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The Broken Witch

Page 4

by Chandelle LaVaun

  I smiled and stepped inside. The house was quiet and lit only by dim flickering candles. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whispered.

  “Oh, I wasn’t sleeping. I had a feeling you’d show up at some point.” She winked and waved for me to follow her. “He’s in the room in the back.”

  I frowned. “You knew I’d come over? Why?”

  She shrugged. “A hunch. I’m sure he’ll tell you.”

  I opened my mouth to ask what hunch she was talking about, but then she led me through a doorway and my words dried on my tongue. The room was relatively small, unlike the one Libby had been in upstairs, but it was a bit more cozy feeling. Candles floated around the room, casting everything with a soft golden light. A few feet inside, a hospital bed sat facing the door. Katherine waved her hand, and the candles floated to the walls.

  Tennessee jumped. His eyes went wide. “Tegan,” he whispered.

  My jaw dropped. He looked worse than the last time I saw him. He looked like he’d lost a bunch of weight, but I was hoping it was from the low lighting—or my imagination. Because it’d only been a few hours. The blood and grime had been washed off, and even his hair fell in loose waves without a tangle in sight. He wore gray sweatpants and a white shirt that was wrapped around his injured shoulder. It was only buttoned at the top, and although it looked funny, I knew why. There was also some kind of bandage tied around his neck and wrist holding his arm up.

  But it was the aura radiating off of him that filled me with dread. I could barely smell his fresh rain scent even though he was right in front of me. Larissa could’ve told me exactly which potions were lathered all over his wound, and which herbs and flowers were used to make it. However, it was one giant sensory overload for me. I took a step forward and gasped. There were IVs stuck into both arms. The little tubes pumped four different bags of liquid into his body.

  “I’ll be in my room if you need anything,” Katherine said softly.

  A second later, the door shut behind her. I kept my eyes on him. He was propped up like in a normal hospital bed. I wanted to run to him, but my body locked in place. I hadn’t expected his energy to feel like that. Something was definitely wrong. This wasn’t just a regular puncture wound. My chest burned the way it always did when he was close, but this time it pulsed like it was trying to tell me something.

  Tennessee waved his good hand and shook his head. “It’s nothing—”

  “Don’t,” I interrupted. “Don’t do that. Don’t push me away like you do everyone else.”

  “I’m not. You’re not like everyone else to me. You know that.” He sighed. “I just don’t want to give you another thing to worry about.”

  I tapped on my chest. “I can feel it, Tenn. I’m already sharing this burden with you. I’m going to worry either way, so talk to me.”

  He stared at me for a long moment with dark eyes. “Come here,” he whispered and patted the bed beside him.

  I sat the Book on the chair then climbed up on the bed next to him so we were face-to-face. I forced myself to only look at his eyes. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” He sat up and leaned forward until our noses almost touched. His breath brushed over my cheeks. “I love you.”

  My cheeks burned. Butterflies danced around in my stomach. I smiled. “I love you, too.”

  He smiled then pressed his lips to mine. Every time he kissed me, the world disappeared. His lips were soft and warm. He tasted like honey and salt water. I sighed and sank into him. He kissed me with fervent passion, and I felt his strength and willpower. He cupped my jaw with his one good hand, holding me close. I fisted his shirt and held on tight. I kissed him back with everything I had, with all my fears for the future and for his health.

  When he pulled back, I was halfway in his lap, gasping for air. He kissed a path over my jaw then down my throat to that spot just behind my ear. His teeth grazed over my skin. “You have to go.”

  I whined and tugged him closer. “No,” I heard myself whisper.

  He chuckled and then his lips were on mine again. “My father is coming back any minute now,” he said against my mouth, then pulled away.

  I cursed. Uncle Kessler could not catch me in here in the middle of the night. I licked my lips and slid off his lap. “Tell me what’s wrong with you, then I’ll go.”

  He gave me a small smile and tucked my hair behind my ears one side at a time. “Injuries from the Old Lands take a lot more magic to heal than normal. It’s actually a combination of Sapien medicine and our own. Katherine says I’ll heal, because I’m strong, but I have to stay here until then.”

  “But you feel okay?”

  He nodded. Up close, his mismatched eyes still had that same sparkle. “I’m okay. Honest. But I’ll feel better knowing you’re safe. Go home, get some sleep. He brought my phone charger, so you can text me anytime.”

  I smoothed the front of his shirt. “You better answer.”

  “I’ll be waiting to.” He covered my hand and squeezed. “Thanks for coming to see me.”

  “But please get out of here right now?” I chuckled. “All right. I’m going. If you don’t answer my texts, I’m coming back though.”

  I jumped out of the bed and picked up the Book of Shadows. I ran over to the door before I could stop myself, then glanced over my shoulder. He smiled and leaned back against the bed. He looked entirely wiped out and worn, like my little visit took a lot of energy for him. I let myself look at his beautiful face another second then slipped out of the room.

  The hallway was dark and quiet. No one seemed to be up. I raced to the front door and let myself out. My dad’s pickup truck was parked on the curb right out front. There was no way Uncle Kessler would think it was anyone else’s.

  I glanced left and right until I was sure there was no one out walking around, then sprinted down the street. Driving would’ve been faster, but much easier to get caught. That was why I walked over in the first place. My house was only a couple blocks over. Ten minutes later, I slid my bedroom window open and climbed back inside.

  Emersyn mumbled in her sleep and tossed around, but she didn’t wake. I pushed my magic out to see if anyone else was awake. When I found nothing, I dropped down to my bed. I slid the Book under my pillow in the corner then pulled my phone out of my pocket.

  I typed a quick text to Tennessee and sent it over. Hi, I’m home :)

  My dad walked in maybe a minute after you left. Idk how you missed him.

  I smiled. Part of me wasn’t sure he’d actually text me back, and it made my heart soar. I’m sneaky ;) I sighed and closed my eyes.

  My phone vibrated, but when I looked, it was a text from Deacon. Don’t ask why I’m texting you this at 4am…but did you know Braison has it BAD for Paulina?

  I gasped. WHAT?! No. How do you know?

  You’re awake?! Thank Goddess I’m not the only nocturnal witch in this Coven, Deacon replied, followed immediately by another. And long story short, he told me tonight after the meeting.

  My jaw dropped. I knew he was acting weird earlier. Does she like him back??

  He says he doubts it because she doesn’t notice him.

  I bit my bottom lip as an idea popped into my head. Say, Devil, what do you say we change that? I have an idea…

  Chapter Eight


  I had no idea how anyone expected me to pay attention in school. I knew I had told Royce that we had to act normal, but it turned out I was a hypocrite. All I wanted to do was sit by Tennessee’s side and read through the Book of Shadows. And since it was October 2, that meant we had twenty-nine days to figure out a puzzle no one had solved for over three centuries.

  My mind was in so many places at once that I wasn’t even sure which class I was in. My teacher was a plump middle-aged man with glasses so thick everyone knew he couldn’t see the students sitting in the back. I waited until he turned his back to me, then slid out of my seat and ducked out of the classroom. I made a mad dash down the hall and out to the picnic tables wh
ere we ate lunch.

  I sat down on the bench with my back facing the massive oak tree so no one could sneak up behind me. There wasn’t a person in sight. After all, it was the middle of class. But I couldn’t take any chances. Sometime between leaving Uncle Kessler’s and going to the infirmary, I’d found a little trick hidden inside the Book of Shadows for cloaking my presence. The cafeteria doors opened, and a custodian stepped outside. It was time I tested out my spell.

  I raised my palms in the air and pushed my magic out. Rainbow mist poured out of my hands like water from a hose. I call upon the power of Air; conceal me here with your magic so rare. I willed my magic to wrap around the picnic tables in a circle. It billowed up into the air, closing me inside of a rainbow dome, then it faded away.

  The custodian looked over at the picnic tables then looked the other way. He whistled and moved along the walkway. Cool. That spell had serious potential for coming in handy.

  My mind immediately thought of Tennessee. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to text him and found a message from him waiting for me. I grinned and bit down on my bottom lip. Sometime around dawn, he’d suggested we use that app that deleted your messages after you read them. It was super sneaky, but we’d grown really bad at controlling ourselves. Something had happened in the Garden of Eden… I knew the threat was there. I knew our magic could be stripped if they caught us… I just wasn’t scared. And that scared me.

  I opened the app and pulled up his message. Hello, beautiful. It’s a crazy world when I wish I was in school.

  My jaw burned from how wide I smiled. I typed my response. I wish you were here too <3

  Which class are you in? Learning anything cool?

  I pursed my lips and sent him a picture of my view of the picnic tables. Actually…I did just learn something awesome.

  Of course, you’re not in class. Though I’ll have to show you my hiding spot.

  I blushed just thinking about being alone with him. But then it dawned on me—with this cloaking spell, we could be alone together anywhere. Babe. I found a cloaking spell hidden in the Book. We could make out right here, right now, and no one would see us.

  I… God. I don’t have an appropriate response for that.

  I giggled. My cheeks were on fire. I wasn’t even sure what compelled me to text that to him. Maybe it was the fact that we’d never talked like that before.

  Another message from him popped up. Wait, did you just call me Babe?

  Maybe :P

  Damn it, Kitten. You are SO not helping.

  Now you know how I feel when you call me Kitten, BABE.

  Devious. I like you.

  My heart pounded in my chest. How did three words from a boy affect me so much? I had no idea. He’d already told me he loved me, but liking me was actually entirely different. I like you, too.

  :) my dad’s in the hallway. I’ll text you when he leaves.

  I sighed. I didn’t want to stop texting him. It felt like we’d made a huge step forward in our relationship, even if it was in secrecy. I couldn’t even text him for a while until he gave me the all clear. If Uncle Kessler saw me messaging him during school, I’d be in two worlds of trouble. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked around at my spell. There were so many cool spells I’d come across in the Book of Shadows already. I wanted to try them all. I just wished the Book was easier and less obvious to carry around.

  Wait a second. Maybe I can change that? I reached down and pulled the Book out of my backpack. Now that I knew no one could see me, I shut the world out and focused on the words. I flipped page after page, searching for something that would solve my problem, but then I paused.

  I narrowed my eyes on the Book and held my open hand over the pages. “Show me a spell for transformation.”

  The parchment pages flipped on their own at rapid speed until finally stopping on a spread with the words For Transformation scribbled on the top in big, bold letters. I leaned forward and read the invisible words. I’d learned that for pretty much every basic spell in the Book, there was at least two variations for only the High Priestess to see.

  Written in an elegant script was a spell for transforming a magical object into something else at will. My pulse quickened. That was exactly what I needed. The first step said to imagine in my mind what I wanted to change it into. Step two was to say the spell inscribed below, including the name of the object. I took a deep breath and thought about the Book. My biggest concern was having a way to carry it around with me at all times, but it would be best if it wasn’t obviously an ancient magical book. An image popped into my mind and I grinned. Perfect.

  I placed my hand on the Book, palm down, then concentrated on the image in my head. Take this image in my mind, transform my Book forever in kind, hold until my image is reassigned, for the magic inside is mine to bind.

  Bright golden light spilled out of my hands, and then the Book was gone. In its place on the picnic table was a clear quartz crystal about an inch wide attached to a thin gold chain. My heart pounded in my veins as adrenaline rushed through my body. It worked. I pressed my hand to the crystal and repeated the spell in my head while picturing the original form of the Book. Take this image in my mind, transform my Book forever in kind, hold until my image is reassigned, for the magic inside is mine to bind.

  The Book reappeared in its original form. I gasped and flipped through the pages, searching for damage, but there didn’t appear to be any. The spell had worked. I pictured the first Harry Potter book in my mind, and then it was under my hand. When I opened it, I found the actual fictional story I loved so much on the pages. Holy shit.

  A giggle slipped out of my mouth. This was one of the coolest things I’d ever seen. I changed the Book into a few other random objects before changing it back to a crystal. Except this time it was a clear quartz shaped like a pendulum with a smaller amethyst crystal attached on top like a bar. The two stones together represented clarity, higher purpose, and spiritual connection. Which was what I needed. With a satisfied grin, I slipped the silver chain around my neck and tucked the crystal under my shirt to keep it safe.

  Part of me wanted to open the Book of Shadows back up and play with more spells. The more logical part of me knew I needed to be careful where I practiced my magic. I wanted to check my cloaking spell with Tennessee before I put too much confidence in it. I leaned down and zipped my backpack closed. When I looked back up, Henley stood in front of the table with glowing red eyes.

  I gasped and jumped back. Black lightning shot out of my hands and slammed into Henley’s chest.

  Chapter Nine


  All of my life, school had kind of been my thing. I was good at it. I enjoyed it. I didn’t dread going every morning. But the second the bell rang to change classes, I jumped out of my seat and sprinted out the door. Five steps later, I regretted coming to school at all.

  Up ahead, leaning against the maroon lockers was a beautiful boy with perfectly styled sandy blond hair and violet eyes. Deacon. My soulmate. The mark on my chest burned. I clenched my teeth and breathed through the pain. I didn’t know how Tegan handled this part so well. Then I realized Deacon was smiling. He wasn’t fazed at all as he typed on his phone. Whoever he was talking to was clearly so entertaining that he didn’t feel the pain searing through his chest.

  The classroom door in front of him flew open, and students poured out. Within seconds the hallway was busier than a Los Angeles highway…and I was the broke-down car in the middle of the freeway. Everyone swerved around me, passing me glares and nasty curses. Everyone except Deacon. How does he not see me here?

  Why do I care? I don’t even want a soulmate. I should be happy by his blindness.

  A girl with jean shorts so tiny I could literally see her red lace underwear sauntered up to Deacon. I couldn’t hear what she said, but his eyes widened and then looked her up and down. He smiled and crossed one foot over the other. The girl threw her red hair back and laughed like a hyena. Deacon slid
his phone into his back pocket. Oh, so NOW he puts his phone down.

  Every part of my brain screamed at me to move, to flee as fast as I could. I didn’t want him to see me standing there. But my body wouldn’t move. I didn’t want to watch him flirt with this girl. I didn’t want to feel jealous over him. I didn’t even want him in general. Yet there I stood, seething in my own torturous bubble like a masochist.

  Why does this hurt so much? I don’t even like him. I barely knew him. How could a complete stranger hold so much of me ransom? Sure, I had the money to pay, but I just didn’t want to on principle.

  Someone tall walked out the classroom door next to him and blocked my view. Deacon looked up to them and smiled. The person waved his hands around and Deacon laughed.

  He shook his head and pointed to the girl in front of him. “Braison, this is Colleen. Colleen, this is Braison.”

  Braison? I frowned and looked at the other person with new light. He was about the same size as Deacon, but his red hair was wildly out of control. His ripped jeans, faded shirt, and dirty sneakers paled in comparison to Deacon’s spotless, ironed white pants. Why does he always wear so much white? I scoffed. Probably because he looks so good in it.

  Ew. Stop that, brain. Stop being attracted to him. We don’t like him.

  Deacon laughed and straightened his stance. “Hey, it’s not every day you talk to two pretty redheads at once. So shoot me.”

  Can I? I groaned. He thought the girl was pretty. Did he think I was pretty? Why did I care? Why was I still standing there? Neither he nor Braison noticed my presence.

  The girl giggled and pulled out a pen from her purse. She grabbed Braison’s wrist and scribbled her name and phone number on his arm. Then she winked and sauntered off.

  “How did that happen?” Braison scratched the back of his head.


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