by Billy Graham
Cash, June Carter, 436, 695–96, 737
Cassidy, Michael, 323, 430
Castro, Emilio, 374–75
Castro, Fidel, 360–61, 375
Catholic Church. See Roman Catholic Church
Cattell, F. Roy, 209–11
Caught (film), 582
Cavanaugh, Emily, 51, 52
Ceausescu (insert symbol on first s), Nicolas, 544
Central Park (NYC) rally, 324
Champion, George, 298, 299, 301, 319
Chancellor, John, 414
Chang, Michael, 639, 695
Chapman, J. Wilbur, 164, 212
Charlotte (NC)
BGEA moves headquarters to, 727
Billy Graham Day, 460
civil rights movement in, 351
reflections on early years in, 5
religious climate in 1930s, 21, 22, 25–26
Charlotte (NC) Crusade, 356
Chatlos Foundation of Miami, 645
Chattanooga (TN) Crusade, 426
Chen, Moses, 610
Cheney, Dick, 592
Chiang Kai-shek, 273
Chicago Crusade, 368–71
Chicagoland Youth for Christ, 88, 92
Chile, 366–67
China, 71, 460, 595–98, 721
China Christian Council, 599, 600–603, 609, 615
China tour
challenges to churches in, 612–13
planning for, 599–602
recounting memorable meetings, 606–9, 613–14
subsequent trips, 614
visit to Ruth’s birthplace, 609–12
visit with Premier Li Peng, 604–6
welcome at start of, 602–4
Chinlund, Edwin, 299
Chinoy, Mike, 622
Chou En-lai, 613
Christian, The (magazine), 293
Christian and Missionary Alliance churches (CMA), 59
Christian Century, The (magazine), 284–86, 289, 300–301, 368
Christian Men’s Club (Charlotte, NC), 21, 24
Christian Theological Academy (Poland) honorary doctorate, 487
Christianity Today (magazine)
articles on Nixon and Watergate, 457–59
and The Christian Century, 284–86, 289
early supporters, 287–89
early years, 291–93
editor appointed, 287–90
growth and change in, 293–94
naming a board of directors, 290–91
purchase of British magazines, 293
sponsorship of Berlin Congress, 562
use of American Online interactive sessions, 635
vision of, 286–87
Church of England Newspaper, 293
Churchill, Winston, 235–37, 382, 414, 660
CICCU (Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union), 255–59
Clark, Gordon, 66
Clark, Mark, 194
Clement, Frank, 392
Cleveland Crusade, 475, 476, 677
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 463, 651–54, 729
Clinton, William
attends New York Crusade (2005), 729
at death of Nixon, 462–64
as honorary chair of Little Rock Crusade, 652
inaugural prayers by Billy, 652–53, 657
letter in Christianity Today, 650–51
presents Billy with Congressional Gold Medal, 654–56
relations with Kim Jong Il, 629, 631, 632
in wake of Oklahoma City bombing, 653–54
Coe, Doug, 203, 653
Coffey, Ben, 4, 203
Coffey, Lucinda, 4
Cohen, Mickey, 151–52
Cole, Mr. (NC hosiery manufacturer), 105
Collier, Jim, 435
Colombia (South America), 364–65
Colquhoun, Frank, 227
Columbia (SC), 162–64, 398–99, 672
Columbus (OH) Crusade, 370
Colville, Jock, 235, 236
Congressional Gold Medal, 654–56
Connally, John, 399, 418, 461
Connor, Bill, 226
Conway, Cardinal, 429
Cook, Mary, 183
Copenhagen, 241, 254, 677–78
Cordle, John, 103, 209
Cornell, George, 313
Corts, John, 552, 575, 683, 687, 758
Corwin, Mr. (W. Tampa Gospel Mission), 54
Costa Rica rallies, 359
Coughlin, Charles, 381
The Cove (Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove), 643–45
Covington, Winston “Wint,” 13, 16, 31, 35
Cowie, David, 259
Coy, Frank, 682
Criswell, W. A., 528–29
Cronkite, Walter, 307–8, 401
Crowley, Mary, 682
Crutchfield, Charles, 316
Cserhati, Jozsef, 480, 545
Cuba, 360–61, 375, 398, 421
Cunville, Robert, 276, 680
Currie, Buck, 76
Currie, Ed, 76
Cushing, Richard J., 302, 390, 401, 494
Czechoslovakia tour, 515–17
Dain, Jack, 264, 270, 569, 570, 573
Daley, Richard J., 370, 448
Dallas Crusade (1953), 243
Dallas Crusade (2003), 727
Darmstadt (Germany), 254
Darwin, Charles, 285
Davies, Marion, 150
Davis, Mrs. Loyal, 528
Davis, Patti, 537–38
dc-Talk, 648
de Freitas, Geoffrey, 207, 216
Deane, Martha, 309
Debrecen (Hungary), 488
Decision Magazine, 294–96, 383, 685
DeMille, Cecil B., 175
Deng Xiaoping, 600
Dennis, Archie, 277
Denny, Robert, 569
Denver Crusade, 600, 677
Derevyanko, Anatoly P., 523
Dibble, Mel (Mel Martin), 308, 317
Dibble, Ruth, 317
Dibelius, Otto, 245, 566
Dickson, Rolland, 424, 425, 741
Dienert, Fred, 177–80, 183
Dienert, Millie, 180, 571, 575
Dillon, John, 643
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 517, 546, 593
Doctor, Lloyd, 143
Dodge, Cleveland, 299
Dohnavur (India), 270
Dole, Bob, 655, 656
Dole, Elizabeth, 657
Donahue, Phil, 636
Donne, John, 464
Dortmund (Germany), 254
Douglas, James D., 293, 429, 572, 578
Douglas-Home, Alec, 346, 696
Downs, Hugh, 636
D.P.R.K. See North Korea
Dresden (Germany), 513–14
Dublin (Ireland), 429–30
Duke of Windsor, 235–37, 297
Dulles, Avery, 274
Dulles, John Foster, 264, 274
Durante, Jimmy, 186
Durban,(South Africa), 430, 431
Düsseldorf (Germany), 244
Dwight, Timothy, 304
East Gates Ministries International, 632, 721, 731
East Germany tour, 512–15
East Palatka Baptist Church, 54–55
Ecuador, 365–66
Edberg, Lorrayne, 183
Eden, Anthony, 221
Edman, Elner, 62, 63, 435
Edman, V. Raymond “Prexy,” 62, 63, 66, 67, 82, 328–29, 681, 715
Edstrom, George, 685
Edwards, Ralph, 714
Egypt Crusade, 350–52
Ehrlichman, John, 452
Eisenhower, David, 451
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Billy encourages 1952 presidential campaign, 188–91
Billy recounts India visit to, 274
Billy visits Gettysburg farm of, 203–4
on civil rights, 201
death of, 206
differences with Nixon, 205
endorses New York Crusade, 306–7, 319
faith of, 191–92, 199, 200
initiation of Presidential Prayer Breakfast under, 202
on right relations, 204, 479
theory on Communism, 395
Eisenhower, John, 198–99
Eisenhower, Mamie, 190, 192, 199, 203, 205, 206
Elfstrom, Robert, 436
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, 251, 337, 471, 472, 531, 538, 691, 697–99, 731
Elliot, Elisabeth, 564
Elliott, Jeanne, 16
Elsner, Theodore, 46, 177
Elson, Ed, 200
Emerson, Harry, 96
Emery, Allan, Jr., 164, 167, 170, 682
England, 101–4, 208, 254
See also London Crusade
Erny, Bill, 93
Ervin, Sam, 456, 461
Escobar, Samuel, 569
Eshleman, Ira, 129, 130
Eshleman, Paul, 575
Ethiopia Crusade, 348–49
Ethridge, Willis, 173
Eudy, Coach, 17, 30
European Congress on Evangelism, 567
European tour and rallies, 239–45, 254, 424
The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM), 361
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, 685
Evans, Robert “Bob,” 138, 190, 239, 241, 244, 297, 562, 578
Evans, Colleen (formerly Colleen Townsend), 146, 536
Evans, Dale, 231
Evans, Louis, 137
Evans, Louis, Jr., 146, 535, 536
Evans, William, 45
Faircloth, Lauch, 655
Fajardo, José, 365
Faubus, Orval, 201, 202, 652
Featherstone, Bob, 283
Fei Su, 612
Feinstein, Michael, 533
Ferm, Lois, 283, 323
Ferm, Robert, 283, 323, 643
Ferrer, José, 186
Fesmire, Lloyd, 78
Fields, Sidney, 309
Figueres, Jose, 696
Filaret, Metropolitan, 504, 522, 527
Finch, Bob, 467
Fischer, Herman, 62
Fisher, Betty, 283
Fischer, Paul, 62
Fisher, Geoffrey (Archbishop of Canterbury), 227, 234, 237–38, 601
Fisher, Lee, 252, 283, 334, 364, 373, 400, 714
Fitsev, Vice Minister (Russia), 527
Flessing, Roger, 631, 673
Florida Bible Institute
Billy’s first sermons while attending, 48–50
Billy’s transfer to, 41–42
campus life, 42–44
diversity and openess, 46–47
visitors to the, 45–46
weathering crises, 47–48, 59
Florida Crusade, 356
Flynn, Woodrow, 46, 49, 50, 56–57
Forbes, Malcolm, 532
Ford, Betty, 471
Ford, Gerald
on Billy’s trips to eastern Europe, 470–71
granting Nixon a pardon, 468–69
plays at the Kemper Open, 469–70
religious convictions of, 466, 493
saving the nation’s integrity, 466–67
state dinners given by, 471–72
Ford, Jean (formerly Jean Graham; sister), 18–19, 23, 41–42, 81, 315, 371, 653, 679, 718, 733
Ford, Leighton, 315, 320, 332, 333, 339, 361, 569, 573, 575, 653, 679, 681
Ford, Michael, 471
Forest Home conference, 137–40, 146, 147
Formosa (now Taiwan), 273
Foster, David, 476
Frankfurt (Germany), 254
Franks, Danny, 433
Fraser, Hugh, 249, 250
Freeman, Frank, 175, 714
Freeman, Wade and Mrs., 214
Fresno (CA) Crusade, 726
Friendship Association (Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries), 599, 613
Fritts, Harvey, 157
Frost, David, 636
Fuller, Charles, 177
Gabor, Zsa Zsa, 529
Gaebelein, Arno C., 25, 46
Gaither Praise Band, 681
Gandhi, Indira, 275–76, 279, 281
Garroway, Dave, 310, 311, 636
Gartrell, Sandy Yates, 618
George, Jeannette Clift, 433
German Crusade and rallies, xviii, 243–45, 254, 394
Germany, East, 512–15
Gesswein, Armin, 155
Gettysburg Battlefield, 203–4
Ghana Crusade, 339–42
Gibson, Charles, 608
Gieser, Kay, 612
Gieser, Ken, 612, 646
Gilbert, Arthur, 563
Gillenson, Lewis, 164
Gingrich, Newt, 655
Glasgow Crusade, 248–54
Global Mission, 639–40
Goldenson, Leonard, 316
Goldwater, Barry, 399–400, 407, 443
Golonka, E. L., 563
Goodwin-Hudson, A. W., 208, 211
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 531, 532, 546, 548, 552–53, 593
Gorbachev, Raisa, 531, 532, 547–48, 593
Gore, Al, 653, 655, 657, 660
Gospel Road, The (film), 436–37
Gough, Hugh R., 208, 257
Graham, Anne Morrow (later Anne Lotz; daughter), 117, 146, 157, 210, 407, 416, 476, 551, 576, 689, 690, 707, 720
Graham, Belle (aunt), 7, 10
Graham, Billy (William Franklin Graham, Jr.)
advocate of peace, 486, 500, 505, 525, 586
appearances on television talk shows, 529, 635–37
books by: How to Be Born Again, 492; list of, 765–66; Peace with God, 284, 383, 429, 476, 715
books on his ministry, 227, 341
Campaigns (See also Los Angeles Campaign); Altoona (PA), 130, 133–35; Augusta (GA), 119, 123–29; Baltimore, 129–30; Boston, xx, 159–62, 172; Miami, 129–30; Modesto (CA), 127–29
college days, 38–42, 62–65, 79 (See also Florida Bible Institute)
on the Communist threat, 236, 360–61, 381–82, 395
congresses and conferences: Berlin Congress (World Congress on Evangelism), 561–67; ICIE (Amsterdam, 1983), 511, 574–78; ICIE (Amsterdam, 1986), 557–58, 578–83; ICIE (Amsterdam, 2000), 741, 742; ICWE, 568–73; Montreux, Switzerland, 560–61; South African Congress on Mission and Evangelism, 430–31
Crusades (See also Africa Crusade; Australia Crusade; London Crusade; New York City Crusade; Scotland Crusade); Asia, 274–75; Atlanta, 184–86, 492, 497–98, 648; Chicago, 368–71; Columbia (SC), 162–64, 398–99, 672; Greater Los Angeles (2004), 728; Greater New York (2005), 728–30; listing of, 760–62; Moscow (1992), 553–56; 1998 through 2005, 726–27; Portland (OR) Crusade, 172–74; Washington D. C. Crusade, 189, 190, 355, 356
early life: family adventures, 9–11; as Fuller Brush salesman, 34–38; high school, 16–18; influences on, 3–6, 19–25; life on the farm, 6–9, 11–13, 15; relationship with Emily Cavanaugh, 50–52; school days, 13–15
expression of regrets, 744–45
family: children’s commitment to Christ, 719–21; guarding their privacy, 706–10; influence of grandparents, 718–19; marriage and parenting, 721–24; pets, 713–14; toll of travel on, 710–13, 715–18; traditions and pastimes, 714–15
films: Caught, 582; early efforts, 174–76; Gospel Road, The, 436–37; Hiding Place, The, 433, 434; Joni, 433; Man in the Fifth Dimension, 435; Mr. Texas, 175–76; Portland Story, The, 175; Restless Ones, The, 491; for secular audiences, 433–37; Two-a-Penny, 433
with foreign heads of state: Adenauer, Konrad, 696–97; Chiang Kai-shek, 273; Churchill, Winston, 235–37; Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, 251, 337, 531, 691, 697–99; Figueres, Jose, 696; Gandhi, Indira, 275–76, 279, 281; Gorbachev, Mikhail, 531, 532, 546, 552–53; Hussein, King (Jordan), 352–53; Ichiro Hatoyama, 273; Jiang Zemin, 731; Kaduna, Sultan, 344; Kim Il Sung, xxii–xxiii, 497, 625–26, 630–31; Li Peng, 604–6; Meir, Golda, 353; Nehru, Jawaharlal, 271, 274; Nkrumah, Kwame, 339–41; Olav, King (Norway), 677; Selassie, Haile, 349; Shah of Iran, 280–81, 693; Stroessner, Alfredo, 372; Thatcher, Margaret, 533, 697; Tubman, William V. S., 338, 339; Wilson, Harold, 697; Yeltsin, Bo
ris, 553
on friends and acquaintances, 692–93, 704–5, 731–32
on the future, 746–47, 750
honors and awards, 487–89, 510–11, 539, 654–56, 731
illnesses and injuries: angiospastic edema of the macula, 328–29; broken hip and pelvis, 663; complications from a fall, 601–2; faith through suffering, 743; fractured knee from ram butting, 713–14; kidney stone, 244–45; mumps, 90–92; Parkinson’s disease, 741–42; pneumonia, 444; thrombophlebitis, 424–25
interactions with U.S. presidents (See also Bush, George; Clinton, William; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Johnson, Lyndon Baines; Reagan, Ronald); Bush, George W., 660, 664; Carter, Jimmy, 478, 493–98; Ford, Gerald, 468, 470–72; Kennedy, John F., 375, 394–96, 398–99; Nixon, Richard, 200, 201, 441–42, 451–56, 462; reflections on, 664–65; Truman, Harry S., xvii–xxi, xxiii, 192, 236, 237
on leadership, 693–97
marriage to Ruth Bell (See also Graham, Ruth); courtship of, 71–74; early married life, 82–85, 88–91, 93, 706–7; engagement to, 76–79; letters to Ruth, 251, 252; proposal to, 75–76; Ruth’s illness and incapacity, 735–39; wedding and honeymoon, 79–82
media coverage and press conferences: Atlanta Crusade, 184–85; Berlin meeting, 246; in Boston, 159–61, 186–87; Cambridge University meetings, 256; Chicago Crusade, 370; Columbia Crusade, 162; East Germany (1982), 512; Eastern Europe, 486; India tour, 263; in Israel, 354–55; Korean trips, 622, 631; Latin American Crusade, 368, 372–73; London Crusade, 213–19, 223, 224, 226–27, 234, 237–38; Los Angeles Campaign, 149–53, 155, 156; Moscow trip (1982), 502, 509–10; musings about, 282; New England tour, 164; New York City Crusade, 300–301, 306–11, 313, 316–18; in Romania, 544–55; Scotland Crusade, 253; South Africa, 431; Soviet Union tour (1984), 519; vist to Truman White House, xxi; on Yugoslavia visit, 385–86
meetings and outreach (See also North Korea trip); in Cambridge, England, 703–4; colleges and universities, 254–59, 422–25, 762; in Europe, 254, 356; evangelism training, 642–48, 686; at Franklin’s 2006 Baltimore Festival, 729; Hong Kong and Formosa, 273; Hungary rally (1989), 550; interactive chat session, 634–35; Jammin’ in the Dome, 648–49; in Japan, 194–95, 273; Jordan and Israel, 352–55; Miami Rock Festival, 419–22, 648; Moscow, 378–83, 501–6, 550–53; National Day of Prayer and Remembrance, 661–62, 751–54; New York beyond the 1957 Crusade, 324; North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women, 689–91; North Korea (1994), 629–33; in Northern Ireland, 427–30; in the Philippines, 273; Princeton Seminary, 255; with the Siberian Seven, 506–9; in South Korea, 195–99, 273; Soviet Union (1984), 546–50; TED Conference, 730–31; victims of Hurricane Katrina, 729–30; in Vietnam, 415, 450, 453–54; World Emergency Fund, 437–39, 632; Youth for Christ, 59, 92–104, 108, 111
message of his ministry, 745–46, 748–49
milestones of faith: baptism of, 56; conversion, 29–32; first sermon, 48–49; Forest Home conference, 137–40, 147; Mordecai Ham revival, 26–28; ordination, 56–57