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Sempiternal Page 10

by K. Renee

  “Then who did?”

  His eyes harden, and he ultimately stills. “Just leave it alone lass.” His voice is gruff and almost on the verge of pleading with me to just let it go.

  “Jerick…” I start, but he doesn’t let me finish. His hands are now cupping my face as he comes to his knees in front of me.

  “Stana, if ye tell anyone about this…” He trails off and stares into my eyes, looking for a tale that I might be lying or trying to get information from him. I can’t tell what he sees in my eyes, but I know for a fact that I would never do anything to hurt him.

  “I won’t. Jerick, I’ll keep your secret.”

  He blows out a breath before closing his eyes. His body is as still as a statue as he wages an internal battle inside of himself over this answer. When his eyes open again, I can see the vulnerable side of him. The side that I’m sure he doesn’t show anyone else. “It was me sister.”



  I didn’t stick around much longer after I told her who killed her friend’s father. I’m sure he thinks his old man died at the hands of me fer a debt owed, but it is far from the truth. I don’t even know how to tell Stana the truth. I didn’t go into details, but I know as soon as I get back, she will ask. She’s a curious one, and if she isn’t careful, she could end up dead. Lucky fer her, she doesn’t speak to a whole lot of people outside of me and that boyo Max.

  As I pull into me Da’s driveway, I see the line of cars. I frown at the Astin Martin sitting in the drive, and I shake me head. If that bastard is that flashy already, I can’t wait to see what he does next. He’s a damn liability and as many times as I have tried to tell me Da, he just ignores me. He’ll feck up, and I will have to clean up his mess, just like all the other times in Belfast.

  Walking into the house, I see the men gathered around in the living room. They are talking about something, but I can’t make it out from where I am. As the door shuts behind me, all heads turn and stare at me.

  “Ah, about time boyo. We needed to get started, so I started without ye.” Me Da motions fer me to come into the living room, and I go without hesitation. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I will find out soon enough.

  As I stand with the rest of the family, I see me brother out of the corner of me eye. He’s wearing a tailored dark green suit with black Italian loafers. He looks every bit of the Irish Mob that he’s pretending to be. Next, he’ll have some dolled up lass on his arm while acting like the boss. Fecking prick.

  “I want to take over some areas in the neighborhoods around us, expand our market a wee bit.” I roll me bloody eyes at that one. I’ve been the one doing all that shit. He hasn’t done a damn thing when it comes to expanding our reach.

  Me brother moves slightly, and when I look at him, I see a smug grin on the bastards arse kissing gob. He must have something to do with this shit. “Jerick, I need ye to help yer brother with the expansion. We want to take over the surrounding towns by next week.” Da rubs his hands together like his plan is something that is going to be all that great of a conquest. In reality, there are only a few more businesses that I haven’t gotten under my control. I’ll let brother dearest handle those ones.

  I slightly nod me head and continue to keep me mouth shut. He won’t want to hear me opinion right now. “Looks like we will be partners again, brother.” Liam grins at me. I want to bash his fecking head in fer the shit he left me to deal with back in Belfast after his arrest, but I don’t say a word. If anything, I’ll be getting back at the fecker soon enough. Out of the eye of me Da and the rest of the family.

  “Can’t fecking wait,” I mutter. Just as Da excuses us, I make me way out of the room and towards the front door. I don’t want to be around longer than I need to be here. I can only take so much of me brother’s stupid arse before I want to commit murder.

  “Jerick!” Me Da calls out just as I put me hand on the door handle. I pause and look over me shoulder at him, and he motions me back into the room. I swear under me breath and pull out me phone to check the time. I promised that beautiful lass breakfast before work, and I still have plans fer her tonight.

  “Yeah?” I answer, making me way towards him and me brother.

  “I need ye to take a group of the boyo’s to the other side of town and work on the Matthew’s family. I want them on the take now. They have been the only holdouts on that side of the city.” I try hard not to roll me eyes at me Da. He has no fucking clue that I got the Matthew’s family to take me offer last week.

  “Da, I got them on the take last week. They won’t be a problem.” I see the look on Liam’s face, and I can’t tell if it’s because he’s surprised or just fecking pissed that he doesn’t get to go play bad arse.

  “Ah, I think I remember ye saying that boyo. Who else are we still working on?” He asks this time.

  “There’s a list. I have it in me car. I have plans tonight, but we can do it tomorrow.” I turn towards the door again, but he stops me.

  “Ye still hung up on that lass, boyo? Get yer damn head in the game. She isn’t important. She isn’t one of us.” This perks me brother’s attention up. He watches me but doesn’t say anything.

  “It’s none of yer business anyway, Da. I don’t say shit about the way ye keep yerself entertained these days.” I start towards the door again and don’t stop until I hear the threat against her.

  “I won’t let me son be tempted by some whore he met off the damn streets.” I open the door and walk through it, slamming it shut behind me, not caring who heard him or me.

  He has no idea about Stana. She isn’t like the type of lass that would screw me over. If anything I’ll be the one to destroy her. I can almost guarantee it. She’s the total opposite of me and the life we lead. She won’t be my downfall. Instead, she will be the one who saves me.

  Getting into me car, I take off into the night. I don’t go straight to me apartment because I’m still pissed at what me Da said about Stana and I don’t want to take me aggression out on her. She doesn’t deserve that shit either. She deserves all the pretty things that I can give her. Nothing bad will hurt her. At least I’ll always try to protect her from the darkness I suffer through.

  I drive fer an hour before the exhaustion finally hits me. I need to sleep a little before I have to be up again and ready to deal with me family and the shit storm I’m sure me brother is going to be bringing with him from Belfast.

  After pulling into me parking spot in the parking garage, I make me way up to me apartment where I know me girl will be sleeping still. It’s a little after midnight, and I still have plenty of time to make sure she gets the breakfast I promised her earlier. As I walk to me door, I see a dark figure leaning against the wall by me door. Reaching fer me gun, I grip it and cock it before pointing it right at the figure.

  “That’s no way to treat yer brother, Jerick,” he states as he turns his head to face me. “And here I thought that ye would have run right back to the beautiful little number in yer bed.” The white of his teeth is on full display, and I want to put a bullet in him fer even coming here.

  “What do you want?” I bite out. I’m on the edge of the damn ledge, and I don’t even mind going after the bastard. He deserves it after the shit storm he left me to deal with back home. It took me weeks to get out of the fecking deal that almost cost me me life. He’s damn lucky I didn’t see him before now because I would have killed him, brother or not.

  “Ye know what I want. I want the life I should have fecking had. Being Da’s right hand, the position ye stole from me.” I scoff at his words. His eyes are black, the same color as his damn soul. He is a selfish son of a bitch, and I won’t hesitate to take him out this time.

  He’s a piece of shit if ye ask me. He didn’t deserve shit in the family. He got left behind because of the stupid choices he made on a daily basis. “Ye want it? Then fecking take it. I didn’t want to be Da’s gopher. I am his bitch and if ye really want it, then take it. Be the one who
has to get out of bed at all hours of the damn night just to get bitched at by him. I don’t give a feck.” He grins at that but doesn’t say a word.

  As I make me way closer to him and me door, I see the look in his eye. He’s here fer something else besides just this shit. “Da doesn’t like yer new lass?” He shakes his head and grins at me. “I mean, maybe if ye let him see her, he just might change his mind.” He winks at me and starts to walk towards me.

  “Stay the feck away from her. She has nothing to do with ye or the family,” I sneer. He can come at me all he wants, but I won’t let him near her.

  “What, ye afraid that I’ll steal the lass away from ye?” he goads. I don’t have the patience fer this arsehole right now. I just want to go to sleep with me girl.

  “She wouldn’t want a man like ye. Yer a coward and a cheat.” That wipes the grin right off his smug face.

  “She knows the type of man ye are Jerick? She knows the things ye’ve done fer this family? The people ye’ve killed?” As soon as the words come from his mouth, the door to me apartment opens, and I see her standing there in the doorway. Her eyes scan the hall, and she looks between me brother and me.

  “Jerick,” she whispers. She doesn’t know what to think, and part of me is glad she isn’t just freaking out first. I need to get this arsehole out of here and fast.

  “Lass, go back inside. I’ll be in in a minute.” She looks between Liam and me again before doing as I tell her.

  “It’s a shame,” he says grinning again. “I didn’t take her as the type to just roll over and listen to ye. She looked like she had a little fight in her.”

  “Stay the feck away from her. Ye so much as come near her again and I won’t hesitate this time,” I growl. His grin doesn’t fall from his face, but he doesn’t stick around any longer.

  “So long me brother. I’ll be seeing ye again.” He walks by me and runs his shoulder into mine. I turn to watch him walk down the hall and press the button to the elevator. I need to find a more secure fecking building apparently. Once the doors close and he disappears behind them, I open the door and lock it behind me. Scanning the room, I see her sitting on the couch, staring off into space.

  As I take a seat next to her, she puts her hand on mine and looks up at me. “Was he really in here when I was asleep?” Her voice is hesitant sounding. She almost sounds like she might cry at any moment.

  “I don’t know,” I answer honestly. It’s the fecking truth. I have no idea if he really was in here or if he was just yanking me chain. All I know is that I’m going to be finding a more secure apartment in the next few days. I won’t leave her alone in here again until I know she will be protected at all times.

  “Let’s go back to bed, lass. I won’t let him come near ye. He’s just pissed that I stopped his little plan with our Da.” She tenses in me arms, and I don’t get why until she speaks.

  “That was your brother?” She asks.

  “Aye. That is Liam, me older brother.” I answer, me eyebrows pulling together in confusion. It’s almost like she knows him from somewhere. “Ye know him, lass?” I question. I’m not getting a good vibe from her right now, and it is starting to worry me.

  “No,” she finally answers although I don’t know if I believe her. She looked a little spooked by him, and if she didn’t know him, she wouldn’t have reacted that way. Instead of questioning her further, I get up off the couch and pull her up with me.

  “Let’s go back to bed. I promised ye breakfast in the morning, and I will deliver.” I kiss her forehead before dragging her towards me room. I don’t want to talk about anything else right now. The only thing I want to do is curl up with her in bed.



  This morning was different than all the other mornings I’ve woken up in Jerick’s arms. Typically I have him trying to get me out of whatever I’m wearing and plunging into me, stealing my breath away. This morning, he's sweet and adorable. I don’t really understand it, but I can definitely get used to it. His soft side is something that I never really expected, but have started to enjoy it.

  “Ye want to go out fer breakfast, or ye want me to make ye something?” He asks with an eyebrow raised. I shrug my shoulders because I don’t really care. The only thing I care about right now is spending a little more time with Jerick before I have to go to work and face Max. I know that once I walk inside, I’m going to have to hear whatever it is he wants to say about Jerick and his family.

  This brings me back to the questions I wanted to ask Jerick before I went to work. “Hey, Jerick?” I ask sweetly. He looks over his shoulder at me as he pulls his sweats up to cover his tight ass.

  “What babe?” He asks, looking like he isn’t sure he really wants to know what I’m about to ask.

  “Can you tell me more about Max’s –” he cuts me off before I can finish my question.

  “No one outside the family knows what happened. I can’t tell ye in case ye go to him and give him the information. I would rather him hate me than know what actually happened.”

  I go to say something, but I guess he’s right. I’d probably feel like I’d have to tell Max the truth. I hate that Max dislikes Jerick without even knowing him, but I guess there isn’t anything that I can do to change that.

  A look flashes through his eyes and I want to ask if something is wrong, but I keep quiet this time. I don’t want to make him mad if I keep asking questions, so instead, I just lay back against the pillows and pull the sheets up to my chest.

  “I’ll make food and bring it to ye in bed.” He winks at me and then starts to walk towards the kitchen. I stay right in my place and close my eyes, trying to force myself to fall back asleep, so I don’t start asking him a million more questions that I am dying to know the answers to.

  Part of me wants to ask more about the brother that seems to have snuck into his own brother’s apartment in the middle of the night without me even hearing him. I swear I’ve seen him before too. I start to rack my brain for reasons I would have come across his brother before. I can’t think of anything, but I swear he looked familiar.

  “Aye lass, ye look like you’re thinking pretty darn hard right now.” He chuckles so I stick my tongue out at him in response and watch as he walks towards me with a tray of food.

  I don’t think I’ve ever had breakfast in bed. This is probably a first, and the smell is divine. He sets the tray on the middle of the bed and hands me a cup of coffee, just the way I like it. Something I haven’t told him. “I see your stalker skills have come in handy.” He smirks at me and hands me a glass of orange juice too.

  “I know a lot about ye, love. Gotta be able to impress ye somehow.” He takes a sip from his own coffee cup, and I can’t help but smile. Never has a man taken the time to figure out what I like, even if the way he found out was a tad bit creepy. I mean, he followed me around for a while before he finally made a move. I guess the way we met was a little unconventional, so everything about us has been a bit strange, but it feels so right.

  I know people would probably think I’m crazy for spending as much time as I have been with a man that I have barely know, but it’s almost like when he’s not around I can’t breathe, something that has never happened before. The night he saved me reminded me how alone I had become in this life. How unloved I genuinely am. He’s made me smile more in the last few days than I have in the previous few years.

  “Why did you follow me after you saved me?” I want to find out some information, even if he won’t give it all to me. The more I know, the better I feel about this relationship we have going on – well if it even is a relationship…

  “I wanted to make sure ye were safe. I didn’t want that fecker coming after ye again.” He snatches a piece of bacon off his plate and puts it into his mouth, taking a slow bite.

  “Why would he come after me again?” I ask. My stomach is turning as I think about him finding me again and the fear I felt when he grabbed me.

  “Because ye saw
his face, love. A man like that won’t risk letting ye off like that. Unless he was trying to scare ye into silence, or worse.”

  I freeze. What if he comes after me again? Who would protect me if I didn’t have Jerick in my life? Would Max defend me like Jerick does? The cops? I push all thoughts of being attacked again out of my head. I don’t need to focus on that, I need to concentrate on the problem at hand… Is Jerick a dangerous person?

  “What if he never comes after me again… then what?” I don’t know if the question makes sense or not to him, but I need to know if this is only because he thinks he needs to protect me or if it’s more than that. Gosh, I sound freaking crazy. Crap, maybe I am crazy…

  “I’d still be following ye around,” he states, making his way closer to me. He cups my cheek and pulls my face closer to his. “I have this thing about ye, lass. I couldn’t stop it if I tried.”

  “But you lead a dangerous life,” I murmur, our lips no more than an inch apart.

  “I can protect ye from that. I will protect ye from it. No one will ever hurt ye, love. I promise ye that.” His mouth comes down on mine, and I forget how to breathe. The spark between us is always there, never fading no matter what I try to do to distance myself from him.

  “Did you ever find out who slashed your tires and broke your window?” I ask changing the subject when he sits back against the headboard. He grabs a piece of toast and puts it in his mouth before he answers.

  “No, but don’t worry. I will deal with them when I find out who was responsible.” Knowing the type of things he does makes me nervous for whoever messed with his car that night. He treats that car like his baby, and I can’t imagine what he’s going to do when he finds the person responsible.

  “Are you going to kill them?” I ask.

  He narrows his eyes at me and sets the leftover toast on the tray in front of me. “Don’t ask questions ye don’t want the answers to.”

  “Is there more that you're not telling me about what happened that night. Does it have to do with that guy who grabbed my shoulder?” He’s been acting strange since that happened and now I’m finally putting two and two together.


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