Book Read Free

Score on Me

Page 18

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Kat slid in the booth first, then Kris slid in beside her. The restaurant lights were dim and the table was lit with candles. There was a clear vase in the middle of the table with flowers in it. It was perfect, just the way he had planned.

  In the candlelight, her blue eyes sparkled. She smiled shyly when she caught his glance. The waitress came over to the table with white wine, warm bread and salads.

  "Wow, you had everything planned, didn't you?" Kat smiled.

  "I did. Impressed? Well, I planned everything but the main course, you actually get to choose that yourself." He voice shook as he chuckled. "It's nice though, don't you think? Not that it isn't always nice in here, it is just..." Kris was searching for the English words to describe it, "extra nice tonight?" He shrugged. Kris was trying to make this night special, they came here often with friends, tonight needed to be different. He looked over the table, the hostess did a great job of making everything perfect, just like he had asked.

  "Yes, it is very nice." As Kat finished her salad, the waitress took their dinner orders. Kris ordered a grilled chicken and vegetables, and Kat ordered chicken with a mushroom sauce and vegetables.

  Kris grabbed her hand with his, and smiled. "I love you, beautiful. I think I have since the moment I saw you at the arena." Her face turned a light shade of pink. "Yes, nacho cheese and all."

  Kat giggled, touching her chin where she had spilled nacho cheese that night. She gave him a peck on the lips, "I love you too, babe."

  The waitress delivered their main courses and refilled their wine glasses. As she walked away, Kris lifted his glass and they clinked their glasses together. Neither of them talked much as they ate, everything tasted so good. Kat did look up at him a few times and caught him staring at her. Her eyes sparkled in the candlelight. After they were finished eating the main course, Kat snuggled next to Kris as they drank their wine.

  Kris reached in his pocket and fiddled with the small box. Tonight, she made him nervous. She was so beautiful sitting there, with the candles lighting up her face. He had never felt like this before. He watched her over the candlelight and rubbed nervously at his five o'clock shadow. She really was amazing. He was so glad she had agreed to move in with him. Being on the road was hard, but it was so nice to have her to come home to. He didn't think this would be so difficult, she made his heart race and his head dizzy.

  The waitress interrupted his thought. "Excuse me, but are we ready for dessert?"

  Well, that was his cue, if he didn't do it now, he wasn't sure when he would get up the courage again. He had previously planned with the wait staff for them to wait ten minutes after suggesting dessert before delivering it. That would give him time to make his move.

  He was trying not to look nervous. He kept looking at his hands, working up the courage. Taking in a big breath, he gently grabbed Kat's hand. "Hey, beautiful," he made up his mind, this was his moment, it was now or never, "Come over here with me." He slid out of the booth, and tugged at her hand so she would slide to the end of the booth with him.

  "Right there." He motioned for Kat to stay seated at the end of the booth. Kat glanced up at him, her eyebrows slanted in confusion. He pulled the little white box out of his pocket, and dropped to one knee in front of her. In front of the entire restaurant. The room grew quiet once the other patrons saw what he was doing.

  Kat gasped as he opened the box, holding it out to her. "Kat, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I … I know it has only been six months, but I have … I've never felt like this before. You are beautiful, and amazing…" Kris's accent was thick right now and he was tripping over his English. He cleared his throat and continued "I have never in my life been so happy, and it's all because of you."

  Kat's eyes sparkled with tears as he stumbled over his words. Kris took the ring out of the box and held it out to her. "Kat Torella," his hands shook as he took her hand in his. "Will you give me the honor of being my wife?"

  Kat squealed and squeaked out a single word, "YES!"

  Kris slid the ring on her finger; as he stood up, she jumped out of the booth and right into his arms. He hugged her tight. "Je vous aime… I love you." he whispered in her ear.

  Of course they were being watched by all the other patrons at Ice, the crowd roared with applause! Kris tilted her head towards his as he felt her become shy. He kissed her lips lightly, two, then three times. He wanted her to forget everyone was watching and focus only on him.

  The waitress approached them holding a tray with one piece of Tiramisu and two spoons.

  "Alright, beautiful, let's have a seat." He acknowledged the applauding restaurant. "Thanks, everyone!"

  The waitress sat the dessert in front of them and refilled their wine glasses.

  "A toast," Kris said as he lifted his glass to meet hers. "To the woman that I love. Mon amour, my love. To us." They clinked their glasses and each took a sip.

  Kat looked at her hand, "Kris, it is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!" She wiggled her finger, watching it glisten in the candlelight. "You are amazing, you really are. You planned all this, and I must say, it was orchestrated very well!"

  "Do you like the ring? I hope it fits okay. If you don't–" Kris asked nervously. But before he could finish, Kat interrupted him.

  "I LOVE it! And it fits perfectly!" It was a platinum ring, with a princess cut diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds; diamonds also wrapped around the band. "It really is amazing."

  Kat suddenly looked up at Kris with wide eyes, he thought something was wrong, until she squealed, "Oh my God…I'm going to be Mrs. Kristopher Lafleur…Oh my God!"

  All Kris could do was smile, relieved, and laughed a little. Kat was beaming.

  Kris gave her a light kiss on her lips. Then he fed her a piece of Tiramisu. "Beautiful," Kris started, "I just wanted to say I have never been so happy."

  "Not even when you lifted the Cup?" Kat said, giggling, making Kris smile wide.

  "No, not even when I was holding the Cup." Kris took her hand in his. "I love you, babe, I love you so much… I know we've only been together a short time, but I don't … I don't remember my life before you…" Kris started to choke up, he was tripping over his English again.

  He gave Kat a soft kiss on her lips. There was still some Tiramisu left, Kris put a little piece of it on his fork and fed it to her, still sitting only inches from her.

  Their audience had since gone back to their meals, and were giving the happy couple their privacy. "This might sound silly, but Matt made me swear I would text him as soon as you said yes," he chuckled.

  "Seriously?" Kat laughed. "He's such a girl! Go ahead, call the princess…"

  "It's hysterical how easy you two get along. I'm glad, cause he's a god guy." He was glad that she was finally comfortable in his world, and with his friends. "Well, to be honest, he went with me to pick out the ring," Kris admitted.

  "Aw, that's sweet, a real bro moment. Okay, I am done picking on poor Matt, he is a good friend. Go ahead, text him, I will text Gia." Kat pulled out her cell phone and took a photo of her ring, she sent the photo to Gia with the message, Guess What?

  Kris had his cell phone, and took a photo of him and Kat, she held her hand up so the ring was in the photo, he texted it to Matt, with the message, She said YES!

  Kat held the phone out from her ear as Gia screamed with excitement. Kris laughed. "Wow, that girl has some lungs on her."

  "I know, right? She is very happy for us. And you know what else? I swear I heard Ty in the background." Kat giggled.

  "No way, huh?" Kris knew Ty had been hanging out with Gia, but she hadn't told Kat yet. Gia would tell her when she was ready, after all, look how long it took Kat to tell her family about him.


  Kris finished lighting the fire pit. He sat down on the cushy patio love seat, snuggling next to Kat as she enjoyed a celebratory glass of wine.

  "Now the question is, how long do you want to wait to get married?" Kris asked, taking a sip.

  "Oh shit, I don't even know!" Kat's eyes were wide as she jumped to her feet, "Did you tell Patrick yet? We need to tell our parents…" She was now pacing the porch.

  Kris laughed before he cut her off. "I texted Pat. Now relax a minute and come here you, sit beside me." Patting the cushion beside him. Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close.

  She sat there listening to his heartbeat, feeling the warmth of his body through his dress shirt, holding him tight. Finally, she gazed into his big brown eyes.

  "So?" Kris asked.

  "I have no idea. Do you want to do it before the season starts? Or wait until next summer?" Kat asked him. She sat up and blurted out, "I don't want to wait." She looked down at the ring, she loved the way it sparkled beside the fire. "I really don't want to wait," she said again.

  "Really?" Kris smiled, "I don't want to wait either." He leaned over, cupped her face in his hand and kissed her lips. "So, before the season starts then? Can we get something together that fast?"

  "Yes, before the season starts." She kissed him back, his lips so warm. She started to get excited. "Before the season starts! I am sure I can manage, and I am sure you being Kris Lafleur will help. Gia can come over tomorrow and we can start some planning? I am getting way too ahead of myself for tonight. But, I do have one suggestion." Kat said.

  "And what is that one suggestion?" Kris asked, "Should I be nervous?"

  "No, of course not! Do you think we should invite our parents over so everyone can meet?" Saying the words made her a nervous wreck. She had barely spoken to her parents since they went to Florida, and they stayed extra long this time, enjoying the retired life. She had mentioned to them that she and Kris were dating but they hadn't met Kris and she still hadn't met Kris's parents.

  "Um, okay, let's talk about that tomorrow. Before we get too busy planning, I think it is time for bed, don't you, soon-to-be Mrs. Lafleur?" He stood up and held out his hand to her.

  "Mrs. Lafleur..." She giggled. "Yes, I think you are right, Mr. Lafleur."


  Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong! Ding-Dong!

  "Who in the hell is that?" Kris mumbled, barely awake.

  "What? Who?" Kat rolled over, pulling the covers over her head. "Maybe they'll go away."

  The doorbell rang again and again.

  "Or not." Kris sighed. Slowly he sat up. He wasn't planning on any early morning visitors. He had hoped for a nice morning to cuddle with his new fiancée. "Guess I'll go see who it is."

  Kat rolled over, grunted and hid under the covers.

  The doorbell rang a few more times, what the hell? Whoever it was needed to shut up! It was too early for this.

  "Finally!" an excited Gia exclaimed as Kris opened the door. "Sorry to wake you guys up, but I couldn't wait to come over!" She swung her arms around his neck and hugged him "Congratulations, brother! Welcome to the family!"

  "Hi, Gia, thanks. Come on in." Sleepily he smiled before yelling up the steps. "Kat! Your sister is here! Time to get up, sleeping beauty!"

  "What? Gia?" They heard Kat groan. "I'll be down in a few..."

  "She's such a morning person." Gia said, giggling.

  Kris shook his head. Yawning, he walked towards the kitchen, "I'm gonna make some coffee, you want some, Gia?"

  "Sure! I brought doughnuts." Gia handed him the bakery box.

  "Well thanks, Gia, that was nice. I know Kat will love those. You know her." He chuckled.

  "Duh! Of course I do! Sorry again for the early wake up call." Gia apologized. "Didn't mean to interrupt the… celebrating…" She grinned.

  "Stop apologizing. It's okay." He handed her a cup of coffee, and sat down beside her at the high top table. He took a long sip of the hot liquid before he spoke again. "I am going to get myself together after Kat comes down, then maybe I will be nice and run out and maybe get Kat some more goodies, sound good? You hungry?" He asked.

  "Actually, I'm hungry as hell. I forgot to eat breakfast!" Gia giggled.

  They heard Kat slowly saunter down the stairs. Kris watched her slowly move down the hall to the kitchen, she was beautiful. She had on short jeans shorts, and a light pink tank top, with a black one peeking out underneath. She was barefoot, and her toenails were painted bright pink. Her brown hair bounced on her shoulders with every step she took, and her smile was brighter today then he had ever noticed, even for just waking up. Kris walked over to her, grabbing her around the waist, and pulling her to him, kissing her lips hard, he didn't want to let her go.

  After Gia cleared her throat a few times, Kat pushed Kris away. "Wow, what was that for?" Kat giggled, but he knew she liked it.

  "Because you looked so sexy walking down the hall. I couldn't help myself. You are just so beautiful." Kris smiled, then turned to Gia, "Okay, ladies, I will leave you two to talk." Quickly, he disappeared upstairs.


  Gia ran over to Kat and hugged her, "Let me see! Let me see!" She said, jumping up and down. Kat put her hand out, showing her the ring. "Kat, it's amazing!! I am so happy for you both!" Gia squealed.

  "Thanks, sis. Ooh, doughnuts!" Kat noticed the box on the counter. She sat beside her sister with her coffee, taking a bite of a doughnut. "Did you bring these?" She said with her mouth full, some powder sugar spraying out.

  "Yes I did, slob," Gia laughed as Kat brushed away all the powder sugar that fell out of her mouth and onto her shirt. She grabbed her own doughnut. "I'm starving," She took a huge mouthful, finishing it in three bites.

  "What else is new?"

  "Ha ha…funny. So, damn, that ring is amazing. Your boy did a nice job!" Gia said.

  "I know! He said Matt went with him." Kat moved her hand around in the light, she couldn't get enough of watching it sparkle.

  Gia reached for another doughnut, and handed the box to Kat, "I know you want another one…" She taunted.

  Kat, reluctant at first, grabbed another. She set it on her plate. "Gia, we have a lot of planning to do, we decided we want to get married before the season starts."

  "Sure, I think we can do that. We throw Kris's name around a little and it shouldn't be a problem, Tyler's too." Gia said.

  No one in Pittsburgh was going to turn down something for Kris Lafleur, or Tyler Kidd. No one. Taking a bite of her doughnut, she again looked down to see most of the sugar on her shirt. As she was wiping it away Kris popped his head in the kitchen.

  "Slob," Gia mumbled to Kat.

  "Ladies, I'm headed out to the store to get some iced coffees, you interested?"

  "Hell yes!" Gia answered.

  "I'm afraid to see what you would be like on anymore caffeine." He shook his head. "Okay, I will be back soon, and I might bring goodies!" He smiled as he kissed Kat. "Be back in a few, beautiful."

  "So, did you not sleep last night or something?" Kat asked her sister as Gia yawned.

  "Actually," she took a sip of coffee, "I really didn't."

  "Do I want to know what you were up late doing last night?" Kat made a face. "I know you are excited about our engagement, but something else is going on isn't it?" She asked as she finished her doughnut.

  "As a matter of a fact there is, but it is so minor compared to your news." Gia grabbed another doughnut too, but this time she dipped it in her coffee. "I told mom and dad that I am moving out. Yes, you heard correctly, I am moving out of mom and dad's rent-free garage apartment."

  "Um, okay, good for you. Where are you going to go?" Kat scrunched up her brow in confusion.

  "Well, I found an apartment out this way that I like. I just love it, and I can afford it," she said as she bounced around in her seat.

  "Wait, out this way?"

  "Seeing you here with Kris gave me a kick in the butt. I don't want to live over mom and dad's garage all my life!" Gia watched as Kat laughed at her. "I know, I know, welcome to adulthood, right?"

  "Yes, and I am glad," Kat reached over and hugged her sister. "My little sister is finally growing up! Yay!"

  "See, it wasn't so big c
ompared to yours. But I was so excited with everything that was going on, and I couldn't sleep," Gia said, smiling.

  "Wait a minute, let me get this all straight. Did you already get the apartment? How?"

  "Well, yes, I got the apartment; I'm moving in tomorrow." Gia avoided Kat's stare and took another doughnut.

  "So, where did you get the money?"

  "Well, Tyler lent it to me…" Kat opened her mouth but Gia interrupted her, pointing her finger. "Don't... just hear me out. He lent me some of the money. I had enough for half of what needed to be put down. He offered to loan me the other half. I insisted that I would pay him back when I earned enough money. So, it's just a loan, okay?"

  "Okay." Kat answered. "Why are these Renegades so damn sweet and generous?" Kat mumbled.

  "That's it? Just okay?" Gia said, surprised.

  "Yep, okay." Kat just smiled. "You really like him, huh?"

  "Yeah," Gia said quietly. "Plus, I like this area, and if I move out here then I don't have to travel so far to visit you." She looked down at her coffee, and ran her finger over the edge of the mug.

  "And, it is closer to Tyler," Kat added.

  "Well...yes." Gia glanced up from her coffee, and smiled. "Okay, okay. Tyler and I have been hanging out a lot. Not really dates, but going out. But I like him and I think he likes me too." Gia gushed.

  "And why wouldn't he? You are a Torella, you're hot!" Kat laughed.

  "Damn right..." Gia giggled, "The only this is, I like having him as a friend. I've never had a friend like him." Gia's face grew serious. "If things happened to go bad, I wouldn't want to hurt him. I had no intentions of getting involved since he plays with Kris. I know you guys are close."

  "Well, you need to tell him that he is a friend first. I've seen him smile at you, I am pretty sure he likes you more than a friend too. If I were you, I would let him know you treasure his friendship. Good friends are hard to find."


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