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Becoming Indian: The Unfinished Revolution of Culture and Identity

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by Pavan K. Varma

65. Ibid, pp. 112-14

  66. Gautam Bhatia, Punjabi Baroque, op cit, p. 249

  5. Creativity and Distortion

  1. Makarand Paranjape, SABDA: Text and Interpretation of Indian Thought, Ed. Santosh K. Sareen and Makarand Paranjape (Mantra Books, 2004), p. 133

  2. Kapila Vatsyayana, Bharata: The Natyasastra (Sahitya Akademi, 1999)

  3. Christopher Pinney, Camera Indica: The Social Life of Indian Photographs (University of Chicago Press, 1997), p. 44

  4. Ibid, p. 45

  5. Thomas R. Metcalfe, ‘Ideologies of the Raj’, op cit, p. 90

  6. Sir Thomas Raleigh (ed), Lord Curzon in India, (London, 1906), p. 182

  7. W. Erskine, Account of the Cave Temples of Elephanta (TLSB, I, 1819), p. 198

  8. Thomas R. Metcalfe, ‘Ideologies of the Raj’, op cit, p. 92

  9. Partha Mitter, Much Maligned Monsters, op cit, p. 158

  10. Ibid, p. vii

  11. E.B. Havell, The Basis for Artistic and Industrial Revival in India (The Theosophist Press, 1912)

  12. Karsandas Mulji, History of the Sect of Maharajas, or Vallabhacharyas in Western India, (London, 1865), Appendix

  13. Quoted by Barbara Miller, ‘The Divine Duality of Radha and Krishna’, in J.S. Hawley and D.M. Wulff (eds), The Divine Consort, (Berkeley Religious Studies, 1982), p. 25

  14. Outlook, 17 September 2007

  15. Shakti Maira, Towards Ananda: Rethinking Indian Art and Aesthetics (Penguin, 2006), p. 22

  16. A Ministry of Education, which dealt also with Culture, was set up right after 1947; the three apex academies, Sahitya Akademi for literature, Lalit Kala Akademi for the arts, and Sangeet-Natak Akademi for dance and theatre, were established soon thereafter. The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), dealing primarily with cultural diplomacy, was founded in 1950

  17. The other classical dances are Mohiniattam and Kathakali from Kerala, Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh, Odissi from Orissa, Manipuri from Manipur, Sattariya from Assam, and Kathak which amalgamates Islamic influences and is popular in the North.

  18. Leela Venkataraman, Dance in India, (Indian Horizons, Vol 53, Summer 2006), pp. 24-25

  19. Ibid, p. 25

  20. Daksha Sheth, To the Beat of a Different Drummer, (Indian Horizons, Vol. 53, Summer 2006), p. 40

  21. Gunnar Myrdal, An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, Vol. 3, (Pantheon, 1968), pp. 1645-46

  22. Sandeep Unnithan and Deepa Deosthalee, ‘The Great Bollywood Rip-off’ in The Indian Express (blog on the website)

  23. Muzaffar Ali, ‘Indian Cinema Has Lost the Plot’ in the Times of India, 22 March 2009

  24. Pan Nalin, in the Times of India, 16 July 2006

  25. David Barboza, in The New York Times, 11 March 2009

  6. The Empire at Your Threshold

  1. Robert Winder, Bloody Foreigners: The Story of Immigration to Britain, (Little, Brown, 2004), p. 290

  2. Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism, (Palgrave, 2000) p. 204

  3. Interview in the Hindustan Times, 29 January 2008

  4. Norman S. Miwambo, in From Outside In: Refugees and British Society, Ed. Nushin Arbabzadah, (Arcadia Books, 2007) p. 89

  5. Yasmin Alibhai Brown, After Multiculturalism (The Foreign Policy Centre, UK, 2000), p. 1

  6. Ibid, p. 11

  7. Ziauddin Sardar, in What is British? (British Council, 2004), p. 10

  8. Ibid

  9. Ziauddin Sardar, Balti Britain (Granta, 2008) p. 8

  10. Ibid, p. 13

  11. Ibid, p. 12

  12. Amartya Sen, Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny (Penguin/Allen Lane, 2006), p. 4

  13. Ibid, p. 5

  14. Ibid, pp. 159-60

  15. Sudhir and Katharina Kakar, The Indians: Portrait of a People (Penguin/Viking, 2007), pp. 1-2

  16. Ibid, p. 5

  17. Ibid, p. 5

  18. From Outside In, op cit, p. 58

  19. Jonathan Sacks, The Home We Build Together (Continuum, 2007), p 3

  20. Sudhir Kakar, The Indians, op cit, p., 1

  21. Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism, op cit, p. 159

  22. Gulzar, Selected Poems, translated by Pavan K. Varma (Penguin, 2008), p. 23

  23. V.S. Naipaul, A Writer’s People: Ways of Looking and Feeling (Picador, 2007) p. 42

  24. From Outside In, op cit, p. 3

  25. Ibid, p. 147

  7. Within the Global Village: Asymmetry and Co-option

  1. The Times of India, 19 May 2007

  2. Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism, op cit, p. 164

  3. Quoted by Geoff Dyer in the Financial Times, 16 June 2007

  4. Qui Baoxing, Deputy Minister for Construction, quoted by Geoff Dyer, op cit

  5. Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism, op cit, pp. 302-03

  6. See Ashutosh Varshney and Steven Wilkinson’s study of Hindu-Muslim riots during the period 1960-93 for the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies (1996)

  7. See Sabrina Tavermise in the International Herald Tribune, 13 November 2008

  8. Francis Fukuyama, Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity (Free Press, 1995) pp. 33-34

  9. Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (Simon & Schuster, 1996), pp. 22-29

  10. Thomas R. Metcalfe, ‘Ideologies of the Raj’, op cit, p 61

  11. Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism, op cit, p. 150

  12. Ibid, p. 150

  13. The Asian Age, 18 August 2005

  14. Charles Smith, Fifty Years with Mountbatten, (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980), p. 79

  15. Lord Louis Mountbatten, Reflections on The Transfer of Power and Jawaharlal Nehru (Cambridge University Press, 1968), p. 32

  16. Robert Grant Irving, Indian Summer, op cit, p. 353


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  Copyright © Pavan K. Varma 2010

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