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Rebecca Joyce

Page 8

by The Sheriff's Jailbirds

  Rocking their bodies fast, Jordan’s intense fucking motion was driving his need for release. Wanting him deeper and fucking him harder and faster, Braxton ordered, “Fuck my ass. Shoot your wad deep. Give it to me, Jordan. Fuck me harder, faster.” Braxton panted, almost out of breath.

  Braxton felt an orgasm begin as Jordan reached under him and started jacking him off. His ass went crazy, squeezing Jordan’s cock, followed by an explosion of cum all over the carpet as if his balls had erupted in a fiery explosion. Braxton cried out almost in agony as the muscles of his entire body contracted and he could barely breathe.

  Within seconds, Jordan's release began as he pulled Braxton’s ass closer to him as he pumped into him like a jackhammer. Braxton felt the contractions of his cock with every shot of his semen as he ejaculated deep into his ass.

  “Oh, fuck. I think I’m dead,” Braxton gasped, trying to catch his breath.

  “Shit, lover, I think you broke my cock,” Jordan chuckled as he slowly removed his softening cock from his ass.

  “If that’s a quickie, I’d hate to see what happens when we go all night.”

  “Yeah, and add Charlotte into the mix and we’re toast. We’re gonna be walking funny for days.”

  Braxton rolled over and smiled at Jordan. “She is a handful, isn’t she.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that.” Jordan grinned, throwing Braxton his pants and putting his own on. “I’ve lived with the woman for months now. Nothing she does surprises me.”

  “Well, as much as I would love to sit and gasp in our afterglow, I think we better head back and rescue Matthew from our hell kitten. Hand me my shirt, and let’s get on the road,” Braxton said, but the smile left his face when he saw Jordan stiffen. “What?”

  Looking at his cell, Jordan sighed. “It’s Charlotte. She’s missing.”

  Chapter 6

  Charlotte sat across the table from her sister, her mind spinning too fast. Too much was happening. She couldn’t concentrate. So much had happened in such a short time, and everything was changing. She didn’t like change. Change meant bad things, usually for her. So far she had been able to handle the move and even being around Braxton. She actually enjoyed her time with him. He was forceful and he liked tying her up, which she loved. Even Jordan was enamored with the sheriff. She still didn’t fully trust the law officer, but as long as he kept fucking her the way he did, she was okay with him.

  But all the other stuff, moving, the lawyer, the club, and now her sister, it was a lot to take in. She couldn’t believe after all these years, she had found her. Well, actually Janie found her. It was a chance meeting, only one that fate could have planned, but nonetheless, she was with Janie.

  So much had happened in her life, but the memory of that cold night so long ago had stayed with her forever. She remembered curling up with her big sister as they huddled together trying to stay warm. She remembered a soft, fuzzy purple blanket and a lady ripping her out of her Janie’s arms. Charlotte remembered that night as if it was yesterday.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. Oh, Charlie, I have looked and looked for you. Your court records were sealed. I had hoped when you turned eighteen that you would come find me, but when you didn’t, I started my own search. I never expected you to be here in Treasure Cove. Tell me everything. Where did you go? Who raised you? What do you do now?” Janie asked as tears pooled in her eyes.

  Smiling, Charlotte took a deep breath.

  Focus. One question at a time. It’s your sister. Breathe.

  Reaching across the table, she squeezed her sister’s hands. “Calm down, Janie. I’m here now, and nobody is going to separate us.” She hoped.

  “Oh, Charlie.” Janie sobbed, grabbing her and hugging her tightly.

  Oh wow, she hugs tightly. She is so warm.

  Charlotte wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her tight. Still trying to come to grips with finding her sister, she sure as hell didn’t expect her to come waltzing into the attorney’s office, nor did she expect to find her just recently married to two men, and happy about it. Everything she had found out about their birth parents told her that they were born to two loving people who adored their daughters. The tragic accident that took their lives was horrible, but since no other relatives were alive to take them on, they were thrust into the system. Charlotte learned that Janie had stayed with their foster parents, the Wilcoxes, until she graduated high school, while she was adopted by the Brooks.

  Don’t think of them! Hurry, think of something else!

  After that night, Janie just disappeared.


  When Charlotte was old enough, she scoured the Internet, but all of her searches came up empty-handed.

  “Tell me about you, Janie. Are you happy here with these two bohunks? Are they treating you okay? Where are they anyway?”

  Laughing, Janie smiled. “Oh yes. They are out working in the barn. Calving season is about to start any day now, and they are getting everything ready. And yes, I love them dearly. They proposed to me in the most romantic way.”

  “Really? Tell me. I need some good news.”

  “It happened about a week ago in the most beautiful setting. They took me out to this shack, and it was just so beautiful.”

  “They took you to a fucking shack!” Charlotte shouted as emotions boiled up before she could censor her mouth. “What kind of freaks live in this goddamned place! You have two idiots that apparently don’t mind proposing in squalor, and me, oh don’t get me started on my assholes! You want to know what they did. First they fuck me senseless, then one of them slaps this fucking collar around my goddamned neck, and the other, well, so much for him being just gay. Apparently he likes to swing both ways! And to top it all off, they ditch me with another fucking dominant so they can go fuck, ’cause I know that’s what they’re doing. Moving, my ass!” Charlotte ranted, pacing the kitchen.

  “Charlotte, don’t you think you might just be overreacting a bit. I mean, they just didn’t leave you with anyone. They left you with Matthew Jenkins. I know the man. He is real sweet,” Janie offered.

  “Sweet my ass, that bastard is blackmailing me.”

  “Blackmailing you?” Janie questioned worriedly.

  “You don’t need to know. Besides that’s not the point, they left me! They fucking left me!” Charlotte shouted as she walked out the door, tears running down her face.

  * * * *

  Janie knew right then and there was a problem.

  Charlotte felt abandoned.

  Scared of being left, Charlotte used her mouth as a defense mechanism to ward off any true feelings she might have and steeled herself for what she believed was inevitable. It was heartbreaking for Janie to see her sister like this.

  Janie could understand the feeling of abandonment, for she felt it, too, when her parents died, but it was an accident, and there was nothing either of them could have done to prevent it. As for Charlotte being adopted, well, apparently the information she learned about the Brooks’s was not all that accurate. Janie knew they were a wealthy family, but money didn’t always bring happiness or love. Questions began entering her mind of what kind of life did her sister have, and so far the answers were not forthcoming. She needed Charlotte to open up and talk. But with her on a rampage right now, she knew Charlotte was not going to talk.

  “Damn, that is one pissed-off woman out there.” Jeff grinned, walking into the house. “Your sister is giving poor Caleb a severe tongue lashing.”

  “She is?” Janie looked up at her husband. Only married a week and Jeff still got her panties wet. She hoped that never changed.

  “Janie, I want you to know how happy Caleb and I are that you found your sister, but understand this, baby. I won’t allow her to upset you. She seems very angry, and I don’t want her troubles interfering with what we have here. Now, I’m not telling you to stay away from her, but she is one pissed off hellcat right now. Just be careful, okay?”

  “Jeff, she is hurting. I h
ave to help her. She is my sister. I love her. I have waited all these years to have her back, and I don’t care what trouble she is in. I am going to help her, and so are you!” Janie shouted at him, walking to the kitchen sink. “I don’t know what has happened in her life, because she hasn’t said, and honestly I don’t care. She is my only sister. If she needs me, I am going to be there for her.”

  Jeff wrapped his arms around his wife, kissing her neck. “I get that, baby. I do. Just be careful, okay. I’ve called Braxton. He and Jordan are on their way here.”

  Turning, she looked up into his eyes. He had his serious Dom face on.

  “Why would you do that? I wanted to spend time with her. He’s just gonna come in here and take her away. That’s only gonna make it worse,” she asked.

  “Braxton has claimed her. That’s his collar on her neck, just like that’s my collar on yours. You belong to me and Caleb, and Charlotte belongs to Braxton and Jordan. It’s the way things are done around here. You know that. You accepted that. Maybe you oughta help your sister in that regard.”

  “What if she doesn’t want to be claimed?”

  “Then she needs to tell Braxton.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with the men in this town? I just wanted to go for a fucking walk! Get your fucking hands off me, asshole!” Charlotte’s foul mouth was heard from the front of the house.

  Janie and Jeff walked out the front door to find Caleb hog-tying Charlotte.

  “Now you listen up, lady. I won’t have you cursing like a fuckin’ banshee around my wife. Now calm your pretty ass down and shut the fuck up!” Caleb shouted back.

  “Fuck you, Janie!” Charlotte screamed, fighting him hard right before Caleb muzzled her. Grabbing a set of ropes, he quickly began tying her up.

  “Caleb, let her go!” Janie started to run to her sister, but Jeff stopped her.

  “Janie, he is not hurting her. Look, she is already calming down.”

  * * * *

  Charlotte felt the ropes tightening with every move she made. The tight constriction was comforting in a way, as she struggled with the bonds. All her energy was waning as she soon allowed the binds to hold her tightly. Even the muzzle she wore seemed to be helping her fury, as a calming effect took over.

  She found herself centered and almost felt at peace. Blacking out her surroundings, she concentrated on the ropes. Every knot, the scratchy feel as Caleb wove the binds tighter around her, not cutting off circulation, but just enough to hold her tight.

  Before she knew it, she was bound, arms behind her back, on her knees, and unable to move. She didn’t even mind when Caleb covered her eyes with a handkerchief, blacking out her surroundings.

  Immersed in her tight binds, Charlotte relaxed and welcomed the feel as her mind finally went blank.

  * * * *

  Braxton and Jordan turned down the long dirt road that led to the JC Ranch. Braxton had gotten the call from Jeff over an hour ago, letting him know that Charlotte was out at his place, and that Charlotte was none other than Janie’s missing baby sister.

  Now theoretically, that wouldn’t have bothered Braxton, but knowing sweet Janie, and how protective she could be, well that just put a damper on his plans. When Braxton informed Jordan that Charlotte had found her sister, well, he was not expecting the man to know nothing about it. Apparently baby doll liked to keep things close to the vest.

  Pulling into the drive, Jordan yelled, “What the fuck!” and before Braxton could put the car in park, Jordan jumped out and was running toward Charlotte.

  There on the chilly ground, sat Charlotte, bound, gagged, and wearing a blindfold, alone. But the moment Jordan touched her, Charlotte began fighting and screaming. Braxton watched as Jordan stepped back, and as if he had never touched her, she began calming down again.

  Huh? That’s new.

  Turning off the ignition, Braxton got out and walked over to her. Admiring Caleb’s rope work, he gave the young cowboy props. He sure did know how to tie ’em up good.

  “Braxton, they left her out here in the fucking cold!” Jordan said furiously.

  “No I didn’t. I have been with her the whole time,” said a soft voice that had both men turning.

  Braxton watched as the cute little librarian and her husbands came to greet them.

  “Janie. You look lovely, my dear,” Braxton said, kissing her cheek.

  “Thank you, Braxton.” She smiled and turned to Jordan. “You must be Jordan. I’m Janie Hicks. And these two behind me are my husbands, Jeffery and Caleb. Welcome.”

  Jordan took the hand she offered. “Thank you. Why is she still outside?”

  “We tried moving her in, but every time we touched her, she became erratic and started throwing a fit. Janie couldn’t take it anymore. She called Doc. He should be here shortly. Maybe one of you can get her inside,” Jeff explained.

  They all watched as Jordan bent down and slowly removed her blindfold. Her eyes were wild, and she seemed unattainable, “Baby, it’s cold outside. I want to take you where it’s warm. Will you let me do it?” Jordan whispered, pleading, but the instant he touched her, she started flailing.

  “Fuck this shit,” Braxton growled and picked up his woman, who was now extremely angry. “Stop it right now. You hear me, Charlotte. I have had enough of your shit. Keep it up, and it’s the cross for you tonight.”

  It took some doing, but when they had her in the house, Braxton placed her in the living room near the fireplace. The room was warm, and he knew Charlotte would soon warm up.

  Running his hands through his hair, he was angry, aggravated, and seriously thinking this lifestyle was not for Charlotte. He had hoped that she was just fighting them, like she did with sex, but now he wasn’t so sure anymore.

  There were too many inconsistencies, too many episodes.

  The sounds of crunching gravel alerted them to Doc Jenkins’s arrival.

  Standing around the living room, they all waited for him to enter, still looking at Charlotte, who looked furious. If it wasn’t for the muzzle, Braxton knew her pretty little mouth would be spitting fire.

  Doc entered moments later and greeted everyone. Once the introductions were over, he asked if he could see Charlotte in one of the rooms. Braxton agreed and carried the fuming hellcat back into a spare room.

  * * * *

  They all waited for Doc to reemerge an hour later, but still nothing.

  “What the hell is taking so long?” Jordan asked worriedly.

  “Doc is very meticulous. Don’t worry, Jordan. She is in good hands.” Braxton consoled him, resting his hand on his shoulder. Though, looking at the clock, even Braxton had to admit he was getting worried.

  Just what the hell was going on in that room?

  “Knock knock!” a voice yelled from the front of the room.

  They were all greeted by Kelly Conner, the Doc’s physician assistant and local psychologist. Cute and perky, Kelly grew up in Treasure Cove and was loved by everyone. The baby sister of Steven and Neil Conner, Kelly now worked with the Andrew Jenkins, helping with the psychological aspects of the medical field. With her degree in alternative medicine and psychiatry, she was an asset, especially with the veterans that lived in or around Treasure Cove.

  “Hey, ya’ll. Where’s the patient?” She smiled.

  “Still in with Doc,” Janie whispered, never taking her eyes from the long hallway.

  “Which room?” she smiled.

  “Third door on the right, Kelly,” Jeff offered.

  They all watched as Kelly waved and headed to the room in question.

  “I don’t like this, Jeff. Why is Kelly here?” Janie asked as tears began to fall.

  “I don’t know, cupcake. All we can do is wait and see,” Jeff offered as an explanation.

  “Janie, I wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee if you got any.” Braxton smiled, hoping to get her mind off of the situation. Janie had been through a lot of the last weeks, and he didn’t want her to have to worry about her sister. But knowing the
sweet librarian, she was going to anyway.

  “Oh my. Where are my manners! I am so sorry, guys. Give me a minute, and I’ll have a fresh pot to ya’ll, quick,” she stammered, getting to her feet and grabbing what she needed.

  “No hurry, Janie. Take your time.” Caleb laughed.

  * * * *

  Doc Jenkins walked into the kitchen an hour later. A worried look on his face had Janie clutching Jeff and Caleb’s hands, while Jordan reached for Braxton’s.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Janie asked.

  “Well, folks, this is a new one for me. If it wasn’t for Kelly, I would have never known. Kelly will be out in a minute to better explain it, but in a nutshell, Charlotte has Asperger’s syndrome. It’s a condition similar to autism but not the same.”

  “It’s a lot like autism if you ask me, only different idiosyncrasies.” Kelly smiled, following.

  “Is she hurting?” Jordan asked, concerned.

  “No, Asperger’s syndrome isn’t painful,” Kelly began. “Well maybe not to us, but to her, there can be moments where it is painful for her to accept. You see, Asperger patients have a hard time with social interactions. Add in their behavior and repetitive patterns, and, well, some people think they are retarded. But let me make this very clear. They are not! Asperger patients and autism patients are some of the smartest people on the planet.”

  “With that said, I believe Charlotte does have Asperger’s, or at least traits of it. From what I could gather, she has been like this for a very long time. Undiagnosed, she has gone through life thinking she was a freak that some people shied away from or just plain abandoned. I am sure you are well aware of her colorful expletives. Well, that is a coping mechanism. Since she was never taught to use her words, she picked up what she heard, thinking that was how people communicated.

  “When Charlotte sees herself in a situation that overstimulates her, she lashes out. Hence the foul language, but when Caleb bound her, the constrictive feeling of the ropes helped center her, and for the first time, her mind was able to assimilate her surroundings.”


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