Once Upon A Midnight

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Once Upon A Midnight Page 78

by Stephanie Rowe

  Her long black hair flowed down her back, curling at the bottom. He imagined it would feel as soft and silky in his hand as it looked in his mind. Her icy blue eyes pierced his dreams and demanded his attention. He had no doubt that he would know her the moment his gaze landed on her. His dragon would recognize the one that destiny had created for him.

  His dragon snorted and the mark around his arm heated at the thought of claiming his mate. “Calm yourself,” he ordered his beast. The restlessness of his dragon tested his patience to the core. The two had waged an internal battle for months. One they would continue to wage until they were finally able to claim their mate.

  I have to find her before the ddraig wen is able to get their hands on her. If Maelon Godwin, the heir of the White Dragon clan, got to her first, his eternity would be lost. As long as they both lived, his future lay before him, but if she died, he would lose his immortality. It’s the only way to kill a dragon without cutting off its head.

  If he died, the ddraig wen would finally claim his lands and his people. Death and destruction would follow in its wake. I will not allow that to be my legacy.

  Chapter Two

  Fighting the urge to pace around her kitchen, Carys Cadell felt the turmoil of her people. The security of their clan was being threatened, for the first time in over a millennium. Their fate rested on the shoulders of a raven-haired beauty.

  The strength of her being would determine if they survived. The woman’s destiny, set in motion long before any of them had been born, would be their salvation or their destruction.

  Breathing deeply, she peered out the window and her gaze took in the beauty of her home, Dinas Emrys. Located in northwest Wales, the rocky and wooded hill contrasted in hard and soft. It portrayed their people, their hard exterior paired with the beauty of their heart.

  Its rocky cliffs gave way to the green rolling woods filled with the special trees and flowers of the Welsh people. Their scent, mingled with the damp earthen aroma, filled the air, swirling through the open window. She breathed deeply, allowing the magic of the land to wrap around her and soothe her soul. The window allowed her to stare out at the vivid blue sky trying to break through the constant ring of fog.

  The Cadell ancestors had lived in, and protected Dinas Emrys, since the time of King Arthur. Due to their fierce support of him, Merlin, the Master Wizard, had blessed the Red Dragon clan by creating the first dragon shifter, Owain Cadell. His precious gift ensured their survival. The land around Dinas Emrys was holy, the sacred place of all the red dragons.

  Sensing the presence of her son, she smiled. Her dragon warmed with the love for their first born. “Gareth, when do you leave for Boston?”

  “Mam, please come and sit with me,” he asked noticing the tension in her stance that she tried to hide. “We’ve talked about this trip for weeks. You know that I’m leaving later today. Now, tell me, what has you so upset?” Gareth questioned softly. Peering at his mother, their bond made it possible for him to feel the anxiety and stress that radiated from her slender body. Her eyes that were normally a sparkling green were haunted by shadows. Wrinkles deepened with her frown and the circles of no sleep surrounded her eyes. “Have you had one of your visions?”

  Giving in to his request, Carys sat down tensely on the edge of a chair. Wringing a tea towel in her hands, she blatantly ignored his question. The last thing she wanted to discuss with him was her visions. They were her burden to bear. The sacrifice she willingly accepted for her family. “I’m worried that now isn’t a good time for you to leave the country.”

  Meeting his gaze, she continued, “I’m scared about what will happen while you are so far away from the family. You know that there is a good possibility that Maelon will follow you to Boston.” Their family was stronger when they were together. It was their bond that funneled their strength and gave them the edge they needed to maintain their realm.

  Kneeling down in front of his mother, he took the towel from her. Laying it aside, he wrapped her hands in his. Running his finger along her delicate hand, he felt the love for his mother that grew stronger with each passing year. She was the calming force in their clan. She was the one that all the clansmen and women went to for sage advice. Seeing her in this state of fear stole his breath. It was difficult for him to watch his strong, wise mother struggle with the future’s unknown. He knew if her visions were awful enough to upset her this much, it didn’t bode well for their realm.

  “Where is this coming from? There hasn’t been any trouble with the Godwin’s in over fifteen-hundred years. None of the other dragon clan has shown an ounce of any uprising to come,” he asked, knowing from his own visions that he was lying to her. “The number of white dragons has diminished to the point where they couldn’t harm us even if they wanted to. The feud is dead and buried.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, un annwyl. I feel them stirring in my blood, and in here,” she said, pointing to her heart. “I know you think I’m spewing the ramblings of an old woman, but I know of what I speak. You don’t understand all that our family went through to fight off the ddraig wen.” Her inner beast roared at the mention of the white dragons. The beast’s mark around her upper arm burned as her dragon demanded to be called forth. Quieting her mind, she forced feelings of peace and calm at her dragon. The green eyes in her mark glowed, lighting beneath her shirt sleeve.

  Seeing the glow, Gareth knew his mother’s dragon was on edge. She hadn’t been letting her beast out and it was weakening her. “Mother, when is the last time you let your dragon free?”

  “That’s not important. What is important is protecting this clan. Nothing else matters.”

  “It is important,” he whispered. “She needs to be allowed to be free. You’re blocking her and her strength. You can’t continue to ignore what is natural. We need her, and you, at your strongest.”

  Shaking her head, she murmured, “Don’t you feel their pull? Don’t you feel them coming together?”

  “Yes, you know I do. I’m not immune to what the ddraig wen can do. You think I don’t understand, but I know all about the war we waged against the white dragons. They invaded, trying to take our land and our people. They tried to overthrow our rule, but they didn’t succeed. A Cadell has reigned and protected Dinas Emrys ever since,” he recited, even as the vision of Maelon attacking his mate flashed in his mind, ensuring he knew what a dangerous path he was on.

  “Father explained it all in great detail to me. I’m not blind to our history or our family’s legacy. Why would they consider attacking us after all this time? Everything is going to be fine. Besides, I’m not going to be gone long. I only have to inspect the new office. I’ll be home before you know it, and if Maelon ends up in Boston, I’ll deal with him.” Rising to his feet, he kissed the top of her head before turning to walk away. Hearing her whisper his name, he paused.

  “Does your blood not warm at the thought of them? Remember, love, your destiny was fated by fire. Ddraig wen will rise again. Prophesy foretells it and my dragon feels it, just as I’m sure yours does. Do not ignore your heart when your brain doubts. She holds the key! She will either be our protector or our downfall.”

  “Mam, she will be everything for us.”

  Watching her son walk out the door, she prayed he was right, but fear churned in her stomach. If Maelon got to her son’s mate first, their fate was sealed. It was the only way for the Godwin’s to defeat them. They had to kill the woman, the one destiny created for her son. The one created to save their people.

  Chapter Three

  Stepping out of the plane, Gareth Cadell paused to drop his sunglasses down onto his nose. Even in late October, the sun was still bright. It poured its healing light down on the Earth. Though the temperatures in Boston were already getting colder, the freezing temperatures still hadn’t hit. The sunlight streamed through the clouds, creating a kaleidoscope of color on the crisp fall day. Thankfully, the dragon blood running through his veins kept his body warm, and he didn�
�t feel the chill in the air.

  Snow would soon cover the ground, and the trees would drip with icicles while snow flurries filled the sky. Thankfully, he was missing the air that would be so cold that he would be able to see his breath every time he exhaled. Peering around the airport, he caught sight of men scurrying around trying to do their jobs in the chilly wind.

  Making his way down the steps, he grinned at his American attorney, Allen Parker. The man was standing by the car and it was obvious that he was cold. Chuckling to himself, he knew that as someone new to the Boston area, Allen felt the chill more than a normal Bostonian. As he waited for Gareth to approach, he blew his heated breath into his hands.

  He almost felt bad for asking his attorney to meet his plane, but Allen handled all of the details involved in opening the American branch of his family’s business, Cadell Industries, and he didn’t want to waste a minute of the trip. The future of their company rested on the expansion project he was working on.

  Cadell Industries had grown into a successful shipping company that had been started by his grandfather, Emery Cadell. Emery was the son of the great Owain Cadell, the man who led the battle against the invading white dragons, earning honor and blessings on their entire clan. Owain Cadell had been the one blessed by Merlin and had become their first dragon shifter. When Owain had died, dragons came from around the world to honor him. It was a somber affair that went on for weeks.

  Gareth slung his bag over his shoulder as he headed toward his attorney and the car. Stopping at its side, he extended his hand, “Hi, Allen. Thanks for meeting me. I see you’re still adjusting to the cold of the Northeast.”

  Returning the handshake, Allen sized up his employer. Dressed in Armani, Gareth oozed money and power. “My body still remembers the warmth of Florida. I’m dreading the coming winter. I was happy to meet you.” Leading the way to the car, he rattled off all of the information Gareth had requested.

  “Your meeting with Cadence de Luca is set for nine in the morning. After you’ve introduced yourself to her and gone over the books, she’ll show you around the office.” Stowing Gareth’s bags in the trunk, he continued to relay the information. “The warehouse expects you either tomorrow afternoon or first thing the next morning. You’ll be able to inspect the warehouse and the dock, as well as go over their processes. I’ve instituted all of the standard operating procedures you sent me. Once you approve everything and sign off on all we’ve done, they’ll be ready to open for business Monday morning.”

  Sliding into the car, Gareth was thrilled to learn everything was on schedule and moving forward smoothly. “Excellent! You’ve been a lifesaver during this expansion. We wouldn’t even be close to ready for the opening without you. Now, tell me about Ms. De Luca. What should I expect?” he asked. He’d been hesitant to hire someone to run this arm of the company without having actually met them. Yet, after seeing her credentials and speaking to her references, he went ahead with the decision to offer her the job. Her references had been impeccable, but more importantly, she’d impressed his father, and that was almost impossible to do.

  “She’s going to be a huge asset to Cadell Industries. She’s smart, and knows the shipping industry inside and out. We were lucky to steal her away from our competitors, however…” he paused, trying to figure out how to best explain her less than favorable side.

  “However, what?” he asked.

  “However, she’s also stubborn and pigheaded when she thinks she’s right. Not to mention, I think she may have minored in sarcasm in college.”

  Laughing at his description, Gareth couldn’t wait to meet the woman who could render his attorney speechless which wasn’t an easy feat. He hoped he’d be able to witness it in person. Anyone who can accomplish that is someone I must have on my side.

  Instantly, his dragon roared in his head at the thoughts he had towards a woman who wasn’t his mate. Give it a rest, he ordered his beast. I’m not betraying our mate! Chuffing in frustration, his dragon let him know how unhappy it was.

  “You laugh, but I’m telling you, she’s fierce,” Allen said, chuckling.


  Sipping her coffee, Cadence de Luca scanned the paperwork from her grandmother’s safety deposit box spread out on her coffee table. Chewing on her bottom lip, she analyzed the information for the hundredth time. Tucking her feet under her, she leaned back against the cushions and closed her eyes.

  Everything she’d read in her grandmother’s papers exhausted her. She didn’t know what to make of all the crazy things she’d learned. Opening her eyes, she spied the coffee cup she’d set on the table. She needed the boost she’d get from the caffeine, and forced herself not to grab it up and gulp it down.

  Nothing in her grandmother’s papers made sense. Dealing with the loss of the only person she had growing up was hard enough, but trying to understand the life her Nana lived was almost impossible. In addition to the safety deposit box, she’d found an old cardboard box shoved into the back of her grandmother’s attic. It was full of magical items, a wand, candles, talismans, and a spell book. All strange items, for her grandmother to own, but what shocked her most was the letter her grandmother had left for her.

  The letter from her grandmother had been hidden in the bottom of the safety deposit box and it was addressed to her. No matter how hard she worked to understand, the letter continued to confuse her. The letter revealed that the members of her family were witches. How was it possible for her grandmother to think they were witches and she didn’t know? Witches didn’t exist. Magic was nothing but fantasy.

  Was her grandmother delusional? She had seemed so coherent, even at the end. If it hadn’t been for cancer, her Nana would still be with her. So where did this crazy idea come from? One large scroll confused her even further. It was a handwritten family tree that went all the way back to the late fifth century. It seemed surreal to her to even imagine that anyone could trace their family tree back that far.

  Even crazier than the length of the family tree was the name at the top: Merlin, the famed sorcerer from King Arthur. Surely this had to be some sort of joke. Merlin wasn’t even real, how could he possibly be the head of their family. With no family left to ask, Cadence’s heart broke at the understanding that she’d never get to the bottom of the strange things she’d discovered.

  Needing to get away for a while and clear her thoughts, she decided to head to her favorite pub and have a drink. Slipping into her shoes, she grabbed her bag to stroll through the streets of Boston. She loved this time of year. The leaves had turned their golden colors and the trees were decorated for the season. Before long, the leaves would be gone and snow and slush would cover the ground.

  Halloween was normally her favorite holiday, but with the loss of her grandmother, she just couldn’t get into it this year. She hadn’t even put up her decorations. The thought of the children at the door trick or treating, and not being able to see her grandmother delight in their costumes saddened her.

  Walking into the pub, she hurried to the end of the bar and slid onto a stool. She ordered her normal drink and savored the warmth as the bourbon hit her system.

  Chapter Four

  After settling into his hotel and having dinner with Allen, Gareth hated the uneasiness piercing his very core. His dragon grew more restless with each passing minute. Thinking a walk and a drink would calm him and his beast, he exited the hotel. As he started off down the street, instead of easing the tension in his muscles, the area at the base of the back of his neck began to burn.

  Turning the corner, he discovered a quaint pub and the closer he got, recognition slammed into him, stealing his breath. Her! He felt the one woman who destiny had created for him reach out and wrap herself around his soul. She was close, closer than she’d ever been!

  Feeling her, his dragon urged him on, straining to be called forth. Calm yourself, he instructed his beast. It snorted its refusal in return, demanding he locate his mate. Roaring inside, it took everything he had to
prevent him from shifting. Pausing, he closed his eyes and focused on his dragon. Forcing calmness at it, he gained control.

  As he stood in front of the little pub, he felt her being surge through him, boiling his blood. Emotions he knew would come when he found her pulsed in his chest, stronger than anything he’d ever thought possible. Pushing open the door, he made a beeline for the bar and ordered, “Give me anything you’ve got on tap.” Scanning the area, his eyes fell on the most beautiful blue eyes he’d ever seen, in the mirror behind the bar. His dragon instantly reared its head, straining against his composure.

  Heat radiated through his blood and his amber eyes glowed with desire. His cock hardened, straining against his zipper. Lust filled him and the urge to take her was almost unbearable. The attraction was instant, and he knew he’d finally found his other half; his destiny.

  Slowly roaming his eyes over the beauty in the mirror, her long black mane blocked part of her face. He itched to reach out and tuck the strands behind her ear so he could see all of her. Unable to tear his gaze away, her eyes flashed a combination of heat and annoyance. A lazy grin crossed his face as he licked his lips.

  The bartender slid the beer in front of him and picked up the cash he’d laid on the napkin. Lifting the glass, he sipped as he continued to watch her. Her face flamed under his stare, and he knew she was aware of his presence.

  Picking up his glass, he stood up from the stool. Taking his time, he strolled towards her, eyeing the empty stool beside her. Sliding onto it, he turned to face her.

  Signaling to the bartender to bring them another round, he stuck out his hand towards her. “I’ll grab the next round,” he announced, confident she wouldn’t be able to refuse to have a drink with him. Her scent filled the air around him, seeping into his soul. She smelled like a meadow after a cleansing rain, reminding him of his home in Wales.


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