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Out of the Darkness

Page 11

by Juliette Banks

  Sure enough, he came up trumps. He produced a peach chiffon fitted dress, covered in peach colored sequins in strategic places. The skirt was semi-opaque, so that it gave the appearance of modesty, but also a tantalizing glimpse of the legs beneath. It was both sexy and sophisticated, but wouldn't cause William any embarrassment should there be some pillars of the establishment, straight-laced guests present. Women would gasp, and men would lust, but all in the best possible taste. I promised Joel faithfully that I wouldn’t allow the gown to be ripped from my body in a moment of lust.

  For the last shot of the day I was in an evening gown, and the hair stylist swept my hair up into an elegant chignon, and I decided that I would leave it like that for the evening.

  I arrived back at five thirty, with an hour to spare to get ready. William had just returned and he greeted me with a warm embrace. He made no move to seduce me as he knew that time was limited.

  "A glass of champagne while you make yourself even more lovely?"

  "Mmm, that would be wonderful." I accepted the glass gratefully, and went off to my room to shower and dress. Being used to quick changes on shoots, having an hour to get ready was a luxury, and I was finished with ten minutes to spare. I looked in the mirror and even though I was normally quite nonchalant about my looks, I admitted to myself that I didn't look too bad. I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hallway and into the drawing room, where William, looking very handsome in evening attire, was leaning against the fireplace, a glass of whisky in his hand.

  I didn't need any words from him. His look was sufficient. He walked towards me, and then circled around me. "Wow, you look stunning Marianne, truly stunning. I’ll simply be seen as the man accompanying Marianne Delaney."

  I looked quickly at him in case that was a veiled criticism, but his eyes were full of lust and admiration, the very result I had been hoping for. "So you don't think I’ve gone over the top, then?"

  "No, not at all. There won't be a woman there tonight who won't want to be you, and there won't be a man there who won't want to bed you. I shall simply bask in your glory…. and be thinking of all the things I want to do to you when we get back here."

  There was no question of me being submissive tonight. Tonight, I would stride confidently into a room full of the great and good of New York, on the arm of a rich and powerful—not to mention good looking—man, and feeling a million dollars. Putting on an elegant dress, hiding behind makeup and a great hair-do, transformed me both inside and out. It changed me from a slightly shy and insecure person into a sexy and sophisticated woman.

  William was right about the attention we received, but I was sure that it wasn't all directed at me. In his black dinner suit and with his confident, sexy looks and dark brooding eyes, I saw more than one woman looking at him surreptitiously when they thought their husband was not watching.

  As for me, I was so used to being looked at on the catwalk, or on photo shoots, that I could honestly say I could tune it out. I realized that this might seem arrogant if I was to admit it to anyone, but it was a fact of my life. And even when I was aware of the attention, I still wasn't sure if the looks I received were malevolent or benign. I still lacked that touch of confidence that I’d noticed in other women when they were certain they were the center of attention. Deep down I was still an awkward, gawky schoolgirl, wondering why I was drawing attention to myself. Yet at the same time I reveled in the sexual power I had, even if, after feeling that power, I was content to hand it over to a dominant man such as William.

  It was a contradiction within me. Chad had once told me that it was that combination that drew him to me so strongly the night we met. I was sexy and strong for much of the time, yet vulnerable and submissive at others. He said it kept him on his toes, never knowing which one of my characters he would wake up next to in the morning.

  That evening, William chatted graciously with men and women at the publishing awards event, yet his eyes never seemed far from me. We sat at a large round table with five other couples for dinner, and whenever I looked across the table I would invariably see him looking at me. He gave me a fleeting smile on each of these occasions, before turning and talking to one of the people seated near him. Each time I saw him looking I could feel the sexual moistening between my thighs. Thankfully he’d allowed me to wear panties on this occasion, unlike the previous night.

  Eventually we were in the limousine driving back to our hotel and I lay back against the soft, leather seat and closed my eyes for a moment.

  "Are you very tired?" he asked.

  I decided to be honest. "I'm afraid I am. It's been a very long day."

  "Yes, and we both have work in the morning. So, as painful as it is for me, why don't we have a good night's rest? You have two free days after that, and I’m going to delay my return flight so that we can have those two days together. Provided you’d like that, of course."

  "That sounds heavenly."

  I curled up against William, and must have dropped off to sleep, because he gently awoke me when we arrived at the hotel and, with a tender kiss, left me at the door of my bedroom.

  He whispered quietly in my ear as we kissed goodnight. "I’ll be patient. I can wait until tomorrow. You’re more than worth waiting for."

  The next day the shoot wrapped up at four pm, and I returned gratefully to the hotel, looking forward to a bit of down time. The idea of a long soak in the bath was very appealing, so I ran a hot bath and put in some fragrant oil, and climbed gratefully in.

  I must have fallen asleep, because I suddenly became aware of a soft hand caressing my breasts. I opened my eyes and there, leaning over me, still in his suit, was William. He smiled at me.

  "You look kind of peaceful in there. Do you mind if I join you?"

  When I nodded, he disappeared for a moment and returned, having stripped off. He was carrying a toweling robe. He climbed into the huge bath and sat down behind me and I leaned my head back on to his chest. He resumed the gentle massage of my breasts, now slippery from the bath oil.

  "Now this is the ideal way to end a very tiring and stressful day at the office. How was your day?"

  I smiled. "It was quite good. The photographer seemed pleased with the shots he took, so it’s now up to the client to choose which ones to use. Did you manage to change your flight?"

  He nibbled a kiss on my neck. "Yes, it’s all done. I now have two clear days to devote to you. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can spend the time?"

  "I do, but I am sure that the decision in the end will be yours… Sir."

  "That’s the correct answer, my dear, and I have quite a few ideas already. But first I want to play with that sweet little pussy of yours. Flip over onto your hands and knees and back up close."

  I did as instructed, and William began by running his hand over my bottom and sweeping it between my legs.

  "I’ve been thinking of that bottom all day. In fact, it was a good job that we were sitting around a table because I would have had a difficult job trying to hide my erection if I hadn't had the table to hide behind."

  His oily fingers began massaging the outside of my sex, swirling them around in a figure of eight. Then one of them slipped easily between the folds of flesh guarding the entrance and sought out my clit. I gasped softly when he made contact.

  "Ah, what do we have here? I do believe I’ve found your little pleasure bud. It’s swollen with desire already. You haven't been playing with yourself before my arrival, have you?"

  The evidence was already there, so it was pointless lying. "Yes Sir. I was massaging myself before you came back."

  "And did you come?"

  My answer was once again honest. "No Sir, I was waiting for you."

  "Good girl. I want to be the one who makes you scream out with pleasure." His fingers were beginning to work their magic and I knew that I was not far away from climaxing but I tried to hold back, desperate to keep those fingers swirling around. He added a second finger and began to move up inside m
e, while at the same time, using his other hand, he continued to massage my clit.

  I gasped each time his fingers rode up inside me. "Oh please… I need to come, Sir."

  "Then you shall come, as your reward for waiting for me."

  The moment he gave his assent I came, groaning with pleasure as I did so. I hoped there would be many more like that tonight. William stroked me tenderly.

  "Now, I suggest we have room service dinner tonight, then we don't have to bother getting dressed. I'm going to shower off this lovely, but very feminine smelling bath oil, and order us some dinner. Why don't you finish your bath and dry your hair? Put on your toweling robe and meet me in the drawing room… oh, and Marianne, be there in ten minutes, or your bottom will be glowing a little more than usual."

  He eyed me with those mesmerizing eyes and left me trembling with excitement and pleasures to come.

  I came into the drawing room of the Royal Suite just as William put down the phone. He was wearing the black jogging pants again and a white t-shirt.

  He turned to look at me. "I've ordered steak and salad for us both. It will be here in fifteen minutes."

  He didn’t ask me if I was happy with his choice, and I could see from his face that he was already in Dom mode. A shiver of anticipation ran through my core, and my body went into submissive mode. I was ready to follow his lead, wherever it took me. I went to his side and knelt down in front of him, looking down to the floor.

  William looked down at me and ruffled my hair. He bent and slid his warm hand down the front of my robe, grasping my breast, running it over the surface and then taking hold of my nipple between his fingertips. He squeezed it, not so hard to be too painful, but hard enough to let me know that these breasts were to be his for the night. Reaching into the pocket of his pants he pulled out something small and gold colored, which I recognized as a nipple clamp. He moved the front of my robe to one side and clamped it firmly to the breast he had been fondling. Then he repeated the action with the second breast.

  "They make your breasts look even lovelier, my dear. But you must tell me if the discomfort becomes too much for you."

  He sat down in the chair next to where I was kneeling and picked up a glass of whisky that he had been drinking before my arrival. He looked at me kneeling in front of him, my robe pushed to the sides of my breasts, showing off the gold clamps. The lights were turned low, and the flames from the artificial fire in the hearth were casting shadows over me. There was classical music playing quietly in the background.

  "You are beautiful, Marianne. I will never tire of looking at you, and tonight I will look at your body, so beautiful in submission to me, and take us both to heights of pleasure we haven't yet reached."

  I shivered slightly and whispered softly. "Please take me, Sir. I’m all yours tonight."

  William leaned forward and kissed my exposed shoulders as a knock came at the door. "Stay there. Don’t move a muscle."

  He stood and went to the door of the suite and let in a waiter pushing a trolley, containing our dinner. As the man approached the dining table beyond where I was kneeling, he must have seen me waiting there, knees apart, head bowed and breasts exposed except for the nipple clamps covering the tips. He seemed to have been trained well, for he didn’t even blink as he walked past me and placed the food and crockery on the table, swiftly setting two places and placing a small vase of flowers on the table too. The mere fact that another man was in the room made my insides tremble with need. I had never felt so wanton as I did right then. I was William’s for whatever he desired me to do.

  "Do you wish to taste the wine, sir?"

  William had ordered a bottle of red to accompany the steaks. "No, that won't be necessary." He signed the check, gave the man a tip, and the waiter withdrew, not even glancing in my direction. William returned to where I was sitting. "Take off your robe and then I want you to crawl over to the table and kneel by the side of the end chair. Tonight I am going to feed you."

  I did as he instructed and sat on my haunches by the side of his chair. William followed me and produced a silk scarf from his pocket. He spoke quietly to me.

  "This is where you have to put your whole trust in me, Marianne. I will do nothing to harm you."

  I shivered in anticipation. I found it intensely erotic to submit myself in this way, and despite the fact that we had only recently met, I felt confident to place my safety in his hands. He was taking me on a journey that I longed to travel.

  He tied the scarf around my eyes and I was blind. My breaths came a little faster. I heard William sit down and the sound of cutlery contacting a plate.

  "Open your mouth." A piece of steak was placed onto my tongue. "Now close, and chew." The steak was delicious, tender and moist, and came with a little pepper sauce on it. "Try a little wine with it." A glass was brought to my mouth and when I felt it touch my lips I opened them and a dribble of red wine ran into my mouth. It all tasted delicious, and I wondered if the sight deprivation was enough to make my taste buds become super sensitive.

  There was a pause while William fed himself before the fork was again brought to my mouth with salad, which seemed to have Roquefort dressing on it. William went backwards and forwards, feeding me, and then himself. He was unhurried and spoke softly to me for much of the time, although I had trouble afterwards remembering what he had said. The whole process was so erotic that I had trembles running right through my body and a yearning that I had never felt in my life before. I wanted to surrender myself completely to this mesmeric man. I had never felt so in thrall to anyone as I did at that moment. He could have asked me to go the lobby naked and I doubt that I would have batted an eyelid.

  Eventually we finished eating, and William wiped my lips with a soft napkin. He bent and kissed my earlobe and whispered, "I ordered dessert of strawberries and cream, but I plan for us to have our dessert over by the fireplace. It will be here soon. Stand up now, Marianne. I don't want you to get cramps in your muscles."

  He stood and drew me up with him. I felt weak with desire. William drew me towards him and kissed me on the lips, seeking out my tongue with his and pressing his hands against my bottom.

  "You’re trembling. I hope that’s out of desire and not because you’re cold."

  "I’m not cold, Sir."

  "Good. Now take my hand and let me lead you," he said in a sensual purr. He led me carefully around the furniture and towards a low, glass coffee table in front of the sofa. I recognized it as the coffee table when the rounded glass edges pressed against the front of my legs.

  "Lie down on your back on the table. I’ve cleared it and it’s strengthened glass and can easily support your weight."

  I let him guide me down on to the cool surface and lay back as instructed. He stroked me all over, partly to calm my nerves, I suspect. I wondered what he planned for me.

  A soft tap came at the door and William went to answer it. This time he didn’t invite the waiter in, but took something from him and the door was again closed. He returned to my side.

  "Do you like strawberries and cream? I’ve just tasted one and they are sweet and juicy."

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Good. Open your mouth for me." He pressed a large strawberry, dipped in cream, gently against my lips and I opened them to take a bite. When I had finished it I licked my lips.

  "You have a little cream left on your lip. Let me lick it off." His tongue swirled around my lips and removed whatever was there. "Now it’s my turn to eat one, and I plan to eat mine from a very special dish." I felt a strawberry placed on my stomach, in the dip of my belly button. "I'd like some cream on mine too." A small amount of cream was poured on top of the strawberry, and then William bent over and ate the fruit from me, licking around the skin to lap up the cream. I gave a soft moan, wondering if it was possible to orgasm from the simple effect of strawberry eating.

  He fed me another strawberry, and this time he ate the next two from my breasts, making sure to lick the cream off thoroughly.r />
  "There’s one more place from where I would like to finish dessert."

  I guessed the place he had in mind. Sure enough, his fingers went down between my legs and a large strawberry was pressed between the lips of my labia.

  "You seem to be producing your own juice down here. I don't think this strawberry needs any cream. Would you like to taste yourself?"

  The question didn’t require an answer, it seemed, as William plucked the strawberry from its hiding place and placed it in my open mouth. I could taste and smell my own excitement on the surface of the fruit.

  "I think that the juice down here needs licking away, don't you?"

  William went down between my legs and began to lick my pussy. I was on the edge of exploding with pleasure and he must have sensed it.

  "I want you to come, Marianne. I want to watch you come."

  He lifted his head, but his fingers remained to massage my clit while he thrust other fingers inside me. I called out as the most intense feeling of pleasure that I have ever felt radiated out from somewhere deep within my groin and sent shivers and goose bumps to my extremities. I wanted it to go on forever.

  William took off the silk scarf and saw my eyes were misted with tears, but they were tears of joy at the experience he’d just given me. He bent over and kissed me hard on the lips. I could see an expression of lust in his eyes. He hadn't finished with me yet. His voice was deep and full of sexual need.

  "I need to fuck you hard, Marianne, but first I want to use my belt on you. I won't mark you too much, but it would give me great pleasure to do this, and I think that you might enjoy it too; don't be afraid."

  "I'm not afraid, Sir." I knew that I too had an ache in my gut and only the pain of his belt could make it go away.

  "Get up. Bend over the chair arm."

  He helped me up and I bent forward, my face touching the seat of the chair and my bottom raised. William walked away from me, towards his bedroom. I assumed that he had gone to fetch his belt. Anticipation. He was quite right about the importance of anticipation. I shivered as I heard him return, but didn’t look up. He ran the palm of his hand over my back and bottom, stroking and squeezing my flesh. I opened my legs without being told. He stepped away from me and I felt the first lash of the belt across the middle of my backside.


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