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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

Page 26

by D. Griffith

  “Sure hun.”

  “Thanks, bye.”


  Can somebody shut those birds up? What a crazy night, wine and a male stripper and some really bad food. I hope Darla had a good send off though. I can’t believe it’s Darla’s wedding day, where has the week gone? What time is it anyway? I look over at my heart shaped, pink clock. Oh shit, we’re running late. I push Darla of the bed to wake her up, for a petite girl, she can snore.

  “Darla, wake up, it’s your wedding day, you need to move your ass and get up. You’re due to get married in four hours and we’re already running late.” I get nothing back; seriously, she’s still asleep even though I pushed her on the floor. That’s it, there’s only one way to go by this and that is to jump on her and repeat myself, over and over until she wakes up. So I do the lovely best friend duty and go jump right on top of her, I’m so awesome. “Come on, Darla! Get up now.”

  “Ok, ok, I’m up! But you need to get your fat ass of me first.” Oh, suppose that would be a start, I best roll of her.

  “Better now? Are you going to start getting excited now?” A big grin occurs on her face and she starts kicking and shouting in excitement.

  “I know, I can’t believe this day has finally come, by the end of the day I’m going to be a Mrs Darla Freed. Yes, yes, yes. We’ve got so much to do, we need to meet up with the other bridesmaids and go get our hair and makeup and nails all done, come on.” She grabs me and starts dragging me towards the front door. The smile has not lifted from her face once.

  “Darla, don’t you think we should get out of our pyjamas first?” I say, smiling back at her. She flings herself around and widens her eyes, tilts her head and lips to the side and looks clueless.

  “Oh, yeah! That would be a good start wouldn’t it?”

  “Don’t forget about having a shower too.” She flutters her hand at me, as a sign that she’s knows. She stayed here last night, as I thought it would be perfect for everyone to get ready here. Plus, it’d be easier so that everyone is on time, so once we’ve been pampered we can all come back here and get dressed and get Darla into her wedding dress, because that’s a two girl job, as the lace at the back is awkward. I thought the stylist and the makeup artist would’ve of came here, but because they’re the best, they wouldn’t because they’re a bunch of snobs, but Darla really wanted these guys to do it, so we hunted them down to make her happy.

  Once we’re finally out of our pyjamas, we head straight out to meet up with the other girls, hoping we don’t run over time, as that would be a nightmare and sweet old Darla would turn into bridecilla.

  We’re back at the apartment all dolled up and slipping into our dresses. Our dresses are silk, halter neck, lilac, knee high flare dress. I notice Darla Is not getting dressed but sat on the bed with her head down looking upset. I tried to tell her she needs to get a move on, but all she did was gesture me to go away. Obviously, there’s something bothering her. I tell the other girls to go into the kitchen and fill up our glasses with buck fizz while I go speak to Darla. I walk towards her and place my hands on her shoulders.

  “Sweetie, what’s up?” First she hesitates to tell me, but she knows I won’t go until she tells me what’s up, before she speaks she lets out a big sigh.

  “Well, don’t be mad at me ok, because I know Carl is like family to you, but I don’t think I should go through with this wedding, what if it all goes wrong? I might fall on my face, but that’s not my biggest concern though.” She pauses for a moment and goes to bring her hands to her head which I stopped before she could, otherwise she would have just ruined her hair and makeup.

  “Concerned about what?”

  “What if I can’t be a good wife? I’ve not got a clue how to be one; I’m high maintenance you know. What if he gets bored of me?” I sit next to her and grab her hands in hope it would give her some comfort.

  “Don’t be silly, you’re going to be an amazing wife. Plus, it’s the same as you both are now; the only difference is, that it’s on paper as proof that you both own each other’s ass. I wouldn’t worry about him getting bored either, he’d never do that. You and him have been together for ten years and you are still going strong, he worships the ground you walk on and everyone can see that and deep down, you know that because you feel the same. The high point is that you two have me, so if either of you step out of line with each other, I’d kick your asses. I’m a friend and councillor and you my dear are just getting cold feet, every bride gets them, don't worry.” We laugh and she wraps her arms around me and in a squeaky voice she whispers.

  “Thank you, Danni! What would I do without you?”

  “You’d crash and burn, now, let’s get you into that stunning dress of yours.”

  After forty five minutes had passed, we finally finished lacing her up, how complicated could one lace be? First few attempts, we got it wrong. She turns around for us to have a good look at her. I’m in awe, she looks breath taking. Her dress is perfect for her body; it fits in all the right places. Her tiara has diamantes spread across, so princess like, it’s not too big either, it has a tiny heart in the middle and it places perfectly on her head. Her hair has loose curls, that flow out with the rhythm of her vial and lies in the centre of her back and the little pearls at the ends sparkle out. I want to cry, I feel so proud, and she looks incredible.

  “You look amazing, Darla.”

  “Thank you, Jessica.” Before she says anything else, a beep calls from outside.

  “That’s the limousine, Darla! Shall we go?” She nods, you can see the fear in her eyes, bless her. We head down and slide into the white limousine.

  On the ride to the church, Darla lays some last minute changes on me.

  “Danni, I forgot to mention to you, all the bridesmaids have to be escorted down the aisle with a groomsman. Luckily, there are only three of you, so it worked out great. You’ll be meeting them outside the church, ok?” Talk about last minute changes, she could of warned me earlier, she knows how I get around men.

  “Darla, who am I with?” Before she can answer me, we pull up outside the church and rushed out of the limousine. I hope she’s not put me with a sleaze ball.

  “Right, guys! Line up already.” Who does this middle aged lady think she is, bossing us around? She has red dyed hair, hazel eyes which are hiding under her bulky glasses, she’s small, I’d say about five-four. She starts tapping her foot and starts pointing to her watch to say, ‘can you see the time, hurry up.’ She must be the wedding planner.

  “Do you mind? We’re going as fast as we can and don’t you think the bride needs to pace herself so she’s not stressed and flustered?” She pays no attention to my outburst and starts rounding the girls up. She needs to get laid that one; it might loosen her ass up that way. I turn to Darla one last time to check on her.

  “Are you ready?” She can’t speak through nerves, so she nods yes and we line up next to the others. Just before we’re all about to start walking in, Darla quickly snatchers my hand.

  “Don’t hate me for this.” I look at her dumbfounded, what does she mean by that?

  “For what hun?” She tilts her head to the right for me to look over her shoulder. My face drops and I can’t help but blurt out. “Are you kidding me? Is he the one walking me down? Why would you do this to me?”

  “Hey, I’m the bride, I can do what I want and this is what I wanted. Now I can enjoy my day knowing you won’t be so miserable and you were too stubborn to do so yourself. So Carl called the favour in to him. Plus, come on a celebrity being a part of my wedding, a-maze-ing.”

  “You don’t need a sleaze bag for that; it’s all about the bride, as it’s your day.”

  “Exactly, so you can’t be mean to me.” She pulls her tongue out at me, all proud of herself; oh I wish I could kick her skinny ass. As Jared links me, I check him out quickly. He’s in a grey penguin suit and his hair is flowing as natural as ever, he smells good. I forgot how good he smelt. Focus Danni. As he goes to sa
y something, I cut him off.

  “No! You can walk me down, but don’t think for a second to try and talk to me, alright. We’ll walk down and put on a smiley face, but that’s it, you got it?” He goes to say something again but I cut him off each time.




  “Ah.. What did I say?”


  “I said shh.”

  “I just wanted to say, you look beautiful.”I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever heard him speak, all to stop me from interrupting him.

  “Shh we’re walking.” The wedding march song starts to play and we all start to walk. Firstly is Jessica, followed by Emma, then it’s me, then finally, Darla.

  The church looks gorgeous, lilac and white flowers filled around the church, they match our dresses. I love the alter under that archway, it’s incredible.

  As Darla is walking down the aisle, I keep my eyes on Carl and watch his face light up as he’s watching his angel walk down to be by his side. The look on his face shows that this is his dream come true. I’m truly happy for him, they both deserve this.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The ceremony was amazing, they picked the perfect hymns, it was really touching. We’re heading to the reception venue ready for the wedding breakfast. It’s hosted at the ‘La roué more’ hotel; I was lumbered into catching a lift in Jared’s car. Supposedly it was the only free car left. Personally, I think it was a set up. Jared is being all gentlemen like, opening the door for me.

  “Thanks!”I say quite abruptly. I know if I start being nice, he’ll lure himself back into my life, even with just one look. I can’t let my guard down, not this time.

  “Danni, please stop giving me the cold shoulder. Look, be pissed at me all you like, but can we at least have a conversation? I hate silence and maybe let us get on for today, for Darla and Carl?” I can’t believe, he’s trying to use my friends as a bargaining chip, how desperate can you get?

  “Since when did you start caring for them? You’re not even there mates; you’re more like an acquaintance.”

  “For your information, since Rome, Carl and I have kept in touch. We meet from time to time and have a few drinks; we’ve even talked about a partnership. Plus, there good friends of yours, which means they are with me and look, I got you talking.” There he goes, looking all smug as if he’s accomplished the world. I hate this, but I can feel myself slip.

  “Fine! I’ll go with it for today, but don’t think for a second I want to talk about me and you or drunken text and calls, ok? So, how’s your head?” I’ve been dying to ask him that.

  “I thought you didn’t want to talk about me?”

  “Don’t get too excited, I’m only asking about your head as it’s a conversation starter, but in all seriousness, how is it? I’m guessing it’s all healed up now, with you going back to your.. Well you know. Hope it means it’s better.”

  “Yes, everything has gone back to normal. The swelling went down quicker than I thought it would, thanks to all the medication I was prescribed. Plus, who knew rest actually works.” We both let of a silent laugh.

  “I’m glad to hear that, did you end up checking yourself into a private hospital?”

  “Yeah, I did! Is it that obvious?”

  “Well, yeah! Celebrities tend to, because they have the money.” I smirk at him as we’re pulling up to the hotel. Wow! It’s enormous; it’s the size of a castle. I didn’t get to come and view this place with her, because I was at the lake.

  We’re walking towards the entrance and there is a massive wishing well in the garden, statues each side of the walk in path and flowers everywhere, it’s beautiful.

  I walk into reception with Jared following behind. Everywhere you look, they’re signs of the affluence of this place. There’s a huge leather sofa’s you can sit on, a cafe to your right, then there is some stairs leading to all the rooms. They’re also signs for a gym, spa and hairdressers. I walk towards the young blonde women, behind the counter to check myself in.

  “Hi, I’m checking in for a Miss Danni Shaw?” She goes through her computer and looks puzzled.

  “Sorry, I don’t seem to have your name on here. Could you have put it under a different name?”

  “Oh, ok! Try Miss Shaw.”

  “Ahh, I see! It seems like someone has cancelled that reservation last night.”

  “What, by whom? And how can they even do that?” She raises her eyebrow and crooks her head to the side pointing to someone behind me. I bloody knew it, I turn to face him, bubbling in rage and march straight towards him and grab his arm and pull him to the side. “What the hell are you playing at? Now I have no where to stay. What did you do that for?”

  “Calm down, Danni! I cancelled your reservation, so you could get in my room with me. It’s the only way to get you alone to talk.”

  “So you thought going behind my back and cancelling my reservation, will get me to talk? Are you insane?”

  “Oh, Danni, get over it! You wouldn’t even talk to me because you’re that stubborn. So yes, I did the extreme and cancelled your reservation, so now you don’t have a choice. Your apartment is too far away, so you can’t go there and you’re to lady like to sleep in a car. So what can you do? Yes, I can sense the anger, but it’s all good. Take a deep breath and hold it in and put a smile on your face, as you need to go inside where the wedding breakfast is being held before the bride and groom get here, then you can kick my ass later.”

  “Fine! But you’re on the floor and don’t think it’ll get me to talk, alright?”

  “I’ve kind of already have.” My blood boils at his smart outcomes. I shrug and walk off into the other room mumbling to myself. ‘The cheek of him, who the hell does he think he is? Mr hot shot, bloody control freak.’

  The room is just what I expected, elegant like Darla. It has this amazing famous chandelier around each table. The tables are covered in a white table cloth, with a satin and lilac runner over it. The centre pieces are vintage, clear glass vase, which hold a long stem flowers, with a touch of lilac and white and mixed in the middle is a gorgeous single white rose, it looks absolutely stunning. I can’t believe how amazing everything looks, but that is Darla all over.

  As we’re getting seated, a tall man with spiky hair, that looks like he’s used far too much gel, starts with the announcement.

  “Could you all stand and give a round of applause for the bride and groom, Mr and Mrs Freed.” We all stand to applause them; they’re getting the wolf whistles the lot. You can see how embarrassed Darla is getting from the redness of her face. I’m overwhelmed with joy for them both. The young lad gestures for everyone to quit clapping, so he can carry on speaking.

  “First, we’re going to start off with the food, followed by the toasts, then it’d be the bride and grooms first dance, which they’ve requested for one of their close companions, Danni Shaw, to sing for them and shortly after that, it’s the cutting of the cake, followed by buffet and entertainment. Also for the newlyweds, there is an open tab just for you guys at the bar, courtesy of Jared. Once again, raise you glass for the happy couple, to congratulate them.”


  “You’re singing, Danni? I didn’t know you could sing.”

  “Yeah, I can sing, I never pursued it though, I get stage fright. I only agreed to sing as a favour to Darla and Carl so I’m going to have to try and overcome another fear, scary stuff.”

  “Wow! You learn something new every day; I’m looking forward to hearing you sing. How come you never told me?”

  “Because it’s nothing important to me and you’d of begged to hear me. My mum was a famous singer back in the day and she was a complete bitch, so I never really showed it as an interest. Plus, I thought if I did, I’d turn out like her and I never want that.” You can tell in his face he wants to ask more, but out of respect he leaves it and we carry on waiting to see what the night will bring.

br />
  There’s a roaring sound evading the room, whistles, cheering and applause. I shone a smile of relive, they didn’t hate me! They liked me. I thought I’d have food thrown at me for being terrible and I’m glad I overcome the stage fright. The adrenalin running through my body has awakened me. That was the most nerve reckon experience I’ve done, but it was fun. I look out in front of me witnessing so many heads, smoke flowing around everyone and the newlyweds have massive grins on their faces, they’ve dreamed of this moment all their lives and I’m happy to been able to be part of this. I bow and walk of the stage, while there all standing for me. As I walk of, my legs have gone like jelly and I pick up the glass of wine that I left on the table, I need this drink after that, oh my god that was amazing; I hope it was good enough for the couple. I can’t stop shaking through the nerves of excitement. Darla and Carl run up to me,

  “Oh, my god! That was amazing Danni, thank you! I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

  “Yeah, baby girl! Darla’s right, I knew you could do it, much better than your mother.”

  “Thanks, guys! I’m glad I never let you down. I’m overwhelmed with their reaction and as you can tell by the redness of my face, I need to go and cool down, so I think I’m going to head to the hotel room. Enjoy the rest of your night, you both have done a great job today, everything was perfect for you guys, I’m so proud and happy for you both. Congratulations again, I’ll see you both in the morning for breakfast.”

  “Yeah, maybe, depends how hung over we both are. Thanks again, babe! Before you go, cash in your wedding day gift! Come on.”

  “I’ve already gave you that, I upgraded your plane tickets to first class, what else do you want?”

  “Sort it out with Jared! Clearly you guys are miserable without each other in your lives, its pitiful watching you two, you look at him when he’s not looking and he looks at you when you’re not looking. Seriously, quit acting like you’re both in school, you both need your fucking heads banged together.”


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