Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 28

by D. Griffith

  “Hey, Danni! What’s up? Is everything ok?”

  “Everything is fine, did I disturb you?”


  “Ok, I just want to know, what sort of night are we in for? I’ve not got a clue what to wear, I don’t want to be over or under dressed. So can you see the dilemma here?”

  “I did say a romantic night, so use your imagination, I’ve got to go, bye.” He’s just hung up on me, what a tool and he sounded off, what the hell is that about? Well that was useless, screw it! I’ll just wear my halter neck, silk patterned top with a black pencil skirt. Wait, no! That seems a little underdressed. I’ve got it, I’ll wear my white tight, cocktail dress, it’s slightly different to my usual, but I need to try new styles anyway. I’m knocked from my thoughts with a loud knock to the front door, who could that be? I’m not expecting anyone. As I open the door, a team of beauty therapist come barging past me. How rude.

  “Excuse me; I think you may have the wrong apartment.”

  “Danni Shaw, right?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Then we have the right apartment then, Mr Hall booked us. He’s paid for you to have a full on pamper session, which includes. Full body massage, a manicure and a pedicure and your hair and makeup, so shall we get started?” What is he up to? I’m curious now, I need to know. There goes my phone again. That’s probably him.

  “Yeah, sure! Can you give me a moment please?”

  [email protected]: You’re welcome.

  Love J

  “How long will this take?”

  “A few hours, so we best get to work. Jump on to the massage bed.” I’m going to be exposed to random people touching me, that is weird. What if they look at me strange and freak out when they see my scars? I can deal with the neck one, but my stomach one is horrific.

  “Do you have to massage my stomach? Can you miss that one please?”

  “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

  “Thanks!” Thank god, I can relax now and leave them to work there mojo.

  That was relaxing, I nearly fell asleep. All they need to do now is my makeup. I’m feeling pretty good right now, my nails look great; my whole body is feeling refreshed and silky soft. I’ve asked to know what they’ve used on my skin, so that I can buy some for a daily use.

  “Don’t be offended when I ask you this, because I mean nothing by it. Would you like me to cover up the scar on your neck? I have the makeup for it. I mean that in no disrespect.”

  “No! Its fine, can you do that?”

  “Yeah! I have a master’s degree in theatrical makeup. They teach you how to create scars, gashes, everything you could think of, even covering them up. It’s all about the right makeup.”

  “Go for it! If I jump a little, please excuse me, I’m not a big fan of being touch. I’ve only just got use to Jared touching me.”

  “No worries, I’ve dealt with a lot of fidgety people.”

  Once she finished, I go and have a quick glance at the mirror to see how good it looks. Wow! I look normal; you can’t see the scar at all, it’s like it was never there. Looking at my reflection with no scar there, is sending emotions through my body, it’s hard to believe I once looked normal, a tear escapes from my eyes and runs down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away; I don’t want to ruin my makeup.

  “Thank you! It looks amazing.” Soon as they leave, I run to my room to get myself dressed. They did my hair with loose curls all around. I had to make sure I didn’t ruin them getting dressed. I glance at the clock on the wall and notice it was nearly four. I’m sure he should be here by now. I best email and find out if he’s been held up.

  [email protected]: Jared! Where are you? You told me to be ready for four and you’re not even here yet? It makes me think something is up. Are you ok? Email me back as soon as possible, so I can stop worrying.

  Love D

  Another five minutes past by and he’s still not replied, which is pissing me of more making me wait. Finally, that’s my mobile ringing. About time, it’s him! As I answer I’m straight in with the questions.

  “Where are you? Forget something?”

  “No! Come outside, I’m waiting.”

  “Seriously? You could’ve knocked, or better yet replied.”

  “Oh, Danni! Shut up and just come down here.”

  “Don’t tell me to shut up, I’ll be right down.”

  “Good girl.” He’s just hung up; he knows how much that winds me up. Oh he’s getting a mouth full. I slide into my heals and grab my silver cardigan and throw it over my shoulders and run for the door. Before I can say anything, I freeze, I’m too stunned to open my mouth, this can’t be real, I need to wake up, So I start to pinch myself. Ouch that hurt.

  “It’s real, Danni! Stop pinching yourself.” Standing before me, is a beautiful white horse and carriage, with Jared standing next to it wearing his white shirt and smart jeans. I know he said romantic, but this is a whole new level. My face has been taking over with a huge grin and yet I’m still frozen on the spot. He walks towards me to grab my hand and walks me to the carriage. “You like?”

  “I’m astonished! You know this goes beyond cheesy right?”

  “Yeah! But only for you, no one else would get this treatment.”

  “What’s all this about?”

  “I told you, I wanted us to have a romantic evening and this is the start of it. A year ago today, I fell in love with the most amazing person. I can’t remember who she was though; she was a bit weird.” The cheeky git, I smack him on the arm for that comment.

  “Hey! I wasn’t that weird, only a few freak outs here and there.”

  “Awe babe, I’m only messing! You know everything about you is perfect and this is why we’re celebrating, because you let me into your crazy life.” He runs his hands through the back of my hair and pushes me towards his lip. I can feel people’s eyes watching us, you think I’d be use to it by now, but I still get embarrassed. “Danni! Where’s your scar gone?”

  “Really? You even notice it when it’s covered up? The beauty therapist done wonders with it, didn’t she? I look normal again.”

  “Danni! I thought you were comfortable with them now? You’re normal, don’t be silly. I fell in love with you, with the scars; they don’t take away how unique you are. Why don’t you wipe it off?”

  “For tonight, Jared, I’d like to keep it covered, it makes me feel good. I’ve not been able to remember, what I looked like before I got this scar, so it makes a nice change, so leave it at that, ok? So I can go out and have some quality fun with my man, so shh.”

  “Alright! But only because you called me your man, you ready my lady?” I roll my eyes at his adorableness; he helps me get into the carriage as its pretty high up. As I enter inside, they are some beautiful pink lilies and an ice bucket with two glasses and a bottle of champagne.

  “You’re really going all out tonight aren’t you? Thank you, they’re beautiful. So where are we going?”

  “Just like you! Right, I need to stop all this mushy crap with you, your head will explode with it all. I’m not telling you where we’re going, be patient! You’ll just have to wait. Oh and before you think I’ve done this before, feel privileged, because I haven’t. First time on a carriage actually, seeing as horses freak me out.”

  “Oh, well I’m honoured but if you decide to throw up all over me, unfortunately it’ll have to be the end of our relationship, that’s a life time of therapy that. We both let out a laugh, as we head out for the night.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  He’s brought me into town; we’ve pulled up next to the ‘Cret Dore’ restaurant. Oh my god, this place is a gold mine, only the richest of people come here and you have to make a reservation a month in advance, I don’t fit in here.

  “Jared, how the hell did you pull this off? You have to book months in advance to get a reservation here, all the celebrities come here, I don’t fit in. Let’s not forget the prices, it’s near enough a hundred just to g
et into the place, then the price of the food, it’s a right rip off. I’m shocked, how?”

  “Danni, have you not learnt by now, that I’m capable of anything.”As we approach the double glass doors to enter, soon as I get inside, it blows me away and even the air smells expensive. Why all of a sudden, I’m I sounding like a scrooge? I can’t help but laugh at myself and carry on looking around. Everywhere in this place looks crystal.

  “Mr Hall, welcome! Let me take you to your seats, right this way.” Leather seats, how cosy! The booth has a built in flat screen, a dim lighting, with candles all around and soft music to go with the atmosphere, very delightful.

  “You like?”

  “Yeah.. To be honest, I feel odd and out of place here, it’s not normally a place I’m seen in. This is for high class people, not something I’m use to obviously.”

  “Well it’s about time you start babe, as we’re going to be doing this often. Like it or not, you’re apart of all this now. It’s the new beginning of your life, are you ready for that?” Before I can answer him, the waitress comes to take our order.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  “Yes please, we’ll both have the lobster thanks.”

  “You’re ordering for me now? You know I hate that.”

  “True! But tonight we’re doing this the normal way, where you do as you’re told and sit back and indulge. No questions, you got that?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Oh! I like that, maybe use that tonight in bed.” I’ve just choked on my drink with that comment, typical randy man. He needs to get his mind out the gutter, but I have to admit, I feel excited at the prospect.

  “I was thinking, Jared! I did some research today about treatments that reduce the appearance of marks, stretch marks, scars! I’m thinking of giving it ago, but I’m not a hundred percent sure if it’s legit. So I was wondering if you could use your resources, to check it out.”

  No!” He bluntly snaps.

  “Why not, Jared?”

  “Danni! You’re not fake, you’re real and I’ve told you all along that the scars are a part of you, it shows your strength and I’m use to seeing them on you. I don’t see the point in hiding something that’s a big part of your personality, so I won’t support it. How can you not see how much of a role model you are? You’re perfect just the way you are.” I fold my arms in a tantrum, sulking. I may sound like a spoilt brat saying this but it's worth a shot.

  “What happened to giving me everything I wanted?”

  “I’ll give you the world and you know that, but I won’t go behind my beliefs and you certainly shouldn’t. Tell you what, answer my question and if you say the same, then I’ll consider it. If it was someone you loved, like Andi or Darla and what happened to you happened to them, would you tell them to change it, so they could hide behind masks, or would you tell them not to be silly, they’re perfect and have nothing to be ashamed off?”

  “Point taken, I’ll drop it.”

  “I love being right.” He smirks with much pleasure in proving me wrong. Our food turns up and it looks disgusting, how I’m I suppose to eat a lobster in its shell?

  “Erm Jared, don’t laugh, but why do I have a bib? How do I even eat this thing? I’ve never had one before?”

  “Like this.” He snaps it, which makes me feel sick. They are some weird tools I’m supposed to use. Oh my god that is disgusting. I’ll give it ago, to be polite. Ok, maybe I should start with the tail or the claws, the claws will be easier. It’s making a crunching noise, how is this normal? Ok, let’s try the tail.

  “Ahhh.” I scream and everyone turns around. “Oh my god, it squirted in my face. Jared, I’m sorry! I can’t have that and it’s just gross.” Instead of answering me back, he’s laughing at my reaction, so much love there.

  “Ha-ha oh my, that was hilarious, use the napkin to clean it up. It’s ok, how about we go to a takeout place and get some cheesy chips and go for a walk around the park?”

  “Yeah! I think I’d prefer that. Future advice, lobster is a bad idea, never again.”

  “Noted! Come on, I’ll go pay for this and we’ll go get some chips. I wish I got your face in a picture, priceless.”

  “Come on, Jared! Let’s go get some real food, none of this fancy shit.” He picks up the bill and we head to ‘Mannys Palace.’ It’s the best take out around here.

  “So, Jared! Have you even tried cheesy chips before? It doesn’t seem like your normal type of food?”

  “I’ve had them once, when I was drunk! I hardly remember, it gave me really bad guts the next day though, so let’s hope this time it doesn’t.”

  “Dude, that is far too much information.”


  “See, you don’t need a fancy restaurant with disgusting lobster, which by the way, that’s going to haunt my dreams. You don’t need lobster, to be romantic. We have cheesy chips and having a delightful walk in the park, with the cool breeze flowing over our skin, raising our hairs up. The stars are out for us to admire and we’re heading to the water fountain, which is opposite that beautiful lake. Now don’t you think this is much better?”

  “Suppose you’re right! I guess the small things are the key to your heart.” The starlight is setting of sparkles in his eyes when he’s staring at me. That glare sends shivers through my spine.”

  “Not like I’m trying to ruin this wonderful night, but there is this curiosity that exist inside of me, that keeps screaming in my ear. I know you have a secret Jared, the constant digs, which are forever coming from Alex, the mysterious chats with your sister, which I’ve overheard and I hate myself for bringing his name up because I despise him, but even Dillon mentioned it from your journal and I even got a picture today of you, in your twenties, with a date, July 2006 and saying soon. Can you see the pattern? Look! Whatever it is, good or bad! I wouldn’t love or think of you any less, but you can’t deny it either because that look on your face says it all. I don’t want any secrets between us both.” He stops us in our travels and strokes my curls behind my ear. Our lips collide for a slight moment and he leaves his face slowly from mine, leaving the palm of his hands resting on my cheeks.

  “Ok, you win! Yes I’m holding something back, I’ve had this secret with me for a very long time, only Alex and my sister know, oh and Andrew of course oh and Phillip. It’s not something I’m proud of and I worry that once I tell you, you’ll run and never come back, because you know you’re easily scared. Which I understand, considering your past! Don’t get me wrong, I trust you! You’re one of the very few people I trust with my life, possibly the most. I just don’t want to lose you to it, but if you really want to know, I’ll tell you, but not tonight. This is about me and you celebrating being together after all our ups and downs. I’ll tell you in the morning, deal?”

  “Deal! I promise I won’t run, I’m done running from every little thing. Plus, you’ve known all my secrets from day one and even got attacked by my past and you’ve not ran, you’ve been great, at least I can do is repay the favour and I feel pretty honoured to be trusted like that.”

  “Before things get to soppy again, we’re at the fountain, shall we go old school and make a wish?” I can’t help but smile as it reminds me of when I was a kid and Darla, Carl and I, would come here and make wishes when either one of us had a bad day, it always cheered us up.

  “You really are a big kid, aren’t you?”

  “It’s what you do to me, women! Now shh, I can’t have others knowing that, I have to maintain the scary boss image you know. Here, take this coin and after three we’ll throw one in together. Close your eyes and turn your back, ready?”




  We both throw and turn around to see if we missed.

  “So, Mr Hall! What did you wish for?”

  “If I tell you’ I’ll have to kill you! So I’d rather not, what about you?”

  “How original, it’s a secret.” We sit on the base of the fountain in
silence, for a few minutes looking up at the stars and I start to notice small lights switching on around us, around the whole place. Even the water fountain has lit up. Wow! That’s breath taking. People have started coming from every direction, most with cameras, is that the press? Even worse, I’m I been punk’d? I stand up to take a look around and the park is filled with people including Alex, Andi, Darla and Carl, Adam, even Jared’s sister and even more press. What the hell? I spin around to ask Jared. “Jared, what’s this all....” I stop mid way through my sentence in shock, I can’t speak, I need to pinch myself again to make sure this isn’t a dream. Ouch, that hurts, why aren’t I waking up? No way is Jared Hall in front of me on one knee holding open a sued box with a white gold diamond ring. It’s huge; I don’t think I’ve seen one so big before. This can’t be real, I pinch myself again and I don’t wake up, oh my god, this is real. I’ve still not said a single word and I think my eyes have popped out from their sockets. This can’t be happening.

  “Danni! From the moment we first met, I knew you were the one. Everyday I’m with you, It gets better and better each time, I find myself falling more in love with you, every minute of every day. Your smile brightens up my day, a glimpse of your eyes draws me into you and once I hold you, I never want to let you go. You’re the most amazing person I’ve had the privilege to been seen by your side. You’ve been my ray of light, from day one, you will always be my one and only. It would be an honour to be able to call you my wife. Will you marry me?” I cup my mouth and glare at him, I’m still in shock. I try to reply, but the words won’t come out, I’ve lost my voice. The surroundings around us have gone quiet; you could hear a pin drop in this atmosphere. The words are finally reaching the surface.


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