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Gold Digger’s Demise – The Club

Page 11

by Rebelman

  “I don’t agree,” Steve retorted, “But this claim keeps coming back over and over with no facts to back it up. We want this gone or we will file a harassment suit, for say… $750,000” The lawyer blinked and even winced at the suggestion, but said nothing.

  “Why don’t we just settle this here and now,” Steve continued, “If she can give use the name on record in the confidential files pertaining to the patent, then she can have a check for $750,000. If she has the wrong information she pays us $750,000 in damages for frivolous lawsuit or however you want to write it up. Either way, this case stops here, now!” He sat back and the opposing attorney turned white.

  “I see, well,” he stumbled over what to say next and decided to retreat, “I need a few minutes with my client.”

  “Take all the time you need.” He and Matt got up to leave the room, and they noticed Kim had still not looked at them. They went down the hall to Steve’s office and closed the door.

  “Do you think she will go for it?” Matt asked.

  “I’m not sure. I know they have copies of the files we planted in my home office. She should be confident she has the correct name.” Steve leaned back in his chair and pondered the situation for a few minutes. They anticipated she would break into his office or try to find the information at his home. While they were having their fun with her in the office that night, someone had broken into Steve’s house. Nothing was missing but the files with the misinformation had been disturbed.

  Kim was smart, but everything had gone as planned so far and now they were at the breaking point. If she said yes, they would not only make her go away, they would have a good payday to boot. There was a knock at the door, and Matt opened it.

  “They’re ready for you,” the aide told them. The two headed back down the hall and took their seats in the boardroom.

  “My client has another offer for you.” Her attorney slid a document across the table which Steve picked up and began to read. It was a handwritten agreement, basically what they had talked about but with one major change. Instead of the lump sum of $750,000, she now wanted $500,000 and 10% of any ongoing profits for the rest of the invention’s life.

  “We’ll need a minute,” Steve said. The other lawyer nodded, and they left the boardroom before he turned to Matt.

  “She wants $500,000 and 10% against her payoff of $500,000. I don’t think she is positive that she has the right name, and she is hedging her bets. She may not have enough to cover the loss in case she is wrong, and it’s a gamble either way.”

  “Let’s do it,” Matt said, “I don’t care about the money except to hurt her. It’s more important that she’s gone.” Steve nodded and hit the intercom to let the aide know they were ready. The next half hour was nothing but paperwork. The two attorneys typed and retyped the agreement a dozen times while haggling over which words to use. Finally, the draft was complete, and the document was printed out to be signed.

  Kim signed the indicated place, and then the agreement was slid over to Matt. When everyone was satisfied that the legalities were taken care of, all eyes turned to Kim. For the first time since she had entered the room, she looked up and her eyes met Matt’s. They were full of rage as she stared directly at him and spat out the name.

  “Trixie,” she growled, “Because you saw a bisexual porn star and said that she went both ways, just like the valve.” Matt’s eyes grew wide, and he fell back into his chair. Steve sat open mouthed and couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Kim was correct.

  “I’ll need my money by the close of business today,” she said getting up from the table, “And I’ll need the promised information about the business as stated in the contract.” She turned abruptly and started out the door. Matt leapt to his feet and pushed his way around the table to catch her as she stepped into the hall. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her around.

  “You fucking bitch,” he screamed, “How did you know?” Kim smiled evilly and was about to answer when she was interrupted.

  “Matt?” Denise was standing about five feet away, “What’s going on?” Matt released Kim’s arm and stepped back.

  “Nothing,” he stammered, “Just taking care of some business.”

  “Oh,” she said sweetly as she walked up to Kim, “I thought maybe you were trying to take advantage of my friend.” Matt froze in place for a second trying to make sense of what she was saying.

  Seeing he needed some help in understanding the situation, Denise took Kim’s face in her hands and kissed her deeply. Kim returned the kiss, and her lips parted to allow Denise’s tongue to slip between them.

  “What the fuck!” Steve exclaimed as he looked over Matt’s shoulder. Steve grabbed his friend around the neck to keep him from attacking the two. The friends wrestled in the hall with Matt shouting one obscenity after another until the women disappeared, arm in arm, down the hall and into the elevator.


  Kim lay back on the lounge chair with the Miami sun beating down against her skin. Her breathing was returning to normal, and she looked down at Denise who was smiling up from between her naked thighs. Her lover flicked Kim’s sensitive clit one last time, sending shivers up her body before climbing up beside her in the chair.

  Denise was not only sexy but clever as well. It had only taken her twenty minutes to find the email with the information they needed once Matt had let her use his computer. She had even found the explanation of why he called it Trixie in a separate message to Steve. The payday was good but screwing them over was even better.

  “Ladies,” Bull called to them as he opened the pool gate and strode over to a nearby table. He dropped a few legal sized envelopes onto it and sat down heavily in one of the chairs that creaked in complaint against holding his bulk. He glanced appraising at the two naked women and unconsciously licked his lips.

  “Chip’s Porsche just sold for $65,000,” he said reaching into a nearby cooler and retrieving a beer, “We could have gotten more, but it’s better to just move on to the next gig.”

  “That’s fine,” Kim said, “I would have given it away to see the look on his face in person when he found out we switched the cars.” The girls giggled and Bull smiled.

  “It was actually a smart move to boost the stolen one from long-term parking,” Bull replied, “If we hadn’t checked the serial number, it could have been a problem.” They had figured it out when the ever so cautious Bull had checked to make sure it wasn’t tangled up in the divorce. It was registered to a different name, so Kim had checked Chip’s phone while he was in the shower and found the information about the storage building where the original car was hidden.

  The two vehicles had been switched back immediately, and Kim had been driving Chip’s real car most of the time. The day the lawyers went into conference, an anonymous tip of the stolen car’s whereabouts and Chip’s involvement had been made.

  Bull had hidden nearby and taken video for them to see. They couldn’t hear Chip, but the way he was gesturing wildly and pointing to the car it was easy to see he was trying to convince the police he was the rightful owner. He was arrested on the spot.

  They had traced the stolen car back to long-term parking in the same city, and the lot owner immediately wanted to make a deal when confronted. He hadn’t realized the car was gone until they pointed it out. A bribe on their part had him say he loaned it to his girlfriend, played by Denise. Better to get the car back and everything kept quiet than to have his high-end customers desert him when they found out his security was lax.

  Kim had met with Chip in the jail and, after a few insults and accusations were thrown, came to an agreement. Chip would sign over the titles to both the Porsche and the BMW in exchange for Denise’s statement that she had borrowed the car and let Chip store it for her until she returned from a business trip. Everything was labeled a misunderstanding, and the stolen car was returned unharmed. Chip was a little more traumatized.

  “How are the ribs?” Bull asked Denise, pointing to where the bruise
s had all but faded.

  “Better now,” she smiled, “That kid hit hard. I like it better if you do it so it heals faster.”

  “Couldn’t be helped,” the big man said as he took a sip of the beer, “I was indisposed with your girl and a few bikers. Looks like you have a few more sessions before your scar goes away this time.” He indicated Kim’s stomach and her hand involuntarily went to the faint outline of the word WHORE.

  The laser was working well since the tattoo wasn’t that old, but it was a longer process to make it go away completely. She trusted the doctor that did the work, and she knew from past experience that it would be barely noticeable in a few months.

  “We still don’t know what happened to Tina,” Kim mused, “She had always been reliable before.” It was true. Tina was good at what she did, but maybe Kim had been too hard on her in the past. It would be difficult to replace her.

  “I checked her apartment,” Bull said, “It’s cleaned out and the last three months of the lease was paid in cash. Wherever she went, she didn’t want us to know about it.” The two women nodded in agreement.

  Kim got up and padded over to the table where a laptop was sitting. She opened it up, found the email program she was looking for, and turned it so Bull could see the attachment. There was picture of a fully dressed woman with a naked man kneeling before her. He was holding her right foot in his hand and kissing the toe of her shoe while his erect cock jutted out from his body. The picture was cropped just below the head of the woman so she would not be recognized, but Bull knew instantly that it was Denise. Matt’s face was not hidden at all but, in fact, was very clear in the photo.

  He pushed the computer back to Kim and shrugged. “What do you need that for?” he asked. Kim and Denise giggled at the same time and then broke into a fit of laughter.

  “We don’t need it,” she said still laughing, “But as a part owner in this company, I think the other investors should know what kinky things the person in charge is up to. I have access to all the email addresses of every employee and customer that Matt deals with, including all his personal contacts. I think they should get a copy, don’t you?”

  Bull took another long swig of beer and stood up. He looked at the two smiling women and shook his head.

  “You guys won,” he said in a fatigued voice, “You got the money and played them for fools. Why rub it in? This is the shit that is going to come back and kick your ass one day.” He turned and walked back in the direction he had appeared but hesitated as if to say something. Then he shook his head again, shrugged, and pushed through the gate letting it slam shut behind him.

  The women looked at each other and laughed, and then Kim pushed the send button…

  …and it was the beginning of the end.

  I hope you enjoyed “The Club” and will be sure to give an honest review!

  Kimberly Cross loves her job and is good at it. She has spent years developing her skills to seduce men and find ways to take their money. Now she has uncovered the big score in Miami that could set her up for life and she intends to make it happen no matter the consequence.

  As carefully as she plans, Kim could not have foreseen all the things that seem to work against her as she tries to set up her mark. Is it karma, or is there someone out to get her?

  Will Kim be able to figure a way out, or will Miami truly be the Gold Digger’s Demise?

  Find out in Rebelman’s novel length thriller

  Gold Digger’s Demise - Miami

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