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Once Upon A Midnight

Page 83

by Stephanie Rowe

  “They shouldn’t have been able to attack us here. We should have known they were near. How did they do this, Gareth? I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t understand it either, but I will get to the bottom of this. Maelon will pay for what he has done. I swear to you he will. Mam is Father going to be okay?” he asked hesitantly, scared by the amount of blood and afraid his father was going to die.

  “Yes, he will survive this. His life force is healing his body already. In a few hours, he’ll be awake and cranky.” She paused, staring at her blood-covered hands. “He’s stronger than Maelon gave him credit for. It takes more than one wound to kill a Cadell. Maelon was sloppy. The attack doesn’t make any sense…” Panic filled her as she realized Cadence was missing. “Gareth, where is Cadence?”

  “I left her at the outcropping, where she was safe.” The minute he said it, he knew he’d made a mistake. “He attacked to draw me out. Damn it, I left her unprotected.” Hearing the flapping of wings, he turned as his brother, Luc, landed and transformed into his human form.

  “Where is that son of a bitch?” he growled as he raced towards them.

  “Don’t worry about that now! Go!” Carys yelled at her sons. “You must save Cadence and get to her before he does!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Taking off in the direction of her hiding place, Gareth and Luc sprinted towards Cadence. “You left her alone again? What were you thinking?” Luc asked, angry at his brother’s misjudgment.

  “Shut up, Luc. At the time I didn’t know what I was flying into, and I refused to expose her to danger again.” Gareth was beating himself up for not realizing what Maelon had been up to, but his dragon echoed his brother’s sentiments. “I didn’t stop to think that it was a trick. All I saw was Father being attacked and I had to get there quickly. I couldn’t do that in human form.”

  “When are you going to learn that until you complete the mating bond, you can’t leave her alone, ever? She must always have someone with her! It’s the only way to guarantee her safety,” Luc chastised. “You aren’t this stupid. Why the hell weren’t you anticipating what those bastards would do?”

  “I was focused on saving your ass and getting to Father. Damn it, Luc! How the hell did Maelon get past the wards we put up? How is he blocking us? Neither of those things should have been possible. Dragons don’t have cloaking powers.”

  Arriving at the outcropping, Gareth’s eyes raked in his surroundings as he screamed for her. “Cadence!” He didn’t see anything out of place, but that didn’t mean anything. “Do you sense anything?”

  “No,” Luc replied. “But I didn’t sense them earlier either.” Reaching out with all of his senses, he tried to pinpoint if Maelon was there. Frustration surged through him as he fought the urge to punch something. Where the hell are you, Maelon? Show yourself you bastard!

  Crawling out of her hiding place, Cadence’s eyes met Gareth’s. Pain and anguish were reflected in them, along with fear. “Gareth, I’m here.”

  Rushing to her, he wrapped her tightly in his arms, “I was afraid he had gotten to you!” Relief flooded his body when his arms closed around her. Squeezing her firmly, he thanked the Gods she was safe. Able to relax slightly, he forced feelings of peace at his dragon. He felt it slowly calm with her presence. “I’m so sorry I left you again. Can you forgive me?”

  Leaning back in his arms, she peered up into his haunted eyes. Laying her hand on his cheek, she smiled. “I’m fine... nothing happened to me. See? I’m in one piece, just the way I was when you left. Please tell me your family is okay.”

  Kissing her softly on the forehead, love and admiration rushed through him. Every moment, she continued to amaze him. She was able to take everything in stride, every crazy event, every crazy thought. Throughout all that had happened, she continued to stand by him. It filled him with pride at her strength and determination. The thought that she could have been hurt or worse because of his actions killed him. Her arms tightened around him when she felt him tense.

  Shaking off the foreboding and negative thoughts, he refused to scare her any more. “They’ll be okay. My father was injured but Mother is with him.” Releasing her, he took her hand in his. “Cadence, I want you to meet someone. This is my brother, Luc. Luc, this is Cadence, my soul mate and the love of my life.”

  Hearing Gareth’s words, Cadence blushed like a school girl. She smiled as she turned to the man standing behind him. Extending her hand, she greeted him. “Luc, it’s lovely to meet you.”

  Ignoring her outstretched hand he pulled her into a bear hug, squeezing her tightly. “I can’t believe you love that big lug,” he teased as he set her down. “Are you sure you’re not just hanging out with him out of pity?”

  She playfully batted at his arm, “No, it’s not a pity date,” she giggled. “I really do love this grumpy old dragon.”

  Grinning at her, Luc already loved his soon-to-be sister. He’d felt her magic as well as her goodness when she’d been hurt. He’d seen firsthand how she affected his brother, and he loved her all the more when he saw that she felt the same way about his sibling. Hearing the concern in her voice for his father and their family sealed the deal for him. Throw in a wicked sense of humor and she fit right in with their family.

  “We need to get back to the house and see how we can help Mother,” Gareth advised. Pulling Cadence beside him, he led the way towards their home. Luc stayed a step behind them to protect their backs.

  “Your brother looks just like you, only not as serious,” she teased.

  Snorting, he glanced back at Luc. “He’s a pain in my ass,” he grumbled, knowing his brother could hear every word.

  “But you still love me,” Luc challenged.

  “So you say,” Gareth retorted, punching his brother in the arm.

  “Ouch, why did you do that? You know I’m a mighty warrior who just got injured in battle. Be gentle!” he ordered as he pouted.

  “Give it a rest! You barely have a scratch. You’re just trying to get sympathy from Cadence!” As they neared the house, Gareth spied the fallen dragon. It had returned to its human form in death. Where the dragon once lay, in its place was the dead body on Maelon Godwin’s brother, Ian.

  “We need to dispose of the body. Leaving it there isn’t right,” Gareth said, believing that even though the Godwin had attacked them in their home, he still deserved a decent burial.

  “They wouldn’t do that for us,” Luc challenged. “They would leave our bodies to rot where they fell.”

  “That’s what separates us from them. We will do right by him. It’s how our clan operates. We will not allow them to turn us into someone we aren’t. We will not lower ourselves because it’s what they would do. Our parents would want more from us as would our clan.” He knew that to dishonor the fallen Godwin was to dishonor their family, their code and their ancestors.

  “Luc, Gareth is right. Leaving him to lie there isn’t what good people do. We need to treat him as we would want our family treated,” Cadence agreed. Gently touching his arm, she wished she knew how to comfort him. It was obvious to her that he was struggling with the anger he felt towards the Godwin’s. She understood the anger, and knew that Gareth felt the same rage.

  Glancing back and forth between the two of them, Luc knew in his heart they were right. He knew it was what his father would want them to do, but he couldn’t help but feel angry. They had attacked them in their home. They’d attacked Cadence and Gareth, and now his parents. It was only a matter of time before they attacked again. Kicking at the grass like a petulant child, he shrugged his shoulders. “You’re both right, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. I’ll find kindling.” Stalking off, he went looking for the wood they would need.

  “Kindling, I don’t understand. What is that for?” Cadence asked in confusion.

  “A bonfire is the only true way to honor a fallen dragon. We were forged in fire, thus upon death we return to the fire. It’s how we pay tribute to our dead. Some
say that if a dragon is not returned to the fire and earth, they can never reach the heavens. Their souls will be damned to walk the Earth forever.”

  “That’s awful. We can’t let that happen. I know what they’ve done, but we have to do the right thing.”

  Leaning down to kiss the top of her nose, Gareth treasured her gentle soul. “And so we will, my love. We’ll take care of it right now,” he reassured her, pointing at where Luc returned dragging a large log.

  Taking turns cutting up the log, Gareth and Luc worked silently to build a pyre. Once it was finished, they lifted Ian Godwin, positioning him on top of the pyre. Saying a silent prayer for peace, Gareth held a lit torch to the kindling and stood back to watch as it ignited.

  They stayed at the fire, keeping watch on the young man’s body. Leaving him didn’t seem right to any of them. Even in death, they didn’t want him to be alone. The concern for their father urged them to leave, but they knew their father would live and he would want them to watch over Ian Godwin.

  “Maelon will be out for blood,” Luc stated as he watched the firelight flicker into the night. “He’ll want vengeance for Ian. He’ll want my death as payment.”

  “That’s not happening. He can want vengeance all he wants, Luc. He won’t get it. They came onto our lands and attacked our home. We had every right to defend ourselves. He came looking for a fight he couldn’t win, and his brother paid the price. Ian’s blood is on his hands. If he steps foot on our lands again, I’ll send him to keep his brother company,” Gareth swore. He jerked his head up searching the area for Maelon when he heard his voice echo in his mind.

  Your brother took something that I loved. He owes a death debt to me now. I’ll be coming to collect it when I come for your beloved mate. Maelon stood under the cover of the trees shaking in his rage. His brother’s death would be avenged. He would make sure his brother wasn’t the only dragon laid upon a pyre.

  If it was the last thing he did, Gareth Cadell would follow his brother into the heavens and so would any other Cadell who got in his way. They would pay for Ian’s death in Cadell blood and their lands.

  Clenching his fists, Gareth felt hatred steamrolling through his blood and igniting his dragon’s wrath. Luc owes you nothing. You attacked on our lands. I’m sorry about Ian but he shouldn’t have been here. Neither one of you should have been here. I promise you Maelon, try it again and you will join your brother in the heavens.

  As he watched his brother, Luc could sense Maelon even though he couldn’t hear him. “What is he saying?”

  “Just more of his threats nothing we can’t handle,” Gareth advised his brother, not really wanting to have this conversation in front of Cadence.

  “How is he blocking us? He shouldn’t have that ability,” Luc asked, worried by the whole situation. “As long as he can shield himself from us, he has the advantage.”

  “We’ll figure it out. We always do. The Godwin’s haven’t beaten the red dragons ever and I’m not about to let them start now. Right this minute, though, we need to get back to the house and check on our father.” Grabbing Cadence’s hand, he headed towards their home.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Arriving at the family home, Gareth escorted Cadence inside while Luc scouted the area, looking for any sign of Maelon. In the kitchen, his mother sat sipping a cup of tea, and her eyes met theirs as they made their way towards the table. “He’s resting. He’ll be as good as new before you know it,” she answered his unspoken question. “Cadence, darling, are you okay?”

  Rushing to her side, Cadence laid her hand on Carys’ arm. “I’m fine, how are you?” Knowing what she had been through, she worried about Gareth’s mother.

  “I’m fine, child. It takes more than one ddraig wen to bring my Emery down. Did you take care of Ian Godwin?”

  “Yes, we did. We gave him the burial he should have had, even though he didn’t deserve it,” Luc muttered.

  “Everyone deserves an honorable burial, my son. He was following the desires of his family. You can’t fault him for that.”

  “Mam, he attacked Gareth. He attacked Cadence, and then he attacked Father. How can I not find fault in his actions?” Luc challenged, feeling as if his mother had sympathy she shouldn’t.

  “Would you have done any differently if Gareth had asked you to fight for him? Would you have backed up your family whether or not you believed in what they were fighting for? Or would you have walked away and let them fight their battles alone?” Carys asked of her youngest son.

  “You know I would never walk away from any fight my family was in. I would back them up with everything I had.”

  “Then you do understand Ian Godwin’s stance. All it takes is a bit of understanding and compassion to make even the staunchest of enemies more human to you. Regardless of whether or not we agree with the path the Godwin’s are on right now, their family has the same loyalty and ties that our own has. That deserves to be honored.” Walking up to her youngest, she patted his cheek. “Now, enough of this, what’s done is done. We move on to the next problem. Cadence, there is one thing I need you to do for me.”

  “I’ll do anything, Mrs. Cadell,” Cadence swore. Gareth’s family had welcomed her with open arms, and would soon be her family as well. She would deny them nothing.

  “Please, call me Carys or Mam, whichever is more comfortable to you. I do have a big favor to ask of you, so please, think about it before you answer.” With a nod of her head, Carys continued. “We need to perform the mating ceremony as soon as possible. I know you love my son as much as he loves you. I know this is happening quicker than you probably expected, but until we do, you and Gareth are in grave danger. The mating will protect you both.”

  Cadence didn’t think her heart could hold any more love, but she’d been wrong. The moment Carys uttered her favor, Cadence knew she was exactly where she needed to be and with the family she was meant to join. “Nothing would make me happier than to begin the mating ceremony right now. I love him with all of my being and I love all of you as well. I’ve waited all my life for him.” Tears ran down her cheeks as everything she’d ever dreamed of became her reality. She felt her grandmother instantly, and suddenly understood everything she’d ever said.

  “You don’t have to do this, Cadence. We will wait and do it right. Mam, you had no right to ask such a thing from her. We’ve already turned her world upside down. Mating is eternal and not a decision to make lightly,” Gareth spit out. He’d already exposed her to danger twice. He wasn’t about to take away anything else. She deserved for them to handle the mating ceremony the right way. She deserved to stand before him and know that they were mating because of the incredible love between them. To pledge her life to him because it was what destiny intended, not because she felt pressured because of a family feud with the Godwin’s. This is about her, not the family legacy.

  “Gareth, I love you even more that you are willing to wait. I really do, but your family is in danger. If the mating ceremony can remove some of the danger, then I don’t need more time. I know exactly how I want to spend eternity, and that is by your side. I’ve finally found my soul mate, my other half. That’s all I really need to know. I don’t want to wait, either. I want to join our lives as soon as possible,” she said as tears of joy ran down her face. She loved that he wanted to protect her. She loved that he wanted to make everything perfect for her. “If the mating ceremony means I’m going to spend eternity with you, then let’s get mated!”

  “Are you sure, un annwyl? I don’t want you to have any regrets.” His eyes searched hers for any doubt. He looked for any sign she wasn’t as sure as she claimed. “Eternity is a long time sweetheart. I want you to be absolutely sure.”

  “No regrets, Gareth. I want a long life with you, full of love and family. I already know exactly what I want and I don’t want to wait anymore than your mother does.”

  “Cadence, walk with me a minute,” he asked, extending his hand. “We’ll be back shortly.”

  Taking Gareth’s hand, Cadence followed him out to the back yard.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Stepping out into the yard, Gareth’s eyes were immediately drawn to the smoldering pyre. As much as he wanted to hate the Godwin’s, he still felt a grieving ache at the loss of life. Ian Godwin was a good man and he didn’t deserve to die. “Cadence, this is a serious matter. Lives are being taken and lines are being drawn. I hate that you have been drug into the middle of a bloody war. You life doesn’t have to be altered further by being forced into mating with me to soon.”

  “My life has already been changed and nothing can undo that. You knew once we met, the mating bond would dictate where our lives would go. Why are you questioning it now? I thought you wanted to be mated to me.”

  Running his fingers through his hair, he signed in frustration. “It’s not that I don’t want to be mated to you,” he all but growled. “You know that I do and that I love you beyond words, but…”

  “No buts, you love me and I love you. Our mating is inevitable and destined, waiting doesn’t make any sense.” Growing aggravated at his obstinance, she wanted to smack him. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  “I’m not trying to be difficult. I’m trying to be considerate and do what is best for you.” He replied, starting to get annoyed. “You’re the one who doesn’t understand.”

  “Understand, seriously Gareth, did you just say that? I understand perfectly. I am standing right here, ready to defend you and your family and ready to take on anyone who gets in our way. I’ve accepted we’re mates and that our lives are destined to be intertwined. I’ve accepted that our futures are inescapably linked to our mating. What I know is that I finally found the love of my life and a family that wants me and he’s asking me to not go through with the mating ceremony. How do you think that makes me feel?” She yelled as tears ran down her face. Hurt and anger boiled up inside of her at his rejection.


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