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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

Page 9

by Rebelman

  “That fucking bitch!” Matt exclaimed. He was mad now, and he paced faster up and down the hall. Kim had been the cause of all this, and he was going to make sure she paid for it. He looked at Steve, and he could see they were thinking along the same lines.

  “Time to step it up,” Steve said flatly. The door opened again, but this time it was an older man in a white coat.

  “Mr. Daniels,” the doctor said, “She’s going to be fine. She had two bruised ribs and one is cracked. The contusion on her head is not serious, although she does have a slight concussion. She’ll need bed rest for a few days, but she should be fully recovered in a month or so.” He flipped open a chart and scanned it quickly to see if he had missed anything. Satisfied that he had covered it all, he snapped the cover closed and smiled warmly at Matt.

  “She just needs time to heal,” he said offering his hand, which Matt shook gratefully.

  “She’s asking to see you.”

  Matt’s eyes lit up. “When can she go home?”

  “She can go now,” the doctor said, “The nurse can help you check out.” He moved off down the hallway, and Matt went in to see Denise.

  She had a needle attached to a tube in her arm, and there was a tall machine with squiggly lines moving in time with her heartbeat. A nurse appeared to be unhooking her from a few other wires.

  “The doctor says you can go home,” Matt said softly, “You can stay at my place. I already called to take the rest of the week off.” Denise smiled in relief as he took her hand.

  “I was hoping it would be ok to stay with you for a while,” she replied, “I don’t want to be alone right now. You don’t need to take any time off work though, I’ll be fine.” She sat up and tugged at the hospital gown. He offered his arm, and now that that everything was unhooked, she stood up and grabbed her clothes.

  “I’ll be outside if you need me,” the nurse said and walked out into the hall. Denise stripped off the gown to reveal several deep bruises on her ribs that were already turning a nasty shade of purple. She bent down to get her pants but immediately straightened up in pain, falling back against the bed and grasping at her side.

  “I’ll get it,” Matt said quickly as he retrieved the pants and began to gently put them on her. He dressed her carefully and then checked the room to make sure nothing was left behind.

  “Matt,” she seemed to suddenly remember something, “My client!” She put her hand to her mouth.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Matt said, “I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  “I need to call him but the… That man took my phone and laptop,” she sat back onto the bed with her hands in her face and sobbed.

  “Do you have your computer backed up online?” Matt asked as he stroked her back. She nodded affirmative but didn’t look up, seemingly embarrassed by her breakdown.

  “It’s not a problem then,” he said, “You can use my computer to get his contact info and call when we get to the house. I’ll pick up another laptop today, and you will be back in business by tonight.” He lifted her chin and she looked up at him with tear filled eyes.

  “Everything will be fine,” he reassured her as he kissed her forehead. She wrapped her arms around him, and they stayed that way for a long minute before breaking the embrace. He helped her to her feet and offered his arm, which she took and the shuffled slowly out into the hall where Steve was waiting.

  “I’ll meet you at the office in a few hours,” Matt told him gravely, “We need to get everyone together and have a meeting tonight.”

  Chapter 9 Bull Run

  Bull had allowed Kim to take a shower and sleep since it would be late evening when his guests arrived. He spent the time arranging the garage to make it a party room and made a beer run to fill the refrigerator. At 9 p.m., he woke Kim and told her to get her hair and makeup done. By 10 p.m., the guests were coming through the door.

  It wasn’t a big party in numbers as only four of Bull’s friends showed up, but what they lacked in numbers, they made up in size. These were big men with the smallest being well over 200 pounds and the largest closer to 300. They were all tall and carried the size easily, and compared to them, Kim was a midget.

  They sat in the living room and watched a recording of an MMA fight that featured Bull knocking out his opponent in the second round with a vicious head kick. Then they switched to a live broadcast of the same sport and gave their commentary while Kim served them as a naked waitress.

  As the fights went well into the night, the men became more amorous. She didn’t object or pull away and that spurred them on. At one point between fights, Bull had her stand close to him and spread her legs wide. He slid a long finger into her pussy and pumped it and out, making Kim shake in excitement. He increased the tempo, and a long moan escaped her lips causing the men to hoot and holler over her reaction. Her eyes snapped open, and she turned red remembering that she was being watched by a room full of people.

  Bull set her to picking up the spent bottles, and she quickly complied. When she bent over to pick up the empties her ass proved to be too good a target to pass up, and within a few minutes, it was covered with large red handprints. From there, it was downhill for Kim as she was groped, squeezed, spanked, and prodded through the remainder of the matches. By the time the event was over, it was obvious what they all had on their mind.

  Bull led them to the garage where there were four chains hanging from the ceiling with leather cuffs attached to each of them. Kim saw the chains and tried to run back into the house, but her path was blocked by one of the beefy men. Several of them grabbed and held her in position face up while the cuffs were attached to her wrists and ankles. When they let her go, she hung limply in the bonds with her head and pussy at crotch level.

  If the men were shy, the alcohol must have suppressed it because it only took a few minutes before they were undressed and deep inside her at both ends. They were friends of Bull’s from his MMA days, and all of them were in good shape. The first entered her pussy and used her legs to swing her back and forth, slamming her onto his cock without really moving his body. The second man slapped her face a few times with his enormous hardon before lining up and letting her swinging momentum drive it down her throat.

  There was nothing she could do but try to catch her breath whenever the cock wasn’t in her mouth. The man in her pussy soon began to groan, and he pumped her onto his member with shorter, faster strokes until he grasped her thighs tightly and howled like a timber wolf. The men burst into laughter, and he stepped back letting his shrinking cock pop free and allowing the semen he had deposited to pour out.

  Another man was quickly in his place, and he picked up where the other had left off. Her hair swung under her as she was slammed between the two hard cocks that were being cheered on by the men watching from the side. Although Kim was getting dizzy she distinctly noticed a camera flash going off several times and remembered that Chip had asked for souvenirs.

  The next few hours she was used between two men without rest. Her throat was sore and her pussy would have been raw if it had not been for all the semen. On the other end, she had swallowed so much cum, her stomach felt bloated, and her tits sported a crisscross of welts from being slapped repeatedly. Her hair caught most of the cum her mouth had missed, and it was a dripping mess.

  The last man came in her pussy and stumbled half drunk to get yet another beer when Bull called for their attention.

  “Ok, now that the preliminaries are out of the way, we start with the betting,” he held up a cigar box, “$1000 ante, double elimination.”

  “Let’s do this,” one of the men said and they all dug into their discarded pants for the money. Bull adjusted the chains a few links at her feet while the money was being put into the box. When he was finished he grabbed a coffee can and held it out to the nearest man who reached inside and pulled out a golf ball. He immediately covered it with his hands and waited for the rest of them to get theirs. Then on Bull’s command they revealed the balls that
had brightly painted numbers on them.

  There was a mixture of groans and whoops as they figured out the order in which they would take turns. The man with the number one stepped up and pushed his golf ball into Kim’s mouth.

  “Hold that for me baby,” he said continuing toward her feet. Before he could get there, Bull hefted the woman under the arms and pulled her back and up like a child on a swing. He held her in place while the other man adjusted his height to match where he thought her pussy would end up when she was dropped.

  Kim’s eyes widened in terror as the first contestant found what he consider the ‘sweet spot’ and nodded his head. There was only a split second to make any adjustments and he did so smoothly. As Kim came crashing down, his cock parted the lips of her pussy perfectly and she slammed full force into his groin. He raised his hands in victory, and the other men laughed and gave him high fives. He moved out from between her legs and put his hand at Kim’s mouth.

  She didn’t see him because she had the wind knocked out of her and her eyes were clamped shut. The man slapped her and she opened her eyes before realizing what he wanted. She meekly spit the ball into his hand, and he walked back to the others on the sideline to let the next one have his turn.

  One of the men was so drunk that he was eliminated in the first round. The force of Kim slamming into him knocked him backwards, and he fell on his bare ass. This caused the room to burst into a raucous laughter that was so infectious that even Kim began to giggle.

  Bull adjusted the chain links, and for the second round, she was pulled higher, causing her to slam onto the cocks even harder. No one got into her the first try, but they adjusted and two of them succeeded. The third missed to one side, and Kim’s tailbone crushed his nuts as she came down. He fell to the floor holding his jewels and retching in pain.

  The third round was a tie but on the fourth round the first man missed, and he was eliminated. Knowing the game and the box full of money depended on his aim, the last contestant took a little extra time to line up before nodding his head.

  Bull released and Kim swung towards the hard cock that she was to be impaled upon. The man was convinced that he was lined up and didn’t move. He was stoic up until his hard cock hit the hole dead on the mark. It was too bad for both of them that it was her asshole instead of her pussy.

  She screamed in pain as the head popped into her rectum causing her to instantly clench. This reaction, and the fact that there was no lubrication, stopped the forward progress of the man’s cock but not that of the falling woman. His cock bent back double and he joined Kim in screaming, mixed with high pitched vulgarity, and cries to a higher power. He started falling backward as the first man had only to be momentarily stopped when Kim reached the end of her trajectory.

  They both renewed their screams as, in slow motion, his trapped cock was forcefully straightened back to full length, and then with a loud audible ‘pop’, it was released by Kim’s distended asshole. She swung back toward Bull expecting to be caught, but he was no where to be found. She continued to coast back and forth until the shock of the incident began to wear off and she stopped screaming.

  That was when she realized Bull and the other three men were literally rolling on the floor as they laughed at their friend. The poor injured man was curled up in the fetal position and trying to relieve the pain by gently stroking his now flaccid cock. He was still cursing and trying not to cry while the other men’s tears flowed freely from the laughter. Bull finally composed himself long enough to speak.

  “You want to go another round?” he chuckled wiping the tears from his eyes.

  “Hell fuckin’ NO!” came the reply, and the men began laughing hysterically again. It took almost twenty minutes to compose themselves, and then they got dressed. The winner took his money while accepting the congratulations from his friends.

  Bull walked the first two men to the door when they were finished getting dressed and talked a few more minutes on the front porch before the last two guests headed out with them. He went back to the garage to find Kim with half full beer bottles in her ass and pussy. They were slowly emptying into her, and he took out his phone to snap a few more shots. It was then he noticed they had shoved a golf ball in her mouth and put a piece of clear tape to hold it in.

  She turned to him with a pleading look on her face, and he laughed again as he took the picture. Her hair was wet and stringy with makeup running from her eyes across her cheeks. The bottle that had been shoved in her ass fell out and shattered on the floor followed by a flow of alcohol that mixed with the broken glass. The thing that made the picture humorous was that they had positioned the ball so the number was visible.

  The ball indicated that she was number 1.

  Chapter 10

  Tina stood in the darkness and waited. It seemed like hours, but in reality, only a few minutes had passed since the light had come back on. It was the sign that Stout was on his way to her room.

  The first time he had left her for almost twelve hours, strung up in an upright spread eagle position with the devious little bell. Even five days later, her clit was still sensitive and raw from the stimulation that almost drove her mad the first day… or night. She couldn’t tell since there was no sun to gauge what time it was.

  When Stout had returned, she had told him everything she knew and then some. The pain in her arms was unbearable and to cum again after so many times made her feel as if she would die. The entire process of being manhandled and using her sexuality against her will was humiliating to say the least. He had even promised to let her go if she begged for his cock. At first she had refused, but there was another setting on the little bell that made it ring continuously. Two hours later she was pleading with him to fuck her. And he did.

  He fucked her harder and faster than any man in her life ever had. He didn’t apologize for how rough he was, and she came over and over again as her pussy stretched to accommodate his huge cock. Stout was strong enough to put her where he wanted, and he kept her there until he was done. It wasn’t that she was being physically overpowered that upset her. What pissed her off was that she liked it.

  The following day had been the same except she was kept chained by the collar to one of the d-rings set in the floor. She tried to get the bolt out of the concrete, but that proved futile. The collar seemed like a good bet, but after what seemed like days, she finally manages to tear some of the leather away to reveal a metal band hidden in the center. Then she tried to reach the table hoping there would be something on it to pick the lock, but it was just out of reach. The tasks were made even more difficult by the total darkness of the room.

  Finally, she was able to hook the chair with her foot and roll it within reach. She had arranged herself on her side and stretched her body as far as it would go with her neck puling against the chain on one end and the chair on its side between her feet. She used the base of the chair that held the rollers as a hook and snag the table. Inch by inch she pulled it back to her until she was able to reach it with her hands.

  She had no idea how long it took to get the table to her. All she remembered was how disappointed she was when there was nothing on it. She had actually lain flat out and cried at that point. She felt a hopelessness that she had never felt at even the lowest time in her existence.

  After a while, she had calmed down and began to feel all over the table and chair in the dark. The first pass revealed nothing but she was determined to find something, and on the third pass, she did. At the bottom of each of the four table legs was a small piece of metal that she presumed was decoration. One of them was loose enough to pry off with her fingers and she had used the chain to beat it into shape. Finally she had a tool that could undo the padlock on the collar.

  She had bounced up overjoyed and bolted for the door… to find it locked from the outside. It wasn’t just a double sided deadbolt as she had managed to pick that with her crude tool. It was some kind of padlock on the outside that had her trapped.

ed on the time she had been left alone, Tina figured it would only be a few more hours at the most before he came back. She would have to attack him as the door opened and make it count. She had prepared the room by placing the chair and table in their original position, hoping to make him think nothing was wrong until he saw she was gone. She tried to guess where the shadows would be when he opened the door and pulled the collar, still attached to the chain, to the place that would be the darkest. She would unplug the light, and when he stepped into the door, his eyes would follow the chain to see where she was. It would take a second to adjust to the darkness in the room and that would be the time she would pounce.


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