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Out of the Darkness

Page 4

by Juliette Banks

  Less than a year after being 'discovered,' I had moved out from home and into a flat in Putney, south west London, some distance from where my mother and my stepfather lived. My contact with them was minimal at best and, since an almighty row when I was twenty, we no longer spoke at all.

  My mother had me when she was sixteen after falling pregnant on holiday in Spain. She had no idea who my father was, as she had been falling-down drunk on vodka and could barely remember what had happened to her. On her return to London she had tried to have an abortion, but stubborn old me just refused to budge. She had had a couple of boyfriends when I was young, and when I turned eleven she met Rod, my stepfather, and had two more children. Rod and I had never hit it off and when I was fourteen he began pestering me for sex when my mother was out. I spent more and more time at friends' houses, and in the library, so being discovered at fifteen had been an escape route for me. As soon as I had a little money saved, and was sixteen—the legal age to live away from my parents—I was gone. I rarely, if ever, looked back. I didn't realize how lonely I was, because that feeling had been with me my entire life.

  Somehow, I found myself telling Chad about my stepfather, and my experience with Leon, and tears rolled down my face as I relived them. He said very little, but held me closer as I got all the hurt off my chest that I had bottled up for so long. We must have walked for an hour before I had talked myself to a standstill.

  "I'm sorry. You didn't come out with me to have me burden you with all my woes. I live on the next block, so if you want to leave me here and go home, I’ll be fine now, honestly."

  "I’ll see you to your door and, Marianne, you haven’t burdened me in the slightest. I want to take care of you, nothing more for now. Will you let me take care of you?"

  I nodded and he took out a clean handkerchief and gently dabbed away the tears and the mascara that had run onto my cheeks.

  When we reached my place, he took the key from me and opened the door before standing back to allow me to enter. I turned and suddenly knew I wanted him to stay. I reached out my hand and he took it. “Come,” was all I needed to say.

  That night, he cared for me in a way that I had never been cared for before. He made me a cup of chamomile tea and took me into the bathroom. He gently wiped off my make-up before tactfully withdrawing to allow me to clean my teeth and use the lavatory. When I reappeared, he gently undressed me and put me in my nightie before tucking me under the covers.

  Leaning over, he kissed me softly on the cheek. "Go to sleep now, Marianne. Sweet dreams."

  I must have fallen asleep quite quickly, worn out from talking and crying, because the next thing I knew, I was being woken by a gentle touch on the arm and the aroma of freshly made coffee.

  "Good morning. I hope you slept well," Chad said softly.

  I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Yes, I did. Thanks for staying and putting up with my wailing." I tried to laugh it off, but the sound was awkward.

  He just smiled. "No need to thank me. I have to go now, but I’d like to see you tonight, if you’re free."

  I suddenly felt a little shy, and also intensely grateful that Chad had taken care of me so well and hadn’t taken advantage of my mini-breakdown. "I'm not working today, so how about I cook dinner for us both. Can you make it for about seven?" I said.

  "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He bent to kiss me. "I’ll see you at seven."

  He was just about to leave when I called after him, "Is there anything you don't eat?"

  He turned and gave me a wide grin. "No, I eat everything that’s put in front of me."

  I knew he wasn't just talking about food.

  I opened the door to a smiling Chad, carrying a bottle of red wine and a beautiful bunch of flowers. He bent and kissed me full on the lips, and even just that brief contact made me shiver inside.

  “Mmm, something smells good,” he said.

  I’d made a chicken in red wine casserole and the smell was very enticing. Chad sat on the stool on the other side of the breakfast bar dividing the kitchen from the living area, and poured us both a glass of red wine while I finished an apple crumble dessert and popped it into the oven.

  We sat at the small round table in the corner of the living area, which I decorated with a vase containing the flowers he’d brought. To accompany the casserole, I had prepared some roast vegetables and warm, crusty bread. Chad ate like a man who hadn’t tasted home cooking for some time and there was only minimal conversation until his plate was clear.

  "The way to a man's heart is definitely through his stomach, and after that meal, you definitely have my heart," he said with a smile.

  I didn't confess to him that this recipe was the only one I knew, taught to me by a former flat mate, and I felt ridiculously pleased at his praise and grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  He held out his hand. "Come round here so I can thank you properly."

  I suddenly felt a little shy, but walked around the table. Chad put his arm around my waist and pulled me gently down on to his knee. He turned my face towards him and kissed me on the lips. I gave a little tremble, which he must have felt and his hand began to rub my back as he drew my head down on to his chest. I knew that he wanted me because I could feel the evidence of that pressing against my bottom. I wanted him, too.

  "You are so beautiful and perhaps a little fragile. I want to love you and take care of you, Marianne. Will you let me?"

  His voice was hoarse with desire, but I also detected a hidden agenda behind his wish to take care of me. He knew what I secretly wanted him to do and was offering it to me if I could just ask him for it.

  "Yes," I whispered. "I need…" I couldn't say it, but I didn't need to. He knew what I was asking.

  "You'd like that lovely bottom of yours spanked, wouldn't you? You need me to take care of you, Marianne."

  I breathed a sigh of relief that he had read me as well as he had.

  He stood and picked me up as though I was a feather, and carried me through to my bedroom. Placing me on my feet in front of the bed, he slowly, carefully began to remove my clothes until I was standing naked in front of him. He pulled back from me a foot or two and his gaze swept up and down my body. I could see the lust in his eyes. But I could see that he was wary of frightening me as Leon had done. He wanted to take me with him and bring joy and pleasure to us both.

  He reached out and stroked my breasts before running his hands down the sides of my hips and thighs. The anticipation of what was about to happen made my nerve endings tingle. He turned me around and ran his hands down my back and over my undulating bottom. It was as though he was inspecting every inch of me.

  "You are exquisite, Marianne. Lie down here, over my knee."

  He sat on the edge of the bed and I went down over his lap until my bottom was poised over his right thigh. His fingers glided over my curves and down my thighs before returning back up and between my legs, stroking the part of me that now ached for his touch. I didn’t know where this feeling had come from, but I desperately wanted Chad to spank me and then to make love to me. It was a feeling that took me completely by surprise, but it was as though I had been waiting for a man such as Chad to come along. He spoke softly to me.

  "I was going to ask if you are sure about this, but I can feel from your body that you are more than ready for me. If you want me to stop, just say stop and I will do so immediately."

  I couldn’t speak, so just nodded my head. Chad raised his hand and brought it down crisply onto my bottom. I couldn't help letting out a soft groan. I had wanted this for so long. Perhaps Leon had recognized this need in me, but he had been selfish and cruel. He had used me for his own satisfaction, with no care for how I felt. Now I had found a kind and loving man who could take care of me in the way I needed.

  Chad spanked me for several minutes, fairly hard strokes, but not unbearable. The sexual longing within my body strengthened with each stroke. After about twelve, he stopped and once again fondled my cheeks and the moist area between th
em. My bottom was glowing and I had a desperate ache in my core.

  "Yes, Chad, please… I need… I want…" but I couldn't finish the thought.

  "Just a few more and then I will take you where you are longing to go." He gave me another ten strokes, just a little harder than before. I could feel his erection beneath me and longed for him to fill me with it. "God, Marianne, I want this wonderful body of yours so badly, you’ve no idea."

  He rolled me over on to the bed and, within seconds, had stripped off his clothes. He stood before me and I reveled in his masculinity.

  "Shimmy up the bed a little."

  I did as he asked and he came on to the bed and pressed his firm body down on me, pushing my legs out on either side. It took just a second before he was inside me and he took us both to heaven.

  Afterwards, we sat up in bed and had our dessert of apple crumble, which was only slightly overcooked, although Chad said that he thought he had already had a more than adequate dessert. I nuzzled up to him and felt more content than I had ever felt before. I’d found a home at last.

  I looked up at him. "Will you be my Master?"

  He didn’t reply immediately. Perhaps I had spoken too soon? Perhaps he didn’t want to have a submissive again after Naomi? I felt very nervous, awaiting his response. Eventually he spoke in his usual gentle tone.

  "I would be greatly honored to be your Master, but we must take this slowly, especially after your earlier experience. You mustn’t plunge into a way of life that you might find you don’t want after a while. You’re very young and you’ve never had a relationship before. You might find that it’s not for you. I don’t want to cause you any anguish, so we must proceed slowly and see where it takes us. In the meantime, let's enjoy each other's company and bodies, not to mention your fabulous cooking."

  I looked up to see if he was making fun of me, but there was just a gentle twinkle in his eye.

  Chad stayed over, and after that night, we began seeing each other several times a week, spending the nights together at both my place and his. He had a wonderful airy, light studio apartment on the third floor of a townhouse in Chelsea, which was as scruffy and untidy as I had expected. But I didn’t mind in the slightest. It was full of unusual and exotic artefacts brought back from his years of travel around the world. On the walls and on almost every surface in the apartment were hundreds of photographs in various sizes. I loved looking at them.

  We didn’t spend all our time together. There were times when we were separated for several days, and even several weeks, when modelling and photography meant that we had to be in different parts of the country, or even in different countries. But we spoke all the time on the phone, and sent e-mails and pictures to each other. He would send me a shot from his latest project and I would ask the photographer on my fashion shoots to take a shot for me to send to Chad, usually something less formally posed than the normal ones, such as me sitting on the stairs, my head in my hands and grinning at the camera. Chad loved those happy shots.

  The weeks passed and soon we found we had been together for six months. Chad delighted in spanking me, and I delighted in being spanked by him. Sometimes he would call me and issue specific instructions, such as the time he told me to dress in sexy underwear and high heels only, and travel to his place covered only by a lightweight raincoat. It was a blustery day and I spent most of my time in trying to stop the mac from blowing up and revealing my lack of clothes. When he opened the door to me, I could see that he was already highly aroused. He made me remove my coat and walk around the apartment in just the underwear and the heels while he photographed me—for his private collection, he said.

  "You don't mind me photographing you, do you? I swear to you that I will never, ever, show the photos to anyone else," he said quickly.

  I assured him that I didn't mind. Being a model meant that I was very comfortable about my body being on view with very little on, and I took great delight in being as provocative as possible, knowing that I was building up the tension to a spanking and orgasms all round.

  "You minx. You are so going to get fucked tonight. But not before I lather that bottom of yours so that you can't sit down."

  Slowly—too slowly as far as I was concerned—Chad introduced me to some more kinky and exciting behavior. The first time he wanted to tie me up, I could tell that he was nervous of my response because of Leon. But I trusted Chad completely and I asked him to do it.

  "You must promise that you’ll stop me if I frighten you too much. Say the word 'red' and I’ll stop at once."

  I promised solemnly that I would. He told me to take off my clothes but to keep on my underwear. Then he brought out a silk scarf, which he tied around my eyes so that I was plunged into darkness.

  "You okay?"

  I assured him I was. He turned on some classical music, which reverberated throughout the apartment on multiple speakers, before coming close to me and blowing gently over my ears, my back, my groin. I found it incredibly erotic. Then he removed my bra and panties very slowly, stroking my skin with the palms of his hands all over my body.

  He whispered into my ear in his wonderful, melodious voice. "I'm taking you into the bedroom. Don't be afraid, I won't let you crash into anything."

  I had to put my total trust in his ability to keep me safe and it was hard to let go at first, but slowly I gained in confidence.

  He laid me down on my back in the middle of the bed and I felt my arms and then my legs being drawn outwards so that I was totally exposed to him. Soft ties were fastened around my wrists and ankles and somehow anchored to the bed. Perhaps he had had those ties there before and I had never noticed them?

  All went quiet, but I sensed Chad prowling around the bed, looking at me. I felt something soft stroking my breasts and it made me shiver with expectation. The sensation ran down my stomach and between my legs.

  "Do you know what this is?"

  I shook my head.

  "It is called a flogger and is made of several strands of soft leather. Don't be afraid. It will only sting a little and I’ll be gentle with you. Do you trust me?"

  "Yes," I whispered. I was incredibly turned on, but also a little nervous.

  The flogger disappeared for a moment, but was then flicked against my breasts and I breathed in sharply in surprise. The sensation it produced was, as Chad had promised, not much more than a light sting. He then trailed it down my body and right down my leg to my foot. Then he flicked it against my thigh. Another small sting.

  "What are you thinking, Marianne? Does this excite you?"

  "Yes, unbelievably so, especially because of the blindfold and the restraints."

  Chad bent over and kissed my earlobe and growled into my ear. "Seeing you like this, I think that I might combust. I never tire of looking at you naked. You’re a work of art." The flogger reappeared on my breasts and Chad ran it down my middle and between my legs. He bent over and ran his fingers over my sex. "From the moisture I can feel down here, I think that you might combust, too. Don't come yet, not until I say."

  He flicked the flogger several more times over my body, and then I heard it drop to the floor. I heard the sound of Chad taking off his clothes. He knelt upon the bed, between my outstretched legs, and a moment later I felt the soft caress of his tongue over my labia and seeking to penetrate me. He explored the warm, dark and damp place with his tongue whilst his finger began to massage my clitoris.

  "Oh God, Chad, I don't think I can… oh please, I need to come, please let me come!"

  "Just a little while longer, just hold on a little longer. I promise you an orgasm that you’ll not forget in a hurry."

  The strokes of his tongue and the massaging with his fingers were drawing me to the point of no return. Chad knew this. His command couldn’t come soon enough.

  "Come now, Marianne. Come for me now."

  I exploded with a force that I had never felt before in my life and I shrieked my passion as the trembling and the ecstasy reverberated through my body a
nd seemed to go on for much longer than usual. As soon as it was over, I felt the ties being loosened and he removed the blindfold and began to kiss me. I responded with intensity.

  "Chad, I don't know how to describe what I just felt. Thank you so much."

  "Well, if we try hard, I'm sure there is at least another one in there."

  He lay down on top of me, pulling my feet up so my legs rested on his shoulders, before he entered me hard. He spoke breathlessly as he plunged into me. "Marianne, if I died right now, it would not matter. I’m already in heaven. Let's see if we can get you there again."

  I could feel the excitement within me increasing until, once again, I was overtaken by the intense feeling of pleasure, cresting at the same time as Chad reached his climax. He exploded within me, groaning my name as he did so.

  We lay together, covered with a sweaty sheen from our exertions, our bodies entwined. "You have made an old man very happy."

  I kissed his chin. "You're not old, but just as a matter of interest, how old are you?"

  "I shall be forty-eight in a month's time."

  "Well, that's not old."

  "It's more than twice your age, Miss. Some people might see me as a dirty old man, you know."

  "Well, they would be right. But I quite like dirty old men. Aren't you supposed to wear a filthy raincoat and flash yourself to young women on the subway, though? If I have to come to your place in my underwear and a mac, perhaps I should insist that you come to me naked under a mac, too?"

  Chad did not reply, but he chuckled and gave me a sharp slap across my bottom. "You are becoming cheeky. I can see that I need to be a bit stricter with you and spank you a little more often."

  But it was said with a twinkle in his eye.

  Later, when we were lying under the duvet in each other's arms, I ventured to talk again about Chad being my Master. I wanted to know what it meant and how different it would be from our way of life now.

  "Chad, do you mind me asking about Naomi?"

  "No, of course not. What do you want to know?"


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