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Sweetest Kisses

Page 21

by Goode, Ella

  I reach up and tangle my hand through her hair, pulling it hard to expose her neck for my mouth. I bite and lick my way up that delicate column as I pound into her cunt. She convulses around me, squeezing and clenching until the pulse at the base of my spine grows more powerful.

  “You going to come for me? You going to spread your sweet honey all over my cock?” I grind out in her ear. “You going to scream out my name and tell everyone exactly how much you love me? I want to hear it,” I tell her. “I want to hear how much you love me.”

  “I do, Grey. I do love you.”

  “And you trust me?”

  “Yes. Yes.” Her hands find my shoulder blades. She digs her nails in and tightens her thighs around my waist. This is some kind of heavenly communication. Her pussy gripping me like a glove. Her fingers gouging holes in my back. My hands digging into her thighs. My cock driving so deep inside her pussy that the head bumps up against the wall of her cervix. I keep working her, demanding more, giving everything I have.

  “I want all you got, Amie. I want it all. Don’t hold back on me. Don’t be a tease. Fuck me hard.”

  She’s so tight, so hot, so beautiful that I probably don’t have the right to be fucking her like I am, but I don’t care. I’d break every law to be inside of her cunt, to hold her tight against my chest, to violate her mouth with my tongue until all she ever tastes is me.

  Sweat rolls down my back. My thighs start to tremble. She throws her head back, her mouth opens and my name comes out on a high-pitched cry that calls my own orgasm from me. It rolls through my body like a wave, climbing out of my dick and exploding into her cunt, filling her with my seed, filling her with our baby. I know it. In my heart, I know it.

  She writhes beneath me and I don’t let up even as I jet long ropes of cum into her hot little pussy because she’s a miracle and my cock doesn’t ever want to leave.

  “I love you, Amethyst Collins, and nothing and no one can ever take that from you,” I swear. Having her is the sweetest victory I’ve ever known.

  Chapter 18


  “Amie!” My name is bellowed from the outside of the house. I turn to look at Grey, who is cooking us lunch. We made plans to stay in after we went to the grocery store. We also stopped by the hardware store to pick up a few things. There is a beautiful round wooden baby crib in the barn that I am sure I’ll be able to restore. Grey didn't bat an eye when I said I wanted to give it a go. He is the one, after all, who talked about us having babies. We haven't been using protection but we haven't talked more about it either.

  “It’s your sister,” he says, not looking up from the pan.

  “Did you know she was coming?” I ask.

  “I did when the alarm at the end of our driveway alerted me that someone was here. I saw Sokolov on screen, so I’m guessing Violet is nearby.”

  I smile, knowing that Sokolov is probably making her stay behind him to protect her. Even though I’m her sister and she’s not in any danger here.

  “She’s supposed to be on her honeymoon.” At least I think she is. It’s been two weeks so maybe it is over. Still, one would think she’d head back to the resort. I should have known better. Sokolov will agree to mostly anything that Violet wants. I bet she asked him to bring her here and he couldn’t tell her no. There are no boundaries for Sokolov when it comes to Violet’s happiness. It’s endearing and I never knew how much I longed for such a thing until I found it for myself. The way Sokolov looks at Violet is the way I often catch Grey staring at me.

  “Open this door.” She bangs on the front door. Grey finally looks up from his pan.

  “I don’t want to burn the grilled cheese.” He flips them. He might want to make extra because I doubt my sister is going anywhere quick.

  “I don’t want you to either.” I hop up from the breakfast bar, heading for the front door. When I swing it open, Violet tries to throw herself at me but Sokolov stops her. She wiggles in his hold.

  “Kotyonok, you are with child. You do not fling yourself at anything.”

  My mouth falls open. “You’re pregnant!” I’m not shocked, just excited. I think we all knew this was coming. Violet will make an amazing mom.

  “I was going to tell her.” She smacks Sokolov’s chest. He grabs her hand.

  “Do not smack me. You might hurt your delicate hand.” He kisses her palm. She melts into him, forgetting that he spilled the secret she wanted to tell me.

  Violet looks up at Sokolov, who is holding her close. I can feel Grey come up behind me before he touches me. It’s crazy how fast this bond has settled between us. This love thing is something that’s so surreal that I don’t think people really understand it until they have it. When I look back on my ex I almost want to laugh at the idea of him and me ever getting married. I know I was only doing it because of my parents but I had no idea what there was to lose by being in a loveless marriage. Now that I know what love is, I realize my old relationship was almost like giving up your soul. Grey wraps his arm around me from behind, pulling me into his big, warm body. I go willingly, loving when he’s wrapped around me. I soak up the soft affection he always gives me, not caring who might see.

  “You think we can get my sister one of these tracker necklaces?” Violet plays with the necklace around her neck. Sokolov put it on her so that he would never lose her. I didn’t understand the logic because where she goes he goes. I don’t think she actually needs the thing.

  “You already track my location with my phone,” I remind Violet. She took it upon herself to turn that crap on when I got a new cell phone. After what my mom and ex did to me, I needed a new start. The phone had been the first step in that process. Moving away and starting over was the next and finding Grey had been the best part of it.

  “I like the sound of this,” Grey says as he holds me a little tighter. I shoot Violet a stern look but instantly smile afterwards. We both start laughing because we know pretty soon I’ll probably be wearing a matching necklace.

  “You gonna let me in or make me stand outside all day?” Violet asks as if she really needs an invitation. Grey steps back, taking me with him to give Violet room to enter our home. Before she can take two steps, Sokolov picks her up and carries her.

  “I do not know the dangers that lie within these walls,” he tells Violet as he carries her toward our kitchen. She doesn’t even protest. Instead she wraps her arms around him and smiles.

  “Sokolov, you helped me set up my security system here,” Grey reminds him.

  “He’s just looking for a reason to carry me,” Violet says over his shoulder. “Do I smell grilled cheese?”

  “I’ll make more.” Grey lets his hold of me go but not before kissing me. When he’s done I’m left breathless.

  I look over to see Violet smiling at me. “Victor gave me all the details on Greyson here.” No wonder she isn’t giving him the third degree. “Who knew my Victor was a matchmaker?”

  “For you I am everything,” Sokolov says. He doesn’t sit down but stands behind my sister’s chair. “My Kotyonok would like extra cheese.”

  “I figured, if she’s anything like my Amie.” I smile, moving more into the kitchen.

  “I hear there are mother-in-law quarters,” Violet says. “And I’m still packed from my honeymoon,” she says innocently, making me laugh.

  “You can stay. I’m sure Amie will want you here for the wedding,” Grey answers as he slides a grilled cheese onto a plate.

  “Wedding?!” Violet and I half shout at the same time. I might be shouting but I am still smiling. My eyes lock with Grey’s.

  “Yeah. Wedding,” he confirms.

  “You didn’t ask me.”

  “We are refurbishing a baby crib. I think we both know we’re getting married.”

  I want to say something smart-mouthed and sassy but instead I walk over and kiss him, knowing I’ve been saving all these kisses for him.

  Chapter 19


  The only ointment in pla
nning the wedding is figuring out the mom problem. It weighs over Amie’s head. Mrs. Collins has been calling and apologizing nearly every day for the last few months.

  I know there’s still a part of Amie that loves her mom because it’s her mom, after all, but there’s also a part that can’t ever forgive the woman. I don’t have the attachment so it’s easy for me to think Amie should get over it. But then I think about what if it were my mom who was trying to ruin my life for some selfish reason. I wouldn’t be able to turn my back on her so easily. My girl’s wedding day is not going to be one of those shitfests where everyone’s crying because of some drama going on in the pews and not what’s happening at the altar, which is why I’m in New Jersey waiting for Mrs. Collins and Marks to show up at the Four Seasons.

  Amie’s upstairs in our suite, reviewing wedding plans and supply contracts for Sokolov Security. She was quiet on the plane ride here, but she wants some resolution, too. Whatever it takes, I’m going to give it to her. The problem is that she’s not sure what she wants. She vacillates between wanting her momma there and wanting to cut her out of her life like the cancerous tumor that Mrs. Collins is.

  Mrs. Collins drives in first, the top of her Mercedes convertible down. She hobbles out of her car on four-inch heels and sweeps by the valet without a word of thanks. Marks pulls up before Mrs. Collins reaches the front door. She freezes when she spots his car. Her eyes swing toward me and she tries to rabbit back to her car, but it’s gone because I paid the valet before she even got here.

  “I’m already a step ahead of you. Give in and come inside so you don’t cause a scene,” I tell her. “I know you don’t like those.”

  “You know nothing about me,” she declares with her nose in the air, but she goes inside because ultimately she wants money. As long as there’s a chance I’ve got some cash at the end of a string, she’ll stay around. Same for Marks. They’re both greedy, which is how they got into bed with each other in the first place.

  “What’s that bitch doing here?” Marks snarls when he reaches me.

  “For the same thing you’re here for.” I jerk my head toward the door. “Let’s get this show over with.” I lead the feuding exes to a conference room I leased. I didn’t want them dirtying up the air that my Amie breathes.

  On the table is a briefcase. Both of them gravitate to it upon entering the room.

  Marks breaks the silence first. “What’s in this?”

  “What do you think is in there?”

  “It’s money,” Marks responds, unable to hide the eagerness in his voice. He lost his job after we turned over the information that he’d engineered a kidnapping and then a rescue of the Collins girls. Even the corrupt police department didn’t want him around. Since his termination, he’s been looking for work but it’s hard after you’ve been fired from a job as a police officer. He couldn’t even get a job as a mall cop. Last I heard, he was working part time at a lumber yard, hauling boards around.

  “How much?” Mrs. Collins asks. She doesn’t look good—pale with big eyebags. I wonder if she’s on drugs or just stressed about her financial debt. From my investigative reports, her last credit card was recently maxed out and she got turned down trying to buy something at Barney’s in the city. From all accounts, she staged a big scene and had to be dragged out by the police. It wasn’t pretty. I didn’t tell Amie this. It would only make her feel bad.

  “It’s got to be substantial if Greyson here thinks he can buy our cooperation,” Marks replies.

  I don’t even have to be here.

  “What do you want for it?” Mrs. Collins turns to me. I try hard to suppress a sigh. It seems as though Amie is going to be hurt again. I want to go over to the corner of the room and cover up the camera feed so my girl doesn’t have to see her mom choosing money over her. The whole point of this trip was to see if Mrs. Collins was redeemable. Would she be willing to go to the wedding, cause no problems for the sake and love of her daughter or is money the only important thing in her life?

  No one cares about Marks—not even Amie. She views him as a forgettable and regrettable part of her past. It’s her mom she can’t let go of. Marks was brought here so that Mrs. Collins could make a choice—really atone for her past or be forever cast out. I think they should both be heaved outside with the trash, but I’m willing to work for the result that Amie wants.

  “Amie and I are getting married next month. She’d like you to be there, but she’s also still hurt by what happened. You’ve never apologized for it and maybe you haven’t because it’s so damned embarrassing. This is your chance to redeem yourself. In the briefcase is a check that will pay off all your debts, only it’s made out to you and Marks. If you take it, it means turning your back on your family.”

  “And if I don’t take it?”

  “Marks will continue to suffer but all is forgiven over here.” I open my arms wide.

  She hesitates. She fucking hesitates. She looks to Marks and licks her lips, clearly still wanting a piece of him. Marks smiles and thinks he’s got this in the bag. I drop my arms to the side and look at the camera in the corner that no one else sees. I’m sorry, babe.

  Amie opens the door and walks in. There isn’t any disappointment on her face but rather resignation. She gives me a soft smile and comes to stand by my side.

  “There’s nothing in the briefcase, Mom. It was a test. I wanted to see if you could be saved—from your own greed, your own selfishness. I wanted to know if I was wrong in keeping you off the guest list for the wedding. Thank you for making my decision easier.”

  “What are you saying? I haven’t made up my mind,” Mrs. Collins screeches.

  “You hesitated, Mom. After all this time and all your apologies, when given the choice, you hesitated. Ultimately, that was your decision. Money and Marks is more important than your family. Please lose my number. Never call me again. I don’t want to hear from you.” Amie takes my hand. “Come on, Grey. I want to get home. We’ve got a wedding to carry out in a month and I want to doublecheck on the room that the countess is staying in.”

  “Did you say countess?” Mrs. Collins interrupts.

  Amie turns, a petty smile on her lips. “Yeah, didn’t you hear? Grey’s mom is an Italian countess. Title goes back a long ways. They even have a castle in Italy, don’t you, babe?”

  “Yeah. We’re flying the whole wedding party over there for a post-wedding vacation. It’s too bad you can’t come, Mrs. Collins.”

  The social-climbing woman’s face grows ashen. “Wh-what do you mean?”

  “I mean you’re not invited, Mom. You can read about it in Vogue, though. They’re doing a piece on the wedding.” Amie gives a small wave and drags me out of the room.

  Behind us, we can hear Marks yell about the empty briefcase while Mrs. Collins’ wailing is loud enough to reach the lobby.

  Amie hurriedly pushes me toward the elevators. “We’re ignoring that and pretending we don’t know them.”

  “Who’s pretending?” I say. “They’re strangers to me.”

  She laughs and the sound sends a wave of relief through my body. “You really okay?” I ask, tucking her into my side.

  “Yeah. I thought I’d be more emotional about it but in the end, this was good closure. She’d been calling me so much that I was feeling really guilty about not wanting her at the wedding. Seeing her actually think about taking the money and running off with that asshole was good for me. Plus, knowing that Marks thought all his troubles were about to be erased and then having that fall through was pure petty pleasure.” She turns her sunny face up to me. “As long as I have you, my heart is full.”

  I lift her into my arms. “You have me forever.”



  4 years later

  “Grey.” I moan my husband's name. I’m about to come. I’m sure he knows that already. He can not only read me but my body’s every reaction. Hell, the man often knows what I’m going to do before I even know. It's why he’s so go
od at his job. But most of all it is why he is the perfect husband. Just as I know he always will be.

  I might be riding his cock, straddling him hidden inside of our cabana, but he is in full control. His hands are locked on my hips as he easily moves my body, jerking me up and down on his cock. My pussy clenches around him as I start to come. In one quick move he flips us. My back hits the beach bed as he thrusts in and out of me. He pulls all the pleasure from my body until I can no longer move. His own release fills me.

  I let out a long satisfied sigh as he kisses and sucks my neck. “Bet I knocked you up that time,” he says into my ear. He’s been saying that since we got down here to paradise. I am calling it a vacation while he’s been calling it baby making week. Since I gave the green light that I was ready to start trying for another, my husband has been relentless. So the usual. I can’t remember a time that he wasn’t always trying to be all over me. Now, he makes sure every time he does come it is deep inside of me. I asked him the other day to come in my mouth but he refused and said the only place his cum would go until I am round with his child is in my pussy. I laugh at how determined he is.

  I let out another long sigh, knowing he’s likely right. I smile, wondering if this time we’ll have a little girl. I reach my hand up and run my fingers through Grey’s hair that’s a touch longer than normal. For work he is always clean cut and shaven but since we left for vacation he is all natural. It makes him more gruff. I have to admit that I’m enjoying this look. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars for him. He has shown me what true love really is. He still looks at me like I light up his entire world. Sometimes in life you find the greatest things when you are not searching for them. Grey restored my faith in love and my heart is full because of him.


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