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Once Upon A Midnight

Page 163

by Stephanie Rowe

  “I’m not overly fond of it either. Brings back some very unhappy memories for me.”

  Val pressed the button to summon their ride down to the ballroom. “Hell, I forgot, you were alive then. Damn, that’s a long time to live.”

  “Yes,” Cassius said with a tinge of sadness. “It is. I’ve seen the world change in ways that were unimaginable but that are now common. Like the elevator for instance. It would never have been thought such a thing could exist, but here we are using one. We’re lucky that we still have power too, far too many other places do not.”

  “I’ve been to those towns and cities, it ain’t pretty. Seems like when the power goes then so does any lingering humanity.” Val shuddered. “Jeez, listen to me, a Vampire that’s upset at the loss of humanity.”

  Cassius clapped his hand on Valentine’s shoulder. “That’s why you’re my best friend, Val, and my Second In Command. Hope you’re up to the job ahead, my friend, ‘cause I’m certain it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

  “Hey, I’ve never done simple so I’m right beside you.”

  “Good.” Cassius smiled as the elevator doors pinged open, stepping inside he carried on, “If things go our way and I’m proclaimed the Dominum, then I’ll be swearing you in as the Domini Equis.”

  “Come again?” Val frowned, obviously not understanding.

  “You’ll be the Lord’s Knight, aka my right hand man and protector.”

  “Shit.” Val’s chest puffed out, straining the shirt beneath his jacket. “You think I’m up to that? I’ve always been the brawn, Cass, and you’re the brains.”

  “Stop that,” Cassius chastised. “You are so much more than brawn. I value your opinion and you have a unique way of looking at things that I am certain will help me. You are the only man I want guarding my back, Valentine.”

  “Thanks.” Val blushed, looking down at the floor to hide it. “I guess I’ll be the, what did you call it? The Domini somat or other?”

  “Domini Equis,” Cassius said, straightening his face into a mask of nonchalance as they reached their destination. “You ready?”

  Val straightened, moved his head from side to side, cracking his neck, as his face became stern and harsh. “Sure am, boss. But, can I ask you something first?”


  “How the fuck do you get that designer stubble look just right? Every time I try it I look a mess.”

  Val’s face was serious, his eyes looking at Cassius’ face. “Valentine, you always know how to lighten my mood at times of stress. If that’s a serious question I’ll tell you later. For now, we have some business to attend to.”

  Cassius strode purposefully towards the entrance to the Ballroom, nodding to two of his guards at the door as they entered. As soon as he was inside a roar erupted, hands clapping, and feet stomping on the marble floor. As he looked around he saw many faces he knew, and many he did not. This had taken months to organize, getting the heads of the myriad of nests of Vampires together under one roof. Now, here they were before him and if not all, then the majority, seemed happy.

  His long legs ate up the distance to the front of the room where several of the most influential Vampires stood. In front of them lay the votes that had been cast, counted and stacked in neat piles on an ornate table. Cassius took his place beside them and Valeria, one of the most powerful Vampires in the world, stepped towards him.

  “Good evening, Valeria, so nice to see you again and looking ravishing as ever.”

  Cocking her head to the side, she gave him a cheeky smile. “Nice to see you again too, Cassius. I see you haven’t lost your knack for flattery.”

  “I’m only speaking the truth.” He smiled, his hand motioning to take in her magnificent gown.

  “I try my best.” She all but purred before lowering her voice. “The votes have been cast, except yours, of course. Do you wish to do that now?”

  Cassius shook his head. “I think not. If I need my one vote then my place is not assured so I’ll refrain. If that’s alright?”

  “Certainly.” Valeria winked at him wickedly. “I don’t think you need it anyway.”

  She turned away as Cassius tried to hide his growing excitement. Valeria stepped forward towards the crowd, her hands rising to gain silence. “Vampires of the world, I’m not going to bore you with a long speech about why we’re here. We all know why we’re here. So, shall I just cut to the chase?”

  Valeria paused, cupping a hand behind an ear and leaning forward as applause broke out once again, accompanied by a resounding, “Yes!”

  “Alrighty then.” She smirked as she pointed to the piles of paper on the table. “We’ve voted. We’ve counted. After far too long without a ruling leader, I am extremely pleased to announce we now have our Lamia Summus Dominum, or for those of you who can’t be bothered with Latin, our Vampire High Duke.”

  There were a few shouted comments, some of which were downright nasty about using Latin. Valeria just shook her head, chastising, “Boys, boys, please behave,” before she continued in a far more serious voice. “It will not come as any surprise as to who this is. After all, the old rogue has more than ninety percent of the votes, but in the interests of decorum, I will announce the winner.”

  Valeria turned again, winking at Cassius. “Let us welcome our new Vampire High Duke, Cassius Allarde!”

  Valentine slapped his back hard. “Go, Cass.”

  Cassius looked over his shoulder. “A little more decorum, Val.” He smirked before stepping up to stand beside Valeria.

  “Let me be the first to congratulate you, Cassius. I know you’re going to do great things for us.”

  Valeria stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, whispering in his ear, “And if you want some female company later, you know I’d be more than happy to help.”

  Cassius kissed her quickly on her lips. “Thank you,” he said before turning to the crowd, having to wait a few moments before it was quiet enough for him to speak.

  Taking a deep breath, he looked out over the almost two hundred Vampires, nodding as he met the gaze of some he knew well. “Fellow Vampires! It’s an honor to be elected and I know some of you are aware of the direction I would like our species to go in. Peace, plain and simple, is the only way to ensure not only our survival but our progress in this shell of a world we now live in.”

  Cassius had to pause as another round of clapping filled the room. “I want to start my reign with something simple but very important to our future success as a race. I am going to place responsibility for the actions of any and all Vampires where it belongs. On their Sire! We can all sense our progeny. We know when they do wrong. So, as my very first action as Duke, I want the word to be spread that from now on, if a Vampire does wrong, then their Sire will have one chance to fix that problem. If they refuse then both the Sire and the wrongdoer will be held accountable!”

  He thought he’d overplayed his hand as silence met him, some frowns and shocked looks, so he carried on to try and get his point across. “Centuries ago this was the norm. We were responsible for any human we turned and it worked well. We all acted for the good of the species as a whole. Those old ways should return. Not for the benefit of anyone but us! If we police our own for wrongdoing then the other species cannot hold all of us liable for those few that act this way. We have got to become strong from the inside out. When we are above reproach, then and only then, shall we flourish as a species. Please, take a moment to think and then tell me, do you agree?”

  Valeria stepped up beside him. “As usual, Cassius, you don’t do anything by halves.”

  “But do you agree?” he asked as he watched the crowd ponder his words.

  “Hell yeah.” She grinned. “It’s kinda like being a parent in the human world. You’ve gotta keep tabs on your kids and make sure they do no wrong. Only difference is when ours go bad it usually means at least one human is ripped to shreds.”

  “Exactly.” Cassius nodded, his head whipping up when shouts started to come from th
e crowd.

  “I agree.” “So do I.” “And me.” More and more shouts echoed around him and he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  “Good luck.” Valeria smiled as she stepped back.

  “Thank you.” Cassius held his hands up again. “We will return here one month from now for the official ceremony. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for placing your confidence in me and I will strive to do what is best for us, the Vampires, at all times. I’d also like to name my Domini Equis. I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to any of you who know me, it is, of course, Valentine, my friend, my conscience and my right hand man.”

  Another round of clapping, shouts of congratulations and general ribaldry filled the room as Val stepped forward, trying to look hard and blasé. However, the slight blush on his cheeks gave him away as he raised one hand to the crowd then retreated to Cassius’ back.

  “We’ve already started with cleaning up Manhattan,” Cassius shouted to be heard. “We will continue to clear it of undesirables, gangs, looters and anyone else who refuses to live in a civilized world. No longer will they run free and terrorize any who has the misfortune of being in their path. We will not, I will not, tolerate this any longer. We have a lot of work to do but we will do it and come out the other side a better, stronger and fortunate race.”

  More cheers, more stamping of feet and Cassius thought he may just stand a chance of pulling this off. “So, my esteemed friends and colleagues, enough of my ranting. Where’s the music, the drinks, and the dancing? Let’s get this party started!”

  Sighing heavily, he took the offered glass of champagne from Valeria. “I’ll maybe catch you later, Cassius. You’re going to be inundated with people wanting to congratulate you, or question you on some of the things you said. Enjoy, my friend.”

  “Thanks,” Cassius said as he was surrounded by people doing just that. He caught a glimpse of another wink from Valeria before she disappeared in the crowd.

  Chapter Four

  Rose woke alone, sad that Seth was not at her side, she pushed the cover off and saw the towel she’d been wrapped in had come undone. Stark naked she rubbed her eyes as she used the bathroom, brushing her teeth quickly and running her hands through her long hair. It was her natural dark color showing in the mirror, not one of the dozens of colors she’d use when on an assignment.

  Shaking it so it fell around her shoulders she went in search of Seth. Loud grunts and thuds coming from the courtyard pulling her towards the sliding doors in his bedroom. Looking out she watched silently as he went through his morning exercise routine. Her eyes drawn to his muscles rippling and straining as he abused the punch-bag viciously.

  Dressed only in loose cotton trousers, he punched and kicked at the heavy bag, drops glistening on his torso as sweat rolled down to soak into his waistband. Opening the door she stepped outside, her eyes never leaving Seth’s muscular body. A body she’d hoped she’d wake up enveloped in. Her disappointment soon forgotten when he caught sight of her, stopping mid-punch as his eyes locked on hers.

  Raising an eyebrow for a second before he looked over her nakedness. “Aren’t you cold?”

  “No,” she lied, giving a small smile.

  “I beg to differ.” Seth pointed to her chest. “You’re either very cold or happy to see me.”

  Chuckling she shrugged. “Probably both.”

  Seth nodded but stayed where he was so she stepped toward him. “I’m sorry, Seth.”

  “I know you are, Flower.” He sighed as his eyes left hers to look around then landed back on hers. “You need something I can’t give you. I know that, but it’s just so hard to think of letting you go.”

  Rose’s heart started thudding in her chest, her breathing grew more difficult with each one she took. “No,” she whimpered, stepping closer to him. “Don’t talk like that, Seth. Please.”

  Seth picked up a towel, wiping his face and body as he walked towards her. “My beautiful flower. My Rose. I see how much you hurt when you return, yet it doesn’t stop you the next time you’re out there. Does it? No. So that tells me that I’m not enough, I’m not ever going to be enough for you. It hurts, deep inside.” His hand clenched over his heart, his eyes soft as he stared at her. “But I love you too much to go through this every time. To put you through this every time.”

  “Seth,” she whispered. “Please, I would be lost without you. You’re my rock, my safe place . . .”

  Seth’s fingers covered her lips. “I’ll always be that. I’ll always be your safe place, Rose. But I’m not the man to be at your side for eternity. That’s going to be someone else. Someone who will be able to keep you from doing what you do. Someone who you wouldn’t even think of doing that to. When you find him, you’ll know, baby, you’ll know and when that happens I’ll let you go to be happy, secure, safe and loved.”

  Tears started to fall down her cheeks with the mere thought of not having Seth at her side. “Not yet, though, it’s not yet.”

  “No,” Seth leaned down, kissing her softly. “Not yet.”

  His strong arms picked her up, carrying her as if she weighed nothing, back to his bed. Laying her softly on the cover he slipped out of his trousers before crawling on to stare down at her body. “You’re so perfect.” He bent down, his lips grazing her mound as she gripped the sheets.

  “No games today,” he breathed against her as his tongue darted out to tickle her nub.

  “What?” she asked, frowning. Seth always took the dominant role, tying her up, making her do his bidding. Only in the bedroom did she give him this control, but it was the way it’d always been. What’d changed?

  “I think the time for you being my submissive is over, Flower.” Seth raised his head, his eyes locking with hers. “Until you leave, and you will leave, we’ll do things differently. I need to separate you from being my sub, baby. Otherwise I’d get worked up when the time came for you to go. I’d probably do something damn stupid like challenge whoever it is you find. We’ll just take things a day at a time. Okay?”

  Rose reached down, her fingers gripping his hair as even more tears fell. “I’m scared,” she admitted to the only person alive that she would say that to. “I don’t want to lose you, Seth, lose us. I’m not sure I could cope with that.”

  “I’ll always be here for you. Don’t ever think I won’t, Rose. If you need me, I’m here, no matter what. Tell me you believe me, Flower, you have got to believe me.”

  “I do but I’m still scared.”

  “Then let me take that away,” he said as he crawled up her body, his hands caressing her skin as he finally lay above her, his hard cock pressing to gain entrance.

  “Yes,” she breathed, letting him take her to places only he could.

  Quite some time later she lay in the safety of his arms, both sated. “Better?” he asked as he kissed the top of her head.

  “Yeah,” she murmured, snuggling closer into his arms.

  A second later, he was pushing her away, jumping out of bed and pulling on his trousers. Grabbing one of his many swords from the wall he hissed. “Clothes, now and arm yourself.”

  “What is it?” she whispered back, already moving quickly and silently.

  “One of my spells tells me there’s someone outside.” Seth cocked his head to the side. “Scratch that, something.”

  Rose found her discarded clothes from the previous night, pulling on the bottoms and a sleeveless tee before grabbing her deadly katana. Seth’s finger was on his lips as he pointed for her to go down the hall and out the main back door as he moved to the sliding door in his room. She moved with speed and stealth, her senses on alert as she softly ran along the hallway.

  She knew something was amiss, a foreigner in their sanctuary but she couldn’t figure out the who or the how. Shaking her head to clear it she focused on the job at hand. Protect Seth’s back and take out the enemy that dared to encroach on their sanctuary. Her hand twisted the door handle slowly, careful n
ot to make a noise, and opening it only far enough for her slim body to slip through.

  On the balls of her feet she slowly inched along the side of their home, a touch of anger seeping in at the thought of someone else being here. This was her and Seth’s place and whoever had invaded it was in for a nasty surprise. As she neared the corner she darted quickly to hide behind one of the huge potted plants Seth so adored. Sneaking a look around the corner to their outdoor seating area and her heart almost stopped at what she saw.

  Seth stood before a man lounging in one of their chairs, as calm as could be, one leg crossed over the other with his hands resting on the arms. The stranger’s eyes were taking in everything around him which pissed Rose off greatly. Stalking forward she glared down at him.

  “Who the fuck is this?” she ground out, flicking a look to Seth. “And how did he get in? What’s going on, Seth?”

  The stranger’s eyes sought hers, almost pinning her to the spot. She had to fight to tear her gaze away, turning to look at Seth. “This is Basilius, he’s the new Head of the Council, apparently.”

  “Indeed I am.” He stood, towering over Rose as he stepped right up into her space. “Pleased to meet you, though I’m more than a little surprised at seeing such a beautiful young woman standing before me. You are The Black Rose are you not?”

  Rose ignored his question, her voice cold as ice as she glared at him. “How did you get here? Inside, I mean. We’ve got this placed locked down pretty tight so I’d like to know where you breached?”

  She felt Seth’s hand on her arm. “Easy, Flower.”

  “No!” she spat out, anger filling her at this invasion. “Tell me how the fuck you got in here.”

  Basilius sat back down, raising an eyebrow at her. “Feisty little one, isn’t she?”

  Seth all but growled his reply, “You have no idea.”

  “I think I do.” Basilius picked a piece of non-existent lint from his trousers. “I’m a Demon, a pretty powerful one at that. All I needed to find you was something of yours, or, something you’d handled. Like, say, some paperwork from the Council.”


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