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Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7

Page 3

by Marie Harte

  She tried to yank him closer, but he growled and shoved her hands to the wall while he plundered her mouth. Still rubbing, seeking ease. Her scent wrapped around his balls, encouraging his painful erection.

  He pulled his mouth away and trailed his kisses across her cheek to her ear. “Want to fuck you,” he admitted in a guttural voice, lost in his desire.

  “Yes, in me,” she moaned and tried to move her hands again.

  He closed his mouth around her neck in warning and bit down, not hard enough to pierce the skin, but enough to tell her to stop moving.

  She immediately stilled, and he let go of one of her hands to run his fingers over her taut belly to her panties. He slipped his fingers under the lace, and slid his fingers between her folds.

  “Oh, yeah. Please,” she moaned.

  “Yo, Miles. Oh, uh…” a male’s voice said from the open doorway right next to them. “I’ll come back.”

  Miles froze, as if someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over his head. “What am I doing?” he rasped, his fingers still coated in Zoe’s sweet cream. He knew better. The woman was trouble, and one he’d be doing his best to stay far away from. He pulled his finger free and leaned back to glance down at her.

  So fucking beautiful. Dark black hair cascaded over her shoulders and tickled her breasts. Her lips were parted, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright with unspent passion.

  “You getting ready to fuck me, Miles?” Zoe murmured and laughed with a throaty rumble that made him ache to finish what she’d started. Especially when she used her leg to pull him closer to her once more.

  His cock rubbed against his underwear, yet he felt her wet heat anyway. A few more rubs against her, and he’d come. Losing control. Ignoring years spent learning to discipline himself.

  He looked deeply into her satisfied gaze and swore. With quick movements, he pulled himself from her and stepped back. And every step away from that silky heat physically hurt.

  “Come on, baby. Why so cold?” She laughed at him, literally chuckled as she studied his visible erection.

  “The door’s open,” he said, unable to voice what he needed to say. You’re a scary, sexy woman, and I’m not ready for you. Not if I want to come out of this without scars. Jesus, I’m Miles Bermin. Women don’t control me.

  “So what? Sex is a natural part of life, right?” She shrugged, calling attention to her large breasts again.

  Fuck, but Miles wanted to suck on those nipples and feast for hours. Days. Until he felt satisfied. He cleared his throat. “I have duties to return to.” Then, because he knew she sensed his unease, he forced himself to smile. “Thanks for the playtime, Candy, but not today.”

  He moved into the bathroom to wash his hands and face, then returned to the bedroom and stepped into his slacks, as if he didn’t still sport a monstrous, aching erection and she didn’t remain standing, watching him. He put on a dress shirt and tie, then grabbed his suit jacket. After running a comb through his hair and glancing at the mirror over a dresser, he turned to smile at her again.

  She didn’t speak, just studied him with the eyes of a predator.

  “Something you wanted?” he asked and arched a brow. The supercilious mannerism annoyed his family and his new in-laws all too easily. To his gratification, it seemed to have a similar affect on Zoe.

  “You going to try to pretend that bar in your pants isn’t for me?”

  “Not at all. You’re an attractive feline. Of good stock and breeding potential.” He made a show of checking his watch as he pulled it out of his pocket and put it on. “If I had the time, I’d give you the fuck you’re looking for. Unfortunately, I have business to attend to. Perhaps one of the cats outside can scratch your itch?” he suggested with just the right note of apology.

  The fury on her face justified the ache between his legs. “You son of a bitch. Try again. I had you wrapped around my little finger, and you know it. If that idiot out there hadn’t interrupted us, you’d be balls-deep inside me right now. And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  Balls-deep only exacerbated his desire for the angry feline, and his cat yowled at him to take what belonged to him. No, dumbass, he told it. Not mine. Trouble.

  The cat hissed at him. Trouble I want.

  It figured Zoe would have molded her sexuality into a tool to be used at will. She’d always been a canny cat. Smart, beautiful, scarily sly. She’d only gotten more dangerous with age.

  If Miles hadn’t worried about being her next chew toy, he’d have indulged. Several times. But he had to remain focused on more important matters. Ruling the pride, getting out of ruling the pride and managing his finances. He’d be damned if he’d let any woman, even one that looked like Zoe, order him around.

  “I know you’re frustrated. But you’re a pretty girl. I’m sure you’ll find a willing partner. Just like I will if the need arises,” he emphasized. As if any other woman could stoke him like she had. As if he’d ever gotten so turned on, losing his friggin’ mind, from an aggressive female before. Miles took charge in bed. Yet Zoe had pulled him in, and he’d nearly succumbed to desire. To his baser needs, despite his brain being a fully functioning organ.

  Annoyed with her all over again, he gave her a dismissive once-over, much like the one he’d earlier given Joy. “I hear there’s a dinner for you and your mother tomorrow night. You might want to clean up and put on some nicer clothes.” He winced. “Oh, sorry. If you need money, make sure to see Dana. We take care of our own here, unlike the previous pride leader.”

  “You’re a huge dick, aren’t you?” She crossed her arms over her chest, plumping her breasts, but she didn’t sound annoyed. More like impressed, which confused him.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I have a huge dick. Thanks for noticing.” Before she could correct him, he checked his watch and walked past her out the door. “See you later, Candace.”

  The growl he heard before he left the House was music to his ears. But to his immense frustration, her scent lingered on his skin. He spent the drive back to the pride and his hours until dinner aching from a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. Because every time he closed his eyes, he saw Zoe beneath him.

  Chapter Three

  The next evening, Zoe sat at the dinner table and smiled at the others, including Miles. He’d both impressed and infuriated her yesterday, two reactions she didn’t normally feel at the same time for the opposite sex. Sure, she liked men. Physical pleasure soothed her. She liked touch. She liked sex. But she didn’t normally feel more for a male than a physical attraction that would soon fade. Unlike a lot of people, she considered sex a necessity. But Zoe called the shots with her lovers.

  She’d planned on charming her way into the position of pride leader, but something about Miles rubbed her the wrong way. Or the right way, her cat purred. She’d known she’d come up against opposition, but charming her haters would be so much better than fucking them all.

  Inwardly, she groaned. Bad enough she’d lost her control with him yesterday, but she’d taunted him as well, goaded by her cat. The damn creature wanted to push him to best her, to make the male prove himself. When all Zoe really wanted was acceptance and good will from cats she’d hopefully be leading in the near future. Miles was powerful. He’d be a better ally than enemy. But from their interaction yesterday, it seemed he’d already made up his mind about her.

  And it wasn’t good.

  Annoyed at herself and him all over again, she forced herself to damn well be nice.

  Zoe had fucked up—literally. She’d lost her head with Miles, of all people. A golden god of a man who knew it, yet he was the only male that came close to deserving the praised heaped on his big fat head.

  Like now, as he sat at the table and laughed at something her mother said. And what the hell was Esmie up to, anyway? Zoe wanted to win her way to the pride’s heart with kindness and dedication. She’d prove to them she could do the job. Her mother had encouraged her to take by force. Yet that same woman
had been charming, demure and, well, nice to Miles all evening. It baffled Zoe, because as much as they’d all loved Michael, her mother had constantly challenged him, the way she did any man who thought himself in a position of power over her. With Miles, she acted like his aunt. Or worse, his mother.

  “Honey, you are the prettiest thing,” her mother gushed at him. “Muy guapo.”

  Handsome? More like abominably, horrifically good-looking.

  “Yes, I am,” Miles said smoothly, then grinned. The others laughed. “Much as I’m flattered, I can’t take credit for good genes. My parents are to thank for that.”

  Joy nodded. “The genes are Mom and Dad, but the ego is all Miles.”

  “Be nice,” Quince warned.

  “Please. You know it’s true.” Joy looked right at Zoe and arched a brow, as if to say, Aren’t I right?

  Determined to get the upper hand on Miles again, Zoe smiled. Sweetness and light, I’m sweetness and light. “He’s smart and handsome, no question about that.” The glint of humor in his gaze annoyed her even more, so she concentrated on keeping her expression devoid of irritation. “So, Miles, have you thought about what I said yesterday?”

  He quirked a brow, and to her mortification, she knew he was remembering You’ve got a big dick, which wasn’t even what she’d said.

  “Are you blushing?” Quince asked her, his eyes wide.

  “She is.” Jace nodded and smiled. “Man, that’s hot.”

  “Lovely. That pink just makes her even prettier,” Ellis added.

  Near her, Dana and Willow scowled. They were part of Miles’s inner council, as was Rain, currently absent due to a visit with his family on the other side of the city. She liked Rain, a quiet, dignified cat. Dana and Willow too were vital parts of the pride, but they didn’t seem to like her much.

  Apparently the guys weren’t carrying the same prejudices for her as Miles and the girls. Just about all of the men she’d bumped into since being back had been solicitous and more than welcoming. Then again, most of them had a hard time looking past her body. Why couldn’t any of them have been pride leader?

  Be nice, Zoe. Remember, you want to be a part of the pride, not cause more trouble. She smiled at the others, but when she turned back to Miles, that scorn in his eyes had her claws wanting to come out.

  His smirk nearly pushed her over the edge. She wanted to wrap her hands around his throat and squeeze. Slowly, before bringing his head closer for another bone-melting kiss…

  Zoe cleared her throat and ignored the table’s amusement—at her expense. “You know, Miles. When I told you I had intentions to take over the pride. Quince told me you don’t want to be pride leader. Your council is aware of your feelings, even if the rest of the pride isn’t. And I’m the answer to your prayers.” You egocentric bastard.

  The table grew silent.

  Miles frowned. “You were serious?”

  “Yes, very.” She tapped her nails on the table, remembering how good it had felt to scratch them lightly across his chest. How incredibly erotic. She coughed and then took a sip of water. Focus, girl. “I’ve been all over the world and seen a lot that can make us stronger as a whole. I have experience, the energy and the will to help. So what do you say?”

  “A female pride leader?” Jace goggled at her. “Are you crazy?”

  “Why not?” Dana asked, no longer looking so perturbed at Zoe.

  “Yeah, why not?” Willow seconded.

  Joy and her mother also looked curiously at the men.

  “Because that’s not how we do things around here,” Miles explained, as if talking to slow-witted children. Honestly, he really needed to work on how he communicated with others. “We’re still recovering from Lex. Do we really need to throw everyone into another tailspin?” He looked at Zoe and frowned. “Besides, how do we know you’re qualified?”

  “How do we know you are?” she countered.

  “Good point,” Joy muttered and hid a grin when Miles glared at her.

  “You might remember, I didn’t want the job. You and your annoying mate…” he turned to Zoe’s mother “… Sorry, Esmie, but you know it’s true.”

  Esmie sighed. “I do.”

  “Mama.” Quince scowled at her.

  Miles continued, “You two tricked me into battling Quince for it. Hell, I thought I was interrupting a pride skirmish, not a fucking Pride Fight.”

  “Miles. Language.” Zoe tsked. To her delight, he flushed.

  “Sorry, Esmie, ladies.” He didn’t look her way as he apologized though, the bastard. “My point is, I’m trying to help heal the pride before I hand it over to someone who can do the job well. I honestly don’t see you as a cure, rather as another problem we don’t need.”

  “Is that so?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes, it is.”

  Tried and found lacking before he’d even given her a shot. He didn’t want to play nice? So be it. The kid gloves were coming off. “Why not put your money where your mouth is, Mr. Big Shot?”

  “How would you suggest I do that?” Why was it that when he grew snotty and enunciated every word, she wanted to bite him and lick away the sting? No, I want to hurt him. No more kissing, licking…or sucking thoughts, she silently growled at her feline.

  “I know,” Joy piped in.

  Miles scowled, his green eyes dark.

  “Why don’t I take Zoe around with me, and we’ll see how she handles some of the problems I encounter daily? Then you won’t have to deal with the females, and we’ll see if she fixes things.”

  “Or makes them worse,” Quince muttered. The traitor. He noticed her stare and shrugged. “Sorry, Zoe. But you can start a shit storm in no time. Remember when you had the pride divided among the Robertos and Felanos because Alissa pissed you off? Or the time you stirred up the female elders to argue with Danville for, what did you call it? Time and compensation?”

  “They weren’t getting the same benefits as the males were.”

  “Yes, they were. But Michael was paying them in vacation time, not actual money. Which you didn’t know and didn’t take the time to find out.”

  Esmie finally spoke. “That’s in the past, boy. Zoe’s ready for this.”

  Miles gave her mother an unreadable look. “Is that right?”


  He turned back to Zoe. “Fine. Zoe, you and Joy can pal around while I fix some of the other problems facing us. You can report to me at the end of the week.”

  Pal around? Report to him? As if she were his subordinate. She could tell he liked the idea just fine by the satisfied glint in his eyes.

  “I’m good with that.”

  He nodded, but he didn’t look pleased. Maybe because he’d assumed she’d argue, but she planned to outflank him before zeroing in for the kill. “And about our other discussion.”

  “What would that be?”

  “You know, the one about us sleeping together.”

  Joy choked on her drink. Quince dropped his fork. Jace and Ellis just stared at her, while Willow and Dana smirked at Miles.

  Her mother knew better than to show a reaction. Hell, Zoe had learned to be confrontational at Esmie’s knee. She focused on Miles, not surprised when he failed to react. He was annoying, but a satisfying sparring partner. She’d give him that.

  “What about it?” he answered, appearing calm. Collected. But the quick glance he gave her mouth and his narrowing brows told her the exact opposite.

  He wanted her, and he didn’t like wanting her. She could work with that.

  “Seems to me you’re stressed. Maybe if you got laid more often, you’d be more pleasant to work with.” She paused. “There, see? That tick in your forehead. A sure sign of tension.”

  Miles just stared at her, and for a moment, she felt like a baby gazelle surrounded by a pack of lions. Odd, because it took a lot for Zoe to feel intimidated.

  “Gee, Candace. I don’t know. Let me think about it and get back to you. And on that note, I’m taking the night to pro
wl. Quince, you’re in charge.” He smiled through his teeth, shoved away from the table, then rose and walked away, casual as you please.

  The moment he left the dining room, everyone turned to stare at her.

  “What did I say?” she asked and dabbed the corner of her mouth with her napkin. In front of Miles’s now-empty space, a hunk of beef remained. “Oh, look. More steak. Pass it over.”

  She ate the rest of her dinner with gusto, pleased to be on equal footing with the conceited Miles once more. He’d called her Candace again. As annoying as that was, it proved again she’d gotten under his skin, a thing she didn’t imagine happening all too often. His weakness made him more human… and more desirable.

  Sleeping with Miles? The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea on its own merit. Apart from the pride, she wanted him. Maybe if they slept together, he’d see she wasn’t such a bad person. They’d have some fun, get the sexual tension out of their systems, and she could move on to her destiny. A win-win… So why did she anticipate he’d make it as difficult as possible to satisfy her desire?

  Miles drove away from the pride still muttering curses under his breath. Headstrong female. She thought she’d have him dancing to her tune. Like hell. From what he could tell, Zoe Castille manipulated until she got her way. Great. Just what the pride needed. Another selfish leader. He hadn’t been kidding about not letting her upset the pride again, though he didn’t think his opinion of her abilities would matter.

  Though Miles judged both men and women with equal weight, he was of the minority. Pride numbers favored the younger generation, but the older members held the power. Men like Danville, Nettles, Sims and King. Of the nine council members, six of them were male, three female. And of the three women, only one of them squeaked in at just under sixty.

  While he and Quince might support a female pride leader, he had a feeling the other council members, even the females, would reject the notion outright. Many of the older female members of the pride still wanted to be supported by their male counterparts, unlike their cats, that often took charge in the wild. A defensive feline could rip the fur off a male lion if he looked at her the wrong way. And God forbid you ran across a breeding female.


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