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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

Page 6

by D. Griffith

  "It’s yours." I look and of course it’s him.

  "Excuse me?" I reply stunned.

  "Well, I thought you wouldn't have time to go and get something, so I called my assistant, she’s good at all that stuff, what’s in, what’s not. So I went with her to describe what you looked like and we agreed on this. I think it’ll look great on you."

  "You didn't have to do that, you know."

  "I wanted to and don't worry, we even made sure you had matching shoes." He laughs, "Now get ready."

  "But wait, I need breast tape." I bashful say, I feel my face burn up with the embarrassment of asking that question. "I don't think it’ll look good if one of them happens to fall out in front of everyone." He looks at me, raises his eyebrow and smirks.

  "Well.... “He stops in thought, he so better not be thinking about my breasts, but by the look on his face he is. I interrupt his thoughts with a.

  “Oi, focus.”

  "Oh yeah, bedside table." He says, walking out the door, men. I shake my head and laugh to myself as I carefully slip into the dress. It feels really soft on my skin and fits perfect; it shows off my figure just right, not too tight, but a flowing tightness that latches on perfectly to every curve on my body. I’m trying to fix my breasts into the breast parts, it’s really revealing. I feel a bit uncomfortable, how am I going to pull this off? I get the breast tape and snap three pieces off for each breast, so they have no chance of falling out.

  I head to the mirror and start putting my make up on, I decide on dark eyes to break the pink up a little bit, it seems to go well. A tad bit of blusher, to get rid of the pasted look of my cheeks and a tinted lip gloss, not too much colour, just a hint of pink. I start on my hair, I think I’d like to be brave and have it up in a bun, but my scar is fully on show, so I reconsider. I’m not ready for that. I dig my curling tongs out and decide to have my hair half up, half down with loose curls. So than that way, I can still hide the scar as my hair is long enough. It takes a little while but finally, I look at myself in the mirror and decide that I’m done;

  I slip the strappy silver shoes on and take one last look at myself in the mirror again, trying to reassure myself that I can do this. I’m so nervous; I know the entire place is going to be crawling with press. This is not me; I don’t do posh meals and fancy gowns. I take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly, as my dad used to tell me to do. I do that a couple of times before I get up and head towards the door. I open it up, just as Jared’s about to knock.

  "Wow, you look...."

  "Thanks!” I say before he could finish. "You, clean up quite well yourself Mr. Hall." He’s wearing a black suit, which I think is Armani, he’s gelled his hair back. Wow! I do love a guy in a suit. I wonder if there’s anything he can't wear, that doesn’t make him look good?

  "I have a little surprise for you; here! I want to give you this now.” He pulls out a square sued box and opens it. Oh, my… I’m speechless, it’s a diamond necklace, with matching earrings and bracelet; the diamonds have a little tint of pink in them, it’s beautiful.

  "Oh my god, Jared. I don't know what to say. I can't wear that; I’d probably break it, why did you buy me it? You shouldn't be wasting your money on me like that, it's too much, I couldn’t possibly take it." I shake my head at him and brush the sued box back in to his chest.

  "Can you just for once let someone treat you like you deserve to be treated? You’ve given me an amazing and eventful week and how I feel around you... its different I can’t explain it. So this is how I deal, ok! So please, just take it and put it on. You’re worth so much more than you realize and I’m trying to make this a perfect night for you, so if you say no, I will be highly offended, so just take it."

  "Guilt trip much? Ok, it is really beautiful. I’m sorry, thank you, is that any better?" I feel strange. I catch myself smiling at him and in this moment, I feel at ease with him.

  As we head downstairs, we both can hear the wolf whistles going off already. They can see the redness of my face, that’s why they’re whistling. We say our goodbyes and as we’re walking out the door Andi shouts,

  "Don't forget, no sex unless it’s safe sex." They all burst out laughing, my mouth drops, oh my god, how embarrassing. I’m going to kill her; my face is like a beet-root now. I turn away and we leave.


  “So.. Where is this charity event taking place?” I ask, while in the limousine, going to where ever this place is. Before he can answer, we stop and the driver lets us out. We’re near a deck; I eyeball the huge ferry in front of us.

  "In there.” He says pointing. I’m astonished, this is unreal. We climb aboard and Jared hands our tickets over to the doormen and we walk inside.

  "Evening Mr. Hall, this way and I’ll show you and your guest to your seats."

  "Thank you, Darren." As we’re getting seated, I glance around; there is the mayor and his wife. Oh wow, I will keep away from them, as I don't want to be making a fool of myself. By the looks of things, there are a lot of business people here, a few actors and singers too. I whisper to Jared.

  "Geez, I bet you need lots of security on this place, with so many high profiled people here."

  "Yeah, we do, especially with the amount of money that is handled in this place. Just think, its five hundred just for a ticket and some of these people pay as they’re coming in, so we need the extra security.”

  Once everyone is on board, it sets off till we get to the middle of the sea, well close enough to the next island anyway. When we’re all seated and settled, the mayor stands up and makes a speech.

  "Hello ladies and gentleman, it's lovely to see you all here on this special night, I hope you all enjoy yourselves. I’m impressed with such an amazing turn out; we’ve doubled the amount of people here, so many more than last year. Now I would like to invite you all to stand and give a round of applause, for the man who is responsible for this evening, Mr. Jared Hall.” I look up at him and we all stand up to applause him. He’s past the microphone and the mayor shakes his hand, a clear sign of mutual respect.

  "First of all, I’d like to thank you all for attending, as you all know, every year we hold this event and we always have at least one big surprise. So, this year I’m giving away a two week holiday to Dubai, at a six star hotel of your choice, flying first class for two. Which if you look behind me, there is a table where you can write your bid and put it in the box. Then later this evening, I will pick one out and reveal the winner, but here is the twist, whatever you bid, it’s double the amount of what you first wrote down, because it is for charity after all. So enjoy yourself and cheers."

  "Cheers!" They all shout, holding their glasses of champagne up. The lights dim and the music starts and we all sit ready to eat.

  After the meal, the winner was announced, a Mr. Sweky won it. He bid a total of five thousand, so he had to pay ten, so that’s good. The music is playing, people are dancing and they all seem friendly enough. Bonus point is that, no one has recognized me, I was dreading that. It’s made the night much easier.

  "Want to dance?" Jared asks, holding his long hand out to me.

  "Sure." We head to the dance floor and I wrap my arms around his neck and he slides his arms around my waist and start to dance in a circle. It feels pretty awkward to me, we’re pretty close and close enough that the tips of our noses are touching. I’m trying to move my eyes away from him, but it’s too late, I can feel myself losing a fighting battle in them. He asks.

  "So, is it as bad as you imagined?"

  "It's not as bad as I thought it would be." I reply as my voice catches. My nerves are consuming me at this point, as we’re that close and our hips are swaying to the music. Strangely, it’s like we’re in a world of our own and no one is around.

  "You look so beautiful Danni."

  "Well, that’s what an expensive gown and lots of makeup can do for you." I joke.

  "No, you always look beautiful, even without the makeup." I bite my lower lip and put my head down; I’m
embarrassed by his compliments. He lifts my chin up with his index finger, so that our eyes are meeting and I can’t move them away, as he raises his other hand and pushes my hair against my ear and leans in to kiss me, I feel like am getting sucked in to oblivion. Thankfully the music stops and I’m able to pull back.

  "I love that song.” I say, It was amazed by Lonestar. The words are so touching.

  “Jared! Why don’t you introduce us?" We turn around and it's the mayor and his wife. She’s tall; I’d say about five foot six, very slim, thick long brown hair that matches her brown eyes. She looks radiant in that black cocktail dress, that she clearly so carefully chose to wear tonight. The major is just as tall as his wife, but with blonde hair and blue eyes, they both look to be in there fifties. I pray that I don't say anything stupid around them both.

  "Sure! Danni, this is mayor Williams and his lovely wife Angela." I put my hand out to shake theirs.

  "Hi I’m Da..." Before I could finish, Angela interrupts me.

  “You’re Danni; you’re the girl from the news. Is that the scar from what that awful man did to you?" Stunned at her forwardness directed towards my personal life, I quickly clamp my hand to my neck and cover it up and take a step back and look down.

  "Yes, it is." I nod.

  “I’m sorry, I don't mean to intrude, I just wanted to say, I think you’re a very brave woman and I admire that. You could be a great role model for other people who have suffered from abuse. You know, show them that their strong enough to get out and do something."

  "Thanks, but I’m still a bit uneasy speaking about what happened. I’m sorry… I just can’t, I’m not ready. It was really nice to meet you though." I smile, then turn on my heel and walk away. Jared of course follows. "Thanks, for bringing me here, but can we go now please?" I ask.

  "Sure, the boat is heading back now anyway."



  We’re back at the house and we’re all finally having our last drinks saying goodbye to Rome. We literally just got in the house, had the toast, then Jared and I head upstairs. As we walk to his room, he asks.

  "Are you alright? I saw the look on your face when Angela was talking to you, so much anguish. You looked like you were about to cry."

  "Yeah, I’m ok, it’s just not an easy topic for me to even talk about, or bring up for that matter, let alone when someone else does. I’m reminded of it every single day. When I look in the mirror, all I see is that scar, it’s always staring back at me, no matter how hard I try and hide it. I suppose it’s just something I’ll have to learn to live with. Eventually I’ll get over it.”

  "I think I might have an idea, come with me." He says, as he opens his bedroom door and leading me towards his bed.

  "Excuse me? If your idea of having sex is a way to help me, I don't think so. I’m not like that at all." I snap letting go of his hand.

  "No! Nothing like that." He laughs; he presses his warm soft lips against my forehead, which sends an electrifying strike through my body. "Trust me, It may feel a bit inappropriate, but I really think it might help you. So can you trust me?" Knowing I have major trust issues, I inhale a deep breath and look deep into his eyes and let out a whisper.

  “Ok.” He lays me onto the bed and moves my hair to the left side of my neck, so that my scar is exposed. He starts untying the top of my dress; he pulls it all the way down to my waist. I clutch my hands around my breast to cover them. By now I can feel myself getting all flushed; countless butterflies are fluttering around my stomach, too many uncontrollable feelings flowing around my body. I haven’t been this exposed to anyone since the incident; I’m really scared; he looks deep into my eyes and speaks his voice barely above a whisper.

  "Don't panic! No funny business remember?" He kisses my eyes. "From this moment!" He starts giving me slow slight kisses down my scar and in between them, he is saying. "From now on, when you look at these scars, you will not remember the bad, but you will only remember this very moment with me. Everything you are feeling right now, even if you do deny it. This will replace the bad, so when you look into the mirror, you won't feel ashamed, you will feel happy and know that you can go through your day with love and laughter. So therefore, you're replacing the bad with the good." He gets to my stomach scar now and the feelings are so overwhelming. I have so many mixed emotions flowing through my entire body, his lips are soft. I wish that I could understand these feelings. Is it happiness from the warmth of his touch? I’m getting tingles, which I can't explain. I just want to hold him and feel his embrace.

  My heart is pounding, I close my eyes and all I can see is him, his sweet touch. My mind is exploding. I don't see one bit of bad, I see his tanned masculine face. How can he have this much power over me, with a simple touch? He goes over my scars once more and then he moves towards my face and strokes his nose against mine and wipes away a tear that had fallen down my face. "I hope that helps." I smile because I’m speechless. The words I want to say won’t come out; I’m left stunned with how nice his touch felt. He intakes a deep breath as if he’s just completed a mission and gets up to walk towards his drawers and pulls out a white shirt and throwing it next to me. "Put that on, you’re half way out the dress, so you may as well get fully out of it."

  "Thanks!" He turns away, for me to get changed. I slip out the dress quickly and fling it to the side, where it lands on the sued, black sofa chair and I quickly slip into his shirt, the material feels smooth on my skin.

  We both jump into his bed, even his covers are silky smooth. I roll onto my side to get comfortable, he comes to join me from behind and wraps his arms around me, holding on tightly like he will never let go. As I’m drifting off to sleep, I just about hear him whisper.

  "You’re amazing Danni I’m...." And I land in the world of my dreams.


  "Wake up sunshine." I Struggle to open my eyes as they’re feeling quite heavy, I turn around and notice these bulging brown eyes watching me.

  "Please, tell me you did not watch me sleep?" I ask.

  "Well, I did for a while; you looked so peaceful, even with all that dribbling from your mouth." My eyes widen in horror and I quickly brush the saliva with the back of my hand in shame.

  "No.. You’re not supposed to see that." I hide under the covers, in shame. He laughs, trying to get me to come back up to him.

  "So, I take it you slept well?" He says meeting me under the covers. I stare at him and can’t help but giggle.

  "You know what, I actually did. I’ve not slept that well since... well, you know what. Come to think about it, even before. So it feels good, something I’ve needed for a long time, thank you."

  "See! I told you, it's because of me, I’m just that awesome. Who’s the man, come on." He gets all proud of himself, lifting his hand up for me to high five him. I look back at him.

  "Well, I wouldn't go that far, you know I can't have your head swelling now, it won't fit out the door." I giggle as he looks at me in mock surprise.

  "Oh! Really, Miss Shaw? We will see about that." He starts tickling me.

  "No, no, stop it." I shout in giggles. It doesn’t work, he carries on tickling me, I can't budge him he’s too strong.

  "Admit it woman, say it's because of me and I’ll stop." I can't speak I’m in hysterics laughing.

  "Ok! Ok, I admit it, please stop."

  "Good girl"

  "I will get you back for that Mr. Hall."

  "I look forward to it. Anyway, we best get up now, you need to be heading to the airport in an hour and half." He sounds disappointed, I sigh.

  "I know! To be honest, I’m sad the week is already over. It seemed to fly by. Suppose that happens when you’re enjoying yourself."

  "Well, I was going to see if you would like me to take you to the airport? I know you can jump the coach with the others, but I’d really like to take you, but if..." I wave my hand to stop him before he could finish.

  "I would love for you to take me, thank you. I better g
o and shower and then get myself ready. I don’t think I’d get away with just wearing your shirt." I jump up and walk out his room into mine.

  I head to the bathroom and turn the shower on all the way. While it’s heating up, I go and dig out a towel and my clothes. I’ve decided on my tartan skirt and black vest top. I head back towards the now hot steaming shower and start taking the shirt off, Jared gave me to wear. I’m keeping this; it’s too comfy to give back, its huge, means it’s perfect to use as a night shirt. As I take it off, I hold it and bring it close to my chest and get lost in my thoughts from last night and how amazing it made me feel. I even head to the mirror and look at myself and strangely for the first time, it makes me smile, there’s something different about me and I can’t put my finger on it. I’m looking at myself and the scars and all I see is his deep eyes, which consume me every time. The images from last night are flashing over and over again in my mind. I never thought that would be possible in any way. I quickly snap myself out from my thoughts, as the whole room is full of steam, from the running water. I jump in the shower and ouch it’s hot, oh well, no time to mess about with the settings now. I quickly wash my hair, shave, scrub my body and get out. I wrap the towel around myself and go sit on the bed for five minutes to cool down as the hot shower seemed to have made me feel a little dizzy. I check my phone, another text from that random number. Seriously, you would think they would click on that it’s a wrong number. I read the message and it just says. ‘Not long now.’ Yeah.. That’s just not strange at all. I jump at the sound of someone knocking on the door.


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