The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14)

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The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14) Page 11

by Julia Mills

  Almost cracking a smile, Maddox only said, “Don’t I know it,” before jumping to his feet and changing the subject by asking Kayne, “You wanna tell ‘em about Kyran?”

  Kellan figured the conversation about Calysta and Maddox was far from over but at a stand-still for the time being. Thankfully, the mad dragon was as calm as he ever got, so it was time to take advantage of the situation and find out all that they could about the elusive black dragon. The two oldest among them stood looking at one another for several long minutes, the buzzing of mindspeak thick in the air, when Rian finally took control and said, “Just tell us all of it.”

  With a heavy sigh, Maddox started, “I really wish Drago was here but I guess he’ll fill in the blanks when he gets back.” Looking around the group, he continued, “Kyran O’Connor was Drago’s right hand man. Most called him the Phantom because he had a way of killing men without ever touching them. He was very secretive about the powers he’d gotten from his banshee mother and until today, I had no clue what they were. I can now tell you that he turned their bloody brains to mush.” Turning on Rory in the flash of an eye, the mad dragon pointed his finger and growled, “Keep your comments to yourself.”

  Kayne picked up from there. “Kyran was the only black dragon left. His clan was decimated by a rogue coven of wizards when he was little more than a child.” He looked to Royce and added, “I know Andrew is now black, but only through magic and circumstance. In his soul, his beast still belongs to the silver clan.” Turning back to the whole group, the demi god continued. “Just so you know, I had no clue what Kyran’s special power was either. I’d seen it in action several times but never could figure it out and he never spoke of it. When asked, he would say, ‘I’m proof that the Universe has a sense of humor’ and that’s the only explanation we could ever get. I had my suspicion that Drago knew, but only he can answer that when he gets home.”

  Pacing while he spoke, Kayne went on, “Any way, my best guess is our Kyran was a patient at the hospital of horrors. We know about the men all being trapped by magic over a century ago. Maybe Tariq and his crew found him, I just don’t know. Neither do I know how they subdued him or what they used to keep him down for however long they had him, but as we’ve all seen, he thankfully slipped the noose and is free...”

  The demi god’s words trailed off and Kellan took the opportunity to ask Maddox, “Is he what we kept feeling in the bunker?”

  “Had to be,” was the only answer the mad dragon gave as he stared at the toe of his boot.

  “He called my name but I had no clue who or what he was, and quite frankly, it was so distorted I thought I was hearing things.” The scarred dragon shook his head. “Why would he call me? I think I only met him once or twice in my entire life.” Kellan was rubbing Olive’s back where she sat on his knee, gaining comfort from the nearness of his mate.

  “I have no clue,” Kayne answered. “He apparently recognized you. You do look a helluva lot like your dad. I just wish I knew where he was. The old boy seemed less than stable and more than a little pissed off, which even in Kyran’s younger, more stable days was a deadly combination.”

  “What about that sound he used to drop both you and Maddox to your knees? Can he use it on us? I mean, no one heard it but you two. We could feel the magic, just had no clue what was going on.” Kellan could see the Dragon Leader’s concern for not only the Guard, but his entire clan.

  Nodding his head and taking a deep breath, Kayne sighed. “Yeah, I guess he can use it on anybody he wants to.” Looking up at Rian, Kellan could see the desire to help glowing in the demi god’s eyes. “Dammit, I wish I knew more about him, but he was always the quiet one, very elusive and extremely secretive.’ Shaking his head, he added, “All we can do is wait for Drago and pray that Kyran’s mind clears so he can tell right from wrong and maybe seek us out.”

  Deciding it was a day to celebrate, not look for trouble that would find them soon enough, Kellan sat Olive’s feet on the ground then stood behind her before announcing, “Okay, whatcha’ll say we head home and check on the refugees, get some sleep, and then everybody head over to my house for some food?”

  A unanimous ‘Hell Yeah’ echoed through the woods and it wasn’t long until everyone was either on a Harley on in an SUV and heading back to the lair. Racing through the gates, Kellan headed straight for his house, parked his hog, and grabbed his mate before anyone or anything could get in their way.

  Slamming the door shut with his booted foot, he sat Olive on the couch and knelt at her feet. Looking into her hypnotic hazel eyes, the scarred dragon was once again reminded of how very fortunate he was to have this wonderful woman as his mate and that now was the time to make it official.

  Olive had become a physical necessity, the very air he breathed, her love the only nourishment he would ever need. She had made him whole, banished the demons of the past, and healed the scars left behind by a lifetime of pain and suffering. Living a life with his dove, loving her as he’d never loved another, was going to be the culmination of every dream Kellan had ever dreamed, and he could not wait to start the journey of a lifetime with his one true love. Taking her hands into his, he asked the most important question he’d ever ask anyone in his very long life.

  “Olive Featherstone, love of my life and the best person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, would you do me the extreme honor of becoming my lifelong mate. I want to grow old with you and when are days on this earth are over, I want to ascend to the Heavens and spend eternity by your side.”

  Tears rolled down her lovely face. She nodded frantically and threw herself into his arms. Holding her tight, he felt whole, happy, and more in love than he ever imagined possible. Pulling back so he could see her face, Kellan chuckled, “Is that a yes, céadsearc?”

  “Oh yes, yes, yes,” she squealed while raining tiny kisses all over his face. “There is no one else in the whole universe I want to spend forever with.”

  Standing while keeping his mate in his arms, Kellan spun in circles and laughed out loud. “Your wish is my command, mo ghra’.”

  Setting her on the ground, her dragon grinned and cocked his head to the side while tapping his chin with his forefinger. Trying to be patient but needing to know what he was up to, Olive finally burst, shaking with anticipation and asked, “What? What is it? What are you up to?”

  Chuckling a deep devilish chuckle, Kellan answered, “How about an afternoon flight, my little dove? I have a rascally dragon who is dying to meet his mate.”

  Jumping on her toes with excitement, Olive squealed, “Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!”

  Stepping back, Kellan took her by the hand and led her to the back door, through the garden, and into the pasture. Dropping her hand, he kissed the tip of her nose and whispered, “Stay right there.”

  Watching him walk away, Olive’s heart skipped a beat as she watched the backside of the sexiest man alive stride several yards away before tiny sparks of magic filled the air. From one heartbeat to the next, the man of her dreams turned into the dragon of his soul. Kellan’s beast was absolutely magnificent.

  Midnight blue scales glittered in the midday sun. His body was definitely built for battle with big thick horns protruding from his brow and lining his spine and tail. Large whiskey colored eyes with huge vertical pupils smiled at her with total adoration and she thought maybe he even smiled, but it was hard to tell with his sharp canines gleaming in the sunlight. Stepping closer, she laughed out loud at the sheer size of his feet and the imposing length of his talons.

  “I think I would fit between your toes.” She chuckled then quickly added, “Is your dragon ticklish?”

  “Ha. Ha. Silly woman. No, we are most definitely not ticklish. Now, bring on the dove. I’m itching to stretch my wings.”

  Her dove twittered with joy in her mind, pushing to be let free. Pulling on the magic given to her by the Universe, Olive let her feathered alter ego free. Stark white feathers burst forth, covering her entirely transformed being as u
nparalleled joy filled both woman and dove. Stretching her wings, the bird of peace pushed out her chest and flittered her tail feathers, flirting with her mate in the way of her kind.

  Visions of what both man and dragon thought of Olive’s beautiful dove flashed through their mating bond, causing her to coo and bristle and fluff her feathers. The immediate attraction of their beasts only tightened the bond between Olive and Kellan. Needing to fly, the little dove teased, “Race you to the clouds, big boy. Last one there is a rotten egg.”

  “No race needed, mo chol beag, I’ll be just fine following those lovely tail feathers.”

  Blushing so hard she had to wonder if her feathers turned pink, Olive stretched her wings and took to the skies. She could feel the heat of her dragon’s eyes on her. Knew the moment he took off and felt the harmony of their wings gliding through the air in perfect unison.

  The wind against her face, love in her heart, and her dragon by her simply did not get any better than this.

  Chapter Eleven

  It had been a day and a half since they’d rescued the shifters from Tariq’s prison and most seemed to be doing fine. There was a brown bear who was still having trouble calling her beast and suffering from serious depression at the temporary loss of her magic. Olive spent several hours talking to the sweet young woman, trying to help her calm her soul enough to let the magic in and allow it to work, but as of yet, all attempts had failed.

  She and Kellan discussed his yearly trek to the desert. Olive held her breath after asking, “Can I go with you?”

  Kellan held her close and answered, “Their deaths have been avenged. I’m sure Kyran has disposed of Tariq in one way or another. I can feel that the girls are finally at peace. There’s no need to visit the past with an amazing future shining right here before me.”

  Olive was so happy. She slammed her mouth to his and kissed Kellan with all the love in her heart. It was the best pre-mating present he could’ve given her. Her dragon was finally letting go of the demons of his past.

  Kellan was mysteriously absent from that point forward planning their mating ceremony, or so he said. She only saw him at night and he was all smiles but refused to tell her what he had been up to. One of his surprises rang the doorbell just after he left early that morning after kissing her soundly and telling her he’d see her at their mating ceremony. Opening the door, Olive shrieked with delight at the sight of her mother, Seraphina, smiling on the doorstep.

  “On my goodness, Mom, what are you doing here?”

  Hugging her around the neck, Seraphina chuckled. “It’s not every day your only daughter gets mated to a great Dragon Guard Commander.”

  “No, but...” Olive looked at her mother’s cheeky grin and knew something was up.

  Laughing out loud, Seraphina said, “Your dragon called and asked me to be here. You’ve really got a good one there.”

  “I do, don’t I?” Olive couldn’t keep the dreamy tone out of her voice. Kellan really was everything she could’ve ever wished for in a mate and he just kept proving it every day.

  Never one to dawdle, Seraphina set her bag on the floor, clapped her hands together, and said, “Okay, where do we start?”

  “Ettie just called. The girls are on the way. My dress will be delivered in about an hour, at least that’s what Kell said before he rushed out of here a little bit ago.” Running her fingers through her hair, the little dove said, “I have to do something with this hair and I guess I should attempt some makeup.” Olive was talking so fast she had to stop and take a huge breath before continuing, “It’s the first time I’ve said it all out loud. There really is a lot to do in the next few hours.”

  “Then let’s get to it.”

  Seraphina’s chuckle was cut short by the arrival of her cousins. After everyone hugged and said hello, Olive was whisked up the stairs and fussed over for the next three hours. An hour into their fun, her dress arrived just as Kellan had promised. Karleigh answered the door and carried in a large white box tied with a midnight blue satin ribbon. Olive couldn’t wait to see it and had jumped up and opened the box. Everyone ooohhh’d and aaahhh’d and they were absolutely right; it was an absolutely gorgeous gown made all the more special because her dragon had commissioned its creation.

  The next two hours had flown by and when the little dove looked into the mirror as her cousins pronounced her makeover complete, Olive hardly recognized her own reflection. The girls had left her hair down and curly but adorned her tresses with tiny forget-me-not blossoms and baby’s breath. Her makeup was light; her cheeks highlighted with a soft pink that matched her lipstick and only eyeliner and mascara to enhance her large hazel eyes.

  Next came her dress. Her hands shook as she lifted it from the box. The soft white gossamer fabric floated to the floor like a petal on the wind. Holding it up to her front and looking in the mirror, Olive couldn’t stop smiling. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline she had no doubt would showcase her ample bosom.

  What a cheeky dragon I have...

  “Okay, girlie. Let’s get you into that beautiful creation. You don’t want to be naked when the boys come to get you.” Claire chuckled as she took the gown from Olive.

  No sooner had the little dove taken off Kellan’s robe than the phoenix was helping her into her gown. The bustier bodice was a perfect fit and the tiny pearl buttons on either side an elegant touch. Looking more closely, she noticed the intricately embroidered midnight blue flames and dove grey wings sporadically decorating the bodice and skirt signifying Olive and Kellan’s union. It was simply magical.

  Her skirt flowed to the tops of her feet with only her pink polished toes peeking out. She had laughed when Claire said she would be barefoot but made sure her toes were polished for the occasion anyway. The finishing touch was Ettie tying the wide, dark blue ribbon around her midriff where the bodice met the cinched waistband of the skirt and tying the bow in the back with the tails reaching to just above her hemline.

  Turning first one way and then the other, Olive fought to hold back the tears. It was the most beautiful she’d ever looked and she owed it all to her dragon. Slipping her feet into the ballet flats that matched her dress, the little dove had just made it to the living room when the doorbell rang.

  Hugging, kissing, and thanking all of her cousins and her mother, Olive spun one more time and asked, “Are you sure I look okay?” while Gabby opened the door and assured Lenox and Pearce the little dove would be right out.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous, Olive.” Her mother kissed her cheek as the girls all nodded with tears in their eyes.

  “Now, go mate that dragon of yours and we’ll see you at the party,” Ettie ordered, trying to hide that even she was about to cry happy tears.

  “Thank you again. I love you all so very much.” Olive called over her shoulder as she placed her hands on the arms of her Guardsmen and smiled at the chorus of ‘I love yous’ she heard as the door closed behind her.

  They were dressed as if they’d walked right off of the set of a Knights of the Round Table movie. Which made sense when she thought about it. Their beasts were, after all, from that era.

  The men’s black pants were tucked into the top of their polished knee-high black boots that shined as the rays of the noonday sun hit them. The long-sleeved black undershirt they wore gave the perfect backdrop for the midnight blue of their surcoats, which were an exact match to the color of Kellan’s dragon scales. Silver braiding trimmed the top and sides, highlighting the magnificent dragon in the throes of battle embroidered across their chests.

  Taking a deep breath, she asked, “So where we going, boys?”

  Lennox laughed, “Nice try, Olive. You know we can’t tell you.”

  “You’ll see when we get there,” Pearce smiled a serene smile then added with a wink, “Kell has been a very busy man.”

  Walking through the garden gate that had been decorated with a bouquet of blue and white flowers and beautiful ribbons of the same color flowing
in the wind, they followed the path of multi-colored patio stones to the back gate, also decorated with the same design of flowers and streamers as the first, where they exited and stepped onto a path covered in white stones. Olive thought she knew where they were headed but was surprised when they turned off the path and arrived at a small stone chapel with brilliant stained glass decorating the high gothic windows and doors. She hadn’t even known of its existence but immediately felt the magic and knew her mate had picked the perfect place for their ceremony.

  He really has thought of everything...

  Large white urns overflowing with deep blue irises and white lilies sat on either side of the four stone steps leading to the entrance. Her escorts stopped at the bottom of the steps and smiled. Without a word of explanation, Pearce removed her hand from his arm, stepped to the side, and retrieved a single long-stemmed midnight blue rose from the vase to his right.

  Handing it to Olive, along with a card embossed in beautiful calligraphy with her name, Pearce stepped back to her side but waited as she read the inscription. Today, we become one. No longer alone, no longer in the dark, together forever, I love you with all that I am. Kellan.

  Holding back the tears for about the hundredth time that day, Olive beamed at both Guardsmen as she replaced her hand on Pearce’s arm and let herself be led to the doors of the chapel. Her dragon escorts removed her hands from their arms, opened the doors, and motioned for her to enter. Smiling at them both, she whispered, “Thank you,” then giggled when Lennox waggled his eyebrows and said, “My pleasure.”

  Stepping into the narthex, the little dove was awestruck by the sight before her. Slipping off her shoes, she slowly walked into the sanctuary, her eyes darting from side to side as she tried to take in all the stunning decorations. A light blue carpet flowed from the entryway to the platform at the front where five throne-like chairs had replaced the pulpit and sat awaiting the Elders of the Blue Thunder Clan, along with six more urns filled to overflowing with blue and white flowers each tied with a midnight blue ribbon and bow.


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