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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1)

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by Vera Quinn

  “Then let’s talk. I have already told you I was sorry for running off with B, but I honestly did not think you would want her. I misjudged you and because of that you and B missed time together. That was not what I wanted and then when you saw us at Callie’s, I was just scared out of my mind for B’s life and the thought of you taking her away from me. I know now that it was a mistake. I know you would do whatever it takes to keep B safe. The only defense I have for that is I was at Callie’s because two people had been killed and that scared the beejesus out of me. In my life people do not get dead just because of people they know. Micah was taken and Chief and Devil said it was either The BlackPath MC clubhouse or Callie’s home. I chose to be with family.” I wait for Dra to say something.

  “You could have come to me at any time. Even if you didn’t have B, I would have kept you safe. Do you think Devil or Chief could keep you safer?” Dra looks like I have hurt his feelings.

  “Of course not, I know you could keep me safe, but I didn’t get the impression the last time we spoke that you wanted me anywhere around you. I would never force myself on you for anything,” I tell Dra with all honesty. “I was targeted too, because of the tattoo that Em, Micah and I all got. I wouldn’t drag trouble to your door.” Dra looks surprised at this information.

  “Has all that been settled? The last I heard they did not have all the people involved contained,” Dra asks me.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to Callie since I left her home in the middle of the night. I’m sure she is upset with me.” Another person I need to put on my call list.

  “I’ll contact Devil. It wasn’t very smart to take off without knowing it was safe,” Dra says in an accusing tone. I stiffen beside him.

  “I had my gun with me. I need to find out what happened to my SUV I had in Texas. It had my gun locked in the glove box. I’m sure that Mrs. Layne is frantic with worry since we just disappeared.” Mrs. Layne was good to us and I hate for her to worry. “You didn’t need to have us kidnapped.” Dra gives me a cross look.

  “That’s not the impression that I got. I did what was necessary to bring you both home. Now, can we move on?” The way Dra says it I have no reason to be upset. That does not sit well with me.

  “It is not alright for you to kidnap us. Please tell me you understand that. I didn’t know what was happening to B when I could not see her, anything could have happened and that was terrifying.” I try to make Dra realize his mistake and to at least apologize.

  “We are not going to get anywhere if you cannot get over this. I won’t apologize for the extreme measures I had to take to get time with my daughter. If I can overlook your mistakes, then you should be able to drop this. I do not apologize so if that is what you are getting at, it’s not happening. Apologizing is a sign of weakness and I am not a weak man.” I feel like stomping my foot and demanding an apology, but I can see now that will not work. Then something dawns on me.

  “I am not a weak person because I apologize when I am wrong. I like to think I am being considerate of the other person’s feelings because I didn’t think of their feelings before I acted. If I am wrong, I say I am wrong and then I try to make amends. That’s what nice people do,” I try to explain myself. By the look on Dra’s face I am wasting my time.

  “I haven’t been a nice man since your sister ran out on me.” I gasp, and Dra looks at me. I feel like he slapped me. Why would he throw Callie up to me? I scoot over away from Dra. “That is another thing we need to talk about. We can’t ignore the subject and think it will go away. When you crawled your ass in my bed the first time you knew I still loved Callie. So, let’s not make our first night together any more than what it was.”

  “Why are you being so mean to me? Are you trying to hurt me?” I feel the tears in my eyes that are on the verge of spilling out of my eyes.

  “I am stating facts, not being mean,” Dra says without any emotion in his voice. I don’t say anything right away but then I know I need to know.

  “Do you still love Callie?” I can’t believe I asked. Dra looks at me and then waits a minute like he is thinking about how he is going to answer.

  “I will always care about Callie. She is the first woman I ever loved. I love Callie, but I am not in love with Callie if that makes sense.” Not the no I wanted but it is better than a yes.

  “I guess that will do for now. I don’t want you to hate her, but I don’t want to be your second choice.” I am being as honest as I can.

  “Maddie, I could never hate Callie. I am the one that tore us apart. Everything that happened is on me. It happened because of my choices. I chose the club over Callie, and when I did that, I should have known that would have been the end. That’s why she ran here to begin with because the men in her life chose club business over her. I was a fool and I will live with that every day for the rest of my life, but I am not still in love with Callie. Callie is with Devil and they have a house full of children. It’s just the way it is.” Dra sounds almost resigned and that does not sit well with me, but it is too late now. “You just need to accept what I tell you.”

  “I don’t think there is anything that I can say to that.” Dra looks at me again.

  “Alright then, I know that you are going to want to change some things around this house and that is fine. We can pack the pictures and things you don’t want up and put them in the attic. The baby stuff, if you can’t use any of it for B then we can donate it to some place or someone in need. I don’t know where off the top of my head, but I am sure we can find a home for it all.” Dra takes a breath. “I want the blackout curtains but if you want a distinct color for them or anything in this room, then change it. I don’t want all girlie shit but I’m sure we can find a compromise. I just bought all the furniture when I bought this place and unless you can sell the stuff we have then I don’t see what sense it makes to get rid of all of it. The dishes and other shit, replace if you want. I will take you to the bank and get you a bank card and get you some credit cards. I don’t like credit. The interest on that shit is outrageous so any major buys we talk about first.” I try to be patient to get a chance to respond to anything Dra says but he doesn’t give me a chance to answer or give him my opinion. I wonder if this will be how it always is. “I will get the internet turned back on and get a landline phone put in too.” Dra finally hesitates.

  “My cell phone will do. I do need to get one, as soon as possible, so I can call everyone. I don’t like making people worry,” I rush to get it all out. Dra raises his eyebrow at me and I realize he is thinking I made him worry.

  “The lady that you were renting from knows you are safe. Bush’s guys went back and packed your things up and paid her up plus a little for your fast departure. All your stuff is on its way. I also called your Aunt Deb and Micah. Micah is on her way here. She should arrive the day after tomorrow. She’ll be staying with us but don’t get any ideas of running off because I will catch you before you hit the state line and the consequences with be painful on your ass.” Dra looks at me and smiles. “You ever have your ass spanked darlin’?” I shake my head no.

  “I’m not going anywhere. We’re married. Thank you for calling everyone. What about Sunshine? Last time I knew, she was your woman.” I steal a glance at Dra.

  “Don’t worry about Sunshine. I have dealt with her and that is not your business.” By the way Dra says it he wants the subject dropped.

  “I don’t think I can do that. I need to know you are taking our marriage as seriously as I am. I won’t be made a fool of and just because I have not lived in the biker world doesn’t mean that I don’t know some things about it. I know that when you give a woman your patch then she is your woman. Callie wears Devil’s patch.” I won’t let Dra sweep this under the rug for it to be ignored. I need to know where I stand.

  “Again, none of your business. When I bring you to the club, if I do, then you will learn your place and until then we do not need to talk about it.” Again, Dra has that finality to his vo
ice. I decide to drop it for another time.

  “I need to get B a doctor here. She needs her two-year shots,” I tell Dra thinking about things I need to do. “I need to send for things at the ranch too or maybe B and I could go visit soon.”

  “If and when, you go to visit, then I will be going too. You two are not going to be getting out of my sight anytime soon for more than the time I need to work.” Dra doesn’t trust me. I will need to earn his trust, but he needs to understand he is going to need to earn my trust too.

  “My Aunt Deb and Micah are not going to forgive you for kidnapping us from the park and making them worry. If you come to the ranch you may meet the business end of Aunt Deb’s shotgun.” Dra laughs. “I’m not joking Dra. Aunt Deb has a wicked temper when it comes to men. She was burnt once and every man since then has paid for it and I know for a fact she will not hesitate to use it.”

  “Thought you weren’t used to violence down at the ranch.” The way Dra says it makes my blood boil. He thinks it’s funny.

  “Aunt Deb has two shotguns and only she knows them apart. They look identical, but one has buck shot and the other has rock salt. Rock salt may not kill you, but it will burn your backside. Do you want to take the chance she decides to give you the one with buck shot?”

  “I can handle your Aunt Deb. She and Micah are going to need to understand that I am your man and I am going to do whatever I think is right for you and Betsy. End of discussion.” That’s it. I have had enough of this. Dra is not having the last say on everything. I was brought up to use my brain and Dra can’t expect me to just hand my free will over to him.

  “No, it’s not, Dra. I don’t need a boss to tell me what to do. I have a brain and know how to use it. Just because you say a subject is closed does not make it so. Just because you say you are handling things does not mean I must trust it without details. Just because you say something is not my business does not make it so either! I will talk to Aunt Deb and Micah and smooth things over and then you can talk to them. I need to know how you are handling things with Sunshine if you want me to trust you. The last thing is I need to know what is expected of me with your club. I am going in blind and I do not like that. I like to plan and think things out first. If you want me to trust you then you have to trust me with this much.” I come to a stop and peak a look at Dra and his jaw is set in that way when he is mad.

  “I will give you the first one, but the other two you need to leave alone. The club will come in time, but Sunshine is off limits to you. Nothing that has happened is on her. She was good to me and the way things ended for her were not cool.” That only makes me more curious and if I know anything about a man it is going to do me no good. I will fight this battle another day, but I will not just drop it. There is more to this story and I want to know it.

  “If there was another man in my life, would you just drop it? My inexperience with relationships puts me at a disadvantage. I don’t know what is the normal in this type of situation, but I can tell you that I do not feel comfortable not having all the information. I will try to be patient Dra but do not play me for a fool. I will try to trust you with this but if you ever betray that trust it may be impossible to get it back.” I wait a second to see if he has anything to say but he stays quiet. “I do not trust easily anymore. I also do not believe that you can have a relationship without trust.”

  “Maddie, in my life with the club there are many things you will need to trust me on. Just know that I always have B’s best interests at heart and us making this relationship work is in her best interest,” Dra says it like it should explain everything. It doesn’t, and it doesn’t make me feel any better.

  “Then we are at a stalemate and the only thing we can do is agree to revisit this conversation later. I don’t want to argue, and we still have some other things to discuss.” I just want this talk over.

  “Wise choice. Maddie if you want to work or continue with your education that is up to you. If you want to just stay home with Betsy that is alright too and what I would prefer. I’m not going to keep you a prisoner here in this house. I would go crazy if I had to stay in one place all the time, so I am giving you the choice. Sunshine is a small town so unless you work for one of the club’s businesses there are not many places to work. I am sure we could find you something to do at one of the places. The closest college is fifty miles away so that is a lot of driving and when winter sets in the roads can be treacherous. We’ll need to get you a four- wheel drive.” Dra is deep in thought. I think about what Dra just said and I hadn’t thought much about what I would do with myself. At home, I worked on the ranch and I have been on the road with B for so long I just haven’t thought about it. We both sit quiet for a few minutes.

  “I think I would like to stay home with B at least until she starts school. I would also like to explore some online classes, I think. I haven’t given the future much thought. I have been living from one day to the next. At home in Texas, I have always just worked on the ranch. It’s all I really know. I did do some classes online and I liked it. I have never driven on ice very much. In Northeast Texas we have very little ice. I mean maybe three or four times a year, but I just stayed at home.” Dra is nodding his head.

  “That sounds like a plan. We will get you a four-wheel drive for the winter weather and until you get some driving experience in the ice someone can take you where you need to go. You’ll get the hang of it. You said that Betsy needs to see the doctor but all we have here in Sunshine is a family practice doctor. If she needs a children’s doctor, then we will need to go into Boulder.” I think about what Dra said and I have always been careful with B’s doctors. I carry a copy of her medical records with me.

  “I think for her shots the doctor here will be fine, but I want to follow up with a pediatrician.” Then something strikes me as funny. “I think it is funny that your ex’s name is the same as the town she lives in. Did her mom do that on purpose? She had to be teased in school.”

  “Sunshine didn’t grow up around here. All her family is gone. That’s one reason I feel bad about the way we ended. She has no family and the only friends she has are at the club. That’s why I want us to learn to coexist together. I don’t want to pull everything away from her at once.” By the time Dra has finished I wish I had just kept my mouth shut because by Dra’s reaction I can tell he had deeper feelings for Sunshine than he is letting on. “I think that is everything that we need to go over. Anything else you need answered or want to tell me? Another time I am going to want to go into where you were while you were on the run and who all had a hand in helping but that heavy conversation can wait for another day.” I am relieved for that.

  “I have my own money and when we go to the bank tomorrow I can have everything transferred or at least get the process started. I like having my own money. I don’t think I can be comfortable spending your money on my needs.” Dra reaches over and puts his arm back around me and pulls me closer to him.

  “You are my wife with my ring on your finger, therefore I take care of you. If you want to use your money sometimes then do it, but groceries, school and anything for this house is on me. Anything for Betsy is on me. It’s just the way it is so get used to it. I am a man, so I provide for my family.” Dra’s words give me a warm feeling inside. I never knew I wanted a man to take care of me. I can hear Aunt Deb and Micah losing it on me in my head. Aunt Deb has always said, ‘Take care of yourself. Men do nothing but let you down.’ I don’t know why but I trust what Dra says. I lean into Dra. Dra leans into me and then turns to me and he takes his fingers and puts them gently but firmly under my chin and he descends onto my lips. He runs his tongue over my lips and I open for him. He not only kisses me, but he owns me with that kiss. I feel the warmth move through my body, all the way to my toes. I put my hand on Dra’s chest and feel his well-defined chest. The hardness feels almost like silk on the surface. The warmth is scorched into my skin. I want to crawl inside Dra and live there forever. It has been so long since I have
tasted the distinct flavor of Dra. I try to get closer and end up straddling his lap. I feel free to explore this fine specimen of a man. I run my hands up the back of his neck. I hear the moans coming out of me, but I am so drunk on all that is Dra I am too enamored to be embarrassed. When I hear a growl come from Dra my panties are drenched with a flood of excitement. Dra pushes my core into his groin and I feel his excitement. I think I have died and gone to heaven. I want more. I want it all.

  Chapter 17


  The talk that Maddie and I were having has turned into a battle of our bodies and tongues. Maddie is grinding her hot pussy down on my cock and I want Maddie to feel like she has some control, but I know my animal side is going to take control. I want nothing more than to turn Maddie on her back, tear her clothes, well actually my clothes, off her and put her legs over my shoulders and pound her pussy until we both collapse from exhaustion, but I know that I need to take my time this time. Maddie is not some club whore, and I need to make sure that she is ready for me. I am not a vain man, but I know my cock is on the larger side and I can fuck all night. This not what Maddie is accustomed to if I am to believe that she has not had another man. I better be the only man that has touched my woman. The thought of another man touching Maddie’s sweetness makes me see blood. Rivers and rivers of blood. I know it is not a rational thought, but Maddie has been mine since the night I took her virginity and she will always be mine. I half groan and half growl as Maddie tries to get friction grinding on me and that is when I lose the tight hold I have had on my control.


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