Once Upon A Midnight

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Once Upon A Midnight Page 80

by Stephanie Rowe

  Attempting not to give in to the emotions determined to make her crazy, she gingerly sat down across from him at the conference table. She could feel his eyes on her, scrutinizing her. Unable to stand the doubt his appraisal was causing, she dropped her head down onto her hands.

  He knew he couldn’t help her. He could feel the waves of confusion emanating from her. It hurt his heart to know he was the reason she was struggling, but not being able to see her face gave him the perfect ability to watch her, to savor her scent.

  Being this close to her not only calmed him, but it calmed his beast as well. It grounded the two of them in a way they’d never experienced. He wasn’t going to let anyone or anything take her away from him.

  Conflicting emotions filled Cadence as she felt his eyes boring into her. On one hand, she felt safe, protected even, and on the other, she could barely stand the sexual pull. The attraction settled deep in her soul and she tried not to picture him naked. “Okay, why are you staring at me?”

  “I’m waiting for you to answer my question,” he challenged, enjoying her discomfort when he scented her desire. His mind conjured a vision of the two of them sealing their bond. Ignited in passion, he licked his lips in anticipation. Catching her looking at him, he replied, “I’m ready to listen to you.”

  “Then what did I just say?” she asked, knowing he hadn’t heard one word she’d said. His piercing amber eyes reflected the same passion building in her. She fidgeted in her seat, ignoring the heat burning between her legs.

  His cheeks heated when he realized he’d been caught not paying attention. How the hell am I supposed to focus on anything when she’s right there? His dragon agreed, encouraging him to forget everything and solve their problem. They had to claim their mate before Maelon found her.

  “Cadence,” he whispered, needing her attention to be focused on him. “Look at me,” he ordered. “I tried to ignore this, but we have to deal with it. We won’t get anything accomplished until we do.” Peering at her, he waited for her response. It felt as if he and his dragon were holding their collective breaths.

  Knowing exactly what he was talking about, she refused to look up. The intense attraction between them was obvious, and his energy seemed to wrap around her like a cocoon. It made her feel as if nothing could ever hurt her again which, in itself, was strange. She’d never had anyone touch her the same way except her grandmother. “I don’t know what ‘it’ is, but I doubt it’s more important than getting your company up and running,” she deflected.

  “Cadence, look at me. Nothing is more important than what is going on between us, un annwyl.” Reaching across the table, he lifted her chin with his finger until her eyes met his. “And I mean nothing.”

  Gasping, his words paralyzed her. Her heart felt as if it would burst, and in an instant, a distant memory of her grandmother slammed into her. She’d been only a child when she’d entered her grandmother’s bedroom without knocking.

  Her grandmother had been kneeling in front of a small altar adorned with flower petals and candles. She’d been chanting in a language Cadence hadn’t recognized at the time, but now knew to be Welsh. When her grandmother realized she was there, she’d uttered the same words. “What does that mean? I’ve heard it before.”

  Taking her hand in his, his thumb moved in small circles across the skin. “Un annwyl means ‘cherished one’, and you are cherished by me, Cadence.”

  “That’s not possible…, you don’t even know me,” she quipped, dismissing his claim. “We only met last night. There’s no way I matter that much to you already.” Shaking her head, she wanted to yank her hand out of his grasp but something stopped her. Something deep inside her knew he spoke the truth. She didn’t know how she knew it, but something her grandmother used to say made her believe him even though she didn’t want to. You’re destined for a long life full of love, and spent with a man you won’t see coming. One day, our family legacy will reveal itself to you. You must be prepared to face the life our ancestors ensured.

  At the time, Cadence had thought it was just the hopes and dreams of an old woman, but now she had no doubt her life had just changed forever.

  Standing, Gareth pulled her to her feet. “Let’s get out of here. We have a lot to talk about and we’re running out of time.”

  “What does that mean? Why are we running out of time?” She felt an incapacitating fear in the pit of her stomach. Something about his body language and the look in his eyes filled her with terror.

  “Everything will be okay, but we have to leave now.” He’d felt Maelon trying to connect with him for the last hour. He was getting desperate, and Gareth wasn’t sure how long it would be before he made his presence known. He had to deal with Cadence and convince her of the mating between them before that happened. “I promise, Fy nghalon, I’ll explain everything to you soon.”

  Chapter Eight

  Throwing open the front door of Cadell Industries, Gareth rested his hand on the small of her back and escorted her out. Her skin burned at his touch, the heat scorching them both. Having her at his side felt more right than anything he’d ever imagined. Her head came up to his shoulders, and she fit up against him perfectly.

  He steered her quickly toward his waiting car and helped her inside. Scanning the area for anything out of place, he slid inside and gave the driver her address. Tossing up a silent prayer, he hoped with all that was holy that he had enough time before Maelon made his move. Hearing her inhale, he jerked around to face her as the car shot away from the street.

  “What the hell is going on? Gareth, you’re scaring me!” Her hands trembled as she toyed with the hem of her skirt. The entire situation had her insides all twisted up. Everything was so disorienting. None of it made any sense. Yesterday, the only thing she had to worry about was meeting her new boss. Now, her boss turned out to be a sexually exciting and primal man she couldn’t help lusting after and he was somehow crazy about her. Complicating matters more, they were in some kind of danger.

  Reaching up to close her hand around her necklace, she was driven to soak up the serenity of her talisman. The moment her fingers encircled the stone, she could sense something dark and treacherous surrounding them. Squeezing tighter, she waited for the calm that would eventually come.

  “Where did you get that?” Gareth questioned as something niggled at the back of his mind. He’d seen that type of talisman before, but couldn’t put his finger on where.

  “It was my grandmother’s. She gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday, and I have never taken it off,” she replied, lifting the necklace for him to get a closer look. “It’s the last thing I have connecting me to her and I’m not ready to let go of her yet.”

  The minute her fingers opened and he could see the entire pendant, understanding shot through him. He finally understood how she was able to hear his dragon before the mating ceremony and why she had heard the language of his ancestors before he uttered it.

  “Cadence, what do you know about the symbol in the center of the stone?”

  “The symbol… I don’t know anything about it. All my grandmother would ever say was that one day it would all make sense. It seems like she left me in the dark when it came to a lot of things. I don’t know what to think about it anymore. I feel like she kept this big secret from me. One I’ll never get to know now that she’s gone.”

  “What was your grandmother’s name, sweetheart?” While he thought he knew, he needed her confirmation. Knowing the truth would make everything he needed to tell her easier.

  “It was Gwendolen Ambrose. Why do you ask? What does her name have to do with anything?” A realization hit her as soon as she mentioned her grandmother’s name. He knew about her, knew her past, and knew her family. She didn’t know how he did, but she was going to get to the bottom of it. She would finally get the answers she’d longed for and, just maybe, figure out what her grandmother had been hiding from her.

  Gareth, my son, she has revealed the link. You must return to Dinas
Emrys immediately and bring her with you. Maelon will soon figure out the truth. When he does, nothing but death will stop him. He will hunt her to the ends of the Earth for as long as he is alive. You have to return to the safety of our home and our clan. The only way to defeat him is for our family to be together. The unity and strength of our clan will be the only thing able to protect her. Gareth heard the desperation in his mother’s voice and knew she was right. She didn’t use their ability to speak to each other telepathically unless it was an emergency. She wouldn’t have reached out to him now unless it was absolutely necessary.

  Mam, I’ll leave for Wales as soon as I can, but I won’t leave without her. She’s not ready to take my word for it. I have to convince her to come with me. This won’t be an easy task. She doesn’t understand anything about her family or the ties that bind them to ours.

  The car pulled up in front of her apartment building catching him off guard. He hadn’t realized they had gotten there so quickly. Quickly handing the driver the tip he was giving him, he jumped from the car. Yanking her arm, he dragged her out behind him. Quickly scanning the area, he darted up the steps and into her building.

  Jerking her arm out of his grasp, she spun to face him. “What the hell is going on? You have exactly five seconds to explain yourself before I call the police.” Anger radiated from her body as she paced around the foyer of her apartment building.

  “Cadence, please listen. Let’s go inside your place, and I promise I’ll explain everything.” His dragon roared as he sensed the danger surrounding their mate. The beast wanted to be allowed to be called forth. It demanded the right to defend their destiny. “Please, I’m begging you to give me ten minutes.”

  Spinning, she marched up to her door and unlocked it. Throwing it open, the power of her emotions sent it slamming back into the wall. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll start talking.”

  He followed her into the living room and peeked out the windows. Not seeing anyone or anything out of place, he turned to face her. “Please sit down.”

  She hesitated before complying and plopping herself down on her couch. She crossed her arms over her chest, and through her gritted teeth she pierced him with her glare. “Start. Talking.”

  Forcing himself to remain calm, he gently sat down beside her. He faced her and peered into her eyes not knowing where to start. There was so much he needed to tell her, so much he needed her to understand. He knew how farfetched everything would sound and doubted she would give him enough time to fully explain. This wasn’t a situation he could sum up in a few words. Frowning, his eyes dropped to his lap.

  “Gareth, I’m waiting,” she warned tapping her foot. “You’re down to eight minutes and don’t you think for one second that I’m not completely serious.”

  “I know you are, but it’s hard to explain,” he clarified. “I guess the best place to start is your grandmother.”

  “What does my grandmother have to do with anything?” she snapped, frustrated at his hesitation and his focus on her Nana. “She’s dead. None of this, whatever it is, can have anything to do with her.”

  “Do you know who Merlin is?” he quizzed patiently, thoroughly understanding her aggravation with the situation, and yet finding her temper incredibly sexy.

  Gasping at the name, she zeroed in on his face, “Merlin? Seriously, Gareth, what the hell are you talking about? First, you tell me my Nana is involved and now, you’re asking about Merlin. I’m starting to think you’re crazy.” Brow furrowed, she stared at him.

  “Cadence, please, just answer my question. I swear to you that it will all make sense.”

  “Fine. Of course I do, any kid who’s ever read about King Arthur knows about the famous wizard.” She was seconds away from losing her cool, and anger reared its ugly head. She got that this was an important conversation to him, but the last thing she wanted was to discuss this. She wanted answers, and nothing made sense. He seemed to be caught up in the same delusions as her grandmother.

  “His name was Merlin Ambrosius, and his mark, the symbol of his family line, is the one on your pendant. Your grandmother, and, by way of birth, you, are a direct descendant of Merlin.” He watched her face for her reaction. He could sense the moment the truth reached her soul.

  “But…I thought he was a fictional character. There’s no way I’m related to him. This has to all be some kind of weird coincidence. It can’t be real,” she insisted, even though she knew in her heart that everything he said was true. Memories of her grandmother came rushing back. All the times she’d said things that didn’t make sense. All the things she’d said and done to teach her. All the talk about magic and how the family’s magic ran in her veins. She’d never believed a word of it, always believed it was just her grandmother’s way of making her sad existence without her parents seem more special.

  “I know this seems so out of this world to you, sweetheart, but it explains the talisman that you wear and how you could recognize the language of my ancestors. It will make the next thing I’m going to tell you easier for you to accept.”

  Seeing the honesty in his eyes, she remembered the bedtime story her grandmother used to tell her. One she’d always thought had been made up, but now suspected was real. “You’re a dragon,” she gasped.

  Chapter Nine

  Gareth jerked his gaze up as the realization slipped out of her mouth. He waited for the condemnation, for the fear to forever end what they could have been. He watched as she jumped to her feet and walked around the room. He could feel the emotions rolling off her.

  “No, no, no, no,” she chanted as she paced. Pausing to look out the window, Cadence fought for composure. When the truth hit her, her past all made sense. She finally understood what her grandmother had been hiding, but it was the bedtime story she used to tell that scared her clear down to the tips of her toes. A fear so deep it felt as if her lungs would explode threatened to overtake her.

  “Gareth, am I right? Is everything I used to think was nothing but a fairytale truly my past and my future?” she asked softly.

  Going to her, he turned her to face him. “Yes, un annwyl, as hard as it is to believe, it’s the truth. I would not lie about being a dragon shifter. You are my mate, the one destiny created for me. Surely you can feel the bond building between us, you can feel the pull.”

  Squeezing the bridge of her nose, Cadence’s heart and brain battled each other. Her mind refused to believe what he was claiming, but her heart trusted every word. If she accepted all of the things her grandmother had said over the years as the gospel truth, then she had to consider it as a strong probability that he was being honest with her. Add in her grandmother’s witchy items and, as much as she wanted to claim it was all delusional antics, she couldn’t. “The other night, when I heard you speak in my head, it was your dragon speaking to me, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, under normal circumstances you wouldn’t be able to hear him until the mating ceremony was complete, but the fact that Merlin’s blood runs through your veins enhances, our bond. It makes things most people find impossible, a reality.” He walked closer as he spoke, trying to gauge her reaction. Wanting to pull her into his arms, he knew it was too soon.

  He didn’t think they would get as far into the conversation as they had. “I know this is a lot to take in, but we really need to leave. You’re in danger. I need to get us back to Dinas Emrys and my clan.”

  “Why am I in danger? I don’t understand.” Her eyes widened and her heart raced, as she was reminded of the darkness that surrounded her as she’d walked home the night before. She shivered as the panic resurfaced.

  Watching the shadows cross her eyes, he felt her fear. Reaching out he pulled her into his arms, hoping she wouldn’t deny him.

  Even as the terror tore at her, the comfort she found in his embrace calmed her. It soothed her. As crazy as it sounded, being in his arms felt right, like it was where she was supposed to be.

  Sensing when her soul surrendered to him, he tigh
tened his arms around her and she burrowed in deeper. He inhaled her scent and rested his cheek against her head. Her hair was as soft as he’d dreamed it would be.

  Listening to the steady beat of his heart, she was conflicted. One part of her needed answers to her questions, the other part of her didn’t want to know. The one thing she knew for sure is that she would follow this man to the ends of the earth.

  “During the time of King Arthur, Merlin blessed my Red Dragon clan for our undaunted support of him. With his blessing, Merlin transformed us into the first dragon shifters so that we would be able to lead normal lives. It was our brave family, led by my grandfather that defeated the White Dragon invaders from the north. The white dragons spent the last fifteen-hundred years in hiding, preparing for the day they would return.”

  “A prophecy foretold of a time when the “most revered one,” who Merlin blessed, would be born. She would be a descendent of his family; a daughter. She would be the tie that would bind our families together for all eternity. She would be the mate to the heir of the Red Dragon clan and the one who would forever entomb the white dragons.” He paused, waiting to see if she figured it out on her own.

  “If the heir to the ddraig wen is able to kill the girl before the mating ceremony can be completed, then the heir of the red dragons will lose his immortality and his realm. You, my love, are the one the prophecy speaks about, un annwyl. You are my mate, my destiny, and the holder of my life.”

  The feel of her in his arms soothed him and his dragon. Without even trying, she made his world right. Lowering his head, he kissed the top of her hair, inhaling her scent.

  Tears ran down her cheeks at the emotion in his voice, and she wished with all that she was that her grandmother had lived long enough to have prepared her for this. “I can’t be the one,” she whispered into his shirt. “I don’t have the ability to stop anyone. Gareth, I don’t have the magic in me. Anything magical would have to be my grandmother.”


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