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Once Upon A Midnight

Page 191

by Stephanie Rowe

  I ran my fingers across the table and brushed them against his hand. “I said, you’re kind of cute. Are you seeing someone?”

  He pulled his hand away. “No, but you are seeing someone, aren’t you?”

  Oh, this was getting good. I stepped closer and leaned in so my lips were inches from his ear. “No, I’m seeing a lot of guys. Want to be part of my harem?”

  Grayson stumbled backward and slammed against the wall to get away from my reach. “Harem? How dare you! After what Tucker has done for you.”

  I started laughing uncontrollably. The poor man was going out of his mind. It was good to know he was loyal to his friend. It took him a moment to catch on that I was joking. When he finally did, he grinned. “You’re a clever one, aren’t you?”

  “Smart enough to know you’re watching over me. I told Tucker I didn’t need a babysitter.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Obviously, you do. You’re putting yourself in unnecessary danger. Tuck is not going to like this.”

  “Tucker is not my keeper. Neither are you. Leave me be.”

  “I can’t.” He shook his head.

  “Give me your phone.” I held my hand out and waited for him to comply.

  He slapped it into my palm. I turned it on and searched the contacts for Tucker’s number.

  “I’m sure you have his number in your phone,” Grayson objected.

  “I’m sure I do, but I want to make sure he answers.” I dialed his number and Tucker picked up on the first ring.

  “I’m minutes away.”

  “You are? Really? I thought we agreed…”

  “We didn’t agree to anything. You insisted and I agreed to disagree. Why are you at a bar?”

  I placed a hand on my hip. “That is none of your business.”

  Tucker sighed heavily. “You are my business, Ashlee.”

  A crash across the room grabbed my attention. I could hear him still speaking, but had no idea what he was saying. Grayson jumped in front of me.

  “Are you still there, Ashlee?” Tucker’s voice sounded urgent.

  “Just a minute,” I told him as I searched across the sea of heads to discover what was happening. The crowd seemed to part like a vee in the road, and it looked like a drunk man staggered through the bar tables and fell. “It’s nothing, just a--”

  A hand went over my mouth just as I was about to scream. Another hand snaked around my waist and pulled me backward. One minute I was in the safe confines of the club, and the next I was outside in a dark, smelly alley.

  I realized in an instant that I was in major trouble. I sought out my purse, but it must have dropped in the commotion leaving me completely defenseless. The man threw me across the alley and my body slammed into the grimy dumpster. The pain snapped through my entire body. I looked at my attacker. His eyes glowed red. I knew immediately he was a vampire. He wasn’t Andre, but his eyes and teeth were familiar.

  “You’ve been a troublesome little human, haven’t you?” His voice was deep and held a slight English lilt.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Where is Andre?” He glared with menace taking slow, calculated steps in my direction.

  “I don’t know who or what you’re talking about.” I tried to stand, looking for an escape route.

  “Don’t play coy with me. You’re not smart enough to pull it off.”

  Pain bloomed in my head as I stood on wobbly legs. “I’m not…”

  He moved so fast across the alley I thought I was imagining it, but there was no mistaking his hands around my neck as he moved in to bite me. I screamed and his grip tightened cutting off the air and making the call for help sound more like a squeak.

  This was not going to happen again. I fought. I kicked, punched, clawed -- nothing worked against his strength. He was too strong. I braced myself as he was about to stick his fangs into my neck, and stared into the eyes of my killer. I wouldn’t go easy.

  “I’m wondering, are all vampires this stupid or is it just members of your house?” Brand’s familiar voice cut through the panic that had gripped my heart.

  The vampire tossed me like a rag doll into a pile of trash bags and cardboard boxes that had been discarded by the dumpster. I coughed up the trash that was sucked into my lungs while I tried to focus through blurry, tear-filled eyes on the scene between Brand and the vampire. My fingers went to my neck, and a rush of relief flooded me when I realized he hadn’t punctured my skin. At least I wouldn’t have another vampire obsessed with me and my blood.

  “This doesn’t concern you, wolf.”

  “Aw, see it does. You’re attacking a human in public. The ‘Powers that Be’ don’t allow this, and when it happens, they get pretty mad.” He moved to step in front of me. “That’s when they crack down on all of us in the form of curfews and witch hunts. I’m not in the mood to deal with those days again.”

  Callie and Tucker came from the street entrance of the alley. Callie ran to me and handed me a vial of blue liquid. “Drink this.”

  “What? No?” I pushed her offering away. Tucker stepped in front of me, next to Brand just as Grayson joined them from the club rear exit. The vampire was surrounded.

  Callie shook my shoulders. “I need you to trust me, Ash. Drink this!”

  I shoved her off and wiped the tears that were moistening my eyes. All of this was too much. “Trust you?”

  Callie brushed a strand of my straw-colored curls behind my ear and forced me to look at her. “We’ve known each other most of our lives.”

  “No, I thought I knew you. You’re one of them. The witches tried to kill me, the vampires want me dead, and none of this can really be real.” I wanted to cry at the absurdity of the situation, but knew I needed to keep my head on straight in this nightmare. One false move and I was dead. “How do I know you’re not trying to poison me to clean up your mess?”

  “Come on, Ash, you know me better than that.” Hurt filled her eyes and creased her forehead with her frown.

  “I thought I did.”

  “Listen very carefully, Ashlee. I wanted to tell you hundreds of times, but sharing this secret is not an acceptable practice. People can’t know we exist or we could become endangered. Fear makes humans do terrible things.”

  “So you didn’t trust me enough to keep your secret.”

  “No, I didn’t want to put you in danger. Knowing my secret makes you a target.”

  “More like a weak link.”

  “Not after you drink this.” She handed me the vial again.

  I wiped my face free of the tears and with shaky hands took the vial. “If you’re poisoning me, I’m going to haunt you for the rest of your life.”

  Callie laughed as I drank the liquid. “There is that zany sense of humor I love.” She turned to Tucker. “It is done. She is no longer a viable target for the vampires.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked Callie.

  “Tucker and I spent most of the day convincing the witches’ council you weren’t a threat. They finally approved a potion, the one you just drank. This potion makes your blood poison to any vampire, including Andre. He may still crave you, but he can’t do anything about it unless he wants to die.” Callie stood up. “Let your house know that Ashlee is protected by the witches.”

  “And the bears,” Tucker added. “The hit has been called off and Andre was freed an hour ago. You may want to pick him up, though. Daylight comes quickly and he’s walking back to town.”

  I didn’t miss the satisfied grin that crossed Tucker’s lips.

  “This isn’t over!” The vampire left in a huff.

  Tucker knelt down beside me. It was the first time I realized I was sitting in some nasty smelling liquid, on the cold asphalt of the filthy alley. His eyes locked with mine. His hand caressed my cheek. “Are you okay?”

  The sincerity in his voice, his tender touch, the softness in his eyes, the relief this nightmare was over broke the dam and the tears fell freely. I managed a nod as his arms
wrapped around me and he lifted me up. My head dropped to his chest as he carried me to the car. “I’m taking you home,” he whispered.

  “Thank you,” was all I could manage to say.


  Hands held me tight as we entered my apartment. I was weak from the elixir Callie had me drink, not to mention everything else that had happened over the last few days. It was a bonus that I didn’t mind leaning on the man that smelled of pine and cinnamon, the guy who saved me time and time again over the last week. He seemed to like it too.

  “Have a seat on the couch and I’ll get you some tea.” He headed to the kitchen before I could say anything.

  I followed him. “You really don’t have to do that.”

  “I like taking care of you.” He grinned as he put some water on the stove and searched the cupboards for tea bags.

  I went to the freezer and pulled out a pint of Ben and Jerry’s along with two spoons from the drawer. I handed him one of the utensils and opened the carton. We both dug into the sweet creamy goodness.

  “My comfort food.” I looked at him with a tiny bit of guilt.

  “I like your comfort food.” He licked his spoon clean and turned to grab some cups for the tea. “Do you like milk or sugar?”

  “No, thank you. I think I’ve had enough sugar with this little treat.”

  He handed me a cup of tea and asked, “How are you holding up?”

  “Terrible.” I figured there was no reason to lie.

  “Are you hurt?” Concern filled his gaze.

  “No, just a part of a magical world that I don’t belong in.” I glanced in his direction. “Do you think I’ll ever be able to remove myself from this mess?”

  He frowned. “Even if you could, you know too much. You can’t walk away.”

  “I don’t want to know any of it. I wish I could reverse time or forget it all.”

  “You mean forget me.” Hurt crossed his face.

  “No,” I blinked at him a couple of times, “meeting you was the best thing that happened these last few days.”

  He moved closer and wrapped his strong, muscular arms around my waist, pulling me against him hard. I could feel his need for me. “Do you mean that?”

  Suddenly my mouth went dry. I wanted to speak, but was afraid of what might squeak out so I simply nodded. Before I knew what was happening his lips crushed against mine and took possession. Passion ignited a spark in my core and I let go, matching tongue stroke for tongue stroke as our bodies ground together in a primal mating dance that only heightened our arousal.

  His kiss was demanding, yet giving. His hands roamed my body greedily. I could feel his need to possess me and I was falling into his trap. I couldn’t do this. I pulled away and placed my fingers over my swollen lips. “I’m sorry, it’s just… I can’t.” How could I tell him that kissing him would lead to other things which would lead to teasing him. I couldn’t be with a bear shifter. I wasn’t cut out for this type of life. If we kept fanning the flames of our desire, one, or both of us would be hurt.

  I stepped to the other side of the island counter in the kitchen, putting space between us. My mind knew what I had to do. My body would betray me if I stayed too close.

  “Why?” He demanded with such force my heart skipped a beat.

  “Because of who you are.”

  He stared at me for a long time, a tick in his jaw the only indication he was upset. “You like me because of who I am. Don’t deny that.” He held up a hand to stop the protest from leaving my lips. “If your actions during that kiss didn’t prove that, I can smell your need for me from here.”

  “You… smell me?”

  “I am half animal, Ashlee.”

  “And therein lies the problem.”

  “And yet,” he started to slowly move towards me, careful and calculating, “it is that animal that saved your life.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “My human half doesn’t want this anymore than you do. My animal half is drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Instinct tells me you’re my mate. Logic tells me to run away as fast as I can and forget you ever existed.” His hand caressed my cheek and I closed my eyes, enjoying the effect his touch had on my skin. If an innocent touch like that could create tremors in my nether regions, imagine what other more intimate touches could stimulate.

  I shook my head and took a step back. How did he get so close so fast? I needed space. I grabbed the carton of half melted ice cream and placed it back in the freezer.

  “Your animal half will forget me, unless you’re ruled by it more than your human half.”

  “Every time you move away from me my human half rejoices, but the animal in me finds it stimulating. I enjoy the hunt and you’re an enticing prey.” He moved so fast I barely saw him. One minute I was reaching for my tea and the next I was pressed up against the refrigerator door. His hands were on either side of my head, his body pressed against mine. I was boxed in, and part of me enjoyed the intensity of the moment. The feel of his clothed body against mine. His warmth stimulating the front of me, and the coolness of the stainless steel vibrating against my back. I was caught in a compromising position. Desire bloomed again as his lips inched closer to mine.

  It was an agonizing moment. His breath hot on my face, his eyes intent on mine, and neither one of us blinking. Centimeters from my lips, his mouth changed course and he nudged his head against mine, giving him access to the apex of my neck and shoulder. “In this moment, even my human half wants to give in.” His lips kissed the delicate skin that had been ravaged by a vampire days before. Only this touch didn’t scare me. This touch flipped a switch and turned me on. “If you become my mate, I will cover this scar with my mark.” His teeth grazed the sensitive skin and I melted as our bodies begin the intimate dance of desire.

  When his mouth closed around my ear lobe I lost all sense of reality. He was sending my body down the path of passion that promised delights no man had ever given. When my knees went out he reached a hand around my back, cupped my behind, and raised me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist. The position connected us into a deeper intimacy. If our clothes were off, we’d be moments from sex. I could feel his hardness throbbing against his jeans, begging to get out and claim my cave. A moan escaped my lips as he continued to kiss and nip my ear and neck. One hand moved under my dress, past my panties, up my torso, and found its target. His fingertips brushed against my nipple and I thought I was going to lose it.

  He was igniting every inch of me. I claimed his mouth, deepening the kiss instantly. It was like I needed to devour him. The hungry groan that escaped his lips urged me on. He ripped off his shirt. The corded muscles of his abdomen offered more friction between my legs. There was no denying I wanted him. If things continued, I wouldn’t be able to stop. I didn’t want to.

  The fabric of my dress tore and we were skin to skin, the only things protecting us from taking this further were his jeans and my underwear.

  He knelt down as I slid my legs to the floor. His mouth kissed and licked my inner thigh sending another wave of passion through me. I wound my fingers through his sandy hair. He looked up, a devilish glint in his eyes as he came face to face with my black lace panties. “Spread your legs for me.”

  “What?” My eyes grew big. “I don’t…”

  A small sting of pleasurable pain came when he swatted my butt cheek. “Spread your legs.” He commanded again as he moved his fingers slowly up my calves, to my inner thighs, and then stopped moments before he reached the seam of the lace.

  I spread my legs, obediently, needing more of his touch.

  “That is my girl.” His tongue caressed my mound, the panties only adding additional friction. My head fell back and my eyes rolled as passion like I’d never felt before engulfed me. “You taste as good as I imagined,” he purred, moments before his finger sank into my core. Right before he took me to the brink of what promised to be one of the most powerful orgasms I’d ever felt in my life, he stopped and turned
his attention to delivering kisses to my waist, my belly, and each of my breasts while he removed my bra. He took a step back and stared at me. “You’re gorgeous.”

  His words touched something deep inside me, I wanted to cover up all the negative areas on my body that were exposed, hide them from his greedy eyes, but something inside me recognized his honesty, the pure desire that burned in his innermost depths. Gods be damned, he wasn’t just sexy, he was real and crazy because he wanted me.

  “Your move, Ashlee. I’m here, I desire you, but I need you to want me as much as I want you.” He sat down on the chair at the kitchen table. I had never felt so exposed, empty, alone, and desired at the same time. It was strangely… powerful.

  I went to reach for my torn dress.


  The single word chilled me to the core and warmed me from head to toe. The result caused a shiver to move up my spine. I held my hand out to him, decision made. Moments of silence stretched taut between us, like a rubber band ready to be sprung. I thought I would die from embarrassment as I waited for his move.

  He stood up, and ran a shaky hand through his light brown waves. In a moment I was up in the air, his arms circled around me as a growl erupted from his lips. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  He took me to my bed. We spent hours and hours pleasuring each other, making love until the early morning. He took me to the brink countless times. I brought him over the edge just as many times, each more powerful than the last. It was like we needed each other more than water to survive. Nothing would ever be the same. I was forever changed. I was his. Despite my fear of his world, I would always be his. In the morning, when he left, it would be over. Every moment was etched in my brain, a forever memory that would keep me warm in the days of heartbreak to come.

  Chapter Fourteen


  HER HEARTBEAT WAS STEADY against his chest. Her body warm in his arms. He knew he should get a few hours of sleep before dawn, but he didn’t want to miss a second of their time together. She gave him every part of her, but he still felt she was holding back. He couldn’t help but think their night of passion was bittersweet. He’d found his mate. He knew it before he took possession of her. There was no denying the way she made him feel. There was no turning back. She was his, only she didn’t want his life. He knew it, suspected that was what was keeping her from taking her place at his side. He couldn’t blame her. She was human. Humans didn’t belong in their harsh world. There was a reason they kept their existence a secret from them.


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