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Once Upon A Midnight

Page 50

by Stephanie Rowe

“Bree, Kenzie, this is Rafe, my mate and Alpha of Black Paw, and this is Lucas, Rafe’s second-in-command.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Rafe stepped forward and extended his hand in greeting. “I’d like to offer both of you an open invitation to join our ranks at Black Paw.”

  Mina’s heart leapt with joy. There was nothing she wanted more than to know her family was safe.

  “What about Mom?” Kenzie asked in a panic. “We can’t leave her behind. She needs us.”

  “There’s plenty of room for your mom as well,” Rafe reassured the girls.

  “Is there an empty cabin for them or would they stay with us?” Mina asked, hoping for the latter. Her sisters were several years younger than her and nowhere near ready to be left in charge of the day-to-day operations of a house. If it wasn’t from the constant threat of their father, their rooms would be pigsties. There was no way they could handle a cabin on their own, even if it was a small one.

  “Technically, I’m in the second’s cabin. I never moved to the Alpha’s home when my dad died. Maybe it’s time to make the big move? As long as you don’t mind my mom being there as well. I wouldn’t feel right asking her to leave.”

  “I would never expect you to put your mom out. We’ll figure it out.” Mina smiled at her mate.

  “There’s plenty of room. Even with all of us there, we’ll barely make a dent in the two dozen bedrooms.”

  “Holy shit.” Mina’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Exactly. My dad always dreamed of having lots of kids and grandbabies, but it never happened. Mom only uses one section of the house and the main kitchen. So everything will work out fine.”

  “You mean, we can finally have our own rooms?” Bree practically foamed at the mouth at the thought of not having to bunk with her two sisters.

  Mina looked to Rafe for approval.

  He answered her request silently through their bond. “Baby, I don’t care if they sleep in the game room so long as I get some time alone with you and soon!”

  “Absolutely,” Mina managed to answer both questions with one word. “Let’s go find Mom and grab our things. Hopefully, Dad isn’t around.”

  “Will she have a problem leaving your father?” Rafe seemed concerned about the idea of taking Mina’s mom away from her mate.

  “No. She’s told us time and again the only reason she stayed this long was because she’s had no way to get all of us to safety. At least here at Twisted Tail she could keep an eye on us,” Kenzie explained.

  “Kenzie’s right,” Mina agreed. “Our mom was forced into mating with our dad. She absolutely despises him, but only a true Alpha can break the mating or pack bond. She went to Griffin about it once. He told her he’d do it for her, for a price. When he told her what he wanted, she kicked him in the balls and told him to take a hike.”

  “She also said something about ripping his balls off if he ever came near her again.”

  “Bree!” Mina scolded her younger sister.

  “Well, she did!” Bree’s arms flew open, her eyes widened. “I’m just repeating what I was told.”

  “You need a filter.” Mina shook her head. It shouldn’t have surprised her, really. Bree was born without any inhibitions. Random thoughts that popped into her mind were guaranteed to come spewing out of her mouth at record speed.

  “All right then, let’s go find your mom.” Rafe headed for the door, eager to depart the filth surrounding them. “This building needs to be burned to the ground.”

  Mina and her sisters led the way as Rafe and Lucas followed behind. For the first time, Mina looked around at her tiny town. “I don’t think I ever truly realized how bad everyone at Twisted Tail had it. Not until I ended up at Black Paw and saw that a different life was not only possible but the norm.”

  Rafe squeezed Mina’s hand. “It’s a shame because there’s no need for any of this. If Twisted Tail had a real Alpha, one that put his pack first, life would have been a lot different for everyone.”

  Lucas whistled loudly as they came upon another enormous trash heap. “Does no one around here know what garbage service is?”

  “Griffin didn’t want any outsiders on pack lands. One of the other packs used to do the trash pick-up every week, but as soon as Griffin took over, that was one of the first things he nixed. He also shut down any of the businesses that worked with humans.”

  Mina picked up her pace, wanting to get the hell out of Dodge ASAFP. Her eyes had been opened, the blinders stripped from her sight. It made her nauseous to see her childhood home with a new set of eyes.

  Her stomach churned at the thought of the years of isolation, verbal and physical abuse that everyone suffered under Griffin’s command.

  “He did nothing more than cut off his nose to spite his face.” Rafe sensed Mina’s emotional state and hurried to catch up with her, wrapping his fingers around hers.

  “Rafe, what will happen to the rest of Twisted Tail? There are many good people who still live here. Those people deserve better than a half-assed leader and subpar living conditions.”

  “When we get back, I’ll contact the Council and have them step in. They will get things straightened out here in no time and they’ll find a new Alpha to lead the people.”


  Chapter Fifteen

  After walking what felt like miles, they finally came upon a trailer that had seen better years. The metal siding was void of its once colorful paint and rotted in several spots. Snow piled high on the flat roof and around the steps leading to a door that looked like it would fall from the hinges if anyone dared to touch it.

  Mina hastily rushed through the door to find her mom, followed by Kenzie and Bree.

  “Wait out here, let me know if you sense anything.” The cracked wooden staircase groaned under Rafe’s heavy steps.

  “Will do, boss.” Lucas cooled his heels, taking in more of the repulsive sights Twisted Tail had to offer.

  The level of cleanliness inside the trailer surprised Rafe the most. Though everything in sight had well passed its expiration date, it beamed with a glow not often seen. Not a speck of dust could be found as far as the eye could see.

  “Wow. It’s—”

  Mina smiled up at him. “Mom has always been OCD about having a clean house. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard ‘as long as there is soap and water, there is no need to be dirty’. I feel like I should warn you, though. My sisters and I did not inherit that trait.”

  “I’m afraid to touch anything. I’d probably leave big old greasy handprints or something…mess up the shine.”

  “Mina, is that you?”

  Rafe watched as a slightly older version of Mina rushed them. If he didn’t know better, he’d have sworn they were twins.

  “Are you okay, honey? I’ve been so worried about you and your sisters. Kenzie, Bree, are you okay?”

  “We’re fine, Mom. I promise. What about you?” Mina gazed at her mom, who looked shaken at best. Her cheeks were puffy and swollen, as were her eyes.

  Rafe cleared his throat. “I hate to interrupt, but we need to get moving. It’s not safe here.”

  “Right. Kenzie, Bree, Mom, grab your things. I’ll explain everything later. Rafe’s right, we have to get out of here.”

  The women quickly grabbed anything of importance and met back in the kitchen. Each had a backpack that had been stuffed to the point of popping and a tattered old suitcase.

  Mina nodded to Rafe. “All set.”

  “I had the vehicles brought around. I figured it would be easier than trying to carry your bags. I don’t want you coming back here. It’s not safe with Griffin on the loose.” Rafe grabbed Mina’s bags and threw them into the back of the SUV. Lucas helped with the other bags.

  “Lucas, I want you with me. We’re going to stick to the back roads, that way we can keep an eye on those in shift. I don’t trust Griffin, and I’ll feel much better once we’re out of this hell hole.”

  “You got it.” Lucas barked the com
mands to the pack before joining Rafe and the girls in the SUV.

  Everyone was on high alert, jaws clenched with each bump, dip and pothole carved into the terrain.

  Rafe sensed fear in the women as they sped along the winding dirt road. He could hardly blame them. With the torture they had grown to expect from every man who crossed their paths, it’s a miracle they weren’t freaking the fuck out. Concentrating on his connection with Mina, he sent thoughts of love and happiness her way and maybe a naughty thought or two.

  She managed to snag and hold his absolute attention when she turned the tables, sending him images of their all too brief time together.

  Heat pulsed through him, his wolf wanting to howl when she showed him images of her fantasies. There was nothing he wanted more than to complete the mating ceremony by burying himself deep inside of her. His wolf whined, needing to claim her just as much as he did.


  Lust poured through Mina’s body as she opened herself up to Rafe, sharing thoughts and desires with him. A blush stole over her face when he made eye contact with her. Sunlight shimmered off his eyes, highlighting the flecks of gold that danced like fire.

  With one fleeting glance, Mina could see the hunger, lust and desire Rafe possessed. The best part? It was all reserved for her.

  The expression on his rugged face sent shivers through every inch of her body. It was the secret promise all lovers shared. The promise of ecstasy to be felt with one’s touch.

  Lucas cleared his throat and interrupted the couple’s silent exchange. “Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?”

  “I think it’s the lovebirds,” Bree was the first to unabashedly chime in.

  Mina’s face turned bright red at the realization that everyone in the vehicle could smell the lust between her and Rafe.

  “You know, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Beth, Mina’s mom, laughed.

  “Mom!” Mina’s face burned with added embarrassment. How could I have forgotten my mom and kid sisters in the back? What is wrong with me?

  “Please, they’ve only been apart for what, a few hours?” Lucas teased. “By the way, we are just crossing into Black Paw territory. We’ll be home in no time.”

  A collective sigh escaped from the back seat. Mina breathed a bit easier knowing the ones she loved were finally free. Tears streaked down her face as the weight of a two-ton elephant had been lifted off of her chest.

  “What day is today?” A thought popped into Mina’s head, one that excited her more than it should have.

  “December 19th.” Rafe arched an eyebrow as her thoughts poured through his head.

  “You know, I’m really digging this mating connection thing we have going. It makes private conversations so much easier.” Mina watched Rafe’s expression very carefully.

  Her idea was crazy, but it would be oh so much fun. It was something she wished for every year when she was a kid. If they could pull it off, it would be amazing.

  Much to Mina’s surprise, Rafe didn’t think she’d lost her mind for suggesting it.

  “I think it’s something we can accomplish pretty easily. It would make my mom pretty happy, too. She and Dad always went all out for Yule. The whole pack did. It would be nice to bring the tradition back to Black Paw. Maybe even create a few new ones.”

  Mina wanted to leap for joy, but had to contain her emotions so she didn’t give too much away.

  All of her life she wondered what it would be like to celebrate Yule. Griffin ensured it was just another day on the calendar at Twisted Tail. There were no celebrations. No gifts.


  This year, she would find a way to make the Yule celebration special for all of them.

  Rafe and Mina bounced ideas back and forth for the remainder of the ride, pleased to see he meant every word of what he said. Rafe gave Mina a very special gift. A gift unlike any other. One she never had before. Hope.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Here we are.” Rafe nodded to the house towering before the vehicle. The home his dad built was a sight to behold. Brick walls soared high with the three story architecture. The dim glow of lights seeped from windows stretching across full walls of the home, conveying an inviting aura.

  A dusting of snow covered the concrete drive leading to the five stall garage. Rafe smiled at his mom who stood in the driveway, waiting for their arrival.

  “Oh, my Goddess, Rafe. This place is amazing,” Mina’s mouth nearly hit the floor. Never had she seen a home as large or stunning.

  Whispers sounded from the back, as well as a squeal or two when Mina’s sisters caught a glimpse of the estate.

  When everyone was out of the SUV, Rafe ushered the group in the house and made a round of introductions.

  “It will be so nice having everyone here.” Grace beamed with delight. “Let me show you all around and get everyone settled into their rooms before dinner. Rafe, I think you and Mina should take the master suite.”

  “Mom, it’s not necessary.”

  “I insist. I haven’t slept in there since your dad passed. Besides, you’re the Alpha and it’s time for you to take over. You and your mate.”

  Rafe couldn’t find it in his heart to argue with his mom. Instead, he kindly accepted the offer and wrapped her in a tight hug. “Thanks, Mom.”

  Not wanting to upset his mom or Mina, he sent the girls on their way and motioned for Lucas to join him in the kitchen.

  “I know we haven’t seen the last of Griffin. I’ve got a bad feeling that he’s up to something. Call it intuition or whatever you want, but I know he’s planning something.” Rafe grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and tossed one to Lucas.

  “Is your wolf screaming at you as loud as mine is?” Lucas twisted the lid on his bottle and downed the ice cold water in one swig.

  “Yeah. He’s not painting a pretty picture in my mind right now. He’s going nuts feeling trapped. He wants to hunt Griffin down and rip his heart from his ribcage.” Rafe chugged his water and tossed the bottle in the recycling bin.

  “I know you have a few issues you need to work out with Erin, but I want you to set up patrols tonight, with reports coming in every half hour. We need to keep our eyes open and ears to the ground. See if we can get anything from the prisoner now that he’s been stripped of his wolf. He might be a little more willing to cooperate if he thinks he’s got a shot at getting it back.”

  “You got it. Anything else?”

  “Go easy on Erin. I’m sure she had a good reason for masking her scent from you.”

  It was Lucas’s turn to pace. “Wouldn’t you be pissed off if you searched high and low for your mate and found that she’d been purposely hiding from you? For years? Not just that, but every once in a while you’d catch her scent and it would drive you bat shit crazy? You’d follow the trail, only to meet a brick wall after chasing your tail?”

  The thought alone pissed Rafe off. Thanks be with Odin that he didn’t have to play any games to win Mina over.

  “No doubt. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be pissed. You have every right to be angry, and then some. What I’m saying is, hear her out before you fly off the handle, and remember she can’t hide now. That mating mark will drive her nuts. Trust me. In no time at all, the tables will turn on her. I’ve seen what the dreams are like. Brace yourself, brother. Once they start, there’s no turning back.”

  Rafe laughed, knowing what happened with Mina’s very first dream. He couldn’t wait for her to have another. Just the thought of her having another erotic dream about him made his blood heat. Fuck yeah, it did. As far as Rafe was concerned, there was nothing hotter than his mate dreaming about the things she wanted him to do to her. Ultimate fucking turn on.

  “I’ll take your word for it. Let me know if you need anything else tonight.”


  Grace and Beth joined Rafe in the kitchen a few minutes later.

  “Rafe, thank you for taking me and my girls in. I really can’t tha
nk you enough. If there is ever anything I can do to repay you, please don’t be afraid to ask.” Beth kept her eyes to the ground.

  Rafe guessed it was a practice the women of Twisted Tail had forced upon them by their piece of shit wannabe Alpha.

  “You’re welcome, Beth. Mina is my true mate, and I will do whatever it takes to please her. I want her to be happy here. I know that means having her family here with her. I think you all being here is wonderful, but I want you and your daughters to be happy here as well. We have a full community, with programs for teens, and good schools. I think Bree and Kenzie will fit right in.”

  With everything that had transpired in the last twenty-four hours, Rafe had forgotten about Eric and his promise to reunite Mina with her brother. Grabbing his phone from his pocket, he hit the speed dial button.

  “Can you excuse me for just one minute?” Rafe walked into the dining room just as Eric answered. He made the call short and simple, giving Eric clear instructions to come to the Alpha house and bring his family along. He felt a little bad for not giving Eric an explanation. The poor boy was probably in a panic thinking he’d done something wrong.

  “Mina, can you and your sisters come down here, please? I have a surprise for you.”

  The mating connection was seriously better than texting.

  A few minutes later a knock at the door alerted Rafe to a new arrival. He smiled at the young couple as he opened the door and welcomed them in.

  Eric looked nervous at best, having never been called in front of the Alpha. His mate clutched their young in her arms, prepared to shield the baby from any and all danger. Momma wolves were fierce as hell when it came to protecting their babies.

  Rafe glanced down to see two young children holding each of Eric’s hands. He winked playfully at them, wondering what it would be like when he and Mina had their own pups.

  “It’s good to see you, Eric, Lanie. How’s the babe?”

  “He’s doing great. Thank you, sir.” Lanie beamed with pride, as any new mom would.

  “Please call me Rafe. I know it’s a bit odd for me to have you rush right over, but I promise it’s nothing bad. Can you follow me to the kitchen please?”


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