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Score on Me

Page 15

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Kris shook his head and laughed. "Funny…" He rolled his eyes as he got up, "time to get moving, funny girl."

  Things needed to be done around the house, this morning was the perfect opportunity. Kris worked on some landscaping in the back yard around the pool. While Kat cleaned the living room, she couldn't help but notice Kris through the window. Sweat glistened his forehead and his t-shirt clung to his rock hard abs. She couldn't help but stare.

  Kris walked in the living room, "like what you see?" His hair sweaty and pushed back under a backwards baseball cap.

  "Always…" Walking to him, she was careful not to touch him; he was nice to look at sweaty, but not to touch! Instead she kissed him gingerly on the lips.


  Kris pulled into Matt's driveway as he hurried out of the house and hopped into the Jeep Wrangler.

  "Hey, bro, so you got out without any suspicion?" Matt asked.

  "Yeah, no problem, you?" Kris hated lying to Kat, even if it was just a little white lie.

  "Nah, we're good." Matt said.

  Kris drove downtown to Goldstock's jewelers. He heard good things about this place from the team's owner. Kris wanted to make this special, he wanted nothing less than the best for his girl. He had never looked at diamonds before and he really needed Matt's help here, he had no idea what he was looking for. Matt had bought Lindsey a diamond a few years ago. Kris looked in every case, just not sure what Kat would like. I really hope she will say yes, why wouldn't she? I mean…won't she? His nerves were already getting the better of him.

  "Bro, look at these," Matt interrupted his thoughts. He pointed to a case in the back. Matt was talking to a salesgirl, "She suggests a few in here, take a look. If you ask me, some of these look perfect for Kat."

  Kris looked, he was sure the salesgirl was right, the ring for Kat was in this case… somewhere. He knew she liked classic jewelry, he was thinking white gold. Or was she more a fan of vintage? Or modern? Ugh, he was so confused. He looked over each of the rings the salesgirl pointed out to him. Some were too gaudy, he knew Kat would never wear those.

  Then he saw it, the perfect ring for her. It had a nice size diamond, he liked spoiling her and that was certainly one way. "Matt, look at this one." The salesgirl lifted the ring out of the case for him, she set it on a black velvet pad. "This is it, this is perfect for Kat."

  Matt agreed. "You sure about this, bro?" Matt asked him one more time.

  "Positive." Kris looked over the ring and he was sure this one was it. She would love it. The stone was square and petite like her, yet it was sparkly and surrounded by a halo of diamonds as well as on the band. He also picked out a matching wedding band.

  The only question was where was he going to hide it and when was he going to surprise her?

  "What's a matter, Kris?"

  "Just trying to figure out how I'm going to sneak this by her. I thought I had this all figured out, but I forgot this one important detail." Kris sighed, rubbing at his sideburns.

  "Bro, how about I go in the house, and distract the ladies while you head on upstairs and find a good hiding place?"

  "Okay," he looked at Matt funny. "How are you going to distract them?"

  "I dunno, I'll take my teeth out or something. And you know I'm not joking, Linds hates when I do that."

  "Okay, well, whatever works." Kris shook his head.

  They stopped off for lunch and then headed home since they had been gone for a while and he didn't want Kat calling him wondering where they were at. Then again, she was in the pool, she might not even realize they were gone.

  When they walked in the house, the girls were out back sunbathing on the lawn chairs around the pool. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. Matt grabbed his swim stuff, got changed, then he headed out to the pool.

  "Hello there, ladies," he said in his best Hollywood voice.

  "Hey, sexy, how was practice?" Lindsey asked without moving from her chair. She had on a big floppy straw hat, the brim covered her eyes and shaded her face from the sun. She also had a pair of sunglasses on. She never peeked out from under it as she spoke.

  "Great," he said and as he set his towel on en empty chair and jumped into the pool. "Yikes! Kat, you gonna turn the damn heater on at all? Shit." It was a little chilly in the water, but not as cold as Matt made it seem. If she was tinkering with the heater and bitching at him, she wouldn't be interrupting Kris. Matt rubbed his arms and whined a little more.

  Kat rolled her eyes. "Oh, you are such a goddamn baby." Standing up from her sun chair she wandered over to the heater, looking for the button to turn it on. Finally figuring it out she huffed. "There, are you happy now, princess?"

  Lindsey chuckled from under her hat.

  "Sure am, you're an angel. Thanks." He said with a shitty grin on his face.

  Kris was in their bedroom looking for a spot to hide the rings. He had a security box in his armoire that locked, so that would be the perfect hiding place. He had a safe in the room too, but Kat knew the combination to that. So he put the bag into the security box and tucked it away. As he turned and shut the armoire, it hit him, this was real now. He had been thinking about asking her for months, but now he had the ring; this was really going to happen. Butterflies swirled in his stomach. Wow, he had never felt like this about anyone, ever.

  He changed into his swim trunks and grabbed a towel. He filled a cooler with some beer and carried that out to the pool. As he shut the door, Kat moved her sunglasses aside and watched him. He saw a smile slide across her lips.

  "Hey, babe!" She called to him, jumping up out of her chair. She hurried over to him.

  "Hey, beautiful." Kris smiled at her. She had on a black bikini. Her bottoms had rings on the sides at her hips and her ass looked amazing. Kris was almost sorry his friends were visiting, his trunks were getting snug and he wished he could take her upstairs right now.

  "Wow," he said as she approached him, he grabbed her around her soft, bare middle and pulled her close. "That is one sexy bikini…" It was definitely her style too, cute, but sexy, and he liked it.

  "Thanks, babe." She ran her hand up from his stomach to his bare chest. "Not so bad yourself."

  Matt cleared his throat loudly from the pool, being amusingly obnoxious. Lindsey threw a bottle of sun tan lotion at Matt and giggled.

  Kris placed a delicate kiss on Kat's nose. Dropping his towel on a chair and setting the cooler by the table, he gave Kat another once over in that hot bikini before he ran and did a cannonball into the pool right beside Matt, splashing him something fierce. The girls giggled hysterically.

  "You boys are too much." Kat laughed as she sat back down in her lounge chair. "Yes, I called you boys…"


  "So? You get it hidden okay? It didn't seem to take you very long." Matt poked at the grill, moving the chicken breasts around.

  "Stop it! My God. You're just like a child." Kris slapped Matt's hand with the spatula. "I did. It's somewhere that she won't find it. Thanks for all the help, bro."

  "So, any idea when you are going to pro–"

  "Dinner almost ready, boys?" Kat appeared on the porch.

  Kris jumped nervously. He hadn't heard the girls move toward them. One more word and the surprise would've been blown!

  "I was just trying to tell your boyfriend here, Mr. Know-It-All, that these chicken breasts look done to me. But what do I know?" Matt rolled his eyes and poked at the chicken breast again.

  "Why do you insist on playing with the grill? Stop it Matthew. They are done when I say they are done. Are you the one cooking here? I don't think so." Kris dramatically complained.

  "Well, when will dinner be ready?" Kat asked.

  "It's ready now." Kris answered matter of factly as he pulled the chicken and asparagus off of the grill. "Let's eat!"

  Kat shook her head, "you two are so weird."

  "You'll get used to it, trust me." Lindsey said.

  "Good to know." Kat said with a smile.

"Matthew, another beer? Lindsey and Kat, beer or wine?" Kris asked, handing Matt a beer.

  "Wine for me." Lindsey said, taking the glass from Kris.

  "Me too, babe." Kat said.

  "The chicken is really good, Kris." Lindsey said, as she took a bite.

  "Thanks, Lindsey." Kris smiled.

  "So what were you two having a little pow wow about over at the grill?" Kat asked. Taking a sip of her wine, her glare stayed on Kris and Matt.

  "What?" Kris innocently responded. "No pow wow, just talking." He figured Kat didn't believe him. He had been running quite a few errands since the hockey season ended. The fact that Kat may have heard anything they were talking about made him nervous.

  "Shop talk, that's all, Kat. I heard that Ben is hiring a new GM. Some young guy. I think he's a friend of Ben's or something. I can't remember where he's from." Matt shrugged.

  "Yeah, Nick something… I don't remember. It's just a shake up in the front office. I don't think it means much for the locker room." Kris said, playing along with Matt. They really were getting a new GM, but it was also a good way to distract Kat.

  "So check out these pics I took of some of the guys." Matt passed his phone around so they all could see. "Look at those knuckleheads with the Cup! All those ugly mugs with that beautiful trophy."

  "And where is the picture of your ugly mug with the Cup?" Kris asked.

  "It's at home on the wall. It's too big to carry around. I mean big. Seriously." Lindsey said, moving her hands to show how big this photo of Matt was.

  "Hey!" Matt whined. "You wanna walk home, funny girl?"

  "Do you want sex tonight? Or ever?" Lindsey retorted.

  "It's really big." Matt fessed up.

  "That's what I thought." Lindsey said.

  "Oh my God, you two crack me up!" Kat said, laughing.

  "The Fourth of July is coming up; we wanted to invite you guys on the boat. We spend the day on the river and at night watch the fireworks. We're gonna invite a few of the guys and bring the Cup for a party on the river. Can you make it?" Matt asked.

  "Sure, sounds great," Kris said as he looked over at Kat. "You know Pat is coming in over the holiday, right?"

  "Oh yeah, he mentioned that. Bring him along, it'll be fun getting to hang out. I miss that pain in the ass. We'll grill out and everybody can bring a dish, and beer, of course. It'll be fun." Matt said.

  After Lindsey and Matt left Kris and Kat cleaned up.

  Kat yawned.

  "My tired little baby, you ready for bed?" Kris asked.

  "Yeah, I guess that sun really took it out of me…" She looked up at him sleepily.

  "It's okay, c'mon, let's go upstairs." After kissing her on her nose he turned off the lights and they headed up to bed.


  "Yeah, tomorrow works for us... Can't wait to see you, Pat. Your room is all ready... Okay see you around three? Great. Later, bro."

  "So your cousin will be in tomorrow?" Kat asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

  "Yep, it'll be three by the time his flight gets in and he drives out here. I'll plan to make grilled chicken salads for dinner."

  Kat groaned at the thought of more damn chicken. She loved him, but he was killing her with all his health food.

  "Cute," he said at her humorous groan. "Don't worry, my little beautiful junk food addict, I plan to stop today and get some cupcakes from the bakery for dessert." He grabbed her ass playfully.

  Kat squealed "Yay! Love me some cupcakes!"

  Kat was actually a little nervous, seeing as how she had not met Patrick yet. All she knew about his was what she read online, and it wasn't very flattering. From what she read, he seemed like a playboy.

  Kris had the basement set up for Pat when he stayed. It was nice, it had its own bathroom, a small kitchenette and bar area. Her couch from her apartment fit in well down there. The other half of the basement was set up as the gym.

  They spent the morning taking care of errands before Pat got here. They started out at the beer distributor. After making sure they were stocked up on beer, they stopped at the market. Kat made sure there was some salty snacks in all the health food Kris was buying. Lastly, they stopped at the bakery to get the cupcakes Kris promised.

  "Ooooh," Kat looked around at all the goodies. Darting from one case to another she didn't know what to look at first. "Can we get some of these ones too?" She pointed at vanilla cupcakes with pink icing. "Seriously, maybe I should work in a bakery," she said with a smile. She all but salivated while looking through the glass display case.

  "Yeah, why do I think that would not be a good idea?" Kris laughed. The lady behind the counter let out a little chuckle too. "Yes, babe, we can get the pretty pink cupcakes." Kat smiled satisfied, and he said to the lady behind the counter. "Also, could I have a dozen of the sugar cookies iced like flowers, and a cheese Danish roll? Thanks."

  Kat clapped her hands like a little kid. "Yay!" She couldn't help it, she liked her goodies.

  "There, now you have some goodies, and we have a sweet treat to go with our breakfast. Patrick will eat some of that junk too, so you better be nice and share." He smirked and wagged his finger at her.

  "Oh, okay. I'll try."


  "Yeah, so Kris's cousin is coming in today for about a week. He's staying in the spare room downstairs…"

  "Cool, what's he like?" Gia asked.

  "I don't know, I haven't met him yet. He was in for one of the playoff games, but he spent the game in the owner's box with Ben Nolan. Hey, are you coming over the day after the fourth? Swimming and cooking out. Please??" Silence filled the phone line, she really hoped that her sister would come.

  After a moment Gia answered. "Sure. Is Tyler going to be there?"

  "Yeah, a lot of the guys are. I'm sure you already knew that though." Gia was staying tight lipped about whatever she was doing with Tyler, and Kat wasn't going to pry. "Okay, I will see you then, bye."

  She set the cell phone down as Kris walked into the kitchen. "Gia?" he asked.

  "Yep. She will be over for the pool party." She took a sip of coffee, and finished loading the dishwasher.

  "She still being vague about her and Tyler?" Kris asked.

  Kat grimaced. "Yep."

  "Yeah, Tyler hasn't been much better with me. The spare room is all ready, so now we are just waiting on Patrick." Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her to him. "I love you."

  "Well, I love you too." She smiled against his lips, as he held her in his strong arms.

  He sighed deep as he held her close. "Our first off season together." Kris kissed her lips, his hand cradled her jaw as he nipped at her lips. He pressed his forehead to hers looking into her eyes. A low chuckle rumbled in the back of his throat.

  "Do we have time for a swim?" Kat asked as she searched for a bottle of water in the refrigerator. "I'd love some time out in the sun."

  "Yeah, sure we do. Or," Kris smirked walking up behind her. He pressed his body to hers. "We could swim after Pat gets here." He moved her hair to the side and started to kiss the back of her neck. The sensation of his lips on her skin gave her goose bumps.

  "Oh? Is there time for that?" She sighed at the feel of his soft lips on her skin.

  "Always…" He smacked her ass as she scooted towards the steps. "Where are you going?" he asked, smiling and motioning towards the couch.

  "No way, I just cleaned the living room…if you want it, you better come upstairs!" She ran up the stairs, her giggles echoed through the house.

  Kat got to the bedroom first, Kris hurried behind her, pulling her hips against his. He pressed his bulge against her little jeans shorts. Pulling her tank top off he tossed it to the floor, exposing her black lace bra. He unzipped her shorts, sliding his hands down inside them, they dropped to the floor. He ran his hands over her round bottom that her small lace panties barely covered. Kat spun around to meet his gaze. He took her mouth in his, his warm tongue finding hers. He lifted her up around his waist and ca
rried her over to the bed. Their mouths never parting.

  He lifted off his t-shirt, revealing his muscular chest and abs. Kat unbuttoned his shorts and dropped them to the floor. She ran her hand down his sculpted muscular chest, his body was hard against hers. She sat up to meet his lips, he pulled her hips to his. He unhooked her bra, tossing it to the floor. She gasped as he took one of her breasts in his mouth. Her body stiffened as he tasted her.

  He slid her panties off, then his boxers. Her breath quickened as the cool air hit her hot body. He took her breast in his mouth, sliding his warm hand along her skin. She couldn't hold back as a moan escaped her when he dipped two fingers into her warm folds. Kat arched her body towards him grabbing onto his shoulder and braced her body against his. He gently bit her nipple which made her body buck against him, pushing his fingers deeper into her folds. She screamed with pleasure at he moved inside her. He captured her mouth in his, thrusting in his tongue, muffling her moans.

  He caressed her warm wet center as she cried out against his mouth. Her nails dug into his shoulder. He moved on top of her, kissing her breast one last time then sliding his throbbing manhood into her. She arched her hips towards his, wrapping her legs around his middle. She pushed him deeper inside of her letting out a whimper.

  "I can't stand one more minute," he slammed into her hard, again making her cry out as he came hard into her accepting body.

  Kris fell to her side in an exhausted mass. Kat laid her head on his chest as he closed his eyes, and dozed off.


  The doorbell rang just as Kris was finished getting dressed. Kat was already in the kitchen pouring herself an iced tea, and thawing the chicken for dinner. They had planned to swim once Patrick got there. Kat was already wearing her yellow bikini with jeans shorts, and an oversized tank top.

  Kris hurried down the steps, then loud jovial greetings filled the hallway.

  "Brother from a different mother, what's up!" the other man exclaimed.

  "It is so good to see you, Pat. Here, let me carry some of those." Kris grabbed one of Patrick's bags and brought it in the house.


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