by Billy Graham
on old age, 725, 732–33, 739–40
organizational team (See BGEA; Team)
posts (See Northwestern Schools; Western Springs Baptist Church)
publications, 282–83, 294–96, 383, 457–58, 578, 685 (See also Christianity Today)
radio work, 84–87, 95, 635–36 (See also Hour of Decision)
references to scripture: on ability to minister, 248, 726; on aging and family, 732, 739; authority of the scriptures, 136, 138; essence of the Gospel message, 649, 690, 746, 749; on evangelism, 298–99, 420–21; on faith, 166, 513, 684; on forgiveness, 742; golden rule in diplomacy, 628; on heaven, 733, 736, 740, 743, 750; on judging others, 457; on leaders/leadership, 632, 653, 665, 683; on the Lord’s blessings, 738; on morality, 128, 432; during rites of passage, 29, 57, 60; in the wake of criticism and controversy, 303, 501, 511; on winning souls to Christ, 324, 489, 518
response to 9/11 attacks, 658–59, 661–62
support of human/civil rights: basis of personal beliefs, 425–26; conflicted over China tour, 601; insistence on fully integrated meetings, 201–2, 491; living by example, 426–27; Martin Luther King Jr. instructs the Team, 314; speech at Moscow conference (1982), 505; upset over Africa’s struggles, 351
television ministry, 307–8, 316–18, 330, 432–33, 637–42
theological disputes: during Amsterdam meeting, 242; defining evangelism, 568; defining fundamentalist, 256–57; inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, 135–37; and opposition to New York City Crusade (1957), 300–304; with Protestant liberalism, 284–86, 289
threats to, 676–78
tours (See also China tour; India tour; New England tour; Poland tour; South America tour; Soviet Union tour); Caribbean, 358–60; Czechoslovakia, 515–17; East Germany, 512–15; Europe, 239–45; Hungary, 476–81, 544–45; list of, 760–63; Romania, 470, 540–44
Graham, Catherine (later Catherine McElroy; sister), 4, 7–9, 12, 13, 17, 19, 41, 81, 371, 718, 733
Graham, Clyde, Jr., 7
Graham, Clyde (uncle), 6–8, 12
Graham, Ed (cousin), 7
Graham, Jean (later Jean Ford; sister), 18–19, 23, 41–42, 81, 315, 371, 653, 679, 718, 733
Graham, Jennie (aunt), 6–8
Graham, Jim, 63, 612
Graham, Melvin (brother), 8–9, 11, 19, 41, 81, 371, 644, 718–19, 733
Graham, Morrow (mother)
childhood memories of, 5–6, 8–14, 35
death of, 718
faith and religious practices of, 19–20, 24–27
guidance and encouragement from, 22, 30, 32, 42
joins Boston New Year’s Eve rally, 187
passing of husband, 371
prayers for Wheaton College, 62–63
Graham, Ned (son)
during Billy’s thrombophlebitis, 424–25
birth of, 326–27, 455, 707
early years, 715–18
head of East Gates Ministries, 614
ordination and baptism of, 720–21
reports news of Nixon’s stroke, 462
trips to North Korea, 620, 621, 625, 627–29, 632, 738
work in China, 731
Graham, Ruth (wife)
acquaintance with celebrities, 695, 698, 699, 705
early years: childhood in China, 71, 595–99, 614, 731; connection to North Korea, 617–20, 627, 628, 630, 632, 738; student at Wheaton College, 72–74, 79, 617, 646
the elder, 725, 732, 733, 738–39
family life, 94–97, 210, 716–17, 719, 721–24
ill with bacterial spinal meningitis, 735–38
interactions with first families: Carter’s, 494; Clinton’s, 653, 654–55; Ford’s, 471; George Bush’s, 587–88, 590–93, 663; George W. Bush’s, 659–60, 664; Johnson’s, 403, 407, 409–11, 414, 416; Nixon’s, 454, 455, 457, 467; prayers for leaders, 665; Reagan’s, 531, 532
interests and concerns of, 73, 254, 258, 270, 643–44
lawsuit against, 470
marriage to Billy: courtship, 71–74; early married life, 82–85, 88–91, 93, 706–7; engagement to, 76–79; establishing their Montreat home, 707–9; letters and gifts from Billy, 251, 252, 272; letters to Billy, 96, 109; private moments, 139–40, 305; proposal, 75–76; vactions during, 104–7, 139–40, 180, 328, 476, 517, 518; wedding and honeymoon, 79–82
outreach by, 689, 690
poetry by, 110–11, 717
practical jokes of, 193, 195
reflections on the Team, 672–73, 676, 729
support of Billy’s ministry: attending awards ceremonies, 510–11, 654–56; attending social occasions, 219, 231, 250, 255, 308, 314–15, 547; bearing Billy’s travels, 107–9, 326–27, 375, 710–15; on China tour, 600, 602, 605; depicted on Congressional Gold Medal, 655; in Eastern Europe, 480, 482, 485; in Guatemala after earthquake, 437, 438; ICWE/ICIE, 570, 576, 577, 580–81; joining the New York City Crusade, 307, 308, 312; lending advice, 178, 212, 227, 303, 392–93, 500, 740, 756, 757; at the Los Angeles Campaign, 146, 150, 152, 156, 158; participation in interviews, 217–18, 306, 309–10; service during the London Crusade, 209, 213, 214, 222, 226, 228–29, 234; through creative input, 284, 286, 436; through generosity and flexibility, 185, 444, 636; travels in, 162, 189, 193, 252, 336–37, 378, 451, 557; during Youth for Christ tours, 97, 101, 102–4, 107
Graham, Ruth Bell “Bunny” (daughter), 121, 210, 706, 707, 720
Graham, Sophie, 80, 612
Graham, Tom (uncle), 7, 10, 130
Graham, Virginia Leftwich “Gigi” (daughter)
in adulthood, 716, 732
attending Ruth’s surgery, 735–37
birth of, 97, 707
children of, 732
early years, 107–8, 146, 152, 210, 248, 252, 711, 713
trip to N. Korea with Ruth, 738
visit to the Bush’s, 588
Graham, Will (grandson), 732
Graham, William Crook (grandfather), 3–4
Graham, William Franklin, III, “Franklin” (son)
birth of, 210, 707
dedication of Billy Graham Nagar (India), 439
early years, 712, 715–17
at ICIE, 581
impact of Roy Gustafson on, 680
leadership of Samaritan’s Purse, 577, 720, 727
monitor of The Cove, 645
mountain-top chats with Billy, 723
ordination of, 720
prays at George W. Bush’s inauguration, 661
service to BGEA, 683, 684, 727
son Will’s Celebrations ministry, 732
in the Soviet Union, 518, 551
trips with Billy, 352, 439, 518, 551, 581, 608
work in Africa, 352
work on Crusades, 337, 681, 727
Graham, William Franklin “Frank” (father)
childhood memories of, 3, 5–6, 8–12, 14, 17, 18
death of, 371, 718
faith and religious practices of, 19, 22–24, 30
guidance and encouragement from, 34–35, 39, 41–42, 61
Grand Rapids (MI) Campaign, 123
Graves, George, 86
Great People’s Study House (North Korea), 632
Greater Los Angeles Crusade (2004), 728
Greater New York City Crusade (2005), 728–30
Green, Bob, 447
Green, Michael, 677
Grey of Nauton, Lord, 429
Griffin, Merv, 636
Griffin, Tom, 15
Grigolia, Alexander, 65
Gromyko, Andrey, 524, 548
Guatemala earthquake, 437–38
Guatemala rallies, 359
Guevara, Che, 360
Gulf War, 585–86
Gulin, E. G., 240
Gustafson, Gwen, 580
Gustafson, Roy, 45, 52, 54, 80, 352, 353, 361, 679, 732
Gustavson, Luverne, 118, 122, 183, 216, 232, 686
Haig, Alexander, 468
Haldeman, H. R., 452
Hall, Kelvin, 249, 252
Halverson, Richard, 203
Ham, Mordecai Fowle
r, 21, 22, 25–31, 34, 38, 52, 56
Hamblen, Stuart, 145, 147–49, 157
Hamilton, Duke of, 250
Hamilton, Gavin, 98, 101
Hamm, Viktor, 556
Hammarskjöld, Dag, 348, 693–94
Hamrin, Carol Lee, 598
Han Kyung Chik, 197
Hansen, Ken, 78
Haraszti, Alexander S.
assists with Hungary and Poland tours, 475–77, 479, 481
death of, 732
in eastern Europe, 514, 541, 542
on trip to Moscow, 499–501, 507, 508
work at ICIE, 581
work in the Soviet Union, 518, 521, 526, 547
Harper, Redd, 175
Harringay Arena meetings. See London Crusade
Harris, Julie, 433
Hartill, Ed, 140
Hartman, Arthur, 501
Hartzell, Wesley, 98
Harvey, Angel, 636
Harvey, Paul, 321, 636
Hatfield, Antoinette, 459, 496
Hatfield, Mark, 446, 447, 496
Haymaker, Willis, 163, 211, 222, 247, 314, 670
Hays, Brooks, 201
Hearst, William Randolph, xx, 149–50
Heater, Gabriel, 180
Helms, Jesse, 536, 655
Helsinki (Finland), 240, 241, 600
Helsinki Accord (Final Act of Helsinki), 505
Henderson, John, 249
Henry, Carl F. H., 74, 289–93, 562, 564
Hickey, William, 224
Hiding Place, The (film), 433, 434, 436
Hildebrand, Richard, 299
Hill, E. V., 427, 682
Hilton, Conrad, 202
Hinckley, Jack and Jo Ann, 537
Hinckley, John, 537
Hinduism, 268
Hines, Jerome, 322
Hitler, Adolf, 6, 169, 244, 245, 481
Ho Jong, 620
Hodges, Luther, 392
Hoey, Clyde, 441
Hoffa, Portland, 186
Hoke, Donald, 162, 569, 570, 572, 582
Holley, Henry, 275, 376, 601, 618–20, 624
Hong Kong, 273, 275, 638–39
Honolulu, 274
Hooton, Earnest A., 160
Hoover, Herbert, 390
Hope, Bob, 415, 416, 472, 636
Hopkins, Bob, 244
Hopper, Joseph, 620
Horak, Josip, 384
Hour of Decision (radio show), 176–81, 186, 209, 328, 350, 457
Houston, Sam, 405
Houston (TX) Crusade, 405–6
How to Be Born Again (Graham), 492
Howard, David, 424
Hsu, Moses, 608
Hull, Horace, 218
Hull, Roger, 299, 300, 307, 681
Humphrey, Hubert, 389, 411, 449
Hungary, 476–81, 488, 495, 541, 544–45, 550
Hunt, H. L, 694
Hunter, Bob, 175
Hunter, Steve, 87
Hurricane Katrina, 729–30
Hussein, King (Jordan), 352–53
Hustad, Don, 674
Huston, Sterling, 678
Hutchings, Eric, 108
Hutchinson, Connor, 31
Hutton, Betty, 175
Hyde Park (London), 231
Ichiro Hatoyama, 273
ICIE. See International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists
ICWE (International Congress on World Evangelization), 568–73
India telecasts (1991), 639
India tour (1956)
Bombay, 265–67
Kottayam, 268–70
Madras, 267–68
New Delhi, 270–72
Palamcottah, 270
preparations for the, 263–65
India trip (1972), 275–80
Indian tidal wave, 438–39
Indianapolis (IN) Crusade, 356
Innes, John, 674
International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists (ICIE 1983), 511, 574–78
International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists (ICIE 1986), 557–58, 578–83
International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists (ICIE 2000), 741, 742
International Congress on World Evangelization (ICWE), 568–73
Internet, 634–35
IRA (Irish Republican Army), 427, 430
Iran, 280–81
Ireland (Northern), 427–30
Ironside, Harry A., 25, 99
Israel, 352, 354–55
Jack Paar Show, The (television), 637
“Jackson” (Leon Poustilnik), 104, 106, 107
Jackson (MS) Crusade, 122
Jacob, Bishop, 269
James, Paul, 184
James, Roger, 682, 740–41
Jammin’ in the Dome (Atlanta), 648–49
Japan, 194–95, 273–75
Japan Crusade, 643
Jarman, Maxey, 288, 569
Jarvis, Mark, 580
Jaworski, Leon, 469
Jenkins, Claude, 145, 157
Jenkins, General, 197, 198
Jewish community, 301
Jiang Zemin, 731
John Paul I, Pope, 484
John Paul II, Pope (Karol Wojtyla), 484, 487–89, 599, 619, 626
“Johnny” (L.A. Campaign night watchman), 153, 154
Johnson, Jimmie, 32, 34, 35
Johnson, Lady Bird, 403, 405, 412–13, 417
Johnson, Luci, 407, 412–13, 416, 417
Johnson, Lynda, 412, 416, 417
Johnson, Lyndon Baines “LBJ”
and the 1968 election, 443–45, 448, 449
on Billy running for president, 411–12, 414
Billy’s preacher relationship to, 412, 414
character of, 404–9, 590
compared to Nixon, 461
dealing with civil unrest, 427
dedication of library, 403–4
funeral for, 403–4, 417–18
handling of the Vietnam War, 415–16, 450
at Houston Crusade, 405–6
and J. F. Kennedy, 392, 401
at Nixon’s inauguration, 416–17
opposed by Anne Graham, 407
sense of humor, 409–10
solicits Russ Busby for White House photographer, 362
weathering the demands of office, 413
Johnson, Norman, 419–20
Johnson, Rebekah Baines, 405
Johnson, Torrey, 77, 84, 86, 88, 91–93, 98, 100, 101, 111
Johnston, Arthur, 578, 682
Jones, Bill, 203, 378, 450
Jones, Bob, 34, 39, 41, 42, 118, 163, 275, 302, 303
Jones, Bob, Jr., 163, 164
Jones, Dean, 308
Jones, Howard, 314, 338, 339, 345, 679
Jones, “Mommy,” 33
Jones, Neal, 277
Jones, Wanda, 339
Joni (film), 433
Jordan, 352–53
Joynson-Hicks, Mr. (British Parliament member), 247–48
Judd, Walter, 77, 445
Kadar, Janos, 488
Kaduna, Nigeria, 334
Kaduna sultan (king), 344
Kaiser, Philip, 480, 495
Kaiserslautern (Germany), 254
Kang Yong Sop, 622
Kansas City Congress on Evangelism (1970), 567
Kansas City (MO) Crusade, 370–71
Kantzer, Kenneth, 293, 578
Karam, Jimmy, 321–22
Kaur, Rajkumari Amrit, 270–71
Keating, Cathy, 654
Keating, Frank, 654
Kefauver, Estes, 201–2
Kellog, Mr. (Florida Bible Institute patron), 48
Kelly, Grace, 471
Kemper, Jim, 469–70
Kendall, Don, 500
Kennebunkport (ME), 589, 590, 593, 660
Kennedy, Caroline, 401
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 393, 394, 401
Kennedy, John, Jr., 393, 401
Kennedy, John F. “Jack”
assassination of, 399–400, 421, 444
attends Presidential Prayer Breakfast, 397–98
mpaign against Nixon, 205, 389–93, 442, 445
caution about religion and politics, 494
funeral for, 401, 404
influence on Lyndon Johnson, 412
and Latin America, 357, 375
meetings with Billy, 394–96, 398–99
service in the Peace Corps, 396–97
Kennedy, Joseph, 394
Kennedy, Robert, 414, 421
Kennedy, Rose, 401–2
Kennedy, Ted, 401
Kenya, 347
Kerr, Colin, 209
Keyes, Paul, 443
Kharchev, Konstantin, 548
Khrushchev, Nikita, 274
Kiev (Ukraine), 547–50
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 306
Kim, Billy, 275
Kim Il Sung, xviii, xx, xxii, xxiii, 497, 616–17, 621, 625–28, 630–32
Kim Il Sung University (North Korea), 624–25, 630
Kim Jong Il, 621, 626–27, 630
Kim Jong Su, 462
Kim Yong Nam, 625, 632–33
King, Larry, 636
King, Martin Luther, Jr., “Mike,” 314, 359, 360, 421, 425, 426, 508, 704
Kinsey, Alfred, 165
Kissinger, Henry, 311, 454, 500, 531, 601, 603, 604
Kivengere, Festo, 347
Klein, Herbert, 447, 467–68
Knoxville (TN) Crusade, 459–61
Kohima, Nagaland (India), 276–79
Kohl, Helmut, 535
Komendant, Grigori, 553
Kongresshalle (Berlin), 564, 565
Korea. See North Korea; South Korea
Korean War, xviii, 170, 190, 286, 616, 623
Kottayam (India), 263, 268–70
Kurtz, Paul, 436
Lacey, Graham, 428
LaDow, Esther Hawley, 183, 670
Laghi, Pio, 489
Laine, Frankie, 186
Lanchester, Elsa, 328
Lane, Mortimer B., 65
Langer, Bernhard, 695
Langley, Jane Pickens, 315
Langlie, Arthur, 174
Latin America, 256–57, 358–60, 368, 376–77
See also South America Crusade
Laubach, Frank, 155
Laugh-In (television show), 636–37
Laughton, Charles, 328
Lausanne (Switzerland), 569–73
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE), 573
Lederhaus, Dick, 373, 374
Leitch, Addison, 291
Lemon, Meadowlark, 532
Lenin, Vladimir, 379, 380, 382
Leningrad (Soviet Union), 520
Lennon, Alton, 212
Leonard, Bill, 309
Leonovich, Nick, 476
Leonovich, Rose, 476
LeTourneau, R. G., 108
Lewis, C. S., 258
Lewis, Jack, 181, 311
Lewis, Sinclair, 127–28
Li Peng, 604–6
Li Xiannian, 531
Liberia Crusade, 338–39