her head down.

  “Well, don’t keep me in suspense, silly,” I teased. “Let’s have it.”

  “I’m to be married after the harvest. His name is Jacob and we’ve been betrothed for some time,” Leah blurted out.

  This was an interesting revelation. The poor girl was set to get married in a few short months and probably wasn’t even allowed to spend any time with her fiancé. “Congratulations! Why didn’t you tell me about your fiancé yesterday? That is exciting! How long have you been engaged? Have you known your fiancé for long?” I hoped I wasn’t throwing too many questions at the poor girl at once.

  “We’ve known each other since we were children. We’ve only been engaged since we turned 18. When young women here turn 18, the elders begin to arrange marriages.” Leah looked away when she finished speaking, appearing a little uncertain about her arranged marriage.

  I wasn’t uneasy approaching the subject. “I didn’t realize that arranged marriages were a modern-day institution. So, someone other than the two parties involved decided that you two would be married?”

  “Well, we had to agree to the marriage and this arrangement was only reached after many weeks of meetings,” Leah said.

  That didn’t seem so bad. At least these two weren’t forced into being married. “What is your fiancé like? Do you get to spend much time with him? I know you said you’ve known him since you were children, but have you had much interaction with him since you’ve been engaged?”

  Leah took a moment to construct her response. “We get to sit together in church every week and our families have a big dinner together once a month,” Leah said, smiling.

  She seemed a little bashful when speaking about Jacob, but after talking at length about what type of person he was and the qualities he had, I realized that it was more out of apprehension than anything else. Leah really hadn’t had much opportunity to spend any time alone with Jacob. This situation was really going to make their marriage, and especially their wedding night, seem rather awkward. Realizing this, I had an idea.

  “Leah, I think it would be really nice if I could get to meet Jacob and maybe we could work on arranging some time for you two to be together alone.” Leah’s wide-eyed countenance betrayed her alarm.

  “Oh, no! That would not be permitted! Any time that Jacob and I spend together must be sanctioned and approved by the elders,” Leah exclaimed.

  I could see this wasn’t going to be as easy as I had first thought. “Okay, we won’t plan on that then. But, do you think it would be possible for me to get to meet Jacob?” There had to be more than one way to get around the elders strict rules.

  Leah thought for a moment. “Now that I think about it, Mama did want me to deliver some jams to their farm later today. Jacob will probably be working on getting their new barn raised. We might be able to see him then.” She still wasn’t certain about our little plan, but she was more relaxed with things this way, than with actually trying to arrange a meeting.

  After Leah finished her chores, and we had a quick lunch, she gathered the jams to carry over to Jacob’s farm. Since she wasn’t allowed to ride in my car, we had to take the horse and buggy. I could tell that Leah was nervous. I wasn’t sure if she was afraid that I would say or do something to embarrass her, or if it was just that being around Jacob always made her nervous.

  Sure enough, as we drove up the drive to Jacob’s farm, we could see the men working outside on the barn raising. Leah pointed to a handsome blonde carrying lumber towards the barn. “That is Jacob,” she reported, pointing to her fiancé.

  Jacob was quite handsome, with a stocky frame, and I could tell that he was very muscular. “Nice. He’s quite handsome,” I replied.

  We drove around behind the farmhouse and went to the kitchen door to deliver the goods. Jacob’s mother, Sarah, was a nice lady and much friendlier than Prudence. She invited us in to sit at the table with her and have a glass of lemonade. While we were sitting there, someone knocked on the kitchen door and our hostess went to answer the door.

  “Leah, Jacob is requesting your presence on the porch,” Sarah said. “Lorin, would you care to accompany her so that you may act as chaperone?”

  Startled by this request and new appointment I nodded and rose from my seat. Leah stepped outside onto the porch and I followed. There on the swing was Jacob grinning from ear to ear.

  “Hello Leah,” Jacob began, “this is a nice surprise.”

  His gorgeous blue eyes studied her face for a moment and then traveled to greet mine. Jacob’s eyes quickly traveled up and down my body, taking in my attire.

  “Who is your friend and to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Jacob asked.

  “Hello Jacob. This is Lorin and she is the summer intern working on the University outreach project. I had to come to deliver some jams and thought it would be nice if she could meet you.” I could tell that Leah was tense and realized that it was largely due to the fact that this little impromptu meeting would probably be frowned upon by the elders.

  I stepped towards Jacob with my hand outstretched. He accept
ed my hand, pumped it up and down one time, and quickly retracted. “It’s nice to meet you Jacob. As Leah stated, I’m here in your community carrying on the research that was started in previous summers. I hope to be able to interview you at some point, if that’s possible.” I waited, checking his face for any signs of agreement. “I understand that any interaction between you and I would need to be approved by Leah’s father. Hopefully, I will be able to arrange this with him in the near future and then you will be notified as well,” I said.

  Jacob rose quickly from his seat. “That would be fine, as long as you seek approval from the elders for us to speak,” he replied. Nodding quickly in Leah’s direction and then back in mine, Jacob turned and headed down the porch steps.

  Confused, I turn to Leah. “Did I say or do something wrong?” I asked.

  “No, it’s not that,” Leah replied. “Like most of the men here in the community, Jacob is not used to spending any time with a woman, other than his sisters or mother.”

  “Well, I hope that he didn’t take my offer to interview him as anything inappropriate. We can even be accompanied by you or another adult if that would make him feel more comfortable,” I told her. Good grief! The guy was acting like I was going to jump his bones! Of course, he was probably taught to be scared to death of women who weren’t in his family.

  Leah shrugged. “He just isn’t used to getting attention from a woman. I mean the only time he’s ever around a woman other than family members as when he sits beside me in church,” Leah reported.

  I thought about it for a minute and then realized that Leah was going to need instruction in how to interact with men. Here she was marrying this guy and they couldn’t even say more than a few words to each other. I looked her in the eye. “If you want your marriage to be an easy transition and if you want to be more comfortable you really should try to spend a little more time together with Jacob prior to your wedding night.”

  Leah blushed. “What are you saying?” she asked. “We must remain pure prior to lying together in the marriage bed. It would bring shame to our families and to the community to do anything to spoil ourselves before our marriage,” Leah said, shaking her head.

  “I am not suggesting that you fool around or anything. I’m only saying maybe you could spend some time together in conversation. It really would make things less awkward if you knew some things about each other before you start your new life together.” I waited for Leah to reply.

  “I don’t know. The elders really wouldn’t approve of any meetings that they weren’t in charge of or involved in,” Leah said. Her voice took on a wistful tone. I knew that she wished things were different.


  I thought about Leah and Jacob and their impending marriage all the way home. I had to smile when I recalled the remark Leah had made about the marriage bed. Good sex in the marriage bed was probably the best thing that the couples of the community had going for them. Of course, Leah would probably never find this out. I couldn’t see Prudence instructing her on how to make her husband happy in the bed.

  My thoughts on this began to form a sneaky little plan. I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea that would go a long way in saving the community. I couldn’t do it alone though. I would need Charlie’s help.


  Charlie was thrilled to see me standing over top of him when he woke up Saturday afternoon. Fresh from the shower, I climbed in bed with him. I knew that my plan would take some coercion and I figured that a good screw would get him in the mood to agree.

  “Hi baby,” I purred, reaching under the thin sheet in search of his cock. Finding my mark, I planted a light kiss on his cheek.

  “Mmmm…. That’s a nice thing to wake up to,” Charlie sighed. I was getting wet just thinking about having him fill me up.

  “It ought to be,” I teased. “This is been the longest week of my life and I’m definitely need of a de-stressing.” Moving my hand away, I raised myself up and came over top of him, straddling his hips. I had to get him hot and ready, and all worked up, before I delivered my plan.

  I stayed there rocking my hips back and forth so that my slit was spread out, rubbing up and down on the bottom of his shaft.

  Charlie was smiling now. “Damn baby, you must have really missed me. You’re on fire and already wet. Slide that big thing up inside that little hot pussy,” he begged.

  I knew that he wouldn’t be able to stand much foreplay, but I had to get him where I wanted him so that he would agree with my plan. “Baby, you know how much we enjoy our lovemaking, right?” I ask.

  He had his eyes shut, but he opened them now. Drunk with lust, he was rocking his hips up from the bed, trying to hit his mark. “Oh, God, yes! Your pussy is what makes life worth living.”

  Chuckling, I lowered my tits down on his chest and began to swing them back and forth from side to side. This raised my bottom up off of Charlie and he started to thrust higher, trying to reach me. “Well, I’ve got a little problem, baby,” I began.

  “I’m got a big problem, Lorin, and it’s only going to be solved when I’m buried up inside of you,” he panted. “What are you doing honey? I thought that you were as horny as I am, but maybe you’re not, from the way you’re playing around.”

  Oh, I was horny all right. But, I needed for Charlie to agree to help me before I sank down on the tip of his hot cock. “Charlie, I think I’ve figured out why the youth are leaving the religious community where I’m doing my research,” I declared.

  “Baby please!” Charlie had his hands on my hips now trying to guide me down on to his erection, and all the while he was steady thrusting. “I’ve got to be surrounded by your hot walls. You’re going to cause me to lose it!”

  “They don’t have anything to look forward to. I figured the least I could do was teach Leah how to enjoy sex. Then at least, she could make sure that she enjoyed her marriage. But, I won’t be able to do that without your help.” To further accentuate my point I reached between my thighs, spreading my lips wide, and sank back on to the head of his throbbing cock. Charlie thrust up to meet me.

  “Oh, baby,” he panted, as he began thrusting in and out. “You gonna teach her how to slam up and down on a cock like you do?” Charlie was grinning, and I could tell by the way he was working his hips around in a circular motion that me talking about teaching Leah how to enjoy sex was making him even hotter.

  I reached behind me, putting my left hand on the bed and pulled my knees up so that I was sitting on him with my feet flat on the bed. Bouncing up and down, I brought my right hand to my mouth, sucking on my index and middle finger at the same time. Then, I popped my fingers out, dropping a string of saliva between my jiggling tits and began stroking my swollen clit up and down with my wet fingertips.

  “Oh God baby,” I panted in jerky syllables, “I want Leah to know what it feels like to play with her pussy while she has a fat cock ramming in and out of her.”

  Charlie was breathing like he was about to hyperventilate now, and I realized that he was about to come. “I want to teach her how to milk her man’s cock to get every last drop.” With that, I quickly maneuvered my bottom over top of Charlie’s face and my mouth engulfed his sticky cock. Bobbing up and down, and watching for that telltale sign of his ball sack to draw up into his body, I began massaging each ass his cheeks with my hands.

  He was lapping up and back in my valley, thrusting his tongue in and out of my hole with each pass. The heat became unbearable, and just as my pussy was clenching with the spasms of a rippling orgasm, I sank his hot head into my throat, moaning, as I took his load. I circled my fingers around the base of his shaft as I raised my mouth off of him, squeezing my hand up his cock as I raised my head, forcing every bit of his come into my mouth. Enjoying his continued gasps, I gently licked every inch of his cock and balls, making sure he was clean.

  I rolled over onto my back, gasping for my breath, with my head still at the foot of the bed. “So, what do you think Charlie?” I ask
ed. “Do you think you can help me teach Leah and her betrothed to enjoy each other?” As I raised up, I caught Charlie licking the remnants of my cunt juice from his lips.

  “When do we start?” Charlie asked, smiling.

  Chapter 4

  Charlie just so happened to be starting his two-week vacation on Monday, and he was thrilled with the prospect of how he would get to spend his break.

  We decided that it might be best if he accompanied me on Monday, just so he could be introduced to Leah’s family and volunteer to help Jacob’s family with the ongoing construction work that they were doing. Since Charlie was a laborer by trade that would be the perfect reason for him to be at the community.

  I was excited too, because I knew that if things worked out as I planned the University project would be a success. That would please Professor Bryant, and in turn, maybe he would please me.

  As we drove up to the farm house that morning, I was beginning to have second thoughts. “You know, I kind of wish we would have gotten the clearance for you to be here before coming out.”

  Charlie glanced over at me, grinning. “It’s not like we could’ve called first. I guess we could’ve sent a homing pigeon. But, that would have taken too long,” he said, laughing. “It will be okay Lorin. Just leave everything to me. I’ll handle the explanation of why I’m here.”

  The main thing that I was worried about was getting Charlie past Prudence. He didn’t understand what a bitch she could be. She didn’t seem like the type of woman to be charmed by a man. But, I do know that if any man could charm her it would be Charlie.

  I should’ve been a mind reader. Prudence opened the door when we arrived, and a smile lit her face when her eyes landed on Charlie. Unnerved, I looked at Charlie and then back to her.


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