Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1)

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Rebuild (Love & Beyond #1) Page 29

by D. Griffith

  “I don’t know what to say.” Someone in the audience shouts.

  “Say yes, duh.” He whispers towards me.

  “Please say yes, my knee is starting to hurt and I’m not getting up until you do.”

  “Yes, yes! Of course I’ll marry you.” He places the ring onto my finger saying over and over.

  “Thank god, thank you, thank you.” He picks me up and I wrap my arms around him constantly kissing him. He twirls me around still saying “Thank you, thank you.” The applause around us both is echoing throughout the park, the whistles and the shouts. What a way to get the community together. The reporters have gone live saying.

  “Well, lots of girls will be left broken hearted now, as the famous number one bachelor has finally decided to tie the knot, just seconds ago with his public proposal with on and off girlfriend, Danni Shaw. What a magical picture it was to witness.” Others are stopping him asking.

  “Jared, Jared! How does it feel to be completely of the market now? And why make this proposal live?”

  “Because I can and I wanted the whole world to know how happy this girl makes me, so I wanted to share this magic moment with everyone and it feels amazing. Plus, I thought it’d be better coming from me, than a third party.” I turn and ask him.

  “Are you happy, Mr Hall?” He smiles,

  “I most certainly am, my dear.” He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, shouting to everyone. “Goodnight all, I’m now going to finish this perfect evening with a bang. See ya.” He drops me back into the carriage and we head back to the apartment. Not once letting go of each other, the smiles on our faces are memorable.

  “Is that what you’ve been organizing all day? Absolutely amazing!”

  “Well, to be honest! I’ve had the ring for two weeks, so I had time to organize all of this. You know, make sure I have the right times and all.”

  “You would’ve of been screwed if I stayed in that restaurant and ate that lobster, wouldn’t you?”

  “Not really! I knew what you were going to do; I spoke to your sister about it. That girl knows you inside out, she was really helpful.”

  “I’m still in shock to be fair; I did not expect that at all. You don’t seem like the marrying type.”

  “I wasn’t, until I met you. I’m relieved you said yes, that was the most nerve wrecking factor of my life. For a moment, I was expecting a no. I have to say Miss Shaw; you’ve made me the happiest man alive.”

  Shortly after reaching the apartment, we quickly kick our shoes off and I drag him straight up to bed and rip his shirt of faster than he could stop me. I push him onto the bed and launch at him like a lion attacking his lamb. I grind up against his groin and he grips my hair and pulls my head back forcing his lips to mine. His tongue invades my mouth, massaging mine. Teasingly he stops and move’s away, leaving me wanting more. I grip him back, which he can’t resist and rips my dress of in hunger for more. My back arches with the sleekness of his touch; I unbutton his jeans and pull them off. Once, I’ve got him where I want him, I take control and ride him slowly; a greed bounces of his eyes signalling for more, his breathing gets louder in enjoyment. Gripping my ass, he swings me around so he can be the one in control; he uses his hands to lift my hips up, so they’re in line with his shaft, so he can get a deeper penetration. One after one, they get harder and faster, I feel as if I’ve took ecstasy and I’m too high to come down.

  I mumble the words ‘oh my god’ as I climax intensely. Once he finishes he collapse beside me and wrap his arm around my chest, where we lay in what we want for eternity.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  “Danni, I understand that you love your apartment, but don’t you think it’s small? Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved staying here with you but could you reconsider us looking for our own place together? After all, we’re engaged now and I don’t want one of these long engagements either, you know it feels right, if you don’t it’s ok, I can live here with you, in this very small suffocating box.”

  “Suffocating? Exaggerate much? We’ve only been engaged for a few hours and you’re already planning on taking me away? I’m only joking. Would you really move in here, officially! Even though, it’s small?”

  “Yes of course, anything to be with you. I’d rather us have a massive house to make sure there was a lot of space, a decent sized garden, front and back, a huge garage for all my toys and a pool.” I stop him in his tracks and raise my head up from his lap to grab his attention.

  “Jared, is this your dream house? It sounds like most of your others, plus this is not small. It’s big for an apartment, come on.” He gives me his famous glare and traces his thumb across my lower lip.

  “It’s what I’ve always dreamt of, my soul mate by my side, a mansion so there is lots of room for the kids to run around, huge black gates with a gold letter H in the centre on them. I want three kids, because I like to be odd.” My face drops and sorrow surfaces, knowing that he can’t accomplish part of his dream, because he can’t have children with me, so that part is crushed. I’m not going to dwell on that, where finally together, we’ve just got engaged and I couldn’t be any happier than what I am now, lying in his embrace, taking every inch of him in. He’s like a good toxic that is very addictive. I’m getting nudged out from my thoughts.

  “Babe, are you awake? I was still talking.”

  “I’m awake, sorry! I was drifting in and out of my thoughts, thinking how much I don’t want this to end. The whole night has been incredibly amazing, let’s not forget overwhelming.

  “Well, Miss Shaw! Or shall I say soon to be Mrs Hall. That has a nice ring to it don’t you think? Anyway, I wanted tonight to be perfect, just like you, I’m glad I accomplished that. The smile on your face has been worth it all.” Still feels unreal, I can’t seem to fade this huge smile that has took over my face. I lift my hands to his masculine face and start passionately kissing those soft lips. Each time takes us to cloud nine. He pulls me closer so we’re in a sitting position. Once we start, it’s hard to stop. We’re glued together in a world of our own and nothing else matters. We eventually pull apart and he scraps his nose against mine and we try to drag our eyes away from each other, but they’re connected from deep within. We’re snapped out of it, with banging from the front door.

  “Damn that door.” I say disappointed.

  “Babe, you go get the door, I’m going to take a quick shower.” I slide of him and slip into his shirt, as they always make the perfect night dress, because of how tall he is he’s like a lamp post. As I’m buttoning his shirt up he says, “Is it weird, that I find you sexier in my shirt?” I laugh.

  “Go for your shower and then we can play more.”

  “You could always join me?”

  “Very tempting, but the door won’t stop knocking. You’d think they’d get the picture and just leave.” He pouts and runs his naked body to the bathroom. I have to watch, he has the sexiest body a man could ever have and it’s all mine. I’m starting to feel flushed wanting more of him, but that damn door keeps fucking knocking. “Seriously! Quit the knocking, I’m coming.” I shout through the apartment.

  As I unlock the door, it fly’s open and a woman comes barging straight through.

  I recognize this woman, I’m sure she is the one from the hospital and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her around. There’s them shivers again, the ones I got last time I seen her. “Excuse me, who the hell do you think you are, barging into my apartment like this?”

  “Look, love! Close the door, sit down and shut up. I think it’s time me and you had a little chat.” She exclaims and pulls a gun out. I throw my hands up in the air waving and saying.

  “Wow! What the hell lady?”

  “Sit and listen.” I stand back and walk towards the counter.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Right, where do I start? Well it all started in Rome; well to be honest, it started before, as I’ve been following Jared around for a while now. He walked past me a few
times and not once did he acknowledge me. I was ok with that, because let’s face it, not like it’s his fault he couldn’t recognize me. So I’d carry on as normal following him, watching him go from fling to fling, it was all meaningless sex to him, no respect at all. Then Rome happened and he met you. I noticed all the attention he gave you, compared to the others. He would go lengths to do amazing things for you, like your first proper date with him, how romantic that was. So as I witnessed this, I kept thinking, what is it with this girl that he’s so fascinated with? It can’t be your looks, because I’m much better in that department. Anyway! As I was saying, it started to piss me off as the days went on with the fact that he was giving you all this attention and affection. It could only mean one thing, he was falling for you. Then I became obsessed over you and I needed as much information I could get about you. Then it hit the news about what happened to you, I thought to take advantage of that because I wanted to hurt you, as hurting you, means hurting him. I’ve been looking forward to getting revenge on him somehow. So I went to see your ex in prison. I found out that he was already trying to contact you, he rang and text you a few times, as he managed to get hold of a cell in prison, how amazing is that? So I had seen an opportunity to take advantage of that to help me. So I filled him in, on you and Jared, he weren’t happy about that, so we joined forces. I helped him escape; I had to pay a few of the guards of for it to succeed. The plan was, I’ll arrange something to happen to your darling sister, as that would help break you down, which it clearly did and all he had to do was finish you off, but he couldn’t even get that right, we both underestimated you. Then you my darling gave him two holes in his legs, so thanks for that, he ended up useless to me, so I outed all ties with him. I thought hey, I’ll do the job myself. So I followed you to the lake house, really beautiful place, dusty but nice. Then the storm hit, I was left staring up at you in the window, yes it was me you seen, someone caught me, so I had to run. Did you know that someone else was watching you? Anyway, I wanted Jared to try and figure this out himself, but he was too dumb to figure this out. I even sent little pictures to him and that didn’t work. I swear the years I’ve known him for; he’s never been this clueless. I also thought he would’ve have come clean by now.”

  “Where is this going?” I finally was able to say, as all she has done is talk.

  “Patience, dear! As I was saying! After the lake house, I decided to lay low for a while until I knew the person who was watching you wouldn’t find me. Luckily, whoever it was, never. So I did good and stayed away in hiding, until earlier. I was going for a walk through the park and I heard the reporter saying. ‘He is finally engaged, did you see it? He did it in front of everyone. Who knew that Jared Hall was the settling down type?’ So you can imagine how furious that made me, so I decided to come here.”

  “Ok! So we’ve established that you’re a crazy stalker fan, who needs to get a life, but what you have failed to tell me is, why the hell are you in my face with a gun? And most importantly, who the hell are you? So how about you cut the crap and tell me.” I snap, as I’m feeling frustrated with a stranger in my home, but I’m also trying to hide the fear of a gun being pointed at me.

  She goes to say something else and then Jared walks in. He glares straight at her as if he’s seeing a ghost. He slowly walks towards me, not once taking his eyes of her. His face is in shock and all his colour has drained from his face. She says to him.

  “Hey darling.”

  “What...? How...? This is impossible. You shouldn’t be here, how and why are you here Sabrina?” He says puzzled and in disbelief.

  “Well darling, I’ve come to do what you did to me all those years ago. Destroying the one thing, that means more to you than anyone and who makes you this happy.” She gestures to me. I’m confused, he knows her?

  “Right, what the hell is going on? Who the hell is she Jared?” I shout.



  To be continued!

  © By D. Griffith


  Where to start? I have never really been good at this. Mum and dad, you are the best parents I could ever wish for, you never lost faith in me not once, even when I lost the faith in myself. You two are the most amazing people, anyone could ever meet and I’m proud to call you my parents.

  Lisa and Louise, what can I say? No matter how much we wind each other up, the fights over stupid things, the tantrums of getting our own way. We always come together, kick each other in the ass and sort it out. You have never give up on me, even when I distant myself through dark times. Thank you both for everything. I love you guys.

  Billy, I don’t know what to say, but I love you man, you’re just like me, but a different sex. You’re an amazing little brother. A pain in the ass, but I’d never change you for the world. We’ve always been close, from when we where little and I cherish all them memories.

  I would like to thank, Stacy Spinks. You have been there for me through everything, if I needed your help in my personal life, or even when it came to helping me write. You’re always there for me to cry too when life got tough. I’m lucky to have a friend like you Stacy and now you’re stuck with me for the rest of my life, I’m not letting you go.

  I’d also like to thank Andrea Rosehelann, my overseas friend. When I first come up with the idea of writing, I came to you first and you helped me every step of the way, you read it before anyone, you even helped me on certain parts I could not do. For that, I am forever grateful.

  I’d also like to thank Katie Taylor, we started this together and it’s been one rocky road, but you where my rock and made me keep going. All our conversations over this and now we’ve finally done it.

  Also would like to say thank you to Charlie Finn, thanks for all the love and support through my writing journey, it’s been amazing and thanks for all the courage you gave me.

  I would like to thank my Nan because she is the best Nan any one could have and you don’t mess with my Nan, she will kick your ass, I hope I’ve done you proud Nan.

  I want to say a big thank you, to my longest friend, Siobhan Bateman. We’ve known each other for about twenty years possibly more, I’ve lost count. We’ve fell out a few times, but in the end where always there for each other and I’m grateful to have you in my life. Thank you, for always been there for me and also being my partner in crime.

  I would like to thank you the readers, for your love and support, I know it’s been a long time awaiting for Rebuild to come out and you have been waiting patiently, you guys are all amazing and I hope Rebuild give you all, as much joy in reading it, as it has me writing it, thank you. If I’ve forgot anyone, I do apologies, it was hard to remember everyone, so I’ll put you in the next book. So I will leave it at this. Thank you, everyone who has supported me and been with me from day one. You all rock and I love you all. Thanks you all again.

  Keep an eye out for book two, in my

  Love & Beyond series,





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