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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  “Sunshine, I will set you up in an apartment, but I want that cut back. You are not my ol’ lady, I’ll give you a place to stay and bankroll the bills. I am not making any promises past that.” Sunshine smiles like the cat that just ate the fucking canary. Trouble just like I said. I know this is going to come back and bite me in the ass. What if I never get my daughter? What if I can’t track Maddie down? She seems to be two steps ahead of me. I underestimated her once and I won’t make that same mistake again. When I find her, because I won’t stop until I do, then I will take the steps to insure my rights to my daughter. Maddie may have gotten under my skin, but she went too far keeping my daughter away from me and it is time for her to face the consequences and feel my wrath. I have my plan. I’ve spoken to an attorney and I know exactly how I am going to proceed when I have Maddie within my grasp. She just better be ready for what is coming.

  Chapter 5


  I have been back in Texas for close to six weeks and B and I finally have a routine after ten months of running. Today is the day that I have been looking forward to. Today I get to see Aunt Deb and Micah. The boarding house we have been staying in is nice and the people are friendly, but it is not home. Mrs. Layne, the lady I rent a room from, is very motherly towards B and myself. Mrs. Layne, Lilah, is a widow with no children. Her husband, Richard, built this house for them when they first married. It is a two story, six bedrooms with five bathrooms. It’s old, homey, and huge. Richard and Lilah wanted to fill the house with children. Lilah said they just weren’t blessed that way. They have had many foster children through the years but when they became older they started taking in stragglers that needed a home. Richard passed a few years back and Mrs. Layne continues to take people in. I found her by complete luck. I had gone in the bakery close to her house and she had one of those advertisements that you pull the numbers off. I read the advertisement and it sounded too good to be true. I called and got the address and did a slow drive by the first day. She doesn’t live on the rich side of town but more of a family neighborhood. It doesn’t have bars on the windows and doors either. It took me a couple of more calls and talking with Mrs. Layne for a while for me to stop and go in. As soon as I went into the house I had a good feeling, but I was not taking any chances. I was shown around the house and invited back the next day for dinner. I think Mrs. Layne could feel my apprehension and she understood me being cautious. Mrs. Layne loved my B and my little girl went and sat with the lady like she had known her forever. The next day the dinner went off without a hitch and I met the other boarders. The rent includes three meals a day if we are here when they are ready and Mrs. Layne sticks to a schedule like no one else I know. B and I have the largest room on the second floor with a private bathroom. It’s clean and we have plenty of room. There was a big queen-sized bed, dresser, a microwave, and small refrigerator all included. I also have room enough for a toddler bed for B. I want B to have her own space and when it came down to it, I think I had a harder time adjusting to it than she did. I am hoping today’s meeting with Aunt Deb and Micah goes alright and we will be able to go home soon.

  I keep watching the clock. I set up the meeting in the afternoon that way B could have her morning nap first. We will be meeting at Lakeview Park at two and it is time for us to get going. I hope traffic isn’t too bad. Going through Dallas you just never know. B and I packed a lunch and she is coloring. She doesn’t know about the meeting today. I didn’t want to disappoint her in case something interferes with it. “B, it’s time to go baby girl.”

  “Okay Mommy. Me hurry.” B knows we are going on a picnic, but she thinks it is going to be just us. I grab the bag with the food and drinks in it. B walks up to me and I take her hand and we walk out the door. I am sure to lock it as I go out. The house is quiet this afternoon. Everyone is gone either to work or doing their everyday things. We walk down the stairs and out the door. I know I am being cautious, but I have felt like someone has been watching me the last few days. It’s not like I go a lot of places. B and I spend a lot of time either in the yard playing or in our room. I have started teaching B numbers and her alphabet. My B is smart and picks things up quickly. My attorney has warned against me getting a job and using my social security number. I’m not using an alias anymore and I am happy about that. Our outings are limited except for the visits to the local grocery store or an occasional trip to the park or zoo. I hope after today that can change. I am ready to go home. I have come to like my life here, but it will never be home. I am just waiting for my attorney to have everything in place and all the papers served to be able to go home. I know when Dra gets served papers he is just going to hate me more. When Callie finds out she is going to be disappointed and maybe a little mad. Right now, I need to concentrate on what is best for B. Not what my heart desires nor other people’s opinions. B’s safety has always been my main priority since I found out I was pregnant. I had dreaded the first time Dra would meet his daughter. I honestly didn’t think he would even want to meet her. Dra was firm on the point of never wanting children. My dread of the situation had more to do with the disappointment of Dra not wanting B than his anger. In my mind, the only way Dra would want anything to do with B is to spite me and maybe that is exactly the situation. I wasn’t hanging around to find out because the safety issue was constantly in my mind too. I just need to concentrate on getting to the park and spending the day with Micah and Aunt Deb. Sometime this afternoon I should get the phone call from my attorney and maybe by tomorrow B and I can be on the way home with our family.

  Chapter 6


  I finally have Sunshine in a condo she doesn’t whine about. She wasn’t satisfied with any apartments available and she had the idea I was going to buy her a house. No way in hell. I do not spend my money on situations that are not permanent without a reason. I have every intention of cutting Sunshine loose as soon as I have Maddie and Betsy back here and under my roof. I have told Sunshine my plans, but she wants to hang around until I have Maddie here. Sunshine thinks I will change my mind. I won’t. I know what I want, and I have been doing everything in my power to find Betsy and Maddie. Maddie will slip up and when she does I have eyes everywhere.

  Mr. Grimes, my attorney, has filed all the paperwork here in Colorado and in Texas to proceed in getting my rights to Betsy. Grimes advised me in the legal way to do things and then his paralegal gave me the information I needed to know on how to get done what I want the short way. Grimes’s hands are clean, and I have already set everything in motion. All I need is one siting and one phone call. As if I willed it, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and read the number and then I notice it is just a text. I flip my phone open and I see the text is from Grimes’s paralegal. I read the short text and then read it again. Maddie’s attorney is trying to have me served with papers and if I want my plan to work then I need to avoid being served. I walk towards the back door of the clubhouse, but I run into Krill before I can get out the door. When I say run into him I mean I walked right into him while trying to reread the text. Krill just stares at me and I stare at him. Krill does not agree with the way I am handling the situation with Betsy and Maddie. He and I have been avoiding each other.

  “Where are you going? You have a lead on Maddie?” Krill asks me.

  “Maddie’s attorney is trying to have me served with papers and it is in my best interest if I avoid getting served if I am going to take care of this situation the way I want to.” Krill’s eyes hit the floor and he shakes his head and I wish that was the only reaction I was going to get from him, but I know it isn’t. Krill’s eyes focus back on mine.

  “If Maddie’s serving you with papers doesn’t that mean she is coming back? Maybe the two of you can work this out without dragging each other through court.” Krill may be my younger brother and my President, but this is my business, my daughter, and no one is going to tell me how to handle the situation.

  “I am handling this and there will be no court. I
have other plans in mind. I just need to get my eyes on Maddie and Betsy and the rest will be taken care of. I just need to get out of here before the processors can serve me. When Maddie gets here I will take care of Sunshine. Stay out of my business, Krill. This has nothing to do with the club, this is all on me.” I am firm with Krill. I just need to get out of here. Krill laughs.

  “You are using club markers and business acquaintances?” He waits for my answer, but I don’t respond. He already knows the answer. “So, this does have to do with the club. When shit hits with those two women it will touch the club. Are you stupid enough to think that after the time that Sunshine has spent with the Troubled Fathoms MC that she is not going to stir the shit pot and it will all land in club hands? The club and I have been cleaning up your situations ever since you’ve been back. Get your head out of your ass before things get out of hand again. Maddie is a good girl and she doesn’t deserve any of this.” I look closely at Krill. This is the most he has said to me except for club business in a while. Is that all on Krill? No. I admit I have been resentful that my younger brother is running the club, but I can’t say that it isn’t my fault he has the position. I know Krill is right in pointing out my screw ups, but I am not screwing up on this situation. Maddie and Betsy are mine and I just need to get them here to prove that. The point that rubs me the wrong way is Krill is taking up for my woman.

  “I am getting your message loud and clear.” I step closer to Krill and stare him in the eyes. “Do not tell me how to handle my family. I…Will…Handle it!” Krill doesn’t give me an inch.

  “Be sure to do that and be sure to do it fast.” I step away from Krill and turn and walk towards the door. My hand is on the door knob and I start to open the door, but I stop when I hear Krill say something that warms my heart. “I’m here if you need me. The whole club has your back. I just want you to handle the situation the uncomplicated way for once. You deserve some good for a change.” I nod my head but do not turn back around. I walk straight to my bike and throw my leg across it and I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out of my pocket and flip it open and read the short message. I shoot Krill a message letting him know I will be gone longer than I thought. Maddie has been hiding in plain sight. I text the man who has been waiting for my call and give him the private detective’s number. Now all I need to manage to do is stay out of sight until I hear back. Betsy and Maddie will be home where they belong soon.

  Chapter 7


  I can see that B is getting tired and I know soon we will need to leave so I can get her back home, fed, bathed and down for the night. She has had an exciting day. I was hoping that I would get a call from my attorney while we were at the park and we would be able to go home with Aunt Deb and Micah but since when has anything gone the way that I want? I watch as Micah and Aunt Deb help B feed the ducks by the city pond. It’s a beautiful day and B loves the ducks. B should be exhausted and by the time we get back to our room she should have a nice long nap, ready to end this day. Who am I kidding? B will be asleep when the wheels on my SUV start rolling. Riding always puts her to sleep.

  I thought when we first met up with Aunt Deb and Micah today it wasn’t going to go well. B isn’t a shy child, but she didn’t want Micah or Aunt Deb to hold her and the look on Aunt Deb’s face told me exactly how unhappy she was about the situation. Aunt Deb wasn’t going to force the issue and gave B her space. Micah on the other hand was having none of it and it wasn’t long until the two of them, Micah and B, were chasing each other around the playground. The ice was broke, and B warmed up to the two of them and the tension I felt coming from Aunt Deb lessened but I have noticed the little looks she is shooting me from time to time. To say I am trying to avoid the issue is an understatement. I would avoid it until I have no other choice. I watch as Aunt Deb walks back over to me and I am dreading this conversation.

  “Maddie, come walk with me so we can talk. You know I am not leaving until I have my say, so let’s take care of it while Micah has B occupied.” Aunt Deb is giving me that don’t argue with me look so I know there is no avoiding it anymore, but I make one more attempt.

  “Or we could just say our goodbyes and pretend like you had your say. That works for me.” I try to joke my way out of it or at least relieve some tension. I know that look she has on her face, so I get up off the bench and step up and walk with Aunt Deb down a little trail that B and I have walked a few times. We walk a few feet away and Aunt Deb looks at me and grabs my hand and we keep walking. Aunt Deb has done this many times over the years. When she has a talk with Micah or myself, she wants physical contact with us. Most of the time it is holding our hand as we walk or her hand on our back.

  “Nice try but no cigar. You get my two cents worth of experience and thoughts.” Aunt Deb smiles at me and I know whatever she is going to say is coming from a good place, so I will give her the respect to listen to her. I owe my Aunt Deb a lot and it is the least I can do.

  “I’m listening with open ears and heart for your great wisdom.” We both laugh and keep walking.

  “You are full of sass today. I’m used to that from Micah, but you are usually the level headed one.” Aunt Deb pulls me in for a hug and then she lets go and we walk over to a bench and sit down. I am just following her lead. “B is a beautiful child Maddie. You are doing an excellent job raising her by yourself, but we need to get you both home and sooner rather than later. B needs roots and stability. She can’t get that on the road moving from place to place.” I know Aunt Deb is right. I have had the same thoughts myself.

  “It shouldn’t be much longer. My attorney said they just need to serve Dra with papers and then I can come back home. I thought that it might happen today. No luck though, I haven’t received the call yet.” Aunt Deb is shaking her head.

  “Then what? Have you thought that out yet? Shared custody? You and Dra live in different states. Are you going to pack your baby up and send her to him every other week? Are Dra and his woman going to have her half the time? I don’t think you have completely thought this out Maddie.” Aunt Deb is talking to me, but I can tell by the look in her eyes that she is thinking of how to say what she has to say without hurting my feelings. This isn’t her usual approach, so it surprises me.

  “Just say what you need to. I know that whatever it is, you are saying it because you love B and me. I promise I will hear you out.” That brings a smile to her face.

  “Sometimes I forget you and Micah can read me as well as I can read you both. Alright then, here is my all-knowing wisdom.” Aunt Deb laughs but then goes serious. “Maddie, the line between love and hate is a fine edge. You need to walk that edge carefully. It can be hard to balance even if it is a mile wide. Don’t fall down that slippery slope if you want to keep B safe,” Aunt Deb tells me. I think about the words carefully.

  “Aunt Deb, I don’t think I get what you are saying. Dra has never loved me. He pushed me away and regretted being with me.” I look at my hands, so Aunt Deb won’t see the shame I hold for this fact. Aunt Deb reaches over and pulls my face around, so I must look at her.

  “Do not ever play poker sweetie. Your feelings are written all over your face. I wasn’t talking about the love Dra has for you, I am talking about the love you have for him and don’t try denying it. It’s the same look your mom had when she talked about Diamondback.” That gets my attention and I start to ask the question and Aunt Deb holds her hand up. “You and your sister are old enough to understand now. Elizabeth Sylvia Bass, bless her soul, was my sister and my best friend and she could never picture her babies as grown women and she never wanted either of you to know because she did not want either of you to ever feel like you kept her from doing anything she wanted in life. You two were her everything and from the minute she came back home pregnant with you two, you were her only focus. She loved your daddy with everything inside her. The way her eyes would light up when his name was mentioned was like turning the Christmas lights on the Christmas tree for the first time of
the season. She didn’t admit to him and she would never let you girls know.”

  “Why did Mom leave him and go home then?” I ask curiously.

  “Sylvie didn’t leave Diamondback, she left the lifestyle. I can’t say I understand the whole biker club lifestyle. I only know what Sylvia explained.” Aunt Deb hesitates and then goes on. “When Sylvie got pregnant she was only having sex with your dad, but before that, she was a club whore. I am not judging Sylvie, those are her words. Her decision and her business, I did not judge then or now. Sylvie thought the life in a motorcycle club was too dangerous for children and she did not want that for you and Micah.”

  “Mom told us about being a club girl but if she loved our dad why couldn’t they have a relationship even if it was long distance and why couldn’t he be in our lives?” I ask the question. I have always thought Mom was leaving Dad because she wanted us raised on the ranch and away from him.

  “Because Maddie, like you, your mom loved your dad, but your dad was not a one-woman man. Diamondback and Sylvie had a physical relationship as far as Diamondback was concerned, if even that. I am not laying this all on your dad. Sylvie knew exactly how Diamondback felt about the situation. The thing is that after your mom returned to the ranch Diamondback wanted her back and she refused. I think in his own way he wanted to try the family thing or maybe it was his hurt pride. She understood that Diamondback was not going to change, and she loved him enough not to want to change him, but she was keeping her babies safe and she built a wall around her heart. That meant he stayed away. They came to an agreement and they both stood by it to keep you and Micah safe. I think in Diamondback’s own way he loved Sylvie, but you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, so he kept his distance and Sylvie kept him updated from time to time on you and Micah and you two grew up happy and safe.” Aunt Deb made it sound so easy, and I know growing up we were happy and safe but Micah and I both missed having a father. I know I always wondered why my dad didn’t want me.


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