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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

Page 16

by D. Griffith

  Once I finally get in, I reminisce about that make out session and our whole week together! I’m glad I invited them over and it didn't turn out a wreck as I thought it would. I’ve got to stay here on business still for a few weeks. Well, depending on how this franchise goes. I can’t believe how quiet this house is without them all here.

  "You ok sir?" Andrew asks.

  "Yeah!" I say in a real low tone.

  "Sir, you don't seem it? But I get it ok; you don't need to say anything." I just nod and tell him I’m going to sit in the office for a while, I get my cell out and start writing an email to her. I got this the other day. I prefer to email, as I know it would go straight to her and not worry if I sent it to the wrong person. Have a save journey back home Beautiful! Thanks for a great week.

  From J

  Wait, no! I can't send that, I go to delete the email, then I stop myself and I’m thinking, wait, I should send it, it doesn’t sound too bad, but what if she thinks, wow needy? No! I can't send it, wait... send.... There I sent it, hope I get a reply, not sure if she can on the plane, but maybe she will.

  A few hours have flown by and still nothing, I’ve been checking my emails constantly, she not replied. Ahh I hate feeling like this, you see this is what woman do to you, they send you crazy. They’re such a powerful species. I nearly dropped my cell in excitement, when I finally hear it go off, telling me that I’ve got an email, god I hope it’s from her. The flight was ok! It was a bit bumpy, due to turbulence, but nothing major! You’re welcome, Thank you too! I had an amazing time.

  From D

  Oh ok, she has not mentioned about her jumping me at the airport. Should I bring it up? I feel disappointment consume me all over! I need a drink! I get the bottle of jacks and a glass from my class cabinet and pour a drink. I decide not to email her back, just in case she needs time to think.


  Why is someone banging on my door? Someone is walking in; every footstep they make is a huge bang and all I can hear from the other side is.

  "Sir, sir!" Oh my head is banging, I really should open my eyes. "Sir, you fell asleep in your office." I open my eyes slowly and my vision is quite blurry, it’s Andrew.

  "Andrew, stop saying sir over and over again, it goes right through me. I told you to call me Jared."

  "Force of habit Jared, you drank a full bottle of that, are you insane?" He snaps.

  "Pretty, much." I mumble.

  "Would you like me to get the cook to fry you up a greasy breakfast? Some fried egg, bacon, sausage, all that?"

  "Oh, Andrew, you’re so cruel. Are you trying to make me sick?"

  "Well, it’ll be your own fault then wouldn't it? Self inflicted."

  "Alright, I'm getting up, see." Wow, I stand up and the room is spinning. I squirt out squirming my words. "See, I’m up."

  "No offense sir, but you stink! Maybe you should shower?"

  "That’s a plan, Andrew! I will do just that." I say, pointing at him.

  I head to the shower room, my walk is far from straight, it’s slanted. I need some painkillers my head is splitting, It’s like someone has got a drill and is drilling a hole into my head. I was only supposed to have a couple of glasses but instead, I have the full bottle! What an idiot. What boredom does to me, I don’t think I’m going to be able to go to this meeting later, I need to call Charlotte, I will after my shower, even the sounds of the water dripping, is like pin drops.

  The shower has made no difference; I’m still feeling like crap. Someone shoot me now. To top it, there goes my email. I can’t be assed with this. Hey, Mr. Hall! How was your night? Soon as I got home, I was out for the count.

  From D Well, It’s was ok! Kind of quiet. Sorry I didn’t reply back last night, I forgot! I ended up having a few glasses of jacks. Well when I say a few glasses; I ended up having the whole bottle.

  From J

  She’s not going to be happy with that, oh well! I don’t care, I need to call Charlotte.

  “Hey, Charlotte! Cancel the meeting, I’m not going, I don’t feel up to it.”

  “Sir, can I advice you not to do that, you have already cancelled It once, you do it again it is suicide sir.”

  “Just do it, ok! Bye.” Soon as I hang up, my email goes off again. Can I throw this damn thing? it’s ok, no worries! How come you had a full bottle? Are you ok?

  From D

  Awe bless her, she sounds worried, still not said anything about what happened. Guessing it meant nothing. Do I really sound this petty? Is it as bad, as it is, in my head? Yes, I’m fine! I was just bored. I was only supposed to have a few glasses and just lost track. How are you feeling today?

  From J

  I’m not going to tell her the real reason, makes me look vulnerable. Seriously, that girl can type fast, there’s my fucking email already. I’m too hung-over for this. I’m good, thank you! It feels kind of odd not seeing you, as well, for the past week I have. You’ll have to hit me up when you’re back over this way! Once again, thank you for such an amazing week; I owe you Mr. Hall take care.

  From D

  What does she mean by take care? Dose she not want to talk again? Oh my god, women are so fucking confusing! Oh, I’ll just say it back to be polite. Take care, Miss Shaw and remember, No fear.

  From J


  The next week was kind of slow, I’m getting out tonight. Off to some of the local clubs, I have to head back to England In a couple of days. The idiot, who was supposed to be my partner, in this upcoming fashion magazine, has just left. They said screw it, I want nothing to do with it now, was all out the blue. Nevertheless to say, I wasn’t impressed. They’ll regret that though. I was a silent partner, I was trying to help them out and they go and screw me over? So now, I’m left with a women’s magazine, which I have no clue about. So I need to sort that fucking mess out and I’ve invested far too much money on this to forget about it! Fucking thanks I get for trying to be the nice guy. Sometimes, I don’t even know why I bother. So that’s why I’m of out tonight, to forget about it all, for one fucking night.

  Club fifteen is of the rocks, there is some band on called, ‘hit the three.’ I think they’re new but they’re sweet. I’ve had this blonde, slim chick stare at me for most of the night, she tried getting my attention a few times, she sexy. Look at them killer legs, she nothing on Danni though. I smile at Danni’s image, popping up in my head. A high pitched voice knocks me out from my thoughts and something is rubbing on my crotch, what the hell, that feels good. Glancing down, it’s that blonde chick, she grinding up on me.

  “Excuse me love, are you lost?”

  “No! Not at all, I was sick of waiting for you to make the first move Mr. Hall. I’m Chanelle Richards, super model.” She says, fluttering her long lashes at me.

  “Oh, ok! Not like I’m not enjoying your ass rubbing up on me, but could you stop?” She flips around and starts, grinding her fronts on to mine that is not good, something going to be rising up soon, she slides her slightly wet hand on my face and brings her lips close to mine and says.

  “You know, you like it baby, I could show you much more in private, I won’t take no for an answer.” She licks her lower lip and grazes mine with hers. That seductive manner puts me in a trance; I barely say anything and grip her arm, to drag her to the back room and throw here on to the desk, that’s in there. I tell her.

  “Why wait for a hotel room, this will do, I want it now.”

  “You don’t put it politely do you?”

  “I don’t need to, now shut up and come here.” I demand, as tonight my main goal is to screw this bitch, all night long. Here comes my de stress.

  Chapter Four

  I’m on my way back to England now, so I can sort applicants out for this new magazine. I need to sort offices out; I’ve already got the building sorted. I need to decide on the decor and a name, it’s just mental. I need a female perspective on this matter. So I’m looking to get a female manager, but it’s hard for me to trust people, I’ve been let down and stabbed in the back plenty of times, that or they just want money.

  I have lots of applications to look through today, so that’s going to take up my time on the plane journey back home. I’ve not heard from Danni in a while either, I emailed her a few times, but I’ve got nothing back. I’ve not got a clue why and quite frankly, I’m pissed off with her. Makes me think she is avoiding me for some reason. I might have to try and find the time to meet up with her or something and find out what her problem is.

  Right! I best get looking at these applications; they’re tons to go through, but some of them I can do when I hire a manger to help, so for now that’s what I’m looking for, the others can wait. I got Heather to post these applicants to me in Rome, for the reason that, I’ve got a long journey and it will past the time and it’d be one less job to do when I get back.

  Seriously, I’m going through the applications and everyone it’s just no.. Another one no, another one, that’s just a complete no. There all fucking clueless, I’m doing that to most of them, these aren’t qualified enough for any of this! Seriously! Is there not one decent person for this job? Wait, hold up! No way, is this just a coincidence... Well, well, well I think I’ve just found a new manager for the place, a Miss Danni Shaw. I’m laughing too myself, as this is unexpected but makes me want to jump up. I will get my assistant to call her, so she has not got a clue that it is me. At least then she can’t avoid me! I can feel myself grinning like a big kid right now and Andrew is just looking at me to say, what the hell, then he nods as he gets it.

  A few days later and I’m still pretty jet-lagged. I have the interviews today, I’m actually going to see Danni today, her face is going to look a picture when she finds out it is me. She will either be very happy, or she is going to go all crazy on me! Let’s hope it’s happy! Oh, I’m actually quite nervous too be seeing her, I have not seen her since Rome. So it should be interesting. Is it normal for men to get butterflies? This is twice it’s happened to me when it has come to Danni. Oh my god, I’m turning into a woman, I’m going to end up growing lady parts at this rate. She should be here shortly; I had to get here for seven this morning. The office phone goes off, distracting me from all the scenarios going through my head about Danni.

  “Mr. Hall, speaking?”

  “Hi sir, there is a Miss Danni Shaw, here to see you.”

  “Send her right in.”

  “Sure sir.” Wow, ok! Let me see if I smell ok, I look ok. The nerves have kicked in and my throats dried up, also kind of excited.

  “Hello.” Her voice is soft and gentle, I feel like it takes me in. This is it; I spin around, she looks as beautiful as I remember the sparkling green eyes, which look so innocent. The shine in her soft skin, which is glowing so radiant! She’s looking well. I just want to go over there and grab her face and touch those soft lips. I also want to just grip her and throw her onto this desk.. Right, snap out your trance Jared. I shake the thoughts out my head and come back to reality. Oh she’s not looking happy; she is going to kick my ass. She thinks I set this up. I assure her I didn’t and I’ve also found out why she avoiding me. She’s a little jealous of Chanelle, the girl I started seeing after she left Rome, she don’t mean anything, I’m just using her as a place to put my dick. Plus, to see if it helps get Danni out from my head, never works like. I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her slim curved body! I have missed her and she smells as good as ever. I don’t want to let her go, she saying. “Er Jared, shall we get back to businesses.” I sigh, in my head I’m saying no, what the hell. “Nope, few more minutes.’ I just want to stand here for a little bit longer holding her, I don’t care if it sounds cheesy; I’ve wanted her in my arms since the day she left. After another couple of minutes I finally release my grip on her.

  After a while of convincing her to take the job, I swear she can be frustrating, in a cute way. She told me she seeing someone, I’m livid! Mega pissed off at her for that. She wouldn’t date me, but she will happily see some other bloke? I’m getting Andrew to do a check on him as soon as she leaves. I don’t want her seeing some thug again. What’s this dude got that I don’t? She’s of out with him tonight, that’s fine by me! I’m calling Chanelle up and I’ll go see for myself. I get my cell out and dial for Chanelle, once Danni has gone. Chanelle was on holiday in Rome; it’s luckily that she actually lives close.


  “Hey, Chanelle! It’s Jared, You fancy hooking up tonight? We’ll go get something to eat and later on, there’s like dancing and stuff, you game?”

  “Oh yeah, totally! I’m game for that babe and maybe afterwards we can have dessert?”

  “Err yeah sure, see ya.” I hang up. Yeah I do not want dessert tonight. I actually don’t want to be seeing her, but I have no choice, I need the excuse to go check this guy out.


  We’re at the restaurant now, it’s not that bad. I’ve just intruded in on Danni’s date, where we’re all currently sat at their table, she was pissed off and she still is. She’s really cute when she mad, god she makes my dick twitch. As for the dick she’s with, he’s not all that either, I’m better than him in every way possible. I immediately hated him, who the fuck does this prick think he is, moving in on my girl? We start getting in a heated discussion at the table, it was uncomfortable and the tension between all four of us was… Let’s just say malicious. Had to take Chanelle to the bar, she asking me if anything is going on between me and Danni, I’m not going to tell her the truth, so I just say someone I employed. Then I hear a cough behind me, oh shit, total fuck! I just know its Danni. Oh the horror in my face when I look at her, she looks really hurt; she stormed off to the restrooms. I try to call her back but Chanelle grabs me and tells me to leave her. The guilt taking over my body is horrible. You complete fucking idiot Jared.

  “Like you said, Jared! She’s a, nobody.” She foully spits out. I turn around and give her a dirty look and snap.

  “Don’t say that, she’s not a nobody and I did not even say them words, alright! Butt the fuck out.” She clasps her lips together, nods and puts her head down. I see Danni coming back out.

  “Danni, please! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” She blanks me and walks straight past. What have I done? What an idiot. Wait a fucking minute, she just getting that Damon guy up to dance, they’re pretty close, is she trying to make me jealous? The bitch! Oh, if that’s how she wants to play it. “Come on, Chanelle.” I grab her badly tanned hand and drag her to the dance floor, for her to dance with me; I don’t keep my eyes of Danni, I watch their every move. The song has changed, oh it’s the slow one, I know this, what was it called again? Danni and I danced to this that night, where near enough, everything fell into place. I can’t dance with Chanelle to this, no way, it meant too much.

  I stop dancing with her and keep inspecting them dance. How could she still dance with him to this? Did it mean nothing to her? Wow. “What, the fuck.” I shout, I’m not having that; he’s gone to make out with her, what a prick! She’s mine. That’s it, the rage has just consumed my whole entire body, I can’t control it, I don’t think I would want too even if I tried. I walk off, straight to them and drag him of her. We’re brawling and I can hear Danni trying to stop it, but no, I just can’t stop, I have not felt so much anger for ages. I want to pick this lad apart into fucking pieces. I feel Danni on my back and she falls to the ground, that instantly stops us brawling and we both run to her need, but she refuses our help as she is extremely pissed off. Her veins are sticking out from her neck with the anger. We’ve got kicked out from the club. Even outside the club, it was not good. Chanelle, just said something completely out of or
der to Danni; I have just stopped Danni from going for her. Don’t get me wrong, the bitch deserves it, but I won’t let her do that. After Danni gets in her taxi, I turn around at Chanelle and I look at her in complete disgust.

  “Oh come on, baby! Really, you’re looking at me like that? I only said the truth, it had to be said.” How dare she say that?

  “Don’t call me baby, you had no right to say that, after what happened to her. She is more of a woman than you will ever be. You won’t be hearing from me again, you got that? And you can trust me when I say, that you will regret what you’ve just said. I can make you not exists with just one call, check your bank and everything tomorrow as you will be a no one.”

  “Come on, Jared! Seriously, over that, a bit extreme don’t you think? I’m sorry! Don’t end it, don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I just did, get in a taxi and go, goodbye Chanelle.” After she’s gone, I ask Andrew to take me to Danni, I need to apologies. I feel so guilty now; I just want to make it right.

  I get to their house and I’m still figuring out what to say, I go to knock on the door, then stop and go to walk away. No! I should go, so I walk back to the door and go to knock again, but I just stare at the door in fear of another blow out. I’m undecided, shall I knock? Shall I leave it? Oh screw it, I’ll knock; please don’t let her smack my face. I grab the courage to knock and Alex answers the door.

  “Come in.” He says and asks for my side of the story. So I explain myself. “Dude, you do know that’s going to be all over the news right? It’s not going to look good for you and I’m not having ago, I’m just looking out for you and Danni, for the matter that, she’ll be in their too.” I sigh at the truth of his words, I feel really disheartened over what’s happened, I manage to get out.


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