The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14)

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The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14) Page 12

by Julia Mills

  Five? I thought there were only four elders...

  Bouquets of blue irises and white lilies adorned the end of each of the eight tiny pews and led her way to the white wrought iron chair at the front she knew was for her from Claire’s previous explanation of the dragon mating ceremony. Kellan had even made sure it was adorned with light blue morning glory blossoms still attached to their vines wound through the intricate design on the back. Taking her seat in the chair, Olive tapped her foot nervously, not sure what to expect when the Elders she’d met over the last week appeared on the platform. Rian was first as the Leader of the Clan and the Head Elder. He gave her a nod while the others—Niall, Stefan, and Marcas—all smiled in her direction. Then she saw her mother and a few of the tears she’d been holding back all day escaped. Her heart filled with even more adoration for her dragon mate, not only had he made sure Seraphina was there for her, but he’d also made sure she was part of the actual ceremony. He really was more than she could’ve ever hoped for in a mate and a man. Rustling to the right drew her attention as the Guardsmen of the Aherne Force appeared.

  Watching the men file in, she noted the slightly different hues of blue of each man’s surcoat. Rory’s was royal blue with swirls of green highlights throughout. Brannoc’s was the blue of the ocean and Lennox’s so light the blue was barely discernable. Declan’s primary blue matched the straightforward man she knew him to be. And lastly, was Pearce, whose surcoat had an iridescent glow added to its cobalt blue that made her imagine how brightly the scales of his dragon would shine in the sunlight.

  Smiling so big she had to look twice to be sure it was him, she waved at Maddox in his deep blue surcoat, and Royce in royal blue with faint green highlights, and Kayne in a gold so bright it had surely been fashioned with cloth made of sunshine.

  Kellan appeared from the same direction as the others, in his surcoat of midnight blue: so dark it looked black in the rays of the fading sunlight shining through the stained glass. He looked good enough to eat, and when he smiled at her, Olive felt it in every fiber of her being. When her mate took his place in front of the other Guardsmen, Olive stood and waited, trying to control her nerves. The anticipation of mating her dragon was the greatest feeling in the world.

  After a few seconds of silence, Rian began to speak, his voice ringing out loud and clear in the chapel.

  “Long ago, when knights and dragons fought side by side for King and country, it became apparent that dragon kin was no longer safe from those who would expose and destroy them. They sought to join with the knights who had so valiantly fought by their sides during so many battles. Thus, through magic and the will of both dragon and knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.

  “In the infinite wisdom of our Founding Elders, clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon Kings whose soul we carry within our own. Each assigned a region in which to make their home and to protect. Over time, some have flourished, some have ceased to exist, and others have been born from the joining of many. As the Leader of the Blue Thunder Clan, it is an incredible honor to stand among those of not only my own clan, but my brother, Royce from the Golden Fire Clan and our distinguished guests, Maddox MacQueen and Kayne MacGréine. I am also honored to have Seraphina Featherstone, Spiritual Leader of the Clan of the Sun and mother to our dear Olive, presiding with us today. The Universe has truly blessed the union of these two souls. Thank you everyone for your presence and your blessings. We are family in blood, family in battle, and family in loyalty.

  “Gathered in the place so sacred to our kin, I can feel our ancestor’s joy at the union of yet another of Lugh’s children to one of our own. Extraordinary mates continue to bless our clan and make us even stronger. Every one of us that finds the light of his soul knows how sacred she is. It is an honor to witness the power of what the Universe put into place at our inception. Tonight, we acknowledge and bless the mating of Kellan Breandan Aherne to the one the Universe made for him, Olive Aideen Featherstone. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

  Rory stood with a huge cheeky grin on his face and addressed the Elders. “We, the five of the Aherne Force of the Blue Thunder Clan, wish to witness and offer our blessing to one born of our blood and the mate of his heart. May their lives now and forever be a testament to all we hold, honor, and loyalty. As you are one, let your strength see you through many years and the children of your children’s children smile upon you.” He winked at Olive and then returned to his place with the other Guardsmen

  Royce then stepped forward and faced the Elders. “I am here from the MacLendon Force of the Golden Fire Dragons and wish to witness and offer my blessing to the union of these two souls, two halves of the same whole. May they live long, fight hard, love harder, and produce many young to flourish when their souls have gone to the heavens.” He smiled, stepped back, and bowed his head.

  Kayne and Maddox both stepped forward. The demi god looked at Olive when he spoke. “It is with the power of Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun, that I offer the blessing of this union. May the sun always light your path, chase away the darkness, and shine upon you and yours all the days of your lives and theirs.”

  Maddox then smiled at her before adding, “From the oldest among us to the youngest, I stand as testament to the power of the dragons and offer this blessing from the ancestors who have gone ahead to prepare us a place in the Heavens. Live long, love often, and never look away from the light of your soul. The Universe does not make mistakes. She has given you both life that you may share it. Be happy, as that is Her fondest wish for all her children.” The mad dragon paused and then said, “I love you both as if you were my own.”

  The silence in the chapel as the Demi god and the mad dragon nodded to the Elders and then returned to their spot next to Royce was a testament to everyone’s surprise at Maddox’s unusual show of emotion. It took a few extra seconds before Rian spoke again and when he did, it was with a huge smile on his face. “Your witness and blessings have been acknowledged and accepted Aherne and MacLendon Forces, Kayne, Son of Lugh and Maddox, Keeper of the Ancients. It is truly a blessed event to have such honorable clans and guests together. Kellan Aherne, you may go to your mate. Please escort her to the Sacred Circle before the Elders assembled here.”

  Olive was shocked to see she’d missed the circle of white roses in front of the platform where the Elders sat but smiled when Kellan appeared before her. Her mate took the rose from her hand, placed it on her chair, and gently slid his fingers through hers. Slowly walking backwards, he led her to the Sacred Circle while letting all the love and adoration he felt for her flow between them. She’d always known Kellan was extraordinary but now had no doubts their lives together would be the makings of a legendary love story. Olive giggled to herself as they shared images of all the ways they would be together, forever.

  Once they were in place, Rian spoke again, “The blue dragons were born of sea and sky. They are symbolic of the vastness of our existence and the infinity of our souls. They possess the ability to experience life from all aspects. They are highly protective and incredibly magical. Blue dragons are known for their patience and loyalty. The blue of their scales symbolizes the boundless sky and the deep calmness of the waters. Blue dragons will see every advantage, protect home and family with their very lives, and welcome the rising tide of change with calm acceptance. To mate a blue dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.”

  It was then her mother’s voice that filled the sanctuary with love and light as she spoke the words that would bind them together for all time. A quick look at her mother’s smiling face showed how much Seraphina approved of Olive and Kellan’s union. “As the next Spiritual Elder of the Clan of the Sun and the mate of the Dragon Guardsman before you, do you, Olive Featherstone, daughter of my heart and soul, accept this man and his beast as not only your mate, but also that of your dove?”

  “With all that I was, all that I am, all that I will
ever be, and all that we are together, I accept this man and his beast into my heart and my soul. I will share everything that I am with him every day of our lives, both here and in the Heavens.” Olive’s voice sounded shaky from the tears of joy she was holding back.

  Her mother then asked her scarred dragon, “Do you Kellan Aherne, Commander of the Aherne Force and the mate of the dove shifter before you, accept this woman and her dove as not only your mate, but that of your dragon?”

  Kellan cleared his throat. Olive held tighter to his hands as her knees became weak by the sheer strength of the emotion that filled her mate as he answered. “It is with everything I am, man, dragon, and warrior, that I not only accept Olive as my mate for myself and my dragon, but also as my love, my life, and the keeper of my heart. There will never come a day when she does not come first in my thoughts, my actions, and most of all, in my heart. She is my everything and I will spend every day of eternity loving her with all that I am.”

  The little dove leaned forward to kiss her mate. Kellan’s chuckle and mouthed Hold on held her in place as a blush colored her cheeks. To add insult to injury, she heard the snicker in Rian’s voice as he said, “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all the days of your life.”

  The Elders and her mother left the platform and disappeared along with the Guardsmen, leaving the couple blissfully alone.

  Staring at the man who owned her heart and soul, Olive again thanked the Universe. The longer they stared at one another, the brighter his hazel eyes became until she realized they were glowing.

  “So are yours, mo ghra’,” he grinned as he lowered his mouth to hers. Their lips touched. Electricity, hot and fiery, sparked between them. His voice in her mind whispered, Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat,” as their kiss took on a life of its own.

  Kellan was everywhere. She had always been able to feel him in her heart and soul, but now everything was more intense, more real...more of everything. Olive was set ablaze from the inside out, open...body, heart, and soul to her mate. A sting on the left side of her neck let her know the marking was complete. Kellan wrapped her in his arms. He trailed kisses across her jaw and down her neck, paying special attention to the spot that told the world she was his. As he licked and sucked the offending area, all thoughts of anything but their naked bodies loving one another fled from her mind.

  Her fingers wound through his hair as he continued to lavish her neck and shoulders. She pulled his mouth to hers, kissing him until they were both breathless. Kellan pulled back and it was then she saw the glint of a secret in his eyes. She feigned annoyance and asked, “Exactly what are you up to, Mr. Aherne?”

  “Oh, just you wait and see, Mrs. Ahern.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Audrey, Calysta, Kyra, and her cousins had done a great job with the reception. There was enough food and drink for several armies, a band composed of werepanthers from Max’s Pride that were so good Olive couldn’t believe they weren’t professionals, and the decorations were excellent. Olive and Kellan had laughed and danced until the wee hours of the morning, looking for the chance to sneak away and be alone, to celebrate their mating in a special way.

  Finally, the band played a crowd favorite that had everyone dancing and the happy couple made their escape. Kellan scooped Olive into his arms and sped to their home, through the door and up the stairs before anyone had a chance to miss them. The moonlight shone in the window behind her dragon bathing him in a warm glow, making him look like her very own superhero. She thought of how miraculous he was, how much he meant to her, and how they had the rest of their very long lives to love one another, and felt as if she could fly without her wings.

  Unable to form a single coherent thought, Olive threw herself into Kellan’s arms, kissing him with every fiber of her being. Sliding her hands under his surcoat, she pushed the garment up his chest and over his shoulders until it became imperative to break their kiss for a split second to drop the jacket to the ground. One quick kiss later, his black T-shirt followed the same path. Her fingers danced over his amazing body. Electrical currents arched between them. Sparks raced throughout her body landing deep in her womb and causing a fire only Kellan could quench.

  Sliding down his body, Olive kissed, tasted, and teased. She memorized the body of the man the Universe had made for her and her alone. Paying special attention to the scarred side of his torso, the little dove kissed up and down every ridge and ripple of the damaged skin, making sure he knew she accepted and loved all of him...unconditionally.

  Over his heart, she came eye to eye with the tattoo representing his dragon. Olive outlined the beast’s ridged brow and the long curved battle horns upon his head with the tip of her finger, giggling as goose bumps rose all over her mate’s well-muscled chest. Continuing to trace, she followed the line of his neck to the massive wing that crossed Kellan’s collarbone and ended atop his shoulder.

  Olive imagined the beast as her fingers made their way over the spikes that lined his spine and tail to the trident-shaped spade tip. Her imagination ran wild thinking of this beast in battle taking out whole hordes of his opponent with a mighty strike of his tail.

  Lastly, and only because she simply could not resist, the little dove placed butterfly kisses on each of the long talons tipping his back feet. She smiled against Kellan’s heated skin when he hissed and held his breath with each caress. Her hand massaged the muscles of his six pack working towards the waistband of his pants, while her lips continued to nip and taste his delectable flesh. Olive simply could not get enough of her wonderful mate and reveled in the hiss from his mouth as her fingers teased his straining cock through the woolen fabric of his pants.

  Pulling her hands to his belt, she slid the leather through the loops and smiled as the buckle clattered against the wood floor. Unbuttoning his pants, Olive let her hand follow the trail of dark hair that disappeared into his pants, sighing when her fingers stretched to cover the girth of his erection. Her heart sped as he throbbed in her embrace. Working her fist to the tip, she rubbed her thumb through the drop of wetness that had already gathered there, spreading the warm proof of his excitement all over his swollen head. Kellan’s fists clenched at his sides and in her mind, he growled, “Olive, mo chol beag, I love you more than I can say.”

  “And I love you, mo ghra’, mo Dragon,” she whispered in return, rubbing her thumb along the thick pulsing vein on the underside of his erection.

  Kellan rolled his hips, dragging his cock in and out of her clenched fist as his breathing became more erratic and stuttered. Looking up, she watched the pulse in his neck pound a heavy beat just below the spot where their mating mark, a double winged flame, shone on his skin. She smiled knowing she wore a matching mark telling the world to whom she belonged.

  Groaning loudly, Kellan’s head fell backward and his fists beat against his tensed thighs, letting her know he was holding on by the thinnest of threads. Working her fist up and down his generous length, she used her free hand to shove his pants to the ground. As he kicked them out of the way, she placed her free hand on his thigh and leaned forward, taking as much of his erection into her mouth as she could. His essence exploded on her tongue. She tasted the salt of the sea and the purity of the air mixed with something totally unique...completely her Kellan.

  Slowly and deliberately, she let him slide from her mouth, only to tease the slit at the tip with her tongue. Kellan’s hands were immediately in her hair. She could feel the tension building as his fingers gently massaged her scalp. The muscles under her hands quivered with his need to move his hips.

  Longing to see her dragon utterly lost in the throes of passion, she sucked him back into her mouth until his erection touched the back of her throat before she hollowed her cheeks and swallowed. The low rumbling groan from Kellan nearly rattled the windows. His hands shifted to her shoulders and his hips drew back, attempting to pull his erection from her mouth.

  Sliding her hand to the back of his thigh, s
he held tight and whispered, “Please, Kellan, let me do this. Let me love you.”

  Her dragon immediately stopped resisting and his barely intelligible groan let her know he understood. The renewed feelings that flowed between them spurred her on. Sliding her lips over him, Olive once again hollowed her cheeks, this time moving her fist up and down the base of his throbbing erection while using her free hand to tenderly tease and massage his balls.

  A grumble that started low in his throat turned to a growl and ended up a bellow and her name flew from his lips. “Olive...oh bheannacht... Beidh mé grá duít go geo!”

  Not wanting to stop tasting and loving her dragon, the little dove hummed her agreement to his beautiful words. The vibrations from her response were a happy accident that caused him to groan loud and long and her to smile against his skin.

  Lost to their passion, Kellan attempted to pull from her mouth with as much force as Olive tried to keep him there. The resulting motion was a give and take, in and out, where the couple met one another stroke for stroke. The faster they went the harder it became for her dragon to breathe and the more his balls tightened in her hand.

  Needing to taste all that he was more than she needed her next breath, Olive quickened their pace, using her enhanced speed to move him in and out of her mouth faster and faster until Kellan roared her name to the Heavens. Olive swallowed every drop of his warm, wet essence, continuing to work him across her lips until his breathing slowed and his muscles relaxed.

  Removing her hand from the back of his thigh, Kellan rolled his hips until he fell from her lips and then knelt before her. Placing his hands on her waist, her dragon looked at her with so much love, Olive didn’t even try to stop the tears that wet her cheeks. Smiling that smile she knew was just for her, Kellan said, “Thank you for your love. Without it I would have ceased to exist.”


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