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Destiny United

Page 9

by Leia Shaw

  Everything she had tried on was serviceable clothing for hiking – nothing particularly appealing about them. Marcelo had watched her with a heated gaze that made her knees weaker and weaker each time she went back into the dressing room. But he hadn’t made a sound.

  On the fourth outfit – a red halter top dress she hadn’t remembered picking out – he finally rose from the chair where he’d been sitting.

  “Turn around,” he ordered.

  She spun slowly, hiding a smile, wondering what he was thinking.

  He hissed in a breath. “Your ass looks magnificent.

  Her stomach fluttered.

  “One size smaller, I think. I’ll be right back.”

  Then he spun on his heel and left her. Alone. He left her.

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,” she chanted feeling the familiar tightening in her chest. She stood there, frozen, outside the fitting room stall.

  “Hey, is that Erin?” she heard someone whisper from the opening of the fitting room.

  Looking in that direction she was mortified. Two girls from one of her classes at the community college stared at her. They were far enough away that a normal human wouldn’t hear their whispers, but with her fae senses she could hear them as if they were standing next to her.

  “She’s the weirdo that always freaks out when people talk to her.”

  “Oh, yeah,” the other girl whispered. “She had a panic attack in trigonometry once. They had to call an ambulance. I think she takes online classes now.”

  “Hey,” the first one said. “Who’s that hot and dangerous looking guy over there?”


  With the attention off of her, Aila swung around and walked back into the fitting room stall where she slumped into a pile on the bench. At least five minutes went by and Aila had frozen in fear. She was trapped. Marcelo had left her and she had no idea if he would be coming back. The exits were so far away and she didn’t know how to reach them. Tears threatened to spill onto her heated cheeks. She wanted to curl up and die.

  Then she heard the stall door handle wiggle. It was locked but in only a few seconds it burst open. In stormed Marcelo, his face a mixture of concern and anger. He walked straight to her and leaned over, placing his hands on the bench on either side of her body. His face was so close to hers she could see her reflection in the black of his eyes.

  He spoke softly but with clear authority. “I know why you’re upset. But it’s time to stop sulking in self-pity and start acting like the strong fae warrior that’s in your blood.”

  “But –”

  “You listen to me, Aila. You are not a frightened little girl anymore. You are stronger, and smarter, and ten times more beautiful than the girls you’re afraid of. And you are a goddamn supernatural! We don’t cower and hide.”

  “I can’t help it,” she admitted with a trembling voice. “I’m scared.”

  “Good. It means you’re not stupid and reckless like your sister. There are things in this world to be afraid of, Aila. Sometimes it’s only fear that keeps us alive. Fear tells us to run when we’re outmatched. But fear is toxic. It can poison. It can maim. It can disable. So if you’re going to be afraid, querida, make it something worth being afraid of.”

  He wrapped a hand around her upper arm and hoisted her to her feet. “Now, you are going to walk out there with your head held high and purchase these clothes.” He thrust several hangers of clothing into her hands. “Understand?”

  “By myself?” she asked, barely a whisper.

  His voice softened. The fierceness in his brown eyes melted to warmth. “All you need to worry about is getting from here to the cashier’s desk. One foot in front of the other. Leave the rest to me.”

  She was too stunned to speak but he seemed to be waiting for an answer. She nodded.

  He ripped the tags off one of the dressed and held it out to her. “Put this on.” It was the red halter top dress one size smaller. He turned around and started to leave then stopped abruptly. “And Aila.”

  She looked up at him.

  “Don’t you ever underestimate yourself in my presence again.”

  He was out the door in one big step and she was alone. Her jaw dropped. Never had anyone commanded her not to be afraid. They’d felt sorry for her. They’d made excuses for her. But no one had ever declared her strong, beautiful, and smart, and then forced her to prove it. Her body shivered from head to toe.

  One foot in front of the other, she repeated to herself walking toward the cashier. She obliged him and wore the red dress, though she would have preferred heels to her cowboy boots. She could hear the girls whispering behind her about a hot guy with long dark hair and jeans that hugged his photo-worthy ass. Oh! They’re talking about Marcelo. A twinge of jealousy had her hissing in a breath. What is wrongwith me?

  Half-way to the cashier’s desk, one of the girls squealed, “Here he comes!”

  Aila wanted to follow their line of sight, but she was afraid she’d panic and pass out. In only seconds she heard his voice boom from her right. “There you are!”

  Huh? Marcelo wrapped an arm around her waist lifting her onto tiptoes, her chest mashed up against his. The girls’ gasps echoed in her ears. He cupped her face with one hand then pressed his lips to hers.

  Oh my God! He’s kissing me!

  His lips were soft but the kiss was not. It was demanding, passionate, addictive.

  His mouth covered hers, coercing her to open for his entrance. “Kiss me back, Aila,” he muttered against her lips.

  Oh, right. This is for an audience.

  She opened her mouth and allowed him in. He tasted like exotic spices and warm coffee. His kiss was just as domineering as the rest of him, but gentle at the same time. Like he wanted to romance her but couldn’t stop his own primitive reaction. It turned her into a spineless pile of mush. Arms tightened around her waist. But if she got any closer to him, he’d be inside her. Or maybe that was exactly where she wanted him. Just as abruptly as the kiss began, it stopped.

  Too stunned to move she just stood, staring at his chest, trying to pull her spine back together.

  His mouth hovered over hers, the heat of his breath swirling around her. “Smile, Aila,” he said.

  She managed a sort of silly half-smile. She couldn’t even hear the girl’s gratifying responses because her heartbeat pounded in her ears.

  “Good girl,” he said, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest, which she could feel because she was still pressed up against him – though now she wasn’t sure if he held her there or she did. “Now walk to the cashier.”

  He maneuvered her so they were side by side and walked her through the aisle. She didn’t need to focus on the floor to calm a rising panic attack. No, with her head in the clouds she couldn’t even feel the floor beneath her feet. Suddenly a large palm slapped against her backside, making her jump six inches in the air. She felt him chuckle again as he left his hand on one cheek with a very clear message. Mine.

  Chapter 7

  Marcelo had never felt so proprietary about anything before. As far as vampires went, they tended to be very possessive – of weapons, of land, of women. But Marcelo never felt like there was anything that important not to share. Until now.

  Instinct wasn’t just whispering in his ear, it was screaming through his bones. Mine, was the message. Take what’s mine and don’tshare!

  For the second time Aila managed to wipe all thoughts of Natalia from his mind. Could Aila be his true mate? The one meant for him for all eternity? The other half of his heart?

  He’d known he was attracted to Aila before, but the kiss was enough to make him explode. Damn this girl’s got me all twisted up! Her lips tasted like pure lust. The scent of her lingered on his lips, his clothes, his body. He wanted to roll in it, wanted to touch every inch of her delicious skin. He’d even settle for another kiss. She’d been so responsive – opening her mouth when he demanded. Her body had melted into his embrace like it was made to be th
ere. She hadn’t wanted to pull away from the kiss, and even clutched his shirt in her little fists. If they hadn’t been in public he would’ve slipped a hand up her dress to see if she was as wet as he’d thought.

  Now he walked with a hand on his woman’s ass, possessive and proud as he paid for her clothing – providing for his mate. He gave his head a shake. His mate? When had he officially declared that?

  Marcelo had spent so long searching for Natalia he’d begun to think the hunt would never end. His sole purpose in his second life had been finding her. For eight hundred years he’d been telling himself that as soon as she was in his arms his world would be right again. Could he give it all up now? He had to admit, the idea of leaving it behind sent waves of relief through his body. Like the heavy, murky air polluting his lungs had cleared. His refreshment? The small, sunny fae before him.

  If the rumors were true, Natalia had changed. She wasn’t the same woman as when they were human. Hell, he wasn’t the same man.

  Natalia isn’t yours. The thought came uncontrollably, and with it years of sorrow and frustration. No, Natalia wasn’t his.

  But Aila was.

  Yes, it was already decided. Whether Aila knew it or not, she was not going back to that human boyfriend. She would not be having any other male. She was his. And his alone.

  Marcelo guided Aila out of the department store, a hand securely placed on the small of her back. When they stepped into the busy mall hallway, she froze. “I…I don’t think I can handle anymore. Seriously. I’m done.”

  “Nonsense,” he said, grasping her hand, intertwining their fingers. “We’re just getting to the good stuff.”

  Her gaze was glued to their hands, a frown set on her lips, but she didn’t pull away. “Umm. The good stuff?”

  “Let’s see, we got you shorts and t-shirts. And now I believe you need under garments.”

  “What?” Her little forehead scrunched before realization struck. “Oh. That.” Pink blossomed across her cheeks then her eyes widened. “You’re not going to make me try those on too!”

  He couldn’t hold back a short burst of laughter. “Not unless you insist.”

  Relief was visible on her face.

  “Do you? Insist?”

  “No!” she snapped, though the curiosity in her eyes betrayed her.

  Aila blushed through the entire lingerie store while Marcelo took his time selecting the items. It was a strange sort of torture to endure. Visions of Aila dressed in the various skimpy underclothes swamped him until his shaft was so hard it hurt. He yearned to throw her over his shoulder and take her in the dressing room while she panted and moaned in his ear – her sweaty body marking up the mirror. He shook the image from his mind. This time no one should smack him. If Aila was his, then it was his right – no, his job – to satisfy her. More than just that. To please her, protect her, provide for her, and above all – possess her, as she possessed him.

  After buying her the most expensive yet least practical underclothes he could find, his gaze roamed leisurely up and down her body. He never thought a woman could blush for so long. Nor did he ever think it would be so sexy. His gaze dropped to the pulse on her neck. How he’d love to taste her.

  I’ll bet she tastes as sweet as she smells. Honey and sunshine.

  His fangs ached for release. Patience, Marcelo. He had an eternity to enjoy her in every possible way. And she would learn to sate him, in bed and under his fangs. But now was not the time. He knew, timid as she was, she’d need time to adjust to the idea of being tied to him forever. Her brain still worked as a human’s did – uncomprehending of mating bonds. Even Marcelo was unsure about what to expect.

  “Why are you staring at my neck?” she asked, interrupting his scattered thoughts. Then her eyes widened. “Oh no! You’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking, are you?”

  He stepped closer. She stepped back. “What I’m thinking, querida, is that those cowboy boots just won’t do.”

  She looked down and clicked her heels together. “What’s wrong with them?”

  “Can you hike in them? Climb in them?”

  “Well, no. But they’re adorable!” She grinned, looking down at them so fondly that before he could stop himself, he agreed to carry them in his backpack so she could keep them. He was rewarded with a glowing smile.

  Back in the car, after she’d eaten an adequate meal, she pinned him with a pensive expression. “Marcelo, it was very kind of you to buy me these things. I promise to pay you back just as soon as I can.”

  Pay him back? For money that was already hers? Another glance at her face revealed she would be insistent. Maybe he could make this work to his advantage. Holding back a twisted smirk he said, “I know how you could repay me now.”

  She eyed him warily.

  “A kiss,” he answered her unspoken question. “Just one.”

  If she was surprised, she didn’t show it. “You already took one of your own accord, so I guess that means we’re even.”

  He smiled. Smart girl. “That kiss was for the clothing. I also bought you a pair of hiking boots. And if I remember correctly, they were quite expensive.”

  She gave him a wry half-smile that almost stopped his heart. She was thinking about kissing him, which made him think about it. The car swerved when he stared at her bottom lip too long wondering what it would feel like between his teeth. Without losing that sultry smile she said, “How about I just pay you in cash after my next paycheck?”

  “Querida,” he mimicked her smirk, “there isn’t going to be a next paycheck. Life as you knew it is over.”

  He regretted it as soon as he’d said it. Her smile faded and grief filled her eyes. But it was the truth and she had to face it sooner or later.

  She took a deep breath and stared down at her hands. “Right. I keep forgetting.” After a long moment of silence she asked, in a small voice, the question he’d been dreading since he first brought it up in the mall. “Marcelo, what are your fears?”


  Marcelo stared silently at the road long enough to convince Aila he wouldn’t answer her intimate question. Then, without making eye contact, he said, “For a long time I feared what I was becoming.”

  She waited for him to explain. He didn’t.

  “What do you mean?” she finally prompted.

  “I have existed for a very long time, Aila. I’ve fought many wars. I’ve wandered to every end of the earth. Mindless feeding. Mindless fighting. I grew darker, more dangerous with each passing decade. How long can one continue to live like that? In darkness – no peace, no joy, no purpose but bloodshed. No redemption for my soul.”

  Maybe immortality was overrated.

  “I was afraid I’d never find my piece of happiness.”

  “So now you’ve found it and you’re not afraid anymore?”

  He shook his head. “Now I’m even more afraid.” At her quizzical glare he turned and pinned her with a look she could only describe as piercing authenticity. “Because now that I’ve found it, I’m terrified to lose it.”

  She shuddered. God help anyone who tried to take it from him.

  When they reached the hotel room, Marcelo handed Aila one of the backpacks they’d purchased. “Everything you want to bring with you has to fit in this bag,” he told her.

  She nodded.

  His head tilted and he studied her with narrowed eyes. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Yes. Everything must fit in the bag. I get it.”

  He didn’t change his expression.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You’re a woman.”

  “So glad you noticed.”

  “Aren’t you going to insist on bringing a lot of stuff?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I grew up in foster care. I can pack everything I need in a grocery bag in under three minutes.”

  He nodded but his expression was grim. “I have to go out.”

  “Where ?”

  “I need to eat.”r />
  She nodded then froze when realization struck. Oh! She grimaced at a vision of him feeding from a human. Her first response was disgust, but it quickly morphed into curiosity. She pictured his fangs lengthening under his lips, his eyes darkening as he sought his target, his teeth piercing through the flesh. Does he sedate them? Do they scream? Even more curious…do they like it?

  She exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding then fanned herself with her hand. “Is it hot in here?”

  At once his dark look faded to amusement. “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

  “No!” Liar.


  Damn him!

  He sauntered towards her, looking every bit the predator he was. Eyes focused, shoulders back, muscles tense and twitching. “Now, what do I do with you?”

  She slapped on her most innocent expression and batted her eyes. “I won’t leave the room. I promise.” When he simply arched a brow, she added, “Didn’t I prove you can trust me?”

  “No.” He shifted his weight to his other foot and sighed. “But I don’t really have a choice.” His twinkling eyes suddenly shifted to a starless black. He leaned forward, trapping her against the wall. “Do you know how powerful a vampire’s senses are? I can hear your heartbeat from the road. I can smell your delicious body from a mile away. If you run, you will not escape me. And if I lose my meal to chase you…” he didn’t need to finish the sentence, but he did, “you will be its substitution. So you are not going to step one foot outside that door, correct?”

  She nodded.

  He flashed a savage smile then stepped even closer, his scent washing over her like a wave. His gaze locked with hers, pinning her with an intensity that burned her very essence. Sparks shot down her spine. Her thighs clenched when heat surged to her core. How could a man affect her so strongly with just one look?

  “Are you sure about that kiss?” he asked in a buttery voice. The tension was so thick she could scarcely breathe.


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