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The Doctor's Fake Marriage: A Single Dad & Virgin Romance

Page 49

by Amy Brent

  “You two are just adorable. What can I get you two sweethearts for lunch?”

  She felt her cheeks burning, and yet he didn’t miss a beat.

  “Have you decided sweetheart?” He blinked at her rapidly batting his eyes in her direction.

  She cleared her throat. “Garden salad please, no dressing.”

  “What about for you honey?” The waiter practically oozed appreciation for Jessie.

  “I’ll take the lasagna, and bread. No salad for me though.” He handed the waiter the menu and she felt his eyes on her.

  “Ok, I’m here, feel free to share with me whenever you are ready.” She paused as the waiter came back with a basket of bread, placing it directly in front of her. She sighed as she moved it across the table to him.

  “So, you don’t eat bread or real food? How do you manage to have enough energy to show such distaste for me?” He smiled at her, which she halfheartedly returned.

  “I eat food, thank you, just not like that.” She methodically placed her hands in her lap. Doing her best to avoid eye contact with him, it was more than a little unnerving.

  “Well, I have to admit I enjoy your company Lynne, you keep me guessing what you will say next, which I thoroughly enjoy.”

  “I am glad I amuse you Mr. Randolph. Now if you would be so kind to tell me what I am doing here?” She was trying not to look at him, or be drawn into his stare.

  “How long have you been with Brad?” He was watching her again, and she felt the familiar rush of heat creep into her face.

  “That’s none of your business Randolph.” She subconsciously played with the fork to her left.

  “True, it’s not, but I want to know what I am up against.” He smiled as the waiter brought their food, and set the spread out before them.

  She waited for the waiter to leave, more confused now than ever. She watched him put a thick smear of butter on his bread. She visibly heard her stomach growl. That only made her blush more.

  “A year and a half, I don’t understand what you mean.” She set out slicing and dicing her salad adding black pepper and nibbling on it as she waited for his response.

  “I think you do, if you think about it.” He never broke stride, eating with gusto and frowning as she ate her salad. “You are killing me sweetheart, here.” He handed her some bread which she eyeballed before taking it from him.

  She picked at it, never really taking a bite of it. Bread was always her weakness, and she knew it.

  “What do you want from me exactly Randolph, since we are so good and being honest with each other that is?”

  “So you want me to be more specific then?” He smiled as she gave him a nod in agreement. “Well that’s easy enough sweetheart. See I want you.” He took a bite of the lasagna on his plate, swallowing it before he went on, never once looking up at her. “I want you naked, and in my bed… I want to run my hands over every inch of you until neither of us can take it anymore and then.” He paused looking into her face, his fork poised. “…and only then, I want to bury myself deep inside you, and not stopping until you beg me to let you hit your peak.”

  She felt her body tremble with each word as he went on and on in great detail what he wanted. One thing was certain he wasn’t shy about anything. She also knew he was lying. He carried an air of confidence, but the truth of the matter was she simply didn’t believe him. She took another bite of her salad and moved to grab her jacket. Perhaps he didn’t know when he was being cruel, or mean. She felt her face flaming as she stood to go. Finally, she noticed the frown on his face.

  “Where are you going Lynne?” He sat back and crossed his arms as he gave her a once over from head to toe.

  “It’s not funny you know? You should be more mindful of what you say to people, especially when it’s hurtful.” She spun around to leave, taking long strides to get to the door, so that she could go back to work.

  As she went back into her building she decided to just go how instead, calling her editor quickly, letting him know she was going home sick. Guys like him were always doing that, flirting with the big girl who they thought would fall all over them. She had been the brunt of that joke on more occasions than she could count on one had. T was humiliating, and it hurt. It was difficult enough to be with Brad, always trying to conform to the standards necessary. Sometimes she had to ask herself why he was with her in the first place.

  She pulled into their apartment complex, more determined now than ever to lose weight, and fast. She silently cursed herself for eating the stupid bread. She slung her keys on the counter and she kicked off her shoes, throwing them onto the floor. He had a lot of nerve, and it made her even angrier how confidently he had delivered it. It was almost too real. She was still thinking when she heard the knock at her door.

  She swung it open and glared at the person standing there.

  “What the hell are you doing here Randolph, and how do you even know where I live?” She was furious and wasn’t quite sure what to do with the anger.

  He didn’t say a word, but instead he walked in, kicking the door shut behind him. He pulled her to him his lips grinding into hers almost painfully. He kissed her hard and deep, taking her breath away. He pushed her then, until she felt the wall pressing against her back and he moved the length of him against her. She kissed him back, almost feverishly. Something was controlling her actions, she certainly didn’t know what was happening.

  He moved back once to smile at her wickedly before his mouth made a decent on hers once more. He was everywhere at once his hands burning her skin as they traveled down her body and caressed her every curve. She heard a low moan in his throat as he nipped at her neck. She felt the air hit her breasts as he opened her shirt, exposing her. The nipples tightened as he ripped off her bra in one fell swoop, his hot mouth eagerly suckling at first one and then the other.

  She was lost in the heated daze she was under. His mouth was alive, burning her, and she loved it. She felt his hands cup her breasts in one hand pulling it up closer to his mouth. Finally, she opened her eyes and blinked at him, suddenly regaining her senses. She tensed up, moving and shifting until she had escaped him. She was holding her shirt together and wiping her mouth with her other hand.

  “What the hell was that Randolph?” She knew she was blushing, everything in her body was on fire after all.

  “I am trying to show you that I was sincere Lynn, I do want you.” He took her hand in his then, pressing it against the rock hard length of him that was obviously excited.

  She pulled back then, her body still throbbing from the excitement he had given her. Brad never… Oh God Brad. She felt the guilt roll in in waves. She had lost herself for a moment there, and much more and she would have succumbed to anything Randolph asked her for.

  “This.” She gestured between them. “This can’t happen.” She lifted her eyes to his.

  “Do you like when I touch you Lynne? I want the truth; don’t lie to me I’ll know.” He moved then just enough to look down at her.

  “Yes… I’d be stupid if I said no. It’s just too much at once.” She said her voice wavering slightly.

  “Too much? Oh my sweet Lynne I haven’t even gotten started with you.”

  “Why are you doing this Randolph? I know I’m not your type, blonde and thin. I don’t understand your angle?” She waited for a response.

  “What am I doing what? Try to seduce you? Uh well because I want you Lynne just like I said at the restaurant.” He frowned. “By the way I don’t like blonde and skinny, I prefer my women to have a little meat on their bones sweetheart.” He leaned into the door, and she could tell he meant it.

  “I see…” She trailed off still not believing him.

  “No you don’t that’s the problem. You don’t see you.” He took her by the hand and spun her around to face her reflection in the mirror.

  “You, Lynne, are beautiful.” He stood there his hands moving once more to touch her. She felt a tear slip down her face as he moved bac
k the hair from her face.

  She felt something different stir deep down. He was a bad boy, always in trouble with the police. He had been in an altercation a few years back, broke a guy’s nose and been in jail. He was dominating and arrogant but in this moment, right now he was sweet.

  His hands moved over her once more. Quietly he stripped her of her clothing, leaving only her panties on, his hands burning a path as he went. She felt his touch and was lost in the moment with him, wanting and waiting for more. He kissed the nape of her neck, his hands both slipping up from behind her to cup a breast in each hand. He gently tugged playfully on her nipples, causing her to feel a sweet ache begin deep down.

  His touch was intoxicating as he slowly moved lower and lower until his hand found the juncture of her thighs. He moved his fingers carefully, and agonizingly slowly under her panties until they touched the core of her, causing her to whimper and arch up against his hand.

  “That’s it baby, feel me.” He moved, rubbing his hand against the tiny button until she felt her knees start to tremble.

  “I can’t.” She whispered. Feeling him move now and turn her around to face him. He kissed her deeply, only pulling away to pull her with him to the bedroom.

  She hesitated, looking at him. If she followed him she was opening herself up to being exposed even more. She wanted to believe that he was sincere, that he wouldn’t look at her and make her feel like there was something wrong with her. It had been so long since anyone even noticed who she was, and what she wanted.

  He held his hand out to her and she took it, moving with him into the room.

  “Get on the bed Lynne, I want you.” He said it with such determination she did as he asked.

  She heard his swift intake of air as she crawled across the bed and slowly laid on her back, but up on her elbows. He was standing there, watching her. She felt heat rush through her, and instinctively she pulled the blanket over her to cover her exposed skin. He wouldn’t allow it, quickly grabbing it and throwing it on the floor.

  “Don’t ever cover yourself up when you’re with me. I love looking at you.”

  She felt her body flush at his words, she watched him as he shed his clothes and moved up the bed to join her. He was fully erect now, and she felt the hardness pressing into her thigh as he moved slowly, kissing and nipping his way up her body.

  “Just relax Lynne, I won’t hurt you.”

  She felt the warmth of his mouth along her stomach and she shifted, trying to move. He grabbed her hands then in his own, moving once more until he was lying beside her and on one elbow. He put both of her hands under his left arm, leaving her pinned down but his right hand free. His face was inches from hers, his eyes intently watching her face as he let his fingers travel over her. She couldn’t move, part of her began to panic but as he slipped his finger into her wet heat, she felt her body relax into his ministrations.

  He moved slowly at first, rubbing lightly along the lining, and soon they created a rhythm. As he worked her tiny bud she arched up against his hand seeking more, much more.

  “That’s good isn’t it baby?” He whispered it into her ear as her breath came in short gasps now.

  She glanced up then, her eyes meeting his as she climbed higher and higher still, her cries loud and intense as she crested that peak. His mouth found her immediately, kissing her moans, yet never stopping the movement of his hands. When she was spent he seemed to move into action once more. He moved above her then, straddling her.


  The sounds were intense, she was on fire and he wanted nothing more than to push himself inside her until he exploded. He was still moving when she hit her moment, loud, her hips bucking wildly on the bed. It was more than he could take and he wanted her, and now.

  He moved above her feeling her thick silky thighs in both of his hands. He looked down at her once, her dark hair spilling around her head and he thrust into her full force. The way she felt was almost too much. She was all heat and he was lost in her. He moved slowly at first, a little at a time, working to get his full length inside her. She moaned loudly under him, arching up to meet him - thrust for thrust and they moved together, in unison.

  He felt her quicken, her movements more frantic as he moved faster and faster. He looked at her face, watching her eyes light up as they focused on him. She whimpered loudly as he moved and he knew she was reaching that point once more. As she cried out it pushed him over the edge and gave one final thrust, deep inside her.

  They both lay there, lost in their own thoughts. He knew he had crossed a line, had gone too far but she had been so beautiful standing there, vulnerable to him, and he had wanted her with an intensity he had never felt. He felt panic set in, and confusion. He was out of his element with her, and he hadn’t thought much about how things would be after he had been with her. Sure, Brad would want to kill him but there was nothing new there.

  He thought about Brad, and what he would likely do if she told him. Just thinking about it made his blood turn to ice in his veins. If he so much as hurt a hair on her head, he would answer to him. He sat up, turning to look down at her now, a blanket pulled up to her chin. He smiled at her.

  “You are adorable.” He smiled as he redressed, putting himself back together once more. He was in a new situation with her. He cared about her feelings and didn’t want to leave her uncomfortably.

  He turned around to see her dressed as well, having slipped into a nightgown that barely covered her breasts that were threatening to spill out of it. His body responded on its own, and he was surprised to see what an effect she had on him, even now. Usually he was a one-time kind of guy, but no – not with her.

  “I don’t know how to do this Jessie, I’ve never… I mean Brad… I am just confused I guess.” She padded her way back into the other room.

  He raked a hand through his hair. “Well you enjoyed it, didn’t you? I mean it certainly sounded like it.” He couldn’t help but smile as she blushed. He moved to kiss her, and it was the most natural thing in the world to him.

  “Don’t worry Jessie, I’m not stupid I don’t think you’re going to fall in love with me or anything. It’s fine.” She led him to the door he had surprised her in only a short time before.

  He relaxed with her words, thankful that he hadn’t gone too far. It was best they leave the situation alone.


  It had been two months. Two. She chewed on her thumb nail as she paced the floor terrified. Everything had been perfect the first time, and then she had vowed to stay away from Jessie Randolph altogether. The truth was neither of them stood a chance. They met for lunch, and made love regularly, something neither of them talked about, but yet it never stopped. For hours they talked and laughed about everything and she found herself feeling more for him than she should.

  Now everything was falling apart, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Brad, who she now realized never gave much thought to her in the first place, knew something wasn’t right and she had finally decided to end it with him. That, and the other situation she had going on. She was frozen to the spot but ready to answer when he came into the room to face her once more.

  “Tell me Lynne, what do you have going on that could possibly make you walk away from me, and hurry up I have to get in there.” He gave her a half glance as she decided to put it off once more. The banquet room was quickly filling up with people, and she knew that she would fare better later.

  “Later, for now go enjoy the event.” She waited for a response from him, but instead he left her standing there as always.

  She sighed, gently running a hand over her stomach. Everything was different now, and she needed to think about more than just herself. She knew Brad wouldn’t miss her, he was always gone now with new friends and she didn’t quite ever get invited. She pushed through the heavy curtain and made her way towards the table reserved for them. She saw him then, standing along the far wall.

  He watched her, and she loved it. If sh
e were honest she would go so far as to say that she loved him. Even now he was surrounded by two beautiful women, much like Brad in the other room. She did her best to lift her chin up, avoiding him entirely. He would miss her probably at first, but then he would replace her with someone better, more suited for him. Someone he could bring to these events and be proud of.

  She felt the pain of it all at once, the neglect from Brad, and the beauty of what she had with Jessie. The commonality was the same between them, neither wanting to give an inch of the real world up for her. She knew it was time to go, once and for all. She stood then, glancing at him once so that she could remember the way he looked at her. She smiled and turned to leave.

  Everything happened at once then. She walked along the long hall towards the front of the building and yet she felt him there before he even said a word. She knew he wanted to ask her why she had been avoiding him, and why she never made time for him anymore.

  Turning she faced him, his gaze looking at her intently. “What are you doing Lynne, and don’t give me some BS story because I’ll know it, I always know it?”

  “I ended it with Brad, and I am leaving. It’s for the best for all of us.” She touched her hand to his face, taking him in all at once.

  He pulled her to him, kissing her deeply. “No you’re not. I’ve been trying to get you to face this between us and now you are running from me.”

  “Really Lynne… so you are cheating on me with this piece of shit?” Brad moved down the stairs to grab her arm, yanking on her fiercely.

  “Brad let me go.” She tried to pull back but he held her tight.

  “Let me guess Jessie, you saw her and thought it was as good an opportunity as any to get back at me huh?” Brad pulled her closer to him.

  “Listen Brad, I’m only going to tell you this once and once only. You let her go your sonofabitch, and I mean now.”

  She noticed the deadly calm that surrounded him and she knew he meant it.


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