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by Unknown

  When he finally had her free, he rolled her warm, supine body back into his arms and kissed her face, then kissed her sleepy eyelids, forehead, cheeks, mouth.

  “You do realize that it’s men who are supposed to fall sleep after sex?”

  Her eyes flickered open.

  “Yes, but I believe in equality. You did that last night, so now it’s my turn. I’m utterly sated.”

  “And you weren’t last night?”

  “Yes I was, but this is day two. We women are superior beings but even we are known to fall asleep eventually.”

  He couldn’t help smiling at that. He loved the easy ambi-

  ence between them, loved the way it flowed from red-hot to this, this glorious after glow. She was beautiful, her hair a black wave against the pillows, her eyelashes dark against her skin. Her expression was edged with humor; she was so much fun to be around.

  He laughed. He couldn’t help it.


  “Well, when I pictured Alec’s sister, I just didn’t picture this. I was expecting some tedious frump.”


  “Blame your mother.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. She’s got a lot to answer for,” she replied, laughing. Then she sighed and a frown appeared on her forehead.

  ”Please don’t worry, Princess, we’re winning. Alec’s going to be safe now.”

  “I know.” She gave him a warm smile and stroked her hand over his cheek. “I know he’s safe. I was just wondering what will happen when it’s all done. I will lose my job, I suppose.”

  He turned his face into her hand, kissing her warm palm. He hated that her worries had intruded, hated that he couldn’t wash them all way with a stream of kisses.

  She’d done a fair job of hiding how upset she was but after the close shave with Tarquin, he could sense it in her every cell. It wasn’t over yet. If Watson got word of any problems, things could turn nasty. All he wanted to do was to protect her from that possibility.

  As far as she was concerned they’d done their bit; they just had to meet up with Alec and turn the evidence over. Experience told him it was never that simple, but she didn’t have to know that. She also didn’t need to know about his concern that Tarquin had recognized her or that word had reached him about the guard finding her in his office.

  This was a high stakes operation and Tarquin, let alone Watson, would never leave any unresolved issues to chance. There were many reasons why he had to stop the delivery of the documents, not the least being Sonia’s safety.

  That was why he had hustled them back to the hotel after witnessing the meeting between Watson and Tarquin. Well, that and the fact he had to have Sonia right then, and if they hadn’t hurried, he might have taken her right there on the street.

  “If Tarquin is exposed, there’s no reason for you to be fired.

  Quite the opposite might happen.”

  “I guess so,” she said thoughtfully. “But the more I think about it, the more I’m not sure I’d want to go back, now. It was a stepping stone anyway.” She shrugged. “A place to enhance my research skills when I got out of University.”

  “What is it you like about your job?”

  “The satisfaction of producing information that’s a valuable part of important policy making. And working with European counter-parts.”

  “You can use your skills elsewhere, but it may never come to that.”

  “It all seems very far way. All that’s important now is making sure Alec is safe and…” She paused and looked directly at him.

  “And?” His chest constricted.

  “And… this.” She looked unsure.

  “This?” He was pushing her, and he had no idea if it was a wise move, but he couldn’t help himself.

  “The moment, I guess.”

  “Yes, the moment.” Looking deep into her eyes, he ran his

  thumb over her cheek. He wanted the moment to last, and last.

  “Hey.” She prodded his shoulder. “If you’re on holiday this week, why didn’t you go to Prague with Alec? You’ve been there together before, yes?”

  Sheesh, the woman could ask some awkward questions.

  “He doesn’t want me hanging around all the time,” he answered, trying to think of a way to change the subject. Alec certainly didn’t want him around when he was visiting Prague, not any more. She’d find out why soon enough.

  And Alec would find out about him and Sonia. Hell. He didn’t want to face up to the repercussions of that particular revelation just yet, although the necessity to do so was almost knocking at the door. “Besides, I needed some time to chill.”

  She gazed steadily into his eyes, her expression serious. “It must be hard, what you do.”

  There didn’t seem to be any getting away from her difficult questions. “Yes, sometimes, but like I said, I find ways to chill.”

  Her eyelids lowered. “Like climbing mountains and bungee

  jumping and seducing hordes of women?”

  “Hordes?” Perhaps she had a point, although he hadn’t thought about it that way. He grinned and shrugged. “Hey, you said it.”

  He laughed and grabbed her when she exclaimed and hit out at him playfully. He pulled her close into his arms, kissing her outrage away. “Never one quite as seduce-able as you.”

  She looked at him as if measuring his seriousness and then, as if somewhat reassured, she snuggled back into his arms.

  He realized that he meant what he’d said and that he couldn’t quite imagine going after anyone else, not if she was around.

  Wouldn’t life be so much more vibrant with Sonia nearby, someone to really share the everyday things with? Not to mention the other pleasures of having her around. He shook the notion off, suddenly confused over the way his mind was working. He needed to get some sleep.

  It was, however, several hours until he achieved that state, and the time in between witnessed a heavy weighing of his heart. Oliver Eaglestone was being subjected to feelings he’d never known before and that kind of thing can keep a man awake.

  The recurring dilemma seemed to be whether he was ready for the kind of commitment he was beginning to hanker after, or if he should just stick by his convictions and knock the whole damn thing on the head right now.

  Falling for Trouble: Chapter 7

  Prague was a sparkling jewel of a city, the thriving hub of the Czech republic, with its beautiful old town, the castle, the amazing gothic architecture. It was a sightseers’ dream, and it also represented the reunion with Alec and the end of all their troubles.

  She should have been deliriously happy, but Sonia was feeling an altogether different emotion. She lifted her chin; it was only her stubborn pride that was holding her together.

  “Come on, we’ve just about got time for a drink,” Oliver said.

  “Nothing for me, thank you.”

  “Sonia, what’s up?”

  She swiveled on her bar stool, turning in his direction and stared at him, her lips pursed together, her mind a chaotic torrent of indignant retorts that she barely had in check.

  “Despite the fact that I know you and Alec are a couple of no-good womanizers, I find I’m startled that we have to meet him in a place like this.” She waved a dismissive hand around the exotic dancing club he’d taken her to.

  Humor danced over his face.

  How could he? He was laughing at her! Yeah, real funny. They were surrounded by beautiful, scantily clad women—so much for her little underwear fest of the night before.

  Was this his way of showing her that he wasn’t the sort of guy she should be falling for? And she was falling for him. Her heart hurt like hell and her emotions were tight with disappointment.

  “Alec is here, that is why we are here.”

  “This is where Alec is holed up?” she blurted. “This is The Candy Store?” Of course it bloody is, you stupid woman. She could have kicked herself. She should have known.

  “Sonia, I didn’t want to stress the point but A
lec is still in danger. He’s been safe here, trust me. It’s good cover and we need that right now. The scheduled drop with Watson is only three hours away.

  “The papers Alec was meant to deliver to him are worth a hell of a lot. Watson always covers his back; he may have had Alec followed from the moment he left London. Being in a crowded place like this is a good idea… for all of us. I don’t like the fact you were that close to Tarquin in Paris. You say he didn’t recognize you, but neither he nor Watson is a fool. They haven’t survived this long without being vigilant.”

  It had never occurred to her that Alec might have been followed, that they all could be in danger. This morning Oliver had encouraged her to wear another disguise. She thought he’d been humoring her, going along with the fun of it all. Had he been shielding her from the worst of this, letting her think it was all done and dusted after Paris? Sonia swallowed. Her heart skipped a beat as realization set in.

  Oliver gave her a moment and then continued. “If Tarquin

  recognized you in Paris, he might even have had you followed. I haven’t seen any trace of a trail, but we need to be careful, just in case.

  “Above all, if Watson doesn’t get the papers on time he’ll realize his cover is at risk. He’s mercenary. He won’t go down without a fight.”

  Sonia’s blood froze. Could Tarquin have identified her as well as Alec to Watson? Was Oliver just trying to frighten her into playing along now? If so, it was working. “You told me it was over, in Paris.”

  “It was, for the time being.” He squeezed her hand.

  Her mind began to race, her eyes scanning the men standing at the bar. Were they being watched? Had they been followed? “What are we going to do? How are we going to contact Alec without attracting attention? You may look right at home here, but don’t you think I stand out like a sore thumb?”

  He smiled. “Only in a good way. There are other women

  around.” He nodded his head at the mirror behind the bar, the one that she had fastidiously ignored.

  “I didn’t mean them.” She glanced at the two blonde nymphettes cavorting round the metal poles on the elevated walkway down the center of the club.

  “There are other women in the audience.” He turned to survey the place.

  All she could see were the two cloned nymphets, now down to silver panties, and a large group of men who were obviously on a stag party and clearly thought it was still Saturday night, despite the fact it was well into Sunday afternoon.

  Sunday afternoon! She had imagined they’d have already met up with Alec, sorted everything out and they would now be dining at a pavement café, admiring the sights and soaking up the ambience of Prague. Instead it looked as if things were far from over.

  “I’m going to try to make contact with Alec, but I need you to stay here and keep out of trouble.” His expression was concerned but it softened when he leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek

  “Sometime trouble just seems to step into my path.” She gave him her best admonishing glance but before she had time to ask anything else, he glanced at his watch and turned back to the stage where some sort of a changeover was taking place.

  “Stay put for a few minutes. You’ll be safe as long as you stay here. You trust me, don’t you?” He waited for some sort of response. “Sonia?”

  Her heart ached. “I trust you when it comes to dealing with Alec. Anything else I’m not so sure about.”

  He smiled as he got up and then leaned over to the barman.

  “Jacques, could you look after the lady for me and get her a drink?”

  The barman nodded and Oliver laid down some cash on the bar.

  “Oliver.” She reached over and grabbed his leather jacket, easing one hand inside to rest against his chest. “Be careful.”

  He covered her hand with his own, squeezing her fingers. “You too,” he whispered. His glance darted away from her and around the club.

  The serious expression in his eyes made her stomach churn.

  “Kiss me properly before you go,” she demanded.

  He obliged, swooping in to kiss her deep and hard.

  Oh, the feel and taste of him. She’d never get enough of that.

  When he walked away a moment later, she felt as if part of her had gone.

  “What can I get you?” The barman observed her with an

  amused expression. Was it because she had demanded a kiss, or was it that he’d never seen Oliver arrive with a woman before?

  Was he more used to seeing him leave with them?

  She attempted a pleasant smile. “A very large gin and tonic, please.”

  When the drink arrived she knocked it back quickly and tried to act as nonchalantly as she could. She straightened her skirt—something she’d chosen to wear as part of a new look because it was much shorter and more trashy than she’d usually wear, but ironically fit her into the current surroundings rather well—swiveled on the stool and tossed her hair back. If she had to wait here to meet Alec, she bloody well would. And not act as if she were a cringing prude.

  She looked around the place, doing a slow circuit of the occupants, wondering if there was anyone there watching them, keeping tags on who they talked to. The idea of it made her feel very uneasy, but she tried to act cool, as if she were nothing but an everyday tourist.

  Oliver was right, there were other women here. There was a large mixed group partying on the far side of the club. There were also two couples at separate tables, and the women seemed to be enjoying the view as much as the men. She wondered if it was a cultural thing, or if couples went to lap dancing clubs in England too. It wasn’t something she had any experience of, but she was experiencing plenty of things with Oliver she’d never experienced before.

  The piped music was upbeat and sexy, and the ambience of the place was more fun than she might have expected. One table appeared to be having a business meeting. Others were canoodling with each other while watching the show.

  Just then she noticed that Oliver was standing near some sort of doorway, an exit presumably, where she supposed Alec might come in. Oliver was watching her and when he caught her eye, she felt the heat of his gaze. She smiled his way and he nodded at her approvingly.

  That made her feel a bit more confident and she leaned one elbow up against the bar, resting back against it. As she did she noticed two men standing down the bar from her. One of them was looking at her with an assessing frown while flipping a mobile phone in his hand. His eyes narrowed as he looked from Oliver to her, and then whispered something to his companion.

  Sonia swallowed and looked away quickly, her gaze swerving back towards Oliver. Were they here on Alec’s tail? Had they noticed Oliver’s movements? Could she somehow warn him?

  A new act had arrived on stage and try as she might Oliver seemed more interested in watching the woman on the stage than communicating with anyone else. Sonia swore low under her

  breath and sat upright on her stool, her fingers knotting together to keep from leaping up and waving at him to attract his attention.

  The dancer was a raven-haired beauty in khaki hot pants and a matching shirt knotted at her impressive cleavage. She had a bullet belt slung real low on her hips, like some kind of cross between Lara Croft and Warrior Princess Xena, all power and beauty. Her face was stunning, with Slavic bone structure and gleaming green eyes. The men were cheering her on and throwing cash as she sashayed down the walkway. She stopped walking and then cart-wheeled to the end of the stage, where she swung round a pole as if her body were melting into it. Sonia noticed that all the men were all agog. All of them. Including Oliver!

  Frustration and an underlying sense of disappointment hit her.

  Seeing him watching the dancer like that hurt like hell, yet she couldn’t drag her eyes away. Each time the dancer looked his way he smiled and waved money at her. At the end of the dance, the woman sidled over to Oliver and slid to the floor into the splits, right in front of him, before rolling onto her back so he coul
d tuck the note down her cleavage.

  That should be my cleavage he’s playing with. Envy gripped her and then, as if that wasn’t enough, Oliver spoke to the dancer and nodded over in her direction. She swore aloud when the woman jumped off the catwalk and walked toward her, hips swaying in time to the music. Oliver was watching, his hands in his pocket and he actually looked at her then, finally, and winked at her. What the hell was this about?

  The dancer stopped in front of her.

  “You are Sonia?” Without waiting for her to answer, the woman grabbed her hand and nodded over at a low sofa set to one side of the bar. “Your boyfriend has paid me to dance for you.”

  “He what?” She threw an amazed look in his direction. Was this his idea of good cover and merging with the surroundings or did he want to play out some fantasy? What about Alec? What about the danger they were supposed to be in?

  He grinned at her when she glared at him.

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Denial of her growing attachment to Oliver was her foremost instinct in that moment. Seeing him flirt so easily with the dancer had kicked her emotions into turmoil. She felt like an idiot. Hadn’t she warned herself about a guy like him?

  When had she forgotten that particular point?

  “Come on, just give me two minutes of your time. You’ll be glad you did, I promise.” The dancer held Sonia’s wrist and urged her off her perch. Sonia staggered behind her, then straightened up and bit her lip when she realized several heads had turned to watch the warrior princess and her latest lucky customer adjourning into the dark corner.

  She sank into the sofa that the dancer nudged her toward.

  Glancing around she saw that pretty much everybody, including the two guys at the bar, was now watching them.

  The dancer began to move to the sound of the piped music with all the sensuous fluidity of a snake being charmed. Sonia couldn’t help staring. It was sexy all right and made her wonder if she could learn to move like that. Maybe that’s how you kept a guy like Oliver, she taunted herself.

  “Honey,” the woman said, “Oliver has gone backstage to see Alec, and I’ll take you there soon. He’s fine and he’s waiting for the evidence you have brought. Oliver thought the best way to keep you safe while he was backstage was to keep you very visible.


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