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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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by D. Griffith


  I'd like to dedicate this book to my family, My Mum and Dad, my sister's Lisa and Louise and my little brother Billy. This past year has possibly been one of the hardest parts of my life, but I know with your continued love and support I might just make it through.

  Never be afraid to fall it, is an opportunity, to rebuild yourself, the way you wish you had been all along.

  Rae Smith


  A Love & Beyond Novel

  By D.Griffith

  Chapter One


  I’m nestled down under my white satin bed cover listening to the wind howling outside. The rain beating against the window seems to be in rhythm with my pounding heart. I turn and look at the clock on my bedside table. Is it really eight forty-five already? We have to be at the airport in less than three hours. However, I don’t want to leave the warmth of my bed. I’d rather not face the world today, I just don’t feel ready. Get a grip Danni; it’s been over a month now, you’re safe. Lulled by the warmth I close my eyes and doze back off to the safety of my dreams. Suddenly a loud knocking on the door of my room startles me awake. My sister Andi shouts through,

  “Come on, Danni! Get up and get a move on. We’ve got lots to do before we leave, plus it's not good that you’re hiding yourself away. It’s all because of that low life, that treated you, like you were worthless and we both know you’re not. Pull yourself together and haul your ass out here. Breakfast is ready and it's your favourite.”

  ”I’m not hiding! It’s called dealing with what happened, I’m allowed to be in shock still alright, now give me a minute.” Unwillingly, I throw back my bed covers and the cold air hits me, raising all my hairs up on my body. Oh my God, it’s so cold. Shivering since I slept naked, I’m now thinking it wasn’t such a good idea. I run over to my wardrobe and pick up my black leggings and my grey and white striped vest top and quickly slip into them, followed by my old, well-worn pink dressing gown to keep me warm. I know it has seen better days, but it somehow soothes me.

  As I make my way to the kitchen, I hear my sister humming to the radio, the song playing is firework by Katy Perry. I adore this song. She is also dancing, shaking her hips and nodding her head to the song. I find myself standing in the doorway watching her. She is so beautiful, even when she is pottering around. Her jet-black hair cascades over her shoulders and she has a fabulous curvaceous figure which attracts the eyes of many men. Her hazel eyes sparkle and can make you do whatever she pleases with just one look. She’s wearing her tight black jeans and black vest top, which clings to each curve perfectly. I’ll admit I’m a little jealous of my sister. But her beauty isn’t just how she looks; she is one of the most wonderful people you could ever meet. She is always there to lend a hand, a shoulder to cry on, always there to talk to and share your hopes and fears with. She has a beauty that is much more than skin deep.

  Her husband Alex is nowhere to be seen and is just like her. He adores Andi and would do absolutely anything for her, having the same beautiful nature as she does. She is very lucky to have found someone so wonderful. They are a couple who seem to be made for each other and I envy what they have. “Where's Alex?” I ask and she twirls around quickly as I speak.

  “Jeez, Danni! You gave me the fright of my life then, I didn't even hear you come into the kitchen.” Laughing I make my way to sit down at the oval shaped glass table. “So, come on! Where is he?” “Oh, he’s had to go in to work for an hour, to tie up some last minute checks. You know how he is with his clients; he wants to make sure they’re all sorted while he is away. He’s meeting us at the Terminal one entrance at the airport.”

  “Breakfast?" I ask and she looks up at me with her deep hazel eyes as if she is feeling unappreciated. “Here you go, enjoy!" She places the plate in front of me and I smile to show that I appreciate her making my favourite breakfast for me. "Mmm Philadelphia on toast, thank you."

  "Hurry up and eat, we have to be leaving soon and I still need to pack my on board bag. I’m guessing you have to as well?” She says stopping to look back at me. “Get a move on, okay!” As she’s walking away through the door I hear her mumble something to herself, probably how she’s giving up on me. I’m staying at their house and have been for a while now, because of what happened. I don’t really have a choice. Maybe I should make more of an effort to be nicer to them and start making amends with myself. Both of them have been amazing to me, especially after everything that has happened.

  After I quickly finish my breakfast I jump up from the chair and grab my leather biker jacket before heading back up stairs to grab my bags. Shrugging out of my dressing gown I slip into my jacket and have a quick glimpse at myself in the mirror. I grunt at my reflection thinking how much of a mess I look. Quickly fixing my hair I pull it into a side ponytail on the right side of my neck but it never works. I still looked a state and I don’t even know why I’m even bothering. I look useless, pathetic and I’m sure everyone else can see it. I wish I could be more like my sister, because to me she is just perfect. I repeat the thoughts over and over again while looking at my reflection, staring at myself in disappointment. Other thoughts start passing through my mind, hopes and dreams for example I hope I get it one day, what my sister and Alex have. It would be pretty awesome to find a man who actually loved me for who I was and complete My puzzle in life. I drift off into my thoughts for a few moments, flashing between them and remembering some horrific flash backs. A voice shouting snaps me out of the thoughts that held me captive, "Danni, come on! It’s time to go." A few seconds later I jump as a hand is placed on my shoulder. "Danni, it’s okay! It’s just me." I turn around startled, thanking God that it was only my sister. She gives me a huge hug for reassurance and I relax. “It’s okay, you’re safe and you have nothing to worry about. Chin up and let’s head to the airport, I really can’t wait, don’t you think we bloody well deserve this?" She’s trying to comfort me with a warming smile and a change of subject but I embrace her in return, grateful to her for trying.

  "I’m sorry, I didn't mean to jump at you and I never expected anyone to be behind me, you know how jumpy I get.” I’m lying because I refuse to worry her with the real reason. I want her to enjoy herself and not have to worry about me in the process. “It’s going to be epic, I can’t wait and I’m really excited! I’ve always wanted to go to Rome, It has great historic features. Come on, let’s go." Grabbing my handbag and suitcase I start double-checking that I have everything I need to get going.

  Passport – check

  Plane ticket – check

  Hard boiled sweets – check

  Book for on the plane – check

  Magazine - check

  Crossword book- check

  "Yep, I’m ready." Heading out the door, I’m consumed again with thoughts about the holiday- will it be good or bad? It’s a new experience for me, so I guess time will tell.

  Chapter Two

  My older brother, Adam, agreed to give us a lift to the airport after ages of us trying to convincing him. All because he didn’t agree with me going away from him, so soon after what happened and the fact that he couldn’t make the trip.

  As Andi and I, slide out from the car, we say our thank you and goodbye to him.

  “No problem, have fun girls and stay safe." He says, as he gives us both a hug, then gets back in his car and drives off. You can see the smoke coming from the back of his exhaust from the speed he drove off in.

  We head into the airport and there we meet up with Alex. Andi, runs straight to him throwing her arms around his neck, he embraces her back by wrapping his overly huge arms around her tiny waste. They’re one of the happiest couples I’ve ever met. I feel a pang of envy fo
r what I don’t have. I smile to hide my jealousy and walk over towards Alex as he holds his arms out to welcome me into a hug.

  “Hey Danni, how are you feeling?"

  "Hey Alex, I’m fine, thank you. How are you feeling?”

  “That’s good, I have to make sure and I’m great, thank you.” He sighs, bless Alex; he is truly sweet, just like my sister. He has beautiful blonde hair that sits just below his chin. Long hair, I normally don’t like on men, but Alex is an exception, it goes wonderfully with his piercing blue eyes and masculine face, even his body seems perfect; you can tell he does a great deal of working out. Ok, snap out of it Danni! That’s your sister’s husband, bad girl. My subconscious snaps.

  " I know we’re going to Rome, but where are we all staying?" I ask,

  "We’re going to my mate’s villa; well! It’s his house, which he uses from time to time. He will be meeting us out there, as he’s already In Rome working a job.”

  ”Oh, how nice of him! I guess he’s a close friend then? Because, no one in their right mind, would let us all stay.” I laugh. "Anyway, come on, let’s go and join the queue, ready to go check ourselves and get our bags weighed and if the others turn up before we hit the desk, then they can just jump in where we are, It saves them waiting at the back of the queue.” I suggest, as we carry on walking towards the large line, in front of us. We’re stopped in our travels by a voice I know all too well.

  "Hello, my little bitches.” We turn around and I smile as I know it’s my best friend Darla and her boyfriend Carl. Darla, as usual, looks her beautiful self. I love her blonde hair that flows perfectly down the centre of her back, the waves in her hair match perfectly with the curves of her body and her dazzling blue eyes show the purest of her soul! Loyal, funny, caring, also feisty, she’s also elegant and a little bit of a snob, she has to be wearing the best makes, she wouldn’t be caught dead wearing anything less. She runs over and gives Andi and I, a huge hug. "Now, I know you guys weren't planning on checking yourselves in without us now, where you?" She exclaims, with a grin so huge you could see her wisdom teeth.

  "Of course not, we were just lining up, ready for you guys to jump in. What’s wrong with that?"

  "Hey, baby girl! Show me the love. Come on, bring it in." Carl says, walking towards me. He’s tall, I’d say at least six foot, he’s dark skinned, with a shaven head. I have to tease him sometimes, because I’m sure he waxes it, somehow it’s always shining. I swear you can see your own reflection on it. The best part about him though, is not his medium sized body and amazing six-pack, but it’s his brown eyes, with them, he can charm his way into any females heart. He has a beautiful soul, just like Darla. He‘s been one of my best friends for as long as I could remember, even longer then Darla.

  "Right, are we all here?" He asks, turning around to the rest of them.

  "No! We’re just waiting on Katie and Jay and then we’re all set.” Andi says. Soon after, Katie and Jay turn up.

  Katie is wearing a short, denim skirt and a pink tank top. Like Darla, Katie also has long blonde hair and blue eyes, she’s not as curvy as she’s a slim build, she is beautiful, but she has one bitchy personality, which I do not care for. Her fiancé Jay, I never understood why he would go for her, I knew him back in the day. He’s a wonderful person, the complete opposite to Katie, he’s also hot. Short brown hair, slightly tanned, green eyes, the same shade as mine and he is slim built, but has a muscular body frame and amazing arms, I adore muscular arms. We use to be friends, until he got with Katie. I didn’t really get on with Katie; we always seem to clash and end up in a bitching match. She is just full of herself and she couldn’t stand me, because of Jay. All because he had a little thing for me back in the day. We’ve pretty much stayed out of each other’s way since, so as her and Jay approached, we just gave each other a small welcome smile and continue to join the queue.

  After waiting in line for half an hour, we finally reach desk thirteen. Where an Asian woman, is waiting to check our tickets and weigh our bags. I hated waiting and the longer I waited, the more nervous I got.

  Once where finally through, we head to another line that takes us through to security and I’m feeling drained already, knowing I have to wait longer in another line.

  Thankfully, after lining up for yet another twenty minutes, we are finally coming to the end of the line. I can’t help but scowl around the room, as I see so much security and so many detectors. Most of the people look restless with waiting, especially the young children, it must be worse for them. I’m knocked from my own little world, when I hear someone calling my name.

  "Danni? Danni?” Darla nudges me, trying her hardest not to laugh.


  "Your turn, you’re holding up the queue."

  “Oh crap, I’m sorry!" I place my bag and my watch in a grey tray and walk through the metal detector. As I’m walking through, my mind is on overload. Thinking, please don't go off, I don’t want everyone to look over at me.

  I take a deep breath and walk through. Yes, it didn’t go off, I want to jump up and down and go woohoo, but it’s probably best not to draw that attention to myself, as they could think I’m hiding something. So all I do is grab my bag and watch then head towards the rest of them. There is still over an hour to wait before we can board.

  “How about, we go and get something to eat, I’m quite hungry. Maybe have a few drinks to pass the time as well?”

  “Good thinking, Danni! The question is what to choose? How about we try that little Mexican place, over there?” Andi suggests, gesturing towards a small hut. They’re many place’s we could eat, even shop for that matter, but everywhere is packed with people going this way and people going that way, and to be honest, this Mexican place looks quite, quiet so I’m happy with this one.

  Once we’ve all agreed to try the Mexican cuisine, we find a seat. Andi and Alex sit at the top end of the table, with Katie and Jay sat on the left side and Darla and Carl on the right. I was left to sit on the end, the only singleton. I fear this could be a sign of what’s to come on our holiday.

  I sit and try to avoid eye contact, as the couple’s pair up. I’m happy for them all, though I can’t shake the twinge of jealousy, because they're all being quite affectionate with each other. God, what I wouldn’t do for someone to hand me a sick bucket.

  "What would you like?" The waitress interrupts my excessive thinking

  “Oh yeah, sorry! I would like some nachos please."

  “Anything to drink?”

  “Martini and lemonade please."

  "Is that it?"

  “Yes, thanks!" And she leaves to place our order.

  Just as we finished eating our food, our gate gets called.

  "We’re off to gate seven." I say, Andi turns towards me.

  “Are you going to be ok with this been your first time flying and all? You must be shitting yourself” Andi knows I’m going to be a wreck.

  “I’m fine, stop worrying and no, I don’t plan on shitting myself, such lovely words from you sister.”

  “That’s how I roll sister.” She jokes.

  As we approach the plane, I’m starting to feel more nervous as seeing the plane first-hand, makes it more real. My hands start getting moist, through the nerves and all I can see is me and this huge plane waiting on me.

  A young lady snaps me from my illusion, by taking my ticket and showing me to my seat. Luckily, I’m not sat with Katie, as that would’ve been awkward. I’m sat next to Darla and Carl, so hopefully it’ll make the journey a piece of cake.

  Once where all seated, the doors are finally closing and the flight attendants are going through the safety checks. My mind starts going a hundred miles an hour. Oh my god, what if we crash? What if we die? Oh my, I don't want to die. The plane takes off and forces me right back into my seat. Oh my god, don't scream, don't scream, get a grip Danni. Phew! Finally, we’re up high and a red light pops on, to show that we can take our seat belts off, I can finally breathe. I need a drink. I
call one of the flight attendants over. I look over at Andi and let out a sigh of relief, as she’s on the set of seats across from us. Before I can say anything to her, the flight attendant, stands in the centre of us both and asks.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Yes please, can I get a Smirnoff ice?”

  “Yes, sure! Let me go and check if we have any.” She walks off to the back and shortly after she comes back and hands me one.

  “Thank you.” I sigh,

  So now, I just sit back and try and distract myself, from the thoughts that are continually going through my head and watch the film they have on board. It’s a family film, it’s an old one called brave. Soon after the film starts, I fall asleep.


  "That wasn’t so bad." I say, once we’re finally of the plane. It was only a three and a half hour journey and the food on the plane was horrible, but eatable. We rush through the airport, to go catch our bags, which are on a machine that keeps going around in circles with everyone’s luggage. You have to be quick once you spot yours, because if you miss it, you have to wait another five minutes for it to reach you again, because it takes that long. We all grab our suitcases and head for the exit where there is a coach waiting for us.

  The coach has to make a few stops first, at other resorts, to let other passengers go to their destination, ours was the last. We get dropped off at this huge villa, which normally I would be over the moon, but I am shattered and it is only nine. Carl walks towards me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

  "So, baby girl! How was your very first flight?"

  "It was ok, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t freak me out. At first, I felt like I nearly had a panic attack, but I got there in the end. I’m alive, aren’t I?"

  "That’s my girl; it’s good to see you smile again and hopefully that’s all we’re going to see this week." We smile, and like a hyped up school boy, he runs towards Darla and we head inside.


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