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Once Upon A Midnight

Page 53

by Stephanie Rowe

  Mina glanced out the window, taking in the scenery. Black Paw lands were rugged, yet beautiful. She sighed when she looked in the mirror and was reminded of the black SUV following them.

  “Do you really think it’s necessary to bring Lucas and Eddie? Aren’t they going to hate you for making them take three girls shopping?” She giggled at the thought.

  “I’m sure they’re not too crazy about it. But we can’t be too careful right now with Griffin on the loose.”

  “Do you think he’ll ever be brought to justice?” Mina did not want to spend her life looking over her shoulder, waiting for the twisted fuck’s next attack.

  “I do and I think it will be sooner rather than later.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “From what I’ve seen, he doesn’t seem like the brightest bulb in the box. He’s impatient and sloppy. He’s not playing with a full deck of cards. It’s only a matter of time before he slips up and we’ll be there to catch him.”

  Rafe’s confidence in the situation allowed Mina to breathe a little easier. She wouldn’t fully relax until Griffin was either behind bars or dead.

  The rest of the trip stretched on in a comfortable silence. Mina’s mind wandered to the possibilities of her new life. The life that awaited her sisters. She’d always wanted better for them than what was available at Twisted Tail. Would this finally be the opportunity?

  The squealing from the back seat resumed as soon as they pulled into the mall parking lot.

  “It’s a real mall!” Kenzie and Bree shrieked in unison.

  They were ready to spring from the vehicle as soon as Rafe slid the shifter into park.

  “Hold on, girls,” Rafe’s order stopped them straight in their tracks.

  Groans echoed through the rear of the SUV.

  “Please tell me we don’t have to walk around the mall for the very first time with the geriatric crew?” Bree was not pleased.

  “Bree Ann, so help me.” Mina spun around to face her sister.

  “Mina and I are going to get the things we need. I want the two of you to find some clothes and other things you need. You should also think about getting your family a gift for Yule.”

  “How are we supposed to pay for it?” Kenzie spoke up.

  “I’m glad you asked. Lucas and Eddie will be with you. They have one of my credit cards and have been instructed to pay for the items you need.”

  Mina tried to contain the smirk pulling at the corners of her lips. Rafe’s plan made sure Bree and Kenzie were safe while ensuring minimal bitching.

  “How much can we spend?” Bree questioned.

  “It’s not about how much you spend, it’s about getting what you need. So make good choices and we can do this again sometime. Just remember, though, if you screw this up, your next wardrobe will be hand-stitched by the bored seniors at Black Paw. I’m sure they still have some bitchin’ patterns from the 1940s.”

  “Thanks, Rafe.” The girls nodded and hopped out of the vehicle.

  Rafe rolled the window down and motioned for Lucas. “Keep an eye on them in case anyone from Twisted Tail followed us.”

  “Got it. Anything else?”

  “Let them have some fun and make sure they get something to eat, too. We’ll check in with them in a little bit.”

  With the girls off to shop, safe with their protectors, Rafe leaned over and kissed Mina. “You ready to do this?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Griffin watched from afar, hidden behind a coach bus as Mina and Rafe entered the mall. It pissed him off to no end to see them holding hands, strolling through the parking lot. Jealously, in the form of fire, oozed through his veins, setting his blood on fire. It took every ounce of willpower he had to contain his wolf.

  Barking a command to his lieutenant, Jayden, he lit another smoke, contemplating his next move.

  “I’ll follow my mate. You stick to the girls. Don’t get too close, I don’t want the bodyguards picking up your scent.”

  Jayden nodded and followed in the direction of Mina’s sisters.

  With his lieutenant out of sight, Griffin reached into his pocket, pulling out a small baggie of his favorite concoction. Cocaine mixed with a few special ingredients designed to work on shifters.

  Griffin told himself he needed it to focus on the situation. The puppy powder, as he liked to call it, kept his mind clear, his senses on full alert all while keeping his wolf under control, for the most part.

  Making sure there were no witnesses, he sniffed a small amount of the powder into each nostril.

  Mina had two choices. She could come back to Twisted Tail and be his mate as planned or she and her sisters would die. It made no difference to him.

  Hell, he might just kill her anyway. Just for the fun of it. She deserved it.

  Cautiously, Griffin made his way closer to the mall. Staying to the rear of a larger crowd a few hundred feet behind the couple.

  His wolf’s keen hearing could easily listen in on the conversation between his mate and the Black Paw Alpha.

  “So, what are we looking for?” Mina asked Rafe.

  “First, we’re going to do some shopping for you, then for the pack,” Rafe replied.

  “The whole pack?”

  Griffin picked up on the surprise in his mate’s voice. The Alpha must be loaded. Maybe I can divest him of his funds in the process.

  Griffin’s mind always worked overtime, plotting and scheming, searching for ways to find instant wealth. His puppy powder concoction made a mint once he got a majority of the losers in Twisted Tail hooked. Imagine what he could do with even more cold hard, easy cash.

  He sure wouldn’t waste it on his pack or a mate. He’d buy whatever brought him pleasure.




  He’d kill anyone who stood in his way.

  The hours ticked by as Mina and Rafe made their way through the different stores and stopped to meet up with the girls for lunch.

  Griffin watched them carefully, anticipating their every move. He stayed steps behind them, waiting outside of each store as they entered.

  Fuck! This has to end soon. How much can they possibly waste on his pack? Griffin twisted his neck, hoping to feel his bones popping to relieve some of his tension.

  Lost in thought, Griffin failed to notice the couple exit from the latest store. It was the first time Mina’s scent had hit him. Sniffing the air, Griffin tried to make sense of it. It smelled like her, but there was more to her scent.

  “Son of a bitch!” His canines lengthened. Fur began to push through his skin. If he looked in a mirror, he was certain he would see glowing eyes staring back at him.

  That fucking whore. How dare she! I’ll kill her.

  All it took was a tiny whiff for Griffin to scent the fact that Mina and Rafe completed the mating ritual.

  Deep breaths didn’t do a fucking thing for him, when he tried to keep a tight leash on his wolf. The beast wanted to be free to tear her and the Alpha apart. He didn’t care who saw it.


  Griffin was seconds away from losing his shit and his wolf taking charge. Something he couldn’t allow to happen in a crowded mall. He didn’t give a fuck about innocent bystanders. He would be trapped with nowhere to go. They’d collar him and toss his ass in the pound.

  Been there, done that. And not something he wanted to do again anytime soon.

  I need air.

  Griffin jogged to the nearest exit. Feeling his body starting to change, he kept his head low, knocking unsuspecting shoppers out of the way, hoping no one noticed.

  Rays of sunlight seeped through the double doors in the distance.

  He burst into a full sprint, desperate to get away from the crowds.

  I’m not going to make it.

  “Dude, what the fuck is your problem?” a stranger yelled.

  Griffin wanted nothing more than to turn around and attack the man,
but he needed to get outside.

  He pushed through one set of doors, almost making it to the second set before he dropped to all fours, snarling to get through the cluster of people leaving the building.

  “Holy shit! Did you see that?”

  “What was that?”

  “Oh my God! There’s a giant dog in here.”

  “That’s no dog. That’s a wolf.”

  Screams surrounded him as he bolted past the entrance and into the parking lot. Fuck! That was close.

  Griffin wasn’t overly concerned that anyone saw his shift. If they did, their brain was probably still trying to figure out what they saw. Besides, no one would believe them if they started spouting off incoherent crap about a man changing into a wolf at the mall.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  The hair on Mina’s arms stood on end as the mall shoppers ran screaming about a wolf. Rafe pulled her close and grabbed his phone.

  Mina looked up at him with terror in her eyes.

  Freyja, please let my sisters be safe.

  “Lucas, is everything all right?”

  “We’re good, boss. The girls are just finishing up at Forever 21. I think they bought most of the store.”

  “Keep your ears open and your nose to the ground. We’re downstairs and everyone is in a panic about a dog or a wolf on the loose. Let’s meet at the exit by the fountains and call it a day. Mina and I just finished up our shopping.”

  “Think it’s Griffin?” Lucas asked.

  “I’d bet my tail.”

  “See you in a few.”

  “Your sisters are fine. Lucas and Eddie are on their way with the girls to meet us. It’s time for us to get out of here.”

  Mina clung to Rafe as they weaved through the hordes of people.

  Her body tense, ready to defend herself if needed.

  “Shit. I need to call the front desk and have them bring the packages to the entrance.”

  He may have been a big strong Alpha, but there was no way he was about to tote everything they purchased around the mall. Pack mule was not in his official job description.

  Mina breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her sisters were safe and sound, waiting for them.

  “Thank Freyja, you’re both okay.”

  “We’re totally fine.” Mina wrapped Bree in a tight hug.

  “Well, I was, but now I can’t breathe.”

  “Perfectly safe,” Kenzie added.

  “I was so worried. We should have known better than to make this outing with Griffin on the loose.”

  Hoping for the best never seemed to work out for Mina. She should have known Griffin would never leave her or her family alone. It was a pipe dream to think otherwise.

  Mina stood with her sisters beside her, ready to shift and kick some ass if necessary. She had taken on Griffin’s enforcers before and she would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping her sisters safe.

  “Lucas and Eddie are going to bring the cars around and make sure the coast is clear. The front desk is sending our packages now. Once everything is loaded, we’ll take you ladies out to the cars.”

  “He’s not going to stop, is he?” Mina’s voice was filled with sorrow. They wouldn’t be in this position now if it wasn’t for her.

  She should have agreed to the mating. Her life might have been shit, but her sisters and mom would be safe. They wouldn’t have to worry about looking over their shoulders, waiting for the attack to come.

  “Mina, none of this is your fault. Griffin is not your mate. He never has been and he never will be. It’s nothing more than a power trip. A way to control you and your family. It would be different if he loved you and wanted to care for you, but you know deep down a man, or wolf, like that isn’t capable of loving anyone.”

  “We can’t live in fear of him for the rest of our lives.” Kenzie leaned closer to Mina.

  “I know. I just hate the thought of him taking his anger out on either of you. I just wish there was some way to stop him.”

  “We’ll get him, Mina. Don’t worry. Until then, I’m not leaving your side. Kenzie, Bree—I’ll make sure you have protection at all times, too.”

  “Thanks, Rafe, but I think me and Kenzie will be okay.”

  “Griffin already caught you once, Bree. I’m not taking that chance again.” Mina’s words were firm. Her voice unwavering. There would be no compromise when it came to keeping her sisters safe.

  “Fine,” Bree grumbled.

  Mina watched Lucas and Eddie cart their shopping bags out of the double doors and into the vehicles. When the coast was clear, the men returned to escort the women safely to the waiting SUVs.

  The ride back to Black Paw seemed to take forever. Mina was a nervous wreck waiting for an imminent attack.

  Would Griffin crash into them? Would he be waiting somewhere along one of the quiet country roads? Would they see him coming, or would he and his men open fire on them, killing everyone inside?

  Glancing back, she checked on her sisters every few minutes to make sure they were okay. Making plans in her head to get to them as quickly as possible if the need arose.

  When Mina wasn’t checking on her sisters in the back seat, her eyes scanned the sides of the road, the thickness of the forest just beyond her reach for any signs of danger. Her wolf was on full alert, ready to take charge at a moment’s notice.

  She’d go for throats first and ask questions second.

  “Are you okay?” Rafe’s question pulled her back to the present.

  “Yes,” Mina lied.

  She hated guarding her thoughts and lying to Rafe, but she had to. If she voiced her questions, she would upset her sisters and Rafe. There had to be something she could do to make her family and Rafe safe again. She wasn’t built to sit around and do nothing.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Mina finally breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled into the driveway. Having the pack around calmed her wolf tremendously, but not her human self. She looked at it as more people who could be hurt by Griffin. Her wolf looked at it as others to fight against him.

  Not that Mina didn’t feel safer with Rafe by her side, she did. It was the thought of him being injured or killed that she couldn’t handle.

  “What do you think?” Rafe interrupted her silent panic attack.

  How had she not noticed the difference when they arrived?

  White tents had been erected all over the grounds. Their flaps billowed in the cool breeze. Clear LED lights hung from the trees and tents, creating a luminescent feel. A bonfire roared adjacent to the tents. Men, women, and children laughed and danced as music filled the air.

  “Rafe, this is incredible.” Mina had no idea such a celebration was even possible on such short notice.

  “I’m telling you, my mom is a miracle worker. Let’s get inside and get changed so we can join everyone.”

  “I’m not sure I have something appropriate to wear.” Mina’s eyes scanned the crowd.

  “Mom took care of everything.”

  “What about all the bags?”

  “You worry too much.” Rafe laughed and nodded for Lucas to join them. “Can you get some of the guys and take this stuff into the back room?”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  Rafe, Mina, and the girls snuck in through the back, avoiding the guests. They made their way to their rooms and found the surprises Grace left for each of them.

  “She really did take care of everything, didn’t she?”

  “When I asked her about a celebration last night, she was ecstatic. Like a wolf in a meat market. You should have seen her. Within minutes, she was on the phone planning, sending messages back and forth, ordering the food, and alerting the pack. She was in her true element and what better way to announce our mating than in front of the whole pack. The Yule celebration is the perfect time.”

  “Rafe, what if Griffin shows up?” Mina couldn’t shed her worries.

  “I doubt he’d show up tonight. Even if he did, it would be his
funeral. The entire pack will be gathered for the celebration. They would scent an outsider in a hot second.”

  Mina wished Rafe’s words could comfort her, but he didn’t know Griffin like she did. He didn’t care about collateral damage or hurting innocent women and children. He had no remorse.

  “I hope you’re right. I don’t want to see anyone else hurt by him.”

  Rafe pulled Mina into his arms.

  “I know you’re worried and upset. Have some faith in us. We can take anything he dishes out and more. I promise.”

  “He doesn’t fight fair, and I’m afraid he won’t stop until I’m dead. What if—”

  “Mina, honey, he’s just one wolf. Even if he does have a few others with him, it’s no big deal. None of them have the strength of a true Alpha or the resources we have here.”

  Mina nodded and relaxed into Rafe. “You’re right.” She had to trust her mate.

  Looking up into his eyes, Mina saw the promise of protection and love. His lips closed over hers. Passion flared between the two, but Rafe quickly broke away. “Later, I promise. Everyone is waiting for us.”

  “Can’t we make them wait a little bit longer?”

  “Mmmm. You tempt me, woman.”

  “Fine, fine. I’ll go take these clothes off, all by myself instead of letting you take them off with your teeth.”

  Rafe scowled at the thought of missing his mate undress.

  Mina went to work taming her hair. A curl or two here, half a can of hairspray there, a dash of makeup, a beautiful dress, shoes to die for, and voila, she was done.

  Butterflies danced in her belly as she gave herself a once over in the mirror. Not too shabby.

  “Not too shabby? You look amazing.”

  “I wish.”

  Rafe came up behind her, rubbing the length of his hard cock against her. He whispered in her ear, “Do you doubt that seeing you in that dress makes me want to bend you over right here, right now, so I can fuck you hard and fast until you scream my name?”

  His deep timbre sent a shiver through her body.


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