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Heaven's Embrace: A Reverse Harem (Her Angels Book 1)

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  Though quiet, I didn’t miss the heavy gaze on my body as I marched back out of the bathroom. Like I’d thought, Gabriel had gone home, wherever that was, but sadly he’d left his guard dog behind.

  When it first got out that I could see them, Gabriel showed up at my house as eager as a pup, but when we found we couldn’t touch each other, he’d scurried away with his tail between his legs. Of course, not long after, Michael had showed up all glowery and domineering, demanding, like now, to know what I’d done to Gabriel.

  “I didn’t do anything to Gabriel,” I said, repeating the words I’d had to say far too many times lately. I grabbed my Chinese from the microwave, not even bothered that it was lukewarm now. Plopping down on the couch, I slurped noodles, making sure to be extra annoying with each slurp.

  Michael didn’t even seem bothered as he stood in the middle of my apartment. “I don’t know why you bother to fight it.”

  “Fight what?” I asked through a mouthful of food. Maybe if I disgusted him enough, they’d get the message.

  “Destiny, of course.” He smiled at me, and I swear my heart stuttered.

  “I’m hardly fighting anything. Believe me, if ya’ll could touch me, really touch me, we would be having a whole different conversation right now.” Actually, I hoped we wouldn’t be talking, that our mouths would be preoccupied with other things. Not letting on to what I was thinking, I added, “Also, I don’t believe in destiny.” I avoided his eyes as I dug into my Chinese, the bottom of the container coming faster than I’d hoped.

  “Jane, there’s a reason you can see us. Feel us.” His voice warmed, and I dared glance up for a moment. Michael’s gaze caused my whole body to warm as his voice caressed my skin. “We are drawn to you. I don’t know why, but I’ve known for a while not to fight what the Creator has planned for us.”

  I snorted, standing up. “Well, destiny can kiss my ass, all implications implied. I choose my path, no one else.” I paused and raised a brow. “Unless you’re here to show me exactly what destiny can do?”

  Ignoring my innuendo, Michael said, “You can hide behind your free will all you like, it won’t change the truth.” With Michael as close as he was, even his incorporeal self made my nipples harden, just from his presence.

  I’d had just about enough of my body’s reactions for the night. I needed a break. Trying to get as much space between us as possible, I made for the kitchen. Tossing my sadly empty Chinese container in the trash, I scooped up what was left of my wine.

  “Don't try to pretend you don't crave us like we crave you,” Michael commanded, prowling toward me. “Our senses are far superior to a mere human’s. I can smell your desire from here.”

  “Who’s pretending?” I countered.

  “We both know we could do more… things that don’t involve touching.” Michael's gaze raked over me as he spoke, making all sorts of bad ideas dance through my mind.

  “That sounds like it might make things worse and not better,” I said, swallowing hard as my eyes traces the hard lines of his body.

  “Perhaps.” I didn't think it was possible for someone to sound sexy and haughty all at the same time, but Michael had, you know, right before he vanished completely.

  “Figures,” I grumbled at the empty spot he left. Unscrewing the wine bottle that had seen more action than me in one night than I had in the last year, I chugged it until it was gone.

  Crawling into bed, I smirked as I remembered my conversation with Michael, but this memory had a decidedly different outcome, one that I’d love to let happen. Hell, it was one I wanted to have happen.


  Thankfully, the rest of my night was quiet, and I meant that in a completely no-angels-in-my-house kind of way. I didn’t even notice I’d fallen asleep until the sun beamed in through the curtains, blinding me through my eyelids. I cracked them open enough to grab the blanket and yank it over my head. That small amount of time was all I needed to catch a glimpse of a blurry figure sitting on my raggedy old couch. Freaking wonderful.

  “If you’re a robber, get on with it,” I grumbled from beneath the covers. “There’s nothing here to take unless you like cold Chinese and a pathetic attempt at a half decent life.”

  “Now, I wouldn’t say that, love.” The sinfully delicious sound of Lucifer’s voice wafted through the fibers of the blanket. “I would say you have a more than decent life. You have me after all.”

  Snorting, I sat up with the blanket clutched to my chest. “You would think that, but any sane person would have committed themselves by now.”

  I should be used Lucifer’s gorgeousness. I should not get girly tingles every time I see him in his devilish splendor. The way he sat on my couch, both arms draped over the sides, one leg crossed over the other as if he owned the damn thing, made my traitorous thighs press together.

  Lucifer’s dark eyes glinted with amusement, and for the first time, I noticed how his nostrils flared as if checking the air. Irritation filled me as Michael’s words resurfaced. Fucking angels and their enhanced senses.

  Note to self. Buy obnoxious perfume to cover up the scent.

  Not bothering to berate him for his omission of said abilities, he’s the Devil so he wouldn’t admit it anyways, I stared him down. “What do you want?” The exhaustion in my voice came out as a growl.

  Standing from the couch, he towered over me as he took the few strides to my bed. Without warning, he sat down next to me, causing the mattress to dip considerably. I clutched the blanket to me even tighter, cursing myself for not putting on proper underwear last night.

  “I want what all men want,” Lucifer murmured, his eyes darkening as they promised horribly naughty things I’d no doubt enjoy but regret when they were over.

  “A big breakfast?” I countered, trying to get rid of the stifling tension in the room. “Do you guys even eat, like real food? For that matter, do you even follow human laws? If not, what’s the point of following social niceties or even wearing clothes for that matter?” My rambling was cut short when I had somehow come full circle to the point at hand.

  “If that is what you wish, I can accommodate such a request.” His lips curled into a wicked grin as he reached for the buttons of his white dress shirt.

  I reached out and grabbed his hand before he could disrobe or at least tried to. It ended up going through his chest. I couldn’t help but wiggle it around a bit. I blame the wine from last night. Too much wine and not enough water. I was dehydrated, I couldn’t be held accountable for my actions or run-away mouth.

  “Please, keep your clothes on, my heart can’t take much more of your endless teasing.” I pressed my mouth into a thin line and patted at him awkwardly, promptly killing the mood. “I don’t have time for you today in any case.”

  Lucifer, never the one to be disheartened, leaned forward, and purred, “Really? I could make time if you’d like.”

  Pretending his tone didn’t make my core gush like Old Faithful, I cocked my head to the side. “You can do that? Stop time, I mean? Because really that would make my day a whole lot easier. You have no idea how many things I have to get done, and there is hardly any time before I have to be at work tonight.”

  Seeing he didn’t get the desired effect, Lucifer sighed, the first signs of agitation causing lines on his face. “You really are something else, Jane.”

  “So, I’ve been told.”

  “I’m serious. Here I am, pouring my heart out to you ...” I snorted, causing him to glare in my direction.

  “And you make jokes,” Lucifer sneered. ”You’ve admitted you want me, and I know that if I could touch you right now, you’d fall to pieces, and yet you defy me. Why?”

  I shrugged with a wry grin. “It’s either that or go insane. A girl can only take so much foreplay without a promise of a climax before she goes crazy. You might be into the pain game, but I’m not a masochist. Now about the time thing …”

  Exasperation covered his face as he ran a hand through his dark hair, tousling it
even more than before. “No, I cannot literally stop time for you to get more errands done. The paperwork alone for such a feat wouldn’t even make up for what you could provide me with in return.”

  Pouting at his proclamation, I pushed my covers back and crawled down the bed to get off. “You know you really shouldn’t make empty promises. Getting a girl’s hopes up and everything. Here I thought you were trying to woo me.” I shook my head in mock disgust.

  Lucifer didn’t answer but watched me with cursory eyes. I tried not to let it bother me as I dug through the never-ending pile of laundry laying on the floor. I picked a shirt up and gave it a testing sniff, satisfied with its lack of B.O. I tucked it and a pair of jeans underneath my arm, before grabbing a pair of underwear from a different pile, not so barbaric as to wear dirty panties. With my clothes bundled in my arms, I headed for the bathroom.

  I sat the bundle on the toilet and found my discarded bra from last night. Peeking out of the bathroom door, I searched for my unwanted shadow. When I found his spot on my bed empty, my shoulders eased, and I pulled at my tank top. Before I got it over my breasts, a sneaking suspicion made me pause.

  Spinning around, I placed my hands on my hips and glared at a smirking Devil sitting on the bathtub lip.

  “What does a girl have to do to get some privacy here? Do I need to get a priest in here, because I will,” I warned. I wouldn’t really, I didn’t think it would work for one, and two, I’d miss him if he was gone.

  “You act as if my being here is a burden.” The fallen angel palmed the rim of the tub, leaning back as he stretched his legs out. My bathroom wasn’t big enough for his large frame and me to coexist without touching so his pant legs brushed mine.

  “No, the fact is that if I were a guy, I’d have a raging hard-on twenty-four seven, and sometimes a girl needs a little privacy.” I sighed and hugged my clothes to my chest tighter, feeling vulnerable from the intensity of his gaze.

  “If you wanted privacy, all you had to do was ask.” The teasing in his voice made me want to scream.

  “Lucifer, stop torturing Jane.” Michael’s voice made me frown. Michael looked the exact way he had last night except without the dangerous undertone he’d left on. The look on his face was a mixture of annoyance and pity. Both emotions irritated me. I was the one who should be annoyed. They were the ones popping into my life and making my life and my panties hell, not the other way around.

  “I apologize for Lucifer’s behavior. He does not know when enough is enough.” Michael’s apology made me realize that Lucifer had decided to leave. It happened so suddenly, that it actually took me a minute to realize he’d left.

  I turned back to Michael watching as he leaned against the door frame while I pulled out my toothbrush.

  “No shit. He’s the Devil,” I said sarcastically as I poured toothpaste onto the brush and shoved it into my mouth. “You know, you guys really need to get a life. ‘Cause I only have one and I can’t spend every second of it beating off horny angels.” With my mouth full of toothpaste, I wasn’t sure how much of it Michael actually understood, but he answered anyway.

  “I understand your displeasure,” he said with a raised brow as if he weren’t sure he got my emotional state correct, “but might I offer a bit of advice?”

  I spat, gave him an impatient look in the mirror, and shoved the toothbrush back in my mouth.

  “While you’re no doubt feeling overwhelmed …” When I made a rude noise, Michael’s eyes narrowed. “There is a reason we were brought together. Whether to simply satisfy our deeper urges or for some more divine purpose, I do not know, but it might help you relax a bit if you ...” His brows furrowed. “How is it you humans say? Flick the bean? I’d be happy to provide visual stimulus.”

  I sputtered at him and leaned to down to spit once more, but by the time I stood again, he was gone. Wiping my mouth on the towel, I pulled on my clothes like my life depended on it before stomping out of the bathroom. Of all the insufferable ball sacks. Did he not think I had already thought of that? I wouldn’t be wound so tight otherwise.

  This wasn’t the first time I’d encountered angels, but none of them wanted to do me then, let alone paid much attention to me at all. I was a kid, for crying out loud. But when I told my parents about it, they just laughed it off. It wasn’t until much later that my mother let me know that she too saw angels. Guess it runs in the family.

  Bet she didn’t have to worry about horny angels though.

  Snatching my keys and purse off the counter, I slammed the door behind me. I almost fell to my knees and cried with happiness when I turned to find a blonde bombshell waiting for me with two coffees in her hands. With greedy fingers, I took the offered cup and took a big drink, not bothered that it burned my tongue as the caramel chocolate mixture hit my taste buds.

  “Bad night?” the blonde said with a smile. Amanda or Mandy for short, my best friend in the entire universe and maybe even the entire multiverse, if one believed in such things. Which I didn’t, or I didn’t think so.

  Where I was short and scrappy, she was built like an Amazon with golden locks and a badge that allowed her to shoot people for real. Like without repercussions. I really needed to get me one of those.

  “You have no idea,” I moaned as I held my coffee cup in both hands like it was the answer to all my prayers. “How did you know I needed this?” I glanced her way with suspicion in my voice.

  Mandy’s quizzical look confused me. “It’s Friday. You always need coffee on Fridays.”

  The reminder of the day destroyed all pleasure of the caffeinated orgasm happening in my mouth. Mandy was right. She always was. It was Friday, which meant it was time for a visit with my parents.

  Don’t get me wrong, I loved my parents, but they could be a little much.

  Swallowing down another gulp, I hoped it would quench the anxious feeling in my stomach, but it only made it worse. This morning’s fight with the angels only added to the damper on my day.

  When I told Lucifer that I had things to do today, I hadn’t been lying. I’d be expected at work by four, but before then, I had to get groceries and buy more underwear, something I sadly found myself doing more and more of recently. But before any of that, I had to go check in with the good old fam.

  “But why are you here?” I asked, making my way down the three flights of stairs. “You rarely have time to meet me for drinks, let alone do emotional handholding now that you’re a hotshot detective.”

  When we stopped in front of my car, I turned and waited for her explanation. Mandy stood next to me with her blonde hair pulled back tight in a bun, her legs encased in too nice of pants for a visit and, dear God, a blouse, yes, a blouse. I didn’t know how I didn’t see it before.

  “You’re here for work, aren’t you?” I accused. I glanced down at my cooling coffee with utter disdain before giving her the evil eye. “This is bribery coffee, isn’t it?”

  “Jane,” she started, but I didn’t want to hear it.

  “No, no.” I shoved the coffee back into her hands cutting her off. “Take your dirty coffee and go. I have places to be for, as you reminded me, it’s Friday.” I clamored into the car and tried to slam the door, but she caught it with her lightning-fast reflexes. I blamed the police training. They had to replace parts of their trainees with robots to do what they did every day.

  “Listen, Jane, just give me five minutes,” Mandy pleaded with me.

  I pursed my lips. “Two.”

  “It’s your fault really,” Mandy started, and I already didn’t like where it was going. “Clemons was down at the Heavenly Arms working over this guy who was clamming up tighter than you did that one time at Jimmy Mitchell’s kegger, you remember that?”

  “Thirty seconds, Mandy,” I warned, tugging on the door.

  Her eyes widened, and panic seeped into her voice as her words quickened. “And he said some five foot nothing bartender helped him. That’s when he started asking around and found out you’re a psychic, whic
h I told him was ridiculous because you’d have told me if you were ...” She trailed off as I stared at her. Letting go of the door, she sighed. “Why are you telling people you’re psychic, Jane? You can’t even tell when someone’s bluffing at poker, let alone be a lie detector as people are claiming.”

  I just kept staring at her, hoping she’d come to the right conclusion on her own. I really didn’t want to have this conversation with her in the middle of my apartment parking lot. Besides, she should know me better than that.

  Like I knew she would, Mandy finally figured it out and stomped her foot like a petulant child. “Oh, come on Jane. I thought you were past all this. Weren’t you taking pills or something?” Now, her eyes had real worry in them.

  Waving a hand to the passenger side, I waited until she climbed into the car before shutting my own door and cranking the car. “It’s not something you really get past, Mandy.”

  “But you stopped talking about it, so I just assumed you were better.” Mandy crossed her arms over her chest, her ample bosom straining against the buttons of her blouse. I forced back a grimace at the very thought of the word. I should burn her shirt on principle.

  As I eased down the road, I explained, “Just because someone stops talking about something doesn’t mean it’s gone. You didn’t want to know, so ...” I fluttered a hand in the air.

  “And the pills?”

  My fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “They make my head feel funny like I’m numb from the inside out.”

  “But they helped, didn’t they?” There was a kind of hopefulness in her voice that I hated to destroy.

  I shook my head sadly. “No, Amanda. They didn’t.”


  My parents lived in a gated community, the kind that had a guard at the front who always looked at me like I was up to something. Of course, that was probably because I regularly egged his station when I was younger.

  I was a bad kid. So, sue me.

  The lawns were perfectly manicured with elaborately shaped bushes, like bears and other animals. When I was little, I had a reoccurring nightmare where the bushes were alive and were chasing me with pruning shears, screaming, “Just a little bit off the top!” Sometimes I still woke up in hot sweats shouting, “Cut ‘em at the roots.” One of those times Lucifer had been there. Wasn’t that something fun to explain?


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