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Once Upon A Midnight

Page 125

by Stephanie Rowe

  Duska’s once-slumped shoulders lifted with renewed vigor. Thin lines of determination creased her forehead, making her again look like the confident and strong warrior I admired earlier.

  “Before Torra was kidnapped, we found a card with this club’s moniker on it, and on the back of the card, we found his name and the date Linda disappeared.” She shoved her thumb back at Devil. “I know for a fact Linda wouldn’t have his card for entertainment purposes. She couldn’t stand vampires, none of us could. That’s why we formed a small group of our own; we’re a secret band of hunters who are trained to take down the monsters that go bump in the night. We figured she was on a mission of her own with Devil as her target. Then when Torra went missing, too, I made up my mind to kill the vampire I felt was responsible for everything.”

  “You’re a sodden idiot,” Devil said. He didn’t quiet yell at her, but for the first time since it all began, his voice was raised. “I didn’t kill your friend, nor did I kidnap Kris’s sister.”

  “It’s true. Well, the part about my sister is, at least. I know nothing about Linda’s fate. A man going by the name of Wolf has Torra.”

  Duska sent me a surprised look. “You know where she is? Why are we sitting here? Let’s go get her.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Rush said, waving at everyone to take a seat.

  My hip was screaming bloody murder at me, so I had no problem taking a load off.

  “It sounds simple enough to me. We go, we kill anyone who stands in our way, and we save her. See? Simple,” Duska said.

  Rafe said, “We would love to do that, but unfortunately, this Wolf character has her well hidden, and Kris is left jumping through flaming hoops to keep Torra alive.” He raised his hand in the air and waved it around, like a school kid. “I’m one of those hoops.”

  Again, everyone ignored the obnoxious vampire in the corner.

  Rush said, “So it seems you not only disgraced yourself and your family by taking up with a bunch of vampire vigilantes, but you also almost committed murder over a hunch you had.” Rush shook his head. “You are hereby released from my employ. I advise you to do as Kris suggested, because otherwise, Devil is free to do whatever he wants with you.”

  Duska didn’t so much as flinch at being shunned. Quite the contrary, she seemed to embrace her new-found freedom. “Very well, then. I will collect my things later.”

  Rush looked away.


  “Yes, Duska?”

  “If I do as you suggested and make the proper amends to Devil by working for him, could I help you find—”

  Before Duska could say any more, I stood and said, “It’s against the rules of Wolf’s little game. I can’t risk Torra’s life. I’m sure you understand.” That time, my body protested a little less, thanks to my magical healing abilities.

  She then swung her eyes over to Devil. She didn’t apologize for trying to kill him. I expected as much. She lifted one brow and muttered, “So do you agree to Kris’s terms? I become your damn work horse, and you’ll let my friends go?”

  “Welcome to Devil’s Playground, darling. You’re going to be such a delight to work with. I can already tell.”

  Chapter Twenty

  I walked towards the door to leave with an odd sense of relief. That whole situation could have turned out so differently. With the amount of animosity and dire need for revenge coming from all corners, I was surprised to be escaping without any blood spillage. My only obstacle in leaving was that I couldn’t find my jacket. I looked over at Addison. Devil had set her down, and she was curled up with a blanket wrapped around her. I didn’t want to disturb her, but my keys were in my jacket pocket, and I needed them. There was one thing about me; I had timing down to an art form. Even though I was about to rouse her, I quietly tip-toed over to Addie, placed a soft hand on her shoulder, and gave it a shake. She must have thought I was Devil, because she rolled over and bared the smooth, bronzed skin of her throat to me.

  “That’s okay, dear. I prefer my food cooked and on a plate,” I whispered.

  Her eyes popped open and I watched as red smeared her cheeks. “Your loss.” She chuckled and glanced around the room. Her eyes stopped their search as soon as they fell on Devil. “Is everything okay?”

  “I just need my stuff. Where did you put it?”

  “Your jacket is on my bed.”

  “I’ll grab it,” Rafe offered.

  “Thanks,” I said, giving him a smile.

  She finally tore her eyes from her vampire and looked at me. “Your pants were filthy, so I had one of the drudges throw them in the wash. You can keep the clothes I lent you and pick yours up later if you’d like.”

  I looked down at the tight shirt and miniskirt I still wore. Blood stains covered the bottom half of the shirt and the skirt that lay over my injured hip. If I was unfortunate enough to get pulled over, there was no way I could come up with a plausible enough excuse to keep myself from being dragged to the hospital to be checked out, or worse, to the police department for questioning. I resembled an axe murderer in my blood-drenched clothes.

  “I’m afraid these aren’t going to cut it, either.” I huffed.

  Her eyes widened and she sat up. “Of course, they won’t. How rude of me, not to notice. Come with me.”

  She stood up and stretched out, reaching her fingers towards the ceiling. The movement made her impeccable body look even more angled and enticing. All the men in the room, even the vampire hunters, couldn’t help staring at her. All the men, except for Rush, that is. He was busy looking at me with worried eyes.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  “In a minute. I need to change first.” I was secretly pleased to be his sole focus.

  He sat down to wait.


  There was no denying it. I was stumbling hard, free falling off the proverbial cliff over Kristina. I prided myself on being an intelligent, self-controlled, confident male. One of extremely high means, the puppet master of my own destiny. But with a single bat of her thick, dark lashes or an incredibly sexy complaint or bitchy remark hissed between that woman’s sweet lips, I was brought to heel, as gentle and obedient as a well-trained puppy.

  If it weren't for Kris, Duska would already be enduring a well-deserved punishment, delivered to her by the same vampire she launched her assault against. It was protocol for that kind of unwarranted and unsanctioned attack against any vampire in our world. What she did was extremely bad for business. But Kris wanted me to show lenience. She demanded it. So for her, and against better judgment, I relented.

  There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for that feisty necromancer. My world was still spinning off its axis, my heart beating erratically from nearly losing her in the blast. The fear was prompting my need to let Kristina know how I felt about her. But somehow, the thought of baring my heart and soul to her, at a time when shit was hitting the fan like an automatic assault rifle, seemed inappropriate. She had enough to deal with. Didn't she? Women usually loved attention and wanted men to throw themselves at their feet. Right? Not my Kristina. She wasn't like that. She was made of different stuff. Sugar and spice and everything nice? No way. My heart’s desire was cinnamon and fire and everything combustible; and I wouldn't want it any other way.

  I would keep my scorching desires to myself until the time was right. But in the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt to keep her in my sights, help her find her sister, and set things right. Then I would have my chance to love her if she allowed it. I watched the way she tilted her head as she talked to Addison. It brought out a sensual curve to her jaw, and the way her lips glistened under the overhead lights made the nuisance in my pants jump to attention. My God, woman, what have you done to me?

  Unexpectedly, she turned to me. The same light that had been accentuating her striking profile haloed the dark and disheveled hair that fell on and around her face. The iridescent glow made her look more like an angel than the devil-spitfire that I knew she was. Not even the
ripped and bloodstained clothes she wore stood a chance at dulling her exquisite beauty.

  Her eyes locked onto mine. I shoved my hands into my pockets and looked around the room, up to the ceiling, and then back at her. She was smiling. I had been caught staring at her again. I wouldn’t be surprised if she brought my ass up on stalking charges. I needed to get a grip and stop making a fool out of myself before I scared her away.

  After she left the room with Addison, I realized that I was somehow sitting down. When did that happen? Yup, I was a mess over her and losing my damn mind because of it.

  “Snap out of it, lover boy,” Rafe said.

  “Whatever. I’m fine,” I growled back.

  Rafe walked over and kicked back on the arm of the couch. “You really got it bad for her, don’t you, man? I suggest letting her know, so you two can screw like rabbits and get it out of your system.”

  Before I could stop myself, I said, “There’s no getting a woman like her out of your system.”

  “Oh, it’s like that?” he asked with a Cheshire grin.

  “Like what?”

  “The big L…. You’re in love, buddy, and I bid you good luck with it. Love’s never been a friend of mine. It’s like I’m cursed or blessed, whichever way you want to look at it, when it comes to that shit.”

  “What’s got you two wagging your mouths?” Devil asked, strolling back into the room. There was a drop of blood on his collar, and he was dabbing the side of his mouth with a triangle handkerchief. He tucked the cloth in his front pocket and made himself a drink.

  “Did Duska and her men make it out of here alive?” I asked. It was obvious that someone, or ones, had just been the vampire’s morning snack.

  Shrewd eyes glistened as Devil chuckled. “The least those punks could do was fill my belly for their impudence. And yes, they still live. I never kill my prey. I’m a catch and release kind of hunter. The most they’ll suffer is a few dizzy spells. They got off easy, if you ask me. I thought I was going to have two new drudges to add to my collection. It’s a shame your girlfriend has such a big heart.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “Is that so? I could cut the tension between you two with my fangs,” he joked as he smiled wide enough to make his point—two very sharp ones that still held traces of blood.

  “That’s what I said. I think they should screw and get it over with,” Rafe said, joining in on one of my more miserable moments.

  “Who should screw?” a familiar feminine voice asked.

  Kristina walked into the room alone. Addison hadn’t returned with her; she must have decided to retire for the day. Kristina was wearing a pair of blue-jean overalls with a red tank top underneath. Her boots hung loosely in her hands, and she had a black tote bag hanging over her shoulder. I assumed that’s where she had stored her gun and her other set of clothing.

  Embarrassed, I hid my face behind my hands by rubbing my eyes like I was beat. After a real yawn, I said, “That was nothing, but stupid guy talk. Are you ready to go?”

  Her eyes jumped between us; she looked pretty tired, too. “Yup, I’m more than ready. Do you mind dropping me by my car?”

  “I’d much rather take you straight home to bed. I mean, so you can go to bed alone…of course.” I stumbled over my words like a complete dumb-ass. “I can pick you up later today and take you to your car after you’ve rested.”

  Kristina gave me a peculiar look, but then she smiled. “That’s an even better idea. Thanks, Rush.”

  We walked towards the door. I placed my hand against her lower back without thinking and steered her gently in front of me and through the open doorway. Incredibly, she didn’t pull away; she let me guide her. I looked back and waved a good-bye to the two vampires. Devil nodded back and continued to drink his drink.

  Rafe, on the other hand, wrapped his arms around himself and started miming two people hugging. He then puckered up and proceeded to blow kisses at me. I had to restrain myself from back-tracking over to him, so I could ring his smart-ass neck. Instead, my arm flew up and behind me, and I flipped the bastard off.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Twenty minutes later, Rush and I arrived at my house. I breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted a messy mop of hair poking through the curtains that shaded the front window. As soon as he saw me, Jude’s quirky smile spread across his face to reach his eyes. Before I could blink, he vanished out of sight. He seemed glad to see me. I hoped that wonderful smile meant he had forgiven me for staying out all night, even though I didn’t deserve to be let off so easily. I should have been home with him, because I knew he was just as worried about Torra as I was, but Jude was ever the forgiving type. I needed to become a better friend to him.

  I opened the car door and stepped out into the chilled morning. Wind kissed my warm skin, making me shiver. Lights from the overhead street lanterns had been turned off for the day, but I could still hear a slight buzz emanating from inside the steel poles. The intensity of harnessing another form of life, the potent spark which created electricity, had always called to me like a kindred spirit. Closing my eyes, I took everything in. I let nature and the buzz from the electrical current ride me until I felt at ease, almost recharged. I opened my eyes in time to see Rush exiting the vehicle. I waved him back.

  “I’m good from here,” I said, shoving the door harder than I intended. I flinched when it slammed shut.

  “Are you sure? I could walk you to your door and make sure you get inside safely.”

  “That’s not necessary. Thanks again for your help and the ride home.”

  He looked strained as he opened his mouth to argue the point, but decided against it. Then I realized what I had done, what I was giving up by sending him away, and I wanted to kick myself for it. I did want him to walk me to my door, and I also wanted what could possibly happen afterward. There was nothing I could do that would change the flow of circumstance I had just inadvertently created. Well, short of throwing myself at him, that is. I was so stupid. With a nod and wave, he hopped back into the car and took off down the road.

  “Well, hell,” I muttered as I watched his car disappear. “That’ll teach me to play hard to get.”

  “I thought he’d never leave.”

  I turned around, startled. Duska was standing at the side of my house with an eerie smirk on her face. She was strapped to the nines, with guns and knives covering every available space on her body. All of a sudden, four men swarmed out from behind the house. It took them seconds to surround and close me in; I had nowhere to run. I shoved my hand into the duffle bag hanging from my shoulder and grabbed the gun inside. I didn’t pull it out; instead, I decided to keep my only weapon hidden and at the ready.

  “I’ve heard of making a grand entrance, but really, Duska, a simple knock on the door would have sufficed,” I said in a level tone. I ignored the men surrounding me and kept my eyes locked on the weapon-shrouded Ms. Rambo. At the moment, she was the real threat.

  “I had to ensure the safety of my men. Especially after your vampire friend half-drained two of them.” She smirked. “Safe passage out? What a crock of shit. Vampires never keep their word.” She all but spat the accusation at me.

  “You blew up Devil’s bar, injured his bride, and yet, you still live to tell the tale! I’d say you ended up on the winning side of that deal.” I couldn’t believe I was standing there defending the honor of a vampire. What a difference a day makes.

  She holstered the gun that was in her hand and walked over, stopping a few feet in front of me, and leaned forward. “I did that for Torra…your sister,” she said with a hiss as if she was accusing me of something. She could choke on her misguided sentiments; no one wanted to find Torra more than me.

  “What do you want, Duska?” I volleyed back with equal hostility.

  She rocked back on her heels and set her hands on her hips. The scowl covering her face relaxed and she was once again smirking. “I came here for you. I figured you’re the key to finding To
rra, and I’ve decided to help.”

  “I told you before that no one is allowed to help me, so if you’d be so kind as to call off your goons, I’d like to go inside now and get some rest.”

  “I heard you loud and clear, Kris. But let me ask you something. Don’t you think it’s foolish of you to let Wolf make up all the rules of the game? There’s a reason he is the ‘bad’ guy. Men like him don’t follow the rules, not even their own. I think we should start making up our own rules and throw a wrench in this asshole’s plan.”

  I paused, pretending to consider her proposition. But in reality, my brain was churning, trying to figure out an escape plan. I was one hundred percent positive that woman intended to take me with her, whether I liked it or not. She certainly had the manpower for it. One Chase kidnapping a week was enough, in my opinion, so I wasn’t about to go quietly. I stared at my front door, only ten feet in front of me. If I could just get past her men, I’d be home free.

  Then the sound of squealing tires came out of nowhere. I watched as a dark vehicle jumped the curb in front of the house and came to a jolting stop in the yard. Rush flew out of the car, and with two guns pointed at the group surrounding me, he yelled, “Get the fuck away from her now! Duska, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll back away.”

  Surprised and with their guard down, everyone jerked around to look at Rush. I used the distraction to my best advantage, pulling my own gun and kneeling down into a crouch. I then tucked into a ball and rolled backwards, sailing between the legs of the two men who were standing behind me. I rolled twice, pushing off the ground with my inherent strength, making me nothing but a blur before I jumped back to my feet and pointed my gun at them. They never knew what hit ‘em. Sometimes it was useful, being a necromancer.


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